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Method: lambda$evaluateWindow$2(VierConnectsFieldState)

1: package de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.strategy.minimax;
3: import java.util.ArrayList;
4: import java.util.Arrays;
5: import java.util.List;
6: import java.util.Optional;
8: import de.fhdw.gaming.core.domain.GameException;
9: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsBoard;
10: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsFieldState;
11: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsPlayer;
12: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsPosition;
13: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsState;
14: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.domain.VierConnectsStrategy;
15: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.moves.VierConnectsMove;
16: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.VierConnects.core.moves.factory.VierConnectsMoveFactory;
17: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.minimax.Minimax;
18: import de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel24.minimax.MinimaxStrategy;
20: /**
21: * Minimax Strategy for VierConnects.
22: */
23: public class VierConnectsMinimaxStrategy implements VierConnectsStrategy,
24: MinimaxStrategy<VierConnectsPlayer, VierConnectsState, VierConnectsMove> {
26: /**
27: * the moveFactory.
28: */
29: private final VierConnectsMoveFactory moveFactory;
31: /**
32: * maxDepth of Search Tree.
33: */
34: private final int maxDepth = 5;
36: /**
37: * multiplier for centre positions.
38: */
39: private final int scoreCenterCountMultiplier = 2;
41: /**
42: * score for player evaluation: win.
43: */
44: private final int scoreWin = 999999;
46: /**
47: * score for player evaluation: 3 in a row and 1 empty.
48: */
49: private final int score3Row = 100;
51: /**
52: * score for player evaluation: 2 in a row and 2 empty.
53: */
54: private final int score2Row = 50;
56: // these need to be positive numbers, as they get subtracted from the score.
57: /**
58: * score for enemy evaluation: win.
59: */
60: private final int scoreLose = 99999;
62: /**
63: * score for enemy evaluation: 3 in a row and 1 empty.
64: */
65: private final int score3RowEnemy = 100;
67: /**
68: * constructor.
69: *
70: * @param moveFactory public moveFactory.
71: */
72: public VierConnectsMinimaxStrategy(VierConnectsMoveFactory moveFactory) {
73: this.moveFactory = moveFactory;
74: }
76: @Override
77: public Optional<VierConnectsMove> computeNextMove(int gameId, VierConnectsPlayer player, VierConnectsState state,
78: long maxComputationTimePerMove) throws GameException, InterruptedException {
79: // long startTime = System.nanoTime(); //left these in case i want to measure time again for something
80: final VierConnectsPlayer opponent = this.getOpponent(state);
81: final Minimax<VierConnectsPlayer, VierConnectsState,
82: VierConnectsMove> minimax = new Minimax<VierConnectsPlayer, VierConnectsState, VierConnectsMove>(this,
83: this.maxDepth, opponent);
84: final VierConnectsMove bestMove = minimax.getBestMove(state, player);
85: // long endTime = System.nanoTime();
86: // System.out.print((endTime - startTime) + ";");
87: return Optional.of(bestMove);
88: }
90: @Override
91: public List<VierConnectsMove> getPossibleMoves(VierConnectsState state) {
93: final List<VierConnectsMove> possibleMoves = new ArrayList<>();
94: final VierConnectsBoard board = state.getBoard();
95: for (int i = 0; i < board.getColumnSize(); i++) {
96: final VierConnectsPosition pos = VierConnectsPosition.of(0, i);
97: if (board.getFieldAt(pos).getState() == VierConnectsFieldState.EMPTY) {
98: possibleMoves.add(moveFactory.createPlaceMarkMove(
99: state.getCurrentPlayer().isUsingCrosses(), i));
100: }
101: }
103: return orderMoves(possibleMoves);
104: }
106: /**
107: * takes possibleMoves in a List and orders it to start from the middle.
108: * e.g.: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -> 3,4,2,5,1,6,0,7
109: * (prioritise better Moves for more effective alpha- beta-pruning)
110: *
111: * @param possibleMoves list of ordered possibleMoves left to right
112: * @return new ordered list of possible Moves starting from the beginning.
113: */
114: private List<VierConnectsMove> orderMoves(List<VierConnectsMove> possibleMoves) {
115: final List<VierConnectsMove> orderedMoves = new ArrayList<>(possibleMoves.size());
116: final int middle = possibleMoves.size() / 2;
118: for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoves.size(); i++) {
119: final int index = middle + (i % 2 == 0 ? i / 2 : -(i / 2 + 1));
120: orderedMoves.add(possibleMoves.get(index));
121: }
123: return orderedMoves;
124: }
126: /**
127: * evaluates window of four positions and gives score for 2,3,4 in a row.
128: * also gives bas score for good opponent position.
129: *
130: * @param window array of four fields (the state of the fields)
131: * @param playerState the state of the player that is using minimax
132: * @return score of window.
133: */
134: @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:CyclomaticComplexity")
135: private int evaluateWindow(VierConnectsFieldState[] window, VierConnectsFieldState playerState) {
136: int score = 0;
138: final VierConnectsFieldState opponent = this.getOpponent(playerState);
140: final long playerCount = -> p == playerState).count();
141: final long opponentCount = -> p == opponent).count();
142:• final long emptyCount = -> p == VierConnectsFieldState.EMPTY).count();
144: if (playerCount == 4) {
145: score += this.scoreWin;
146: } else if (playerCount == 3 && emptyCount == 1) {
147: score += this.score3Row;
148: } else if (playerCount == 2 && emptyCount == 2) {
149: score += this.score2Row;
150: }
152: if (opponentCount == 4) {
153: score -= this.scoreLose;
154: } else if (opponentCount == 3 && emptyCount == 1) {
155: score -= this.score3RowEnemy;
156: }
158: return score;
159: }
161: /**
162: * returns a score for all rows or columns.
163: *
164: * @param board board Board of the current State that gets evaluated.
165: * @param playerState State of the current Player
166: * @param isColumn boolean whether rows or columns get evaluated.
167: * @return score for all rows or columns
168: */
169: private int evaluateDirection(VierConnectsBoard board, VierConnectsFieldState playerState, boolean isColumn) {
170: int score = 0;
171: final int primarySize = isColumn ? board.getColumnSize() : board.getRowSize();
172: final int secondarySize = isColumn ? board.getRowSize() : board.getColumnSize();
174: for (int primary = 0; primary < primarySize; primary++) {
175: final VierConnectsFieldState[] array = new VierConnectsFieldState[secondarySize];
176: for (int secondary = 0; secondary < secondarySize; secondary++) {
177: final VierConnectsPosition position = isColumn ? VierConnectsPosition.of(secondary, primary)
178: : VierConnectsPosition.of(primary, secondary);
179: array[secondary] = board.getFieldAt(position).getState();
180: }
181: for (int secondary = 0; secondary < secondarySize - 3; secondary++) {
182: final VierConnectsFieldState[] window = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, secondary, secondary + 4);
183: score += evaluateWindow(window, playerState);
184: }
185: }
187: return score;
188: }
190: /**
191: * returns a score for all (positive or negative) diagonal positions.
192: *
193: * @param board Board of the current State that gets evaluated.
194: * @param playerState State of the current Player
195: * @param isPositiveSlope boolean whether the negative or positive slopes get evaluated.
196: * @return score for positive or negative positions.
197: */
198: private int evaluateDiagonals(VierConnectsBoard board, VierConnectsFieldState playerState,
199: boolean isPositiveSlope) {
200: int score = 0;
201: final int rowSize = board.getRowSize();
202: final int columnSize = board.getColumnSize();
204: for (int r = 0; r < rowSize - 3; r++) {
205: for (int c = 0; c < columnSize - 3; c++) {
206: final VierConnectsFieldState[] window = new VierConnectsFieldState[4];
207: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
208: if (isPositiveSlope) {
209: window[i] = board.getFieldAt(VierConnectsPosition.of(r + i, c + i)).getState();
210: } else {
211: window[i] = board.getFieldAt(VierConnectsPosition.of(r + 3 - i, c + i)).getState();
212: }
213: }
214: score += evaluateWindow(window, playerState);
215: }
216: }
218: return score;
219: }
221: @Override
222: public int evaluate(VierConnectsState state, VierConnectsPlayer player, int depth) {
223: int score = 0;
225: final VierConnectsBoard board = state.getBoard();
226: final int columnSize = board.getColumnSize();
227: final int rowSize = board.getRowSize();
228: final VierConnectsFieldState playerState = player.isUsingCrosses() ? VierConnectsFieldState.CROSS
229: : VierConnectsFieldState.NOUGHT;
231: // score for middle position
232: int centerCount = 0;
233: for (int r = 0; r < rowSize; r++) {
234: if (board.getFieldAt(VierConnectsPosition.of(r, columnSize / 2)).getState() == playerState) {
235: centerCount++;
236: }
237: }
238: score += centerCount * this.scoreCenterCountMultiplier;
239: // score for depth
240: score += this.maxDepth - depth;
242: // Evaluate columns
243: score += evaluateDirection(board, playerState, true);
245: // Evaluate rows
246: score += evaluateDirection(board, playerState, false);
248: // Evaluate positive sloped diagonals
249: score += evaluateDiagonals(board, playerState, true);
251: // Evaluate negative sloped diagonals
252: score += evaluateDiagonals(board, playerState, false);
254: return score;
255: }
257: @Override
258: public VierConnectsPlayer getOpponent(VierConnectsState state) {
259: return state.getCurrentPlayer() == state.getCrossesPlayer()
260: ? state.getNoughtsPlayer()
261: : state.getCrossesPlayer();
262: }
264: /**
265: * returns the opponent FieldState for a given VierConnectsFieldState.
266: *
267: * @param state FieldState of the current Player.
268: * @return opposite State of the given fieldState.
269: */
270: public VierConnectsFieldState getOpponent(VierConnectsFieldState state) {
271: return state.equals(VierConnectsFieldState.CROSS) ? VierConnectsFieldState.NOUGHT
272: : VierConnectsFieldState.CROSS;
273: }
275: @Override
276: public String toString() {
277: return "Vier-Gewinnt Minimax Strategy";
278: }
280: }