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package de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.strategy;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import de.fhdw.gaming.core.domain.GameException;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.domain.DilemmaPlayer;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.domain.DilemmaState;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.domain.DilemmaStrategy;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.moves.DilemmaMove;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.moves.factory.DilemmaMoveFactory;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.moves.impl.DilemmaBeSilentMove;
import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel21.dilemmaOriginal.moves.impl.DilemmaConfessMove;

 * Implements {@link DilemmaStrategy} by saying that what was set before the game started.
public final class DilemmaCustomStrategy implements DilemmaStrategy {

     * Constant that represents the identifier when the opponent moves are {@link DilemmaConfessMove) for 100 percent.
    private static final String IDENTIFIER_100_CONFESS = new DilemmaConfessMove().toString() + " Numberbased100";
     * Constant that represents the identifier when the opponent moves are {@link DilemmaConfessMove) for >50 percent.
    private static final String IDENTIFIER_50_CONFESS = new DilemmaConfessMove().toString() + " Numberbased50";
     * Constant that represents the identifier when the opponent moves are {@link DilemmaBeSilentMove) for 100 percent.
    private static final String IDENTIFIER_100_BESILENT = new DilemmaBeSilentMove().toString() + " Numberbased100";
     * Constant that represents the identifier when the opponent moves are {@link DilemmaBeSilentMove) for >50 percent.
    private static final String IDENTIFIER_50_BESILENT = new DilemmaBeSilentMove().toString() + " Numberbased50";
     * The provided Data.
    private Map<String, DilemmaMove> providedMoveData;
     * Amount of considered games.
    private Integer amountOfGames;
     * Default move of player.
    private DilemmaMove initialMove;
     * The factory for creating Dilemma moves.
    private final DilemmaMoveFactory moveFactory;
Perhaps 'moveFactory' could be replaced by a local variable.
Reports fields which may be converted to a local variable. This is so because in every method where the field is used, it is assigned before it is first read. Hence, the value that the field had before the method call may not be observed, so it might as well not be stored in the enclosing object. Limitations: We can only check private fields for now.

public class Foo {
    private int x; // this will be reported

    public int foo(int y) {
       x = y + 5; // assigned before any read
       return x;

    public int fooOk(int y) {
       int z = y + 5; // might as well be a local like here
       return z;

See PMD documentation.
/** * Creates an {@link DilemmaAlwaysConfessStrategy}. * * @param moveFactory The factory for creating Dilemma moves. */ public DilemmaCustomStrategy(final DilemmaMoveFactory moveFactory) { this.moveFactory = moveFactory; } /** * Returns the provided moves. * * @return provided moves. */ public Map<String, DilemmaMove> getProvidedMoveData() { return providedMoveData; } /** * Sets the provided moves. * * @param providedMoveData */ public void setProvidedMoveData(Map<String, Object> providedMoveData) { final Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = providedMoveData.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { if (IDENTIFIER_100_BESILENT.equals(entry.getKey()) || IDENTIFIER_100_CONFESS.equals(entry.getKey()) || IDENTIFIER_50_BESILENT.equals(entry.getKey()) || IDENTIFIER_50_CONFESS.equals(entry.getKey())) { providedMoveData.put(entry.getKey(), (DilemmaMove) entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Returns the amount of considered games. * * @return amount of considered games. */ public Integer getAmountOfGames() { return amountOfGames; } /** * Sets the amount of considered games. * * @param amountOfGames The amount of considered games. */ public void setAmountOfGames(Integer amountOfGames) { this.amountOfGames = amountOfGames; } /** * Returns the initial move choice of the player. * * @return initial move. */ public DilemmaMove getInitialMove() { return initialMove; } /** * Sets the initial move. * * @param initialMove The initial move choice of the player */ public void setInitialMove(DilemmaMove initialMove) { this.initialMove = initialMove; } @Override public Optional<DilemmaMove> computeNextMove(int gameId, DilemmaPlayer player, DilemmaState state) throws GameException, InterruptedException { if (providedMoveData.isEmpty()) { return Optional.of(initialMove); } final List<DilemmaMove> opponentMoves = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < amountOfGames; i++) { opponentMoves.add((DilemmaMove) player.getGameHistoryCollection().getSpecificGameHistory(i) .getOpponentMove(i)); } if (opponentMoves.isEmpty()) { return Optional.of(initialMove); } Integer countBeSilentMoves = 0; for (DilemmaMove dilemmaMove : opponentMoves) { if (dilemmaMove instanceof DilemmaBeSilentMove) { countBeSilentMoves++; } } return getMoveByPercentage(Double.valueOf(countBeSilentMoves), Double.valueOf(opponentMoves.size())); } /** * Returns the move choice of the current player by integrating the number based evaluation. * * @param countBeSilentMoves The amount of {@link DilemmaBeSilentMove}. * @param amountOfOppenentMoves The amount of opponent moves which are played. * @return */ private Optional<DilemmaMove> getMoveByPercentage(Double countBeSilentMoves, Double amountOfOppenentMoves) { final Double percent = countBeSilentMoves / amountOfOppenentMoves; if (percent == 1.0) { return Optional.of(this.providedMoveData.get(IDENTIFIER_100_BESILENT)); } else if (percent > 0.5) { return Optional.of(this.providedMoveData.get(IDENTIFIER_50_BESILENT)); } else if (percent <= 0.5 && percent > 0.0) { return Optional.of(this.providedMoveData.get(IDENTIFIER_50_CONFESS)); } else { return Optional.of(this.providedMoveData.get(IDENTIFIER_100_CONFESS)); } } }