Started by an SCM change Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace The recommended git tool is: NONE using credential 46247283-e2f4-4c6e-8a6e-5a6fa3bcfebf > /usr/bin/git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/.git # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url http://localhost:3000/IPSpiel22/ipspiel22.git # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from http://localhost:3000/IPSpiel22/ipspiel22.git > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.35.1' using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials > /usr/bin/git fetch --tags --force --progress -- http://localhost:3000/IPSpiel22/ipspiel22.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 4f478f57a40f0c593c1a52aab6bc32808b7fee61 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f 4f478f57a40f0c593c1a52aab6bc32808b7fee61 # timeout=10 Commit message: "ipspiel22: various plug-ins and dependencies updated" > /usr/bin/git rev-list --no-walk edf4fa1f2390e16a831a0d5c002247c8d041f68d # timeout=10 Parsing POMs Modules changed, recalculating dependency graph Established TCP socket on 33803 [workspace] $ /usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-bin-11/bin/java -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -cp /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-agent-1.13.jar:/usr/share/maven-bin-3.8/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.6.0.jar:/usr/share/maven-bin-3.8/conf/logging jenkins.maven3.agent.Maven35Main /usr/share/maven-bin-3.8 /var/lib/jenkins/home/war/WEB-INF/lib/remoting-3044.vb_940a_a_e4f72e.jar /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven35-interceptor-1.13.jar /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven3-interceptor-commons-1.13.jar 33803 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0 <===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started Executing Maven: -B -f /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/pom.xml clean install site [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 [pom] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Build Tools [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Demo Game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails Game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails or edge Game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Prisoner's dilemma Game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Search trees [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game [pom] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Core [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Random strategy [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: GUI [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game: GUI [jar] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game Minmax Strategy [jar] [INFO] [INFO] -----------------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22 >----------------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [1/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22 --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22 --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22 --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 16 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-convergence, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependency Convergence" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-convergence [INFO] Downloading from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.8.0/jna-5.8.0.pom [INFO] Downloaded from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.8.0/jna-5.8.0.pom (1.6 kB at 18 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.8.0/jna-platform-5.8.0.pom [INFO] Downloaded from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.8.0/jna-platform-5.8.0.pom (1.8 kB at 150 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/com/google/code/findbugs/findbugs-annotations/3.0.1/findbugs-annotations-3.0.1.pom [INFO] Downloaded from public: http://localhost:8083/nexus/content/groups/public/com/google/code/findbugs/findbugs-annotations/3.0.1/findbugs-annotations-3.0.1.pom (6.2 kB at 565 kB/s) [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Project Modules" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:modules [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site [INFO] [INFO] -----------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-build-tools >----------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Build Tools 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [2/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 3 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] No tests to run. [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-build-tools/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-build-tools/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-build-tools --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-build-tools [INFO] [INFO] --------------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-demo >--------------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Demo Game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [3/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-demo >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-demo <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 28 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-demo >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-demo <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-demo --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-demo [INFO] [INFO] -----------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-kopfundzahl >----------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails Game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [4/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 28 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 10 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.moves.DefaultKopfundZahlMoveFactoryTest [WARNING] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0.095 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.moves.DefaultKopfundZahlMoveFactoryTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.strategy.KopfundZahlStrategyTest [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.893 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.strategy.KopfundZahlStrategyTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlStateImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.044 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlStateImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlPlayerBuilderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlPlayerBuilderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameBuilderFactoryTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameBuilderFactoryTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.041 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameBuilderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlGameBuilderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlPlayerImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahl.domain.KopfundZahlPlayerImplTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [WARNING] Tests run: 33, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails Game' with 15 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahl --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl [INFO] [INFO] -------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante >------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails or edge Game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [5/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 34 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 10 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.moves.DefaultKopfundZahlundKanteMoveFactoryTest [WARNING] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0.072 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.moves.DefaultKopfundZahlundKanteMoveFactoryTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.strategy.KopfundZahlundKanteStrategyTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.682 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.strategy.KopfundZahlundKanteStrategyTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameBuilderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.025 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameBuilderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKantePlayerImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKantePlayerImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteStateTest [INFO] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.029 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteStateTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameBuilderFactoryTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameBuilderFactoryTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKantePlayerBuilderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKantePlayerBuilderTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.023 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.kopfundzahlundkante.domain.KopfundZahlundKanteGameImplTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [WARNING] Tests run: 39, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails or edge Game' with 21 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante [INFO] [INFO] -------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier >------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [6/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 35 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 9 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.strategy.SSPStrategyTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.106 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.strategy.SSPStrategyTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.02 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.067 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameImplTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPPlayerImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.026 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPPlayerImplTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPPlayerBuilderImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPPlayerBuilderImplTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.015 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Running de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPStateImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.032 s - in de.schereSteinPapier.domain.impl.SSPStateImplTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 41, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game' with 23 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier [INFO] [INFO] --------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma >-------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Prisoner's dilemma Game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [7/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 28 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 9 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.strategy.StrategyFactoryTests [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.087 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.strategy.StrategyFactoryTests [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.042 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDPlayerImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.012 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDPlayerImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.034 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDGameImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDPlayerBuilderImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDPlayerBuilderImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDStateImplTest GDState[firstPlayer=GDPlayer[name=A, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty, answer=Optional.empty], secondPlayer=GDPlayer[name=B, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty, answer=Optional.empty]] [INFO] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.015 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.impl.GDStateImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.factory.GDDefaultStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.gefangenenDilemma.domain.factory.GDDefaultStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 30, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Prisoner's dilemma Game' with 15 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma [INFO] [INFO] -----------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-searchtree >------------ [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Search trees 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [8/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-searchtree >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-searchtree <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 3 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-searchtree >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-searchtree <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.searchtree.algorithm.MinMaxAlgorithmTest [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.12 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.searchtree.algorithm.MinMaxAlgorithmTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Search trees' with 1 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-searchtree --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-searchtree [INFO] [INFO] -----------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-vierGewinnt >----------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [9/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 43 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 10 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.moves.impl.VGPlaceTokenMoveTest Vertikal: A1B1C1D1 A hat gewonnen, mit der Farbe: red B hat verloren, mit der Farbe: yellow [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.23 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.moves.impl.VGPlaceTokenMoveTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.strategy.MinMaxViergewinntTest Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Fourth Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Second Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Vertikal: C4D4E4F4 A hat gewonnen, mit der Farbe: red B hat verloren, mit der Farbe: yellow [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.313 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.strategy.MinMaxViergewinntTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.strategy.StrategyFactoryTests [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.strategy.StrategyFactoryTests [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameBuilderImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGFieldImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGFieldImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameImplTest Gewählter random move: First Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Third Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Sixth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Fourth Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Sixth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: First Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: First Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Fifth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Fifth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: First Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Fifth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Fourth Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Third Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Second Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Third Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Third Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Seventh Column, Spielerfarbe: red Gewählter random move: Second Column, Spielerfarbe: yellow Gewählter random move: Fifth Column, Spielerfarbe: red Vertikal: A5B5C5D5 A hat gewonnen, mit der Farbe: red B hat verloren, mit der Farbe: yellow VGGame[id=1, state=VGState[board=VGBoard[size=7, fields=[[VGField[position=A1, state=empty], VGField[position=B1, state=empty], VGField[position=C1, state=empty], VGField[position=D1, state=empty], VGField[position=E1, state=empty], VGField[position=F1, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A2, state=empty], VGField[position=B2, state=empty], VGField[position=C2, state=empty], VGField[position=D2, state=empty], VGField[position=E2, state=empty], VGField[position=F2, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A3, state=empty], VGField[position=B3, state=empty], VGField[position=C3, state=empty], VGField[position=D3, state=empty], VGField[position=E3, state=empty], VGField[position=F3, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A4, state=empty], VGField[position=B4, state=empty], VGField[position=C4, state=empty], VGField[position=D4, state=empty], VGField[position=E4, state=empty], VGField[position=F4, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A5, state=empty], VGField[position=B5, state=empty], VGField[position=C5, state=empty], VGField[position=D5, state=empty], VGField[position=E5, state=empty], VGField[position=F5, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A6, state=empty], VGField[position=B6, state=empty], VGField[position=C6, state=empty], VGField[position=D6, state=empty], VGField[position=E6, state=empty], VGField[position=F6, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A7, state=empty], VGField[position=B7, state=empty], VGField[position=C7, state=empty], VGField[position=D7, state=empty], VGField[position=E7, state=empty], VGField[position=F7, state=empty]]]], redPlayer=GDPlayer[name=A, chips=red, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty], yellowPlayer=GDPlayer[name=B, chips=yellow, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty], currentPlayer=red], strategies={A=VGRandomMoveStrategy, B=VGRandomMoveStrategy}] [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.023 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGStateImplTest VGState[board=VGBoard[size=7, fields=[[VGField[position=A1, state=empty], VGField[position=B1, state=empty], VGField[position=C1, state=empty], VGField[position=D1, state=empty], VGField[position=E1, state=empty], VGField[position=F1, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A2, state=empty], VGField[position=B2, state=empty], VGField[position=C2, state=empty], VGField[position=D2, state=empty], VGField[position=E2, state=empty], VGField[position=F2, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A3, state=empty], VGField[position=B3, state=empty], VGField[position=C3, state=empty], VGField[position=D3, state=empty], VGField[position=E3, state=empty], VGField[position=F3, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A4, state=empty], VGField[position=B4, state=empty], VGField[position=C4, state=empty], VGField[position=D4, state=empty], VGField[position=E4, state=empty], VGField[position=F4, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A5, state=empty], VGField[position=B5, state=empty], VGField[position=C5, state=empty], VGField[position=D5, state=empty], VGField[position=E5, state=empty], VGField[position=F5, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A6, state=empty], VGField[position=B6, state=empty], VGField[position=C6, state=empty], VGField[position=D6, state=empty], VGField[position=E6, state=empty], VGField[position=F6, state=empty]], [VGField[position=A7, state=empty], VGField[position=B7, state=empty], VGField[position=C7, state=empty], VGField[position=D7, state=empty], VGField[position=E7, state=empty], VGField[position=F7, state=empty]]]], redPlayer=GDPlayer[name=A, chips=red, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty], yellowPlayer=GDPlayer[name=B, chips=yellow, state=PLAYING, outcome=Optional.empty], currentPlayer=red] Es ist untenschieden. [INFO] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.018 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGStateImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.02 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGGameBuilderFactoryImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGBoardImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.impl.VGBoardImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.factory.VGDefaultStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.vierGewinnt.domain.factory.VGDefaultStrategyFactoryProviderTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 41, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game' with 30 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt [INFO] [INFO] ------------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-tictactoe >------------ [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [10/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Project Modules" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:modules [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-tictactoe [INFO] [INFO] ---------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-tictactoe-core >---------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Core 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [11/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 34 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 7 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeRowImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.067 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeRowImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToePlayerImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.025 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToePlayerImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeGameImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.069 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeGameImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeStateImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.048 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeStateImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeBoardImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.028 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeBoardImplTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeFieldImplTest [INFO] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.024 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.tictactoe.core.domain.impl.TicTacToeFieldImplTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 43, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Core' with 31 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-core --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core [INFO] [INFO] ----< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random >---- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Random strategy 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [12/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 3 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random [INFO] [INFO] ----------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui >---------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: GUI 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [13/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [WARNING] Can't extract module name from batik-script-1.14.jar: Provider class org.apache.batik.bridge.RhinoInterpreterFactory not in module [WARNING] Can't extract module name from xalan-2.7.2.jar: Provider class org.apache.bsf.BSFManager not in module [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 12 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'xml-apis:xml-apis-ext:jar:1.3.04', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'xml-apis:xml-apis-ext:jar:1.3.04', for more information run with -X [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui [INFO] [INFO] ---------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui >--------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game: GUI 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [14/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [WARNING] Can't extract module name from batik-script-1.14.jar: Provider class org.apache.batik.bridge.RhinoInterpreterFactory not in module [WARNING] Can't extract module name from xalan-2.7.2.jar: Provider class org.apache.bsf.BSFManager not in module [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 12 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] No sources to compile [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] No tests to run. [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'xml-apis:xml-apis-ext:jar:1.3.04', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1', for more information run with -X [INFO] Unable to create Maven project from repository for artifact 'xml-apis:xml-apis-ext:jar:1.3.04', for more information run with -X [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui [INFO] [INFO] ---------< de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22:ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins >---------- [INFO] Building IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game Minmax Strategy 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT [15/15] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.2.0:check (checkstyle) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] You have 0 Checkstyle violations. [INFO] [INFO] >>> maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) > :pmd @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:pmd (pmd) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] [INFO] <<< maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) < :pmd @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.19.0:check (pmd) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] PMD version: 6.49.0 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:prepare-agent (jacoco-initialize) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] surefireArgLine set to -javaagent:/var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.8/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.8-runtime.jar=destfile=/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 4 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/classes [INFO] [INFO] >>> spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) > :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Fork Value is true [INFO] Done SpotBugs Analysis.... [INFO] [INFO] <<< spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) < :spotbugs @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin: (spotbugs) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] BugInstance size is 0 [INFO] Error size is 0 [INFO] No errors/warnings found [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.VGStrategyEins.strategy.StrategyFactoryTest [INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.108 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.VGStrategyEins.strategy.StrategyFactoryTest [INFO] Running de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.VGStrategyEins.strategy.BewertungTest Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow 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Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Red Player: 7 Yellow Player: 7 current player B Score: 7 Gewählter best move: Optional[Seventh Column], Spielerfarbe: red Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Gewählter move: Optional[First Column], Spielerfarbe: GelbRed Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Red Player: 10 Yellow Player: 10 current player B Score: 10 Gewählter best move: Optional[Third Column], Spielerfarbe: red Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 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Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Gewählter move: Optional[First Column], Spielerfarbe: GelbRed Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 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player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 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player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Red Player: 15 Yellow Player: 15 current player B Score: 15 Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 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current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Gewählter move: Optional[Fifth Column], Spielerfarbe: GelbRed Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red 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player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 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player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow 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Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current player B Score: 23 Red Player: 23 Yellow Player: 23 current 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Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current 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Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Gewählter move: Optional[First Column], Spielerfarbe: GelbRed Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Red Player: 36 Yellow Player: 36 current player B Score: 36 Gewählter best move: Optional[Fourth Column], Spielerfarbe: red Vertikal: A4B4C4D4 A hat gewonnen, mit der Farbe: red B hat verloren, mit der Farbe: yellow Red Player: 12 Yellow Player: 12 current player A Score: 12 Red Player: 0 Yellow Player: 0 current player A Score: 0 [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.733 s - in de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22.VGStrategyEins.strategy.BewertungTest [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.8:report (jacoco-site) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game Minmax Strategy' with 3 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.12.1:site (default-site) @ ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins --- [INFO] configuring report plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1 [INFO] 15 reports detected for maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1: ci-management, dependencies, dependency-info, dependency-management, distribution-management, index, issue-management, licenses, mailing-lists, modules, plugin-management, plugins, scm, summary, team [INFO] Rendering site with default locale English (en) [WARNING] No project URL defined - decoration links will not be relativized! [INFO] Rendering content with org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3 skin. [INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependencies [INFO] Generating "Dependency Information" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-info [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:dependency-management [INFO] Generating "About" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:index [INFO] Generating "Licenses" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:licenses [INFO] Generating "Plugin Management" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugin-management [INFO] Generating "Plugins" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:plugins [INFO] Generating "Summary" report --- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:3.4.1:summary [JENKINS] Archiving site from /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/site to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset/site/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for IP Spieltheorie 2022 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 ............................... SUCCESS [ 5.437 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Build Tools ................... SUCCESS [ 2.262 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Demo Game ..................... SUCCESS [ 15.897 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails Game ........... SUCCESS [ 15.846 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Heads or tails or edge Game ... SUCCESS [ 14.384 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game .... SUCCESS [ 12.784 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Prisoner's dilemma Game ....... SUCCESS [ 11.470 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Search trees .................. SUCCESS [ 8.882 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game ............. SUCCESS [ 16.921 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game .............. SUCCESS [ 1.053 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Core ........ SUCCESS [ 12.346 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: Random strategy SUCCESS [ 6.269 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Tic Tac Toe game: GUI ......... SUCCESS [ 13.150 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game: GUI ........ SUCCESS [ 12.663 s] [INFO] IP Spieltheorie 2022 Connect Four game Minmax Strategy SUCCESS [ 15.479 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 02:55 min [INFO] Finished at: 2022-09-19T12:36:07+02:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-build-tools/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-build-tools/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-build-tools-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-demo/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-searchtree/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-searchtree-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-tictactoe/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-tictactoe-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/pom.xml to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [JENKINS] Archiving /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel22/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar Copying /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier@tmp/maven-reporters/moduleset to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22 channel stopped [PMD] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace' that match the pattern '**/target/pmd.xml' [PMD] -> found 13 files [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-suchbaeume/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/pmd.xml [PMD] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [PMD] Skipping post processing [PMD] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [PMD] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining [PMD] Reference build recorder is not configured [PMD] Obtaining reference build from same job (ipspiel22) [PMD] Using reference build 'ipspiel22 #143' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues [PMD] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 5 [PMD] No quality gates have been set - skipping [PMD] Enabling health report (Healthy=1, Unhealthy=10, Minimum Severity=LOW) [PMD] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 5 issues) [PMD] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'pmd' to build 'ipspiel22 #144'. [Gitea Checks] Failed Publishing Gitea checks: Unexpected error: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty [SpotBugs] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace' that match the pattern '**/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml' [SpotBugs] -> found 13 files [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-suchbaeume/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/spotbugs/spotbugsXml.xml [SpotBugs] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [SpotBugs] Skipping post processing [SpotBugs] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [SpotBugs] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining [SpotBugs] Reference build recorder is not configured [SpotBugs] Obtaining reference build from same job (ipspiel22) [SpotBugs] Using reference build 'ipspiel22 #143' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues [SpotBugs] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0 [SpotBugs] No quality gates have been set - skipping [SpotBugs] Enabling health report (Healthy=1, Unhealthy=10, Minimum Severity=LOW) [SpotBugs] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues) [SpotBugs] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'spotbugs' to build 'ipspiel22 #144'. [Gitea Checks] Failed Publishing Gitea checks: Unexpected error: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty [CheckStyle] Searching for all files in '/var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace' that match the pattern '**/checkstyle-result.xml' [CheckStyle] -> found 13 files [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-suchbaeume/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CheckStyle] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates) [CheckStyle] Skipping post processing [CheckStyle] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues [CheckStyle] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining [CheckStyle] Reference build recorder is not configured [CheckStyle] Obtaining reference build from same job (ipspiel22) [CheckStyle] Using reference build 'ipspiel22 #143' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues [CheckStyle] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0 [CheckStyle] No quality gates have been set - skipping [CheckStyle] Enabling health report (Healthy=1, Unhealthy=10, Minimum Severity=LOW) [CheckStyle] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues) [CheckStyle] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'checkstyle' to build 'ipspiel22 #144'. [Gitea Checks] Failed Publishing Gitea checks: Unexpected error: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty [JaCoCo plugin] Collecting JaCoCo coverage data... [JaCoCo plugin] **/target/jacoco.exec;**/target/classes;**/src/main/java; locations are configured [JaCoCo plugin] Number of found exec files for pattern **/target/jacoco.exec: 8 [JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched execfiles: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/jacoco.exec /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/jacoco.exec [JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched class directories for class-pattern: **/target/classes: [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/target/classes 4 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-build-tools/target/classes 0 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/target/classes 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/target/classes 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/target/classes 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/target/classes 34 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/target/classes 36 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/target/classes 3 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-suchbaeume/target/classes 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/target/classes 50 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/target/classes 15 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/target/classes 3 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/target/classes 15 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/target/classes 46 files [JaCoCo plugin] Saving matched source directories for source-pattern: **/src/main/java: [JaCoCo plugin] Source Inclusions: **/*.java [JaCoCo plugin] Source Exclusions: de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/demo/**/*.java, de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/tictactoe/gui/**/*.java, de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/vierGewinnt/gui/**/*.java [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-VGStrategyEins/src/main/java 4 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-demo/src/main/java 1 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-gefangenenDilemma/src/main/java 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahl/src/main/java 28 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-kopfundzahlundkante/src/main/java 34 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-schere-stein-papier/src/main/java 35 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-searchtree/src/main/java 3 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-core/src/main/java 34 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-gui/src/main/java 1 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-tictactoe/ipspiel22-tictactoe-strategy-random/src/main/java 3 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt-gui/src/main/java 1 files [JaCoCo plugin] - /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/ipspiel22/workspace/ipspiel22-vierGewinnt/src/main/java 43 files [JaCoCo plugin] Loading inclusions files.. [JaCoCo plugin] inclusions: [] [JaCoCo plugin] exclusions: [**/module-info.class, de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/demo/**/*.class, de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/tictactoe/gui/**/*.class, de/fhdw/gaming/ipspiel22/vierGewinnt/gui/**/*.class] [JaCoCo plugin] Thresholds: JacocoHealthReportThresholds [minClass=60, maxClass=80, minMethod=60, maxMethod=80, minLine=60, maxLine=80, minBranch=60, maxBranch=75, minInstruction=60, maxInstruction=75, minComplexity=60, maxComplexity=75] [JaCoCo plugin] Publishing the results.. [JaCoCo plugin] Loading packages.. [JaCoCo plugin] Done. [JaCoCo plugin] Overall coverage: class: 96.453896, method: 93.452385, line: 90.799034, branch: 77.01613, instruction: 88.59509, complexity: 80.783936 [JaCoCo plugin] Health thresholds: JacocoHealthReportThresholds [minClass=60, maxClass=80, minMethod=60, maxMethod=80, minLine=60, maxLine=80, minBranch=60, maxBranch=75, minInstruction=60, maxInstruction=75, minComplexity=60, maxComplexity=75] [JaCoCo plugin] Apply Min/Max thresholds result: SUCCESS Finished: SUCCESS