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Method: run()

1: package;
3: import java.util.HashMap;
4: import java.util.Iterator;
5: import java.util.LinkedList;
6: import java.util.List;
7: import java.util.Map;
8: import java.util.Map.Entry;
10: import;
11: import;
12: import;
13: import;
14: import;
15: import;
16: import;
17: import;
18: import;
20: /**
21: * Analyzes the inheritance trees of the given model. Enriches the model with useful information regarding necessary
22: * constructor calls.
23: */
24: public final class AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask extends SimpleWalkerTask {
26:         /**
27:          * Used to identify the type Anything.
28:          */
29:         private static final String ANYTHING = "Anything";
31:         /**
32:          * Returns a new instance of {@link AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask}.
33:          *
34:          * @param model
35:          * The model to perform this task on.
36:          * @param taskmanager
37:          * The executor which performs this task.
38:          * @return a new instance of {@link AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask}
39:          */
40:         public static AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask create(final Model model, final TaskExecutor taskmanager) {
41:                 return new AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask(model, taskmanager);
42:         }
44:         /**
45:          * Instantiates a new instance of {@link AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask}.
46:          *
47:          * @param model
48:          * The model to perform this task on.
49:          * @param taskmanager
50:          * The executor which performs this task.
51:          */
52:         private AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask(final Model model, final TaskExecutor taskmanager) {
53:                 super(model, taskmanager);
54:         }
56:         /**
57:          * Helper class which represents one path along the inheritance-hierarchy of a root class.
58:          */
59:         private class InheritancePath {
60:                 /**
61:                  * Types ordered along this InheritancePath.
62:                  */
63:                 private final List<Type> pathElements;
65:                 /**
66:                  * Constructs an empty InheritancePath.
67:                  */
68:                 private InheritancePath() {
69:                         this.pathElements = new LinkedList<>();
70:                 }
72:                 /**
73:                  * Constructs an InheritancePath with first as its root.
74:                  *
75:                  * @param first
76:                  * the first element of this path.
77:                  */
78:                 InheritancePath(final Type first) {
79:                         this();
80:                         this.addElement(first);
81:                 }
83:                 /**
84:                  * Constructs an InheritancePath with firsts as its path elements.
85:                  *
86:                  * @param firsts
87:                  * the path elements for this.
88:                  */
89:                 InheritancePath(final List<Type> firsts) {
90:                         this();
91:                         this.addElements(firsts);
92:                 }
94:                 /**
95:                  * Constructs an InheritancePath which is identical to firsts.
96:                  *
97:                  * @param firsts
98:                  * the path to copy.
99:                  */
100:                 InheritancePath(final InheritancePath firsts) {
101:                         this(firsts.pathElements);
102:                 }
104:                 /**
105:                  * Adds element to the end of this path.
106:                  *
107:                  * @param element
108:                  * the new end of this path.
109:                  */
110:                 void addElement(final Type element) {
111:                         this.pathElements.add(element);
112:                 }
114:                 /**
115:                  * Adds elements to this path so that these elements remain in the order provided in elements.
116:                  *
117:                  * @param elements
118:                  * the elements added to this.
119:                  */
120:                 void addElements(final List<Type> elements) {
121:                         this.pathElements.addAll(elements);
122:                 }
124:                 /**
125:                  * Returns true if element is also an element of this. False otherwise.
126:                  *
127:                  * @param element
128:                  * to check.
129:                  * @return true if element is part of this. False otherwise.
130:                  */
131:                 boolean contains(final Type element) {
132:                         return this.pathElements.contains(element);
133:                 }
135:                 /**
136:                  * Returns all elements that this and other have in common. The common elements will be provided the order
137:                  * provided by this.
138:                  *
139:                  * @param other
140:                  * the path to intersect with.
141:                  * @return common elements in the order of their existence in this path.
142:                  */
143:                 List<Type> intersect(final InheritancePath other) {
144:                         final List<Type> result = new LinkedList<>();
145:                         final Iterator<Type> myElements = this.pathElements.iterator();
146:                         while (myElements.hasNext()) {
147:                                 final Type myElement =;
148:                                 if (other.contains(myElement)) {
149:                                         result.add(myElement);
150:                                 }
151:                         }
152:                         return result;
153:                 }
155:                 /**
156:                  * Makes one step in the inheritance-tree. Alternative paths will be returned.
157:                  *
158:                  * @return alternative paths if any exist. An empty llist otherwise.
159:                  */
160:                 List<InheritancePath> step() {
161:                         final List<InheritancePath> alternativePaths = new LinkedList<>();
162:                         final Type lastElement = this.pathElements.get(this.pathElements.size() - 1);
163:                         final Iterator<Type> followers = lastElement.getSuperTypes().iterator();
164:                         if (followers.hasNext()) {
165:                                 final Type firstFollower =;
166:                                 while (followers.hasNext()) {
167:                                         final Type follower =;
168:                                         if (!follower.toString().equals(ANYTHING)) {
169:                                                 final InheritancePath alternativePath = new InheritancePath(this);
170:                                                 alternativePath.addElement(follower);
171:                                                 alternativePaths.add(alternativePath);
172:                                         }
173:                                 }
174:                                 if (!firstFollower.toString().equals(ANYTHING)) {
175:                                         this.addElement(firstFollower);
176:                                 }
177:                         }
178:                         return alternativePaths;
179:                 }
181:                 /**
182:                  * Calculates all inheritance paths reachable from the end of this path and returns them.
183:                  *
184:                  * @return a list with all paths reachable from the last element of this.
185:                  */
186:                 List<InheritancePath> run() {
187:                         final List<InheritancePath> result = new LinkedList<>();
188:                         final List<InheritancePath> preResult = new LinkedList<>();
189:                         int oldSize = this.pathElements.size();
190:                         List<InheritancePath> alternativePaths = this.step();
191:•                        while (this.pathElements.size() != oldSize || !alternativePaths.isEmpty()) {
192:                                 preResult.addAll(alternativePaths);
193:                                 oldSize = this.pathElements.size();
194:                                 alternativePaths = this.step();
195:                         }
196:                         final Iterator<InheritancePath> paths = preResult.iterator();
197:•                        while (paths.hasNext()) {
198:                                 result.addAll(;
199:                         }
200:                         result.add(this);
201:                         return result;
202:                 }
204:                 @Override
205:                 public String toString() {
206:                         return this.pathElements.toString();
207:                 }
209:                 @Override
210:                 public boolean equals(final Object o) {
211:                         if (o instanceof InheritancePath) {
212:                                 final InheritancePath oAsInheritancePath = (InheritancePath) o;
213:                                 return this.pathElements.equals(oAsInheritancePath.pathElements);
214:                         }
215:                         return false;
216:                 }
218:                 @Override
219:                 public int hashCode() {
220:                         return this.pathElements.hashCode();
221:                 }
223:         }
225:         @Override
226:         public void handleClass(final ClassType c) throws TaskException {
227:                 final List<InheritancePath> allPaths = new LinkedList<>();
228:                 final Iterator<Type> superTypes = c.getSuperTypes().iterator();
229:                 while (superTypes.hasNext()) {
230:                         final Type current =;
231:                         if (!current.toString().equals(ANYTHING)) {
232:                                 allPaths.addAll(new InheritancePath(current).run());
233:                         }
234:                 }
235:                 this.mapCalls(c, allPaths);
236:         }
238:         /**
239:          * Maps c to all types it has to instantiate during runtime. Uses the map "calls" for this purpose. Maps to an empty
240:          * list if c has no responsibilities in the regard of instantiating super types.
241:          *
242:          * @param c
243:          * the root of the inheritance tree to map types from.
244:          * @param allPaths
245:          * The inheritance tree with c as root in form of all paths that have the direct super types of c as
246:          * root.
247:          */
248:         private void mapCalls(final ClassType c, final List<InheritancePath> allPaths) {
249:                 final Map<Type, Integer> callPriorities = new HashMap<>();
250:                 final List<Type> definitiveResponsibilities = new LinkedList<>();
251:                 final List<InheritancePath> copy = new LinkedList<>();
252:                 copy.addAll(allPaths);
253:                 final Iterator<InheritancePath> copyPaths = copy.iterator();
254:                 while (copyPaths.hasNext()) {
255:                         final InheritancePath copyPath =;
256:                         final Iterator<InheritancePath> paths = allPaths.iterator();
257:                         while (paths.hasNext()) {
258:                                 final InheritancePath path =;
259:                                 final List<Type> interception = path.intersect(copyPath);
260:                                 this.gatherResponsibilities(interception, callPriorities, definitiveResponsibilities);
262:                         }
263:                         copyPaths.remove();
264:                 }
265:                 this.addToCalls(c, definitiveResponsibilities, callPriorities);
266:         }
268:         /**
269:          * Adds all types in definitiveResponsibilities and direct super types of c as list values to the calls map and uses
270:          * c as key. Additionally ensures that the order of the elements in the list will be a valid constructor-call-order
271:          * when instantiating c.
272:          *
273:          * @param c
274:          * the key to use.
275:          * @param definitiveResponsibilities
276:          * those classes that c is definitely responsible to call. Every type in this list must also be a key in
277:          * callPriorities with a valid value != null;
278:          * @param callPriorities
279:          * the priorities which are used to determine the call order of the super constructors for c. Will be
280:          * empty after a call to this method!
281:          */
282:         private void addToCalls(final ClassType c,
283:                         final List<Type> definitiveResponsibilities,
284:                         final Map<Type, Integer> callPriorities) {
285:                 final List<Type> callList = new LinkedList<>();
286:                 if (!definitiveResponsibilities.isEmpty()) {
287:                         while (!callPriorities.isEmpty()) {
288:                                 final Type max = this.findAndRemoveHighestPathCountType(callPriorities);
289:                                 if (definitiveResponsibilities.contains(max)) {
290:                                         callList.add(max);
291:                                 }
292:                         }
293:                 }
294:                 final Iterator<Type> directSuperTypes = c.getSuperTypes().iterator();
295:                 while (directSuperTypes.hasNext()) {
296:                         final Type superType =;
297:                         if (!superType.toString().equals(ANYTHING) && !definitiveResponsibilities.contains(superType)) {
298:                                 callList.add(superType);
299:                         }
300:                 }
301:                 this.getModel().putConstructorCallDependency(c, callList);
302:         }
304:         /**
305:          * Removes the key with the highest integer value as value from callPriorities and returns that key. removes and
306:          * returns the first key found if more than one value is at the current maximum. Returns null if callPriorities is
307:          * empty.
308:          *
309:          * @param callPriorities
310:          * the map to remove a key from.
311:          * @return null if callPriorities is empty. The first key with the highest integer as value found in callPriorities.
312:          */
313:         private Type findAndRemoveHighestPathCountType(final Map<Type, Integer> callPriorities) {
314:                 final Iterator<Entry<Type, Integer>> entries = callPriorities.entrySet().iterator();
315:                 int highestPathCount = 0;
316:                 Type highestPathCountType = null;
317:                 while (entries.hasNext()) {
318:                         final Entry<Type, Integer> entry =;
319:                         final int pathCount = entry.getValue();
320:                         if (pathCount > highestPathCount) {
321:                                 highestPathCount = pathCount;
322:                                 highestPathCountType = entry.getKey();
323:                         }
324:                 }
325:                 callPriorities.remove(highestPathCountType);
326:                 return highestPathCountType;
327:         }
329:         /**
330:          * Adds all types in intersection to callPriorities and increments the corresponding value for a key by one. Also
331:          * adds the first type in intersection to definitiveResponsibilities (no duplicates will be added).
332:          *
333:          * @param intersection
334:          * an intersection of two InheritancePaths.
335:          * @param callPriorities
336:          * a map with call priorities.
337:          * @param definitiveResponsibilities
338:          * a list with types that have to be instantiated by a certain sub type.
339:          */
340:         private void gatherResponsibilities(final List<Type> intersection,
341:                         final Map<Type, Integer> callPriorities,
342:                         final List<Type> definitiveResponsibilities) {
343:                 final Iterator<Type> commonTypes = intersection.iterator();
344:                 if (commonTypes.hasNext()) {
345:                         final Type definitiveOne =;
346:                         this.addToPriorities(definitiveOne, callPriorities);
347:                         if (!definitiveResponsibilities.contains(definitiveOne)) {
348:                                 definitiveResponsibilities.add(definitiveOne);
349:                         }
350:                 }
351:                 while (commonTypes.hasNext()) {
352:                         this.addToPriorities(, callPriorities);
353:                 }
354:         }
356:         /**
357:          * Adds the pair (type,2) to callPriorities if type is not a key of callPriorities. Increments the the value of type
358:          * by one if type is a key of callPriorities. The initial value is 2 because it represents the amount of paths a
359:          * type has been found in.
360:          *
361:          * @param type
362:          * the key to add/ to find.
363:          * @param callPriorities
364:          * the map too search in.
365:          */
366:         private void addToPriorities(final Type type, final Map<Type, Integer> callPriorities) {
367:                 if (!callPriorities.containsKey(type)) {
368:                         callPriorities.put(type, 1);
369:                 }
370:                 callPriorities.put(type, callPriorities.get(type) + 1);
371:         }
373:         @Override
374:         public void handleGroup(final Group g) throws TaskException {
375:                 // Nothing to do.
376:         }
378:         @Override
379:         public void handleAttribute(final Attribute a, final ClassType owner) throws TaskException {
380:                 // Nothing to do.
381:         }
383:         @Override
384:         public void handleConstructorOrOperation(final ConstructorOrOperation coo, final ClassType owner)
385:                         throws TaskException {
386:                 // Nothing to do.
387:         }
389:         @Override
390:         public void finalizeTask() throws TaskException {
391:                 // Nothing to do.
392:         }
394:         @Override
395:         public void beginTask() throws TaskException {
396:                 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
398:         }
400: }