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Method: isEqualToken()

1: package;
3: import;
5: /**
6: * A token represents a scanned part of the input grammar. Each token-type defines a regular sequence of characters
7: * belonging to its type.
8: *
9: * This type is the interface describing all tokens.
10: */
11: public abstract class Token implements Serializable {
13:         /**
14:          * generated.
15:          */
16:         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6143241438846758818L;
18:         /**
19:          * The position is the begin position of this token in the original input document.
20:          */
21:         private final Position position;
23:         /**
24:          * Constructor initializing the position of this token.
25:          *
26:          * @param position
27:          * begin position of this token
28:          */
29:         protected Token(final Position position) {
30:                 this.position = position;
31:         }
33:         /**
34:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents any keyword.
35:          */
36:         public boolean isKeywordToken() {
37:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
38:         }
40:         /**
41:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents keyword: "class".
42:          */
43:         public boolean isClassToken() {
44:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
45:         }
47:         /**
48:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents keyword: "group".
49:          */
50:         public boolean isGroupToken() {
51:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
52:         }
54:         /**
55:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents any class modifier.
56:          */
57:         public boolean isClassModifierToken() {
58:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
59:         }
61:         /**
62:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents keyword: "function".
63:          */
64:         public boolean isOperationToken() {
65:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
66:         }
68:         /**
69:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents any operation modifier.
70:          */
71:         public boolean isOperationModifierToken() {
72:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
73:         }
75:         /**
76:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents operation modifier: "abstract".
77:          */
78:         public boolean isAbstractOperationToken() {
79:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
80:         }
82:         /**
83:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents class modifier: "abstract".
84:          */
85:         public boolean isAbstractModifierToken() {
86:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
87:         }
89:         /**
90:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents any attribute modifier.
91:          */
92:         public boolean isAttributeModifierToken() {
93:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
94:         }
96:         /**
97:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents attribute modifier: "prior".
98:          */
99:         public boolean isPriorModifierToken() {
100:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
101:         }
103:         /**
104:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a comment.
105:          */
106:         public boolean isCommentToken() {
107:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
108:         }
110:         /**
111:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents an invalid token. The scanner uses this token to
112:          * denote unrecognized characters or unfinished comments.
113:          */
114:         public boolean isInvalidToken() {
115:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
116:         }
118:         /**
119:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents an identifier.
120:          */
121:         public boolean isIdentifierToken() {
122:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
123:         }
125:         /**
126:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents the end of a stream. This token always is the last
127:          * token in a stream.
128:          */
129:         public boolean isEndToken() {
130:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
131:         }
133:         /**
134:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents any symbol.
135:          */
136:         public boolean isSymbolToken() {
137:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
138:         }
140:         /**
141:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "*".
142:          */
143:         public boolean isAsteriskToken() {
144:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
145:         }
147:         /**
148:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: ";".
149:          */
150:         public boolean isSemicolonToken() {
151:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
152:         }
154:         /**
155:          * @return @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "{".
156:          */
157:         public boolean isCurlyBracketOpenToken() {
158:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
159:         }
161:         /**
162:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "}".
163:          */
164:         public boolean isCurlyBracketCloseToken() {
165:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
166:         }
168:         /**
169:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "+".
170:          */
171:         public boolean isPlusSymbolToken() {
172:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
173:         }
175:         /**
176:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: ":".
177:          */
178:         public boolean isColonToken() {
179:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
180:         }
182:         /**
183:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: ">".
184:          */
185:         public boolean isGreaterSymbolToken() {
186:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
187:         }
189:         /**
190:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "=".
191:          */
192:         public boolean isEqualToken() {
193:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
194:         }
196:         /**
197:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "[".
198:          */
199:         public boolean isSquareBracketOpenToken() {
200:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
201:         }
203:         /**
204:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents symbol: "]".
205:          */
206:         public boolean isSquareBracketCloseToken() {
207:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
208:         }
210:         /**
211:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents whitespace.
212:          */
213:         public boolean isWhitespaceToken() {
214:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
215:         }
217:         /**
218:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents an exception (keyword: "exception").
219:          */
220:         public boolean isExceptionToken() {
221:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
222:         }
224:         /**
225:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a FindableToken.
226:          */
227:         public boolean isFindableToken() {
228:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
229:         }
231:         /**
232:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a TransientToken.
233:          */
234:         public boolean isTransientToken() {
235:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
236:         }
238:         /**
239:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a ServiceToken.
240:          */
241:         public boolean isServiceToken() {
242:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
243:         }
245:         /**
246:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a HyphenToken.
247:          */
248:         public boolean isHyphenToken() {
249:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
250:         }
252:         /**
253:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a PipeToken.
254:          */
255:         public boolean isPipeToken() {
256:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
257:         }
259:         /**
260:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a BracketOpenToken.
261:          */
262:         public boolean isBracketOpenToken() {
263:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
264:         }
266:         /**
267:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a BracketCloseToken.
268:          */
269:         public boolean isBracketCloseToken() {
270:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
271:         }
273:         /**
274:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a CommaToken.
275:          */
276:         public boolean isCommaToken() {
277:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
278:         }
280:         /**
281:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a MutableToken.
282:          */
283:         public boolean isMutableToken() {
284:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
285:         }
287:         /**
288:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a VisitableToken.
289:          */
290:         public boolean isVisitableToken() {
291:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
292:         }
294:         /**
295:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a SymmetricToken.
296:          */
297:         public boolean isSymmetricToken() {
298:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
299:         }
301:         /**
302:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a DoubleSquareBracketOpenToken.
303:          */
304:         public boolean isDoubleSquareBracketOpenToken() {
305:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
306:         }
308:         /**
309:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents a DoubleSquareBracketCloseToken.
310:          */
311:         public boolean isDoubleSquareBracketCloseToken() {
312:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
313:         }
315:         /**
316:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents an ArrowToken.
317:          */
318:         public boolean isArrowToken() {
319:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
320:         }
322:         /**
323:          * @return Returns true, if and only if this token represents an ExclamationToken.
324:          */
325:         public boolean isExclamationToken() {
326:                 return false; // must be overwritten as implementation
327:         }
329:         /**
330:          * @return Returns the Tokenrepresentation length, <br>
331:          * e.g. A Token with the representation of "abc" returns 3.
332:          */
333:         public abstract int getLength();
335:         @Override
336:         public boolean equals(final Object o) {
337:                 if (o instanceof Token) {
338:                         final Token t = (Token) o;
339:                         return t.getPosition().equals(this.getPosition()) && this.equalsTemplate(t);
340:                 }
341:                 return false;
342:         }
344:         @Override
345:         public int hashCode() {
346:                 return this.getPosition().hashCode() ^ this.hashCodeTemplate();
347:         }
349:         /**
350:          * @param t
351:          * equal comparison element
352:          * @return Returns true if and only if the token t is equal to this<br>
353:          * in terms of specialized attributes.
354:          */
355:         protected abstract boolean equalsTemplate(Token t);
357:         /**
358:          * Returns an hashCode-Value that depents on the equalsTemplate.
359:          *
360:          * @return hashCode
361:          */
362:         protected abstract int hashCodeTemplate();
364:         /**
365:          * Creates a string representation of this token the same way as it occurred in the original text.
366:          *
367:          * @return short string representation
368:          */
369:         public abstract String stringRepresentation();
371:         @Override
372:         /**
373:          * Creates a string representation of this token, including the position.
374:          */
375:         public String toString() {
376:                 return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + this.stringRepresentation() + "]" + " at " + this.getPosition();
377:         }
379:         /**
380:          * @return the position of this token.
381:          */
382:         public Position getPosition() {
383:                 return this.position;
384:         }
386: }