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Method: of(Integer)

1: package de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.memory;
4: /**
5: * Implements {@link IGameMemoryCapacity}.
6: */
7: public final class GameMemoryCapacity implements IGameMemoryCapacity {
9: /**
10: * True when the default capacity is used. Currently 5.
11: * Have to call it "v" because of pmd.
12: */
13: private final boolean vDefault;
15: /**
16: * True when the capacity is unlimited.
17: * Have to call it "v" because of pmd.
18: */
19: private final boolean vUnlimited;
21: /**
22: * Capacity of the memory. -1 if it's unlimited.
23: */
24: private final int capacity;
26: /**
27: * private Constructor.
28: * @param isDefault default.
29: * @param isUnlimited unlimited capacity.
30: * @param capacity Custom capacity.
31: */
32: private GameMemoryCapacity(final boolean isDefault, final boolean isUnlimited, final int capacity) {
33: this.vDefault = isDefault;
34: this.vUnlimited = isUnlimited;
35: this.capacity = capacity;
36: }
38: /**
39: * unlimited memory capacity.
40: */
41: public static IGameMemoryCapacity unlimited() {
42: return new GameMemoryCapacity(false, true, -1);
43: }
45: /**
46: * use the specified capacity.
47: * @param capacity t.
48: */
49: public static IGameMemoryCapacity of(final Integer capacity) {
50:• if (capacity < 0) {
51: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity must be greater than or equal to 0");
52: }
53: return new GameMemoryCapacity(false, false, capacity);
54: }
56: /**
57: * Uses a default capacity. Default is capacity of 5.
58: */
59: public static IGameMemoryCapacity useDefault() {
60: return new GameMemoryCapacity(true, false, 5);
61: }
63: @Override
64: public boolean isUnlimited() {
65: return this.vUnlimited;
66: }
68: @Override
69: public boolean isDefault() {
70: return this.vDefault;
71: }
73: @Override
74: public int getCapacity() {
75: return this.capacity;
76: }
77: }