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Method: requestedMemoryCapacity()

1: package de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.strategy.internals.gradual_tit_for_tat;
3: import java.util.Optional;
5: import de.fhdw.gaming.core.domain.GameException;
6: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.domain.IDilemmaPlayer;
7: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.domain.IDilemmaState;
8: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.moves.IDilemmaMove;
9: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.moves.IDilemmaMoveFactory;
10: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.strategy.internals.DilemmaMemoryStrategy;
11: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.strategy.internals.DilemmaRoundData;
12: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.strategy.internals.DilemmaRoundPlayerData;
13: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.memory.GameMemoryCapacity;
14: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.memory.IGameMemory;
15: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.memory.IGameMemoryCapacity;
17: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.domain.DilemmaAnswerType.COOPERATE;
18: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.dilemma.domain.DilemmaAnswerType.DEFECT;
20: /**
21: * TFT with two differences:
22: * <p>
23: * (1) it increases the string of punishing defection responses with each additional defection by its opponent
24: * </p>
25: * <p>
26: * (2) it apologizes for each string of defections by cooperating in the subsequent two rounds.
27: * </p>
28: */
29: public class DilemmaGradualTitForTatStrategy extends DilemmaMemoryStrategy {
31: /**
32: * Creates a new instance of the {@link DilemmaGradualTitForTatStrategy} using the specified move factory.
33: *
34: * @param moveFactory the move factory to use
35: */
36: protected DilemmaGradualTitForTatStrategy(final IDilemmaMoveFactory moveFactory) {
37: super(moveFactory);
38: }
40: @Override
41: public Optional<IDilemmaMove> computeNextMove(final int gameId, final IDilemmaPlayer player,
42: final IDilemmaState state)
43: throws GameException, InterruptedException {
44: final IGameMemory<DilemmaRoundData> memory = getMemoryForPlayer(player, state);
45: final IDilemmaMoveFactory moveFactory = getMoveFactory();
46: // cooperate on the first round ...
47: if (memory.size() == 0) {
48: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createCooperateMove());
49: }
50: final DilemmaRoundData previousRound = memory.getRound(0, true);
51: final DilemmaRoundPlayerData myPreviousAction = previousRound.forPlayer(player);
52: final DilemmaRoundPlayerData otherPlayersAction = previousRound.forOpponentOf(player);
53: // what happened the round before?
54: // did I cooperate?
55: if (myPreviousAction.answer().equals(COOPERATE)) {
56: // Am I currently apologizing?
57: if (memory.size() > 1 && memory.getRound(1, true).forPlayer(player).answer().equals(DEFECT)) {
58: // yes. cooperate again
59: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createCooperateMove());
60: }
61: // no. What did the opponent do previously?
62: if (otherPlayersAction.answer().equals(COOPERATE)) {
63: // they were nice to us, so we do the same
64: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createCooperateMove());
65: }
66: // they betrayed us :C
67: // let the punishment begin
68: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createDefectMove());
69: }
70: // I was previously punishing my opponent!
71: // do I need to continue?
72: if (continuePunishingOpponent(player, memory)) {
73: // yes. make them suffer...
74: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createDefectMove());
75: }
76: // no we're even now. Let's apologize
77: return Optional.of(moveFactory.createCooperateMove());
78: }
80: /**
81: * determines whether to continue punishing the opponent of the specified player.
82: * @param player the player
83: * @param memory the memory of the player.
84: * @return true if we need to continue the punishment, otherwise false.
85: */
86: private static boolean continuePunishingOpponent(final IDilemmaPlayer player,
87: final IGameMemory<DilemmaRoundData> memory) {
88: // I was previously punishing my opponent!
89: // how much did I punish them already?
90: int punishCounter;
91: for (punishCounter = 0; punishCounter < memory.size()
92: && memory.getRound(punishCounter, true)
93: .forPlayer(player)
94: .answer().equals(DEFECT);) {
95: // more PMD-induced disgustingness :P
96: punishCounter++;
97: }
98: // how often did I plan on punishing them?
99: int defectsBeforePunishment = 0;
100: // we don't count defects since we started the punishment to prevent deadlock.
101: for (int i = punishCounter; i < memory.size(); i++) {
102: if (memory.getRound(i, true).forOpponentOf(player).answer().equals(DEFECT)) {
103: defectsBeforePunishment++;
104: }
105: }
106: return punishCounter < defectsBeforePunishment;
107: }
109: @Override
110: protected IGameMemoryCapacity requestedMemoryCapacity() {
111: // perfect memory would be good
112: return GameMemoryCapacity.unlimited();
113: }
114: }