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Method: areProceduresCreated()

1: package;
3: import;
4: import;
5: import;
6: import;
7: import java.nio.charset.Charset;
8: import java.sql.CallableStatement;
9: import java.sql.SQLException;
10: import java.sql.Statement;
12: import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
13: import;
14: import;
16: /**
17: * This class has the ability to check the database for a valid table and procedure structure which is needed for the
18: * meta model and to create and drop the structure.
19: *
20: * Hint: - The Singleton OracleDatabaseManager must have a database connection before you can use this class. - If you
21: * rename one of the .sql schema script you need change the names here as well.
22: */
23: public class OracleDataBasePreparator {
25:         /**
26:          * instance of the oracle database manager.
27:          */
28:         private OracleDatabaseManager databaseManager = null;
30:         private static final String CALL_SUFFIX = " end;";
31:         private static final String STORED_FUNCTION_PREFIX = "begin ? := ";
32:         private static final int ORACLE_EXCEPTION_OBJECT_WITH_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = 955;
33:         private static final int ORACLE_EXCEPTION_TABLE_OR_VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 942;
34:         private static final int ORACLE_EXCEPTION_SEQUENCER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 2289;
35:         private static final int ORACLE_EXCEPTION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 4043;
37:         // relative path using "../Database" for correct resolution from different
38:         // project
39:         /** Path to the directory of all database scripts. */
40:         private static final String SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR = "scripts/";
42:         /**
43:          * Name of the procedure which checks the table structure.
44:          */
45:         private static final String PROCEDURE_NAME_CHECK_VALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE = "isValidTableStructureCreated";
46:         /**
47:          * Name of the procedure which checks if all necessary procedures are available.
48:          */
49:         private static final String PROCEDURE_NAME_CHECK_VALID_PROCEDURES = "areProceduresCreated";
51:         /**
52:          * name of the initRoutines SQL-package.
53:          */
54:         private static final String PACKAGE_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES = "InitRoutines";
56:         /**
57:          * filename to the initRoutines SQL-package.
58:          */
59:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES = "InitRoutines.sql";
61:         /**
62:          * filename to the initRoutines SQL-package body.
63:          */
64:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES_BODY = "InitRoutinesBody.sql";
66:         /**
67:          * filename to the meta model schema.
68:          */
69:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_SCHEMA_TABLES = "schemaF.sql";
71:         /**
72:          * filename to the userexception SQL-package.
73:          */
74:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_SCHEMA_EXCEPTION = "userException.sql";
76:         /**
77:          * filename to the drop statements.
78:          */
79:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_DROP_SCHEMA = "dropStatements.sql";
81:         /**
82:          * filename to the objectfacade SQL-package.
83:          */
84:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_OBJECT_FACADE = "objectfacade.sql";
86:         /**
87:          * filename to the objectfacade SQL-package body.
88:          */
89:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_OBJECT_FACADE_BODY = "objectfacadebody.sql";
91:         /**
92:          * filename to the classfacade SQL-package.
93:          */
94:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_CLASS_FACADE = "classfacade.sql";
96:         /**
97:          * filename to the classfacade SQL-package body.
98:          */
99:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_CLASS_FACADE_BODY = "classfacadebody.sql";
101:         /**
102:          * filename to the accountfacade SQL-package.
103:          */
104:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_ACCOUNT_FACADE = "accountfacade.sql";
106:         /**
107:          * filename to the accountfacade SQL-package body.
108:          */
109:         private static final String SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_ACCOUNT_FACADE_BODY = "accountfacadebody.sql";
111:         /**
112:          * constructor of the databasepreperator.
113:          */
114:         public OracleDataBasePreparator() {
115:                 this.databaseManager = OracleDatabaseManager.getInstance();
116:         }
118:         private String readFile(final String path, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Charset encoding) throws IOException {
119:                 final ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
120:                 final InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
121:                 final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
122:                 try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))) {
123:                         String line;
124:                         while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
125:                                 stringBuilder.append(line);
126:                                 stringBuilder.append("\n");
127:                         }
128:                 }
129:                 return stringBuilder.toString();
130:         }
132:         /**
133:          * Creates the initialization routines on the database.
134:          *
135:          * @throws OtherSQLException
136:          * will be thrown when a sql error is thrown
137:          * @throws PersistenceException
138:          * will be thrown when a persistence error occurs.
139:          * @throws IOException
140:          * will be thrown when a access to a file is not valid
141:          * */
142:         private void createInitRoutines() throws PersistenceException, IOException {
143:                 try (final CallableStatement initRoutines =
144:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
145:                                                 this.readFile(SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES, Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
146:                         initRoutines.execute();
147:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
148:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
149:                 }
150:                 try (final CallableStatement initRoutinesBody =
151:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
152:                                                 this.readFile(SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES_BODY, Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
153:                         initRoutinesBody.execute();
154:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
155:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
156:                 }
157:         }
159:         /**
160:          * This operation checks if the table structure for the given meta model is valid. Returns true if everything is ok.
161:          *
162:          * @return true if the stucture is valid
163:          * @throws PersistenceException
164:          * will thrown if a persistence error occurs
165:          * @throws IOException
166:          * will be thrown when a access to a file is not valid
167:          */
168:         public boolean isTableStructureValid() throws IOException, PersistenceException {
169:                 this.createInitRoutines();
171:                 try (CallableStatement isValidTableStructureCreated =
172:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
173:                                                 STORED_FUNCTION_PREFIX + OracleDatabaseManager.getInstance().getSchemaName() + '.'
174:                                                                 + PACKAGE_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES + '.' + PROCEDURE_NAME_CHECK_VALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE + ';'
175:                                                                 + CALL_SUFFIX)) {
176:                         isValidTableStructureCreated.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
177:                         try {
178:                                 isValidTableStructureCreated.execute();
179:                                 return isValidTableStructureCreated.getInt(1) != 0;
180:                         } catch (final SQLException e1) {
181:                                 /* perhaps there is no InitRoutines package yet? assume empty database */
182:                                 return false;
183:                         }
184:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
185:                         e.printStackTrace();
186:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
187:                 }
188:         }
190:         /**
191:          * Checks if all needed procedures and functions for the meta model access exist. Returns true if everything is ok.
192:          *
193:          * @return true if all needed procedures and functions are exists
194:          * @throws IOException
195:          * will thrown if a file is not accessable
196:          * @throws PersistenceException
197:          * will thrown if a persistence error occurs
198:          * */
199:         public boolean areProceduresCreated() throws IOException, PersistenceException {
200:                 this.createInitRoutines();
202:                 try (CallableStatement areValidProceduresCreated =
203:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
204:                                                 STORED_FUNCTION_PREFIX + OracleDatabaseManager.getInstance().getSchemaName() + '.'
205:                                                                 + PACKAGE_NAME_INIT_ROUTINES + '.' + PROCEDURE_NAME_CHECK_VALID_PROCEDURES + ';'
206:                                                                 + CALL_SUFFIX)) {
207:                         areValidProceduresCreated.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.NUMBER);
208:                         try {
209:                                 areValidProceduresCreated.execute();
210:•                                return areValidProceduresCreated.getInt(1) != 0;
211:                         } catch (final SQLException e1) {
212:                                 /* perhaps there is no InitRoutines package yet? assume empty database */
213:                                 return false;
214:                         }
215:                 } catch (final SQLException e1) {
216:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e1);
217:                 }
218:         }
220:         /**
221:          * Creates the schema for the database. If a few tables are missing they will be added by this operation.
222:          *
223:          * @throws PersistenceException
224:          * will thrown if a persistence error occurs
225:          * @throws IOException
226:          * will thrown if a file is not accessible
227:          * */
228:         public void createWholeSchema() throws PersistenceException, IOException {
229:                 try (final Statement statement = this.databaseManager.getConnection().createStatement()) {
230:                         final String tableSchemaString =
231:                                         this.readFile(SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_SCHEMA_TABLES, Charset.defaultCharset());
233:                         for (final String part : tableSchemaString.split(";")) {
234:                                 try {
235:                                         statement.execute(part);
236:                                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
237:                                         if (e.getErrorCode() != ORACLE_EXCEPTION_OBJECT_WITH_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
238:                                                 throw e;
239:                                         }
240:                                 }
241:                         }
243:                         // databaseManager.getConnection().commit();
244:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
245:                         e.printStackTrace();
246:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
247:                 }
248:         }
250:         /**
251:          * Drops all tables and sequencers of the schema. Warning, all Data stored in the tables will be lost.
252:          *
253:          * @throws PersistenceException
254:          * will thrown if a persistence error occurs
255:          * @throws IOException
256:          * will thrown if a file is not accessable
257:          */
258:         public void dropWholeSchema() throws PersistenceException, IOException {
259:                 try (final Statement statement = this.databaseManager.getConnection().createStatement()) {
260:                         final String tableSchemaString =
261:                                         this.readFile(SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_DROP_SCHEMA, Charset.defaultCharset());
263:                         for (String part : tableSchemaString.split(";")) {
264:                                 try {
265:                                         if (part.startsWith("\n")) {
266:                                                 part = part.substring(1);
267:                                         }
268:                                         if (!part.isEmpty()) {
269:                                                 statement.execute(part);
270:                                         }
271:                                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
272:                                         if (e.getErrorCode() != ORACLE_EXCEPTION_SEQUENCER_DOES_NOT_EXIST
273:                                                         && e.getErrorCode() != ORACLE_EXCEPTION_TABLE_OR_VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST
274:                                                         && e.getErrorCode() != ORACLE_EXCEPTION_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
275:                                                 throw e;
276:                                         }
277:                                 }
278:                         }
280:                         // databaseManager.getConnection().commit();
281:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
282:                         e.printStackTrace();
283:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
284:                 }
285:         }
287:         /**
288:          * Creates all procedures to access the schema tables.
289:          *
290:          * @throws PersistenceException
291:          * will thrown if a persistence error occurs
292:          * @throws IOException
293:          * will thrown if a file is not accessable
294:          */
295:         public void createProcedures() throws IOException, PersistenceException {
296:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
297:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
298:                                                 this.readFile(SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_SCHEMA_EXCEPTION, Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
299:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
300:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
301:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
302:                 }
303:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
304:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
305:                                                 this.readFile(
306:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_CLASS_FACADE,
307:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
308:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
309:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
310:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
311:                 }
312:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
313:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
314:                                                 this.readFile(
315:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_CLASS_FACADE_BODY,
316:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
317:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
318:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
319:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
320:                 }
321:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
322:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
323:                                                 this.readFile(
324:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_OBJECT_FACADE,
325:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
326:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
327:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
328:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
329:                 }
330:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
331:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
332:                                                 this.readFile(
333:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_OBJECT_FACADE_BODY,
334:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
335:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
336:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
337:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
338:                 }
339:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
340:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
341:                                                 this.readFile(
342:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_ACCOUNT_FACADE,
343:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
344:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
345:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
346:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
347:                 }
348:                 try (final CallableStatement createProceduresCall =
349:                                 this.databaseManager.getConnection().prepareCall(
350:                                                 this.readFile(
351:                                                                 SCRIPT_ROOT_DIR + SCRIPT_NAME_CREATE_PROCEDURES_ACCOUNT_FACADE_BODY,
352:                                                                 Charset.defaultCharset()))) {
353:                         createProceduresCall.execute();
354:                 } catch (final SQLException e) {
355:                         throw new OtherSQLException(e);
356:                 }
357:         }
359: }