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Package: ScannerConstants


static {...}
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1: package scanner;
3: /**
4: * This class represents the constants of the scanner.
5: *
6: * @author HFW410
7: *
8: */
9: public final class ScannerConstants {
11:         /**
12:          * This is the constructor. No side-effects.
13:          */
14:         private ScannerConstants() {
16:         }
18:         /**
19:          * This is a colonsign as Character (:).
20:          */
21:         public static final Character COLONSIGN = ':';
22:         /**
23:          * This is a comma as Character (,).
24:          */
25:         public static final Character COMMA = ',';
26:         /**
27:          * This is a new line as Character (\n).
28:          */
29:         public static final Character NEWLINE = '\n';
30:         /**
31:          * This is a equalsign as Character (=).
32:          */
33:         public static final Character EQUALSIGN = '=';
34:         /**
35:          * This is the PLUS as Character.
36:          */
37:         public static final Character PLUS = '+';
38:         /**
39:          * This is the POINT as Character.
40:          */
41:         public static final Character POINT = '.';
42:         /**
43:          * This is the BracketOpen([) as Character.
44:          */
45:         public static final Character BRACKETOPEN = '[';
46:         /**
47:          * This is the Tilde(~) as Character.
48:          */
49:         public static final Character TILDE = '~';
50:         /**
51:          * This is the Beginning of a comment as String.
52:          */
53:         public static final String COMMENT = "Comment: ";
54:         /**
55:          * This is the text of an empty symbol as String.
56:          */
57:         public static final String EMPTY = "Empty Symbol";
58:         /**
59:          * This is the text of the end symbol as String.
60:          */
61:         public static final String END = "End";
62:         /**
63:          * This is the text of the row end symbol as String.
64:          */
65:         public static final String ROWEND = "Row end";
66:         /**
67:          * This is the Beginning of an Identifier Symbol.
68:          */
69:         public static final String STRING = "String: ";
70:         /**
71:          * This is the Beginning of an Identifier Symbol.
72:          */
73:         public static final String IDENTIFIER = "Identifier: ";
74:         /**
75:          * This is the Beginning of an unknown Symbol.
76:          */
77:         public static final String UNKNOWN = "Unknown: ";
78:         /**
79:          * This is the Beginning of a Reference.
80:          */
81:         public static final String REGEXP = "RE: ";
82:         /**
83:          * This is the text of a EmptyString.
84:          */
85:         public static final String EMPTYSTRING = "";
86:         /**
87:          * This is the Text of a Comma.
88:          */
89:         public static final String COMMASPACE = ", ";
90:         /**
91:          * This is the Text of a EqualTilde.
92:          */
93:         public static final String EQUALTILDE = "~=";
94:         /**
95:          * This is the Beginning of a Buffer.
96:          */
97:         public static final String BUFFER = "Buffer: ";
98:         /**
99:          * This is the beginning of a variable symbol.
100:          */
101:         public static final String VARIABLE = "Variable: ";
102:         /**
103:          * This is the beginning of a value symbol.
104:          */
105:         public static final String VALUE = "Value: ";
106:         /**
107:          * This is the beginning of a path symbol.
108:          */
109:         public static final String PATH = "Path: ";
110:         /**
111:          * This is the beginning of a option symbol.
112:          */
113:         public static final String OPTION = "Option: ";
114:         /**
115:          * This is a text of a scannerexcption. It shows, the inputstram is null.
116:          */
117:         public static final String NO_STREAM_EXCEPTION = "The given Inputstream is null!";
118:         /**
119:          * This is the commentsymbol as Character.
120:          */
121:         public static final Character COMMENTSYMBOL = '#';
122:         /**
123:          * This is the Space as Character.
124:          */
125:         public static final Character SPACE = ' ';
126:         /**
127:          * The integer of the first position in the datastream.
128:          */
129:         public static final Integer FIRST_POSITION = 0;
130:         /**
131:          * String for the Position.
132:          */
133:         public static final String POSITION = "Position: ";
135:         /**
136:          * This is the Character for the percentage symbol.
137:          */
138:         public static final Character PERCENTAGE = '%';
140:         /**
141:          * This is the Character for the underscore symbol.
142:          */
143:         public static final Character UNDERSCORE = '_';
145:         /**
146:          * This is the error message for a non-variable symbol.
147:          */
148:         public static final String WTE_VARIABLE = "Unexpected symbol! Expected a variable symbol!";
150:         /**
151:          * This is the error message for a non-value symbol.
152:          */
153:         public static final String WTE_VALUE = "Unexpected symbol! Expected a value symbol!";
155:         /**
156:          * This is the error message for a non-path symbol.
157:          */
158:         public static final String WTE_PATH = "Unexpected symbol! Expected a path symbol!";
160:         /**
161:          * This is the error message for a non-option symbol.
162:          */
163:         public static final String WTE_OPTION = "Unexpected symbol! Expected an option symbol!";
165:         /**
166:          * This is the error message for the non-comment symbol.
167:          */
168:         public static final String WTE_COMMENT = "Unexpected symbol! Expected a comment symbol!";
170:         /**
171:          * This is the error message for the non-package description file symbol.
172:          */
173:         public static final String WTE_PACKAGESYMBOL =
174:                         "Unexpected symbol! Expected a package description file symbol!";
176:         /**
177:          * This is the error message for the non-DescriptionFileScanner.
178:          */
179:         public static final String WTE_DESCRIPTIONFILESCANNER =
180:                         "Unexpected SCANNER! Expected a description file scanner!";
181:         /**
182:          * This is a ) as Character.
183:          */
184:         public static final Character BRACKETCLOSESIGN = ')';
185:         /**
186:          * This is a ( as Character.
187:          */
188:         public static final Character BRACKETOPENSIGN = '(';
190:         /**
191:          * This is a / as Character.
192:          */
193:         public static final Character SLASH = '/';
195:         /**
196:          * The UNICODE "Byte order mark" coded in UTF-8.
197:          */
198:         static final int UTF8_BOM = 0xfeff;
199: }