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IP Spieltheorie 2024 Vier Connects game: GUI (May 26, 2024, 12:07:17 AM)

Started 3 mo 27 days ago
Took 13 sec
Build Artifacts
ipspiel24-VierConnects-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar21.92 KiB view
ipspiel24-VierConnects-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar29.40 KiB view
ipspiel24-VierConnects-gui-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom2.31 KiB view
  1. added MinimaxStrategy and Factory, missing evaluation method (details)
  2. added working getPossibleMovesMethod, added Strategy to module-info, (details)
  3. added evaluate implementation (details)
  4. added two in a row for evaluate (details)
  5. added temporary multithreading for initial minimax branch structure (details)
  6. typo (details)
  7. completely re-implemented evaluate, removed multithreading from minimax (details)
  8. better than randomStrategy!! (details)
  9. removed debug comments, added comments (details)
  10. removed evaluate zyklomatic complecity (details)
  11. removed minimax strategy from vierConnects gui and moved it to its own (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. IP Spieltheorie 2024 Vier Connects game: Core #88#89 (detail)
  2. IP Spieltheorie 2024 Vier-Gewinnt  ? → #89 (detail)