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Started by an SCM change
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace
Cleaning up /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace
Deleting /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/target
Updating at revision '2017-04-07T12:27:01.529 +0200'
A         Spaces/src/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/
U         Spaces/src/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/intervallmodell
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/intervallmodell/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/intervallmodell/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
A         Spaces/test/de/fhdw/hfp416/spaces/integration/
At revision 286

Cleaning up /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Eclipse
Updating at revision '2017-04-07T12:27:01.529 +0200'
At revision 286

No changes for since the previous build
Parsing POMs
Established TCP socket on 45531
[Spaces] $ /usr/lib/jvm/oracle-jdk-bin-1.8/bin/java -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -cp /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven33-agent-1.8.1.jar:/usr/share/maven-bin-3.3/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.5.2.jar:/usr/share/maven-bin-3.3/conf/logging jenkins.maven3.agent.Maven33Main /usr/share/maven-bin-3.3 /var/lib/jenkins/home/war/WEB-INF/lib/remoting-3.3.jar /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven33-interceptor-1.8.1.jar /var/lib/jenkins/home/plugins/maven-plugin/WEB-INF/lib/maven3-interceptor-commons-1.8.1.jar 45531
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started
Executing Maven:  -B -f /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/pom.xml clean install site -Djarsigner.alias=jenkins
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building HFP416 Spaces 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:compile (default-compile) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 139 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 38 source files to /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/target/test-classes
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces ---
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /var/lib/jenkins/home/jobs/HFP416-Spaces/workspace/Workspace/Spaces/target/surefire-reports

 T E S T S
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.SpaceTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.788 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.SpaceTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.NumberIntervalTestSpecials
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.NumberIntervalTestSpecials
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.RegExpTemplateTest
Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.RegExpTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.NumberIntervalTest
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.NumberIntervalTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.MapTemplateTest
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut1]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] StringEntry [value=wert1]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: false RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: false RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: true (class java.lang.Integer)[0, 10] IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut1]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] StringEntry [value=wert1]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: false RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribu.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: false (class java.lang.Integer)[0, 5) IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut1]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] StringEntry [value=wert1]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] StringEntry [value=wert2]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut1]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] StringEntry [value=wert1]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: false RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert.*] IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribu.*] StringEntry [value=attribut2]
valuefits: true (class java.lang.Integer)[0, 10] IntegerEntry [value=5]
keyfits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=attribut] StringEntry [value=attribut]
valuefits: true RegularExpressionTemplate [pattern=wert] StringEntry [value=wert]
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.MapTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.BooleanTemplateTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.BooleanTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ObjectTemplateTest2
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ObjectTemplateTest2
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ObjectTemplateTest1
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ObjectTemplateTest1
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.CollectionTemplateTest2
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.CollectionTemplateTest2
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.CollectionTemplateTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.CollectionTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ReferenceTemplateTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.ReferenceTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.IntegerIntervalTemplateTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.template.IntegerIntervalTemplateTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSetValues
Expected CannotSetStaticFieldException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setStaticFinalPrimitiveFieldTestNotPossible: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Can not set static final int field de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSetValues$ to java.lang.Integer
Expected CannotSetStaticFieldException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setStaticFinalPrimitiveFieldTestNotPossible: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Can not set static final java.lang.String field de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSetValues$ to java.lang.String
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Byte Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Byte Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a byte Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a byte Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a byte Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Short Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Short Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a short Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a short Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a short Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Integer Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Integer Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Integer Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Integer Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Integer Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Integer Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a int Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a int Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a int Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a int Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a int Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a int Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Long Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Long Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a long Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a long Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a long Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a class java.lang.Float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a class java.lang.Float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a class java.lang.Float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a class java.lang.Float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a float Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a float Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a class java.lang.Double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a class java.lang.Double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a class java.lang.Double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a class java.lang.Double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a double Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a double Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.Boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a boolean Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a boolean Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.Character Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.Character Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a class java.lang.Character Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a char Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a char Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.String to a char Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Float to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.String Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Byte to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Short to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Integer to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Long to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Double to a class java.lang.String Field would lead to unprecise values.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Boolean to a class java.lang.String Field is not possible.
Expected CastException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setFieldAndExpectException: Casting and setting a class java.lang.Character to a class java.lang.String Field is not possible.
Expected CannotSetStaticFieldException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setStaticFinalPrimitiveFieldTestNotPossible: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Can not set static final java.lang.String field de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSetValues$TestClassG.name6 to java.lang.String
Expected NoSuchFieldException at SpaceSerializerTestSetValues.setNonExistingFieldNotPossible: name2
Tests run: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.108 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSetValues
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.TemplateFactoryTest
Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.024 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.TemplateFactoryTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetFields
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.015 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetFields
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceAnnotationTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.033 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceAnnotationTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues
Expected IllegalAccessException at SpaceSerializerTestGetValues.setAccessibleHasNotToBeReset: Class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues can not access a member of class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues$TestClassF with modifiers "private"
Expected IllegalAccessException at SpaceSerializerTestGetValues.setAccessibleHasNotToBeReset: Class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues can not access a member of class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues$TestClassF with modifiers "private"
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestGetValues
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestDeserialize
Tests run: 19, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.06 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestDeserialize
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSerialize
Expected DuplicateAttributeNameException at SpaceSerializerTestSerialize.serializeObjectWithSameInheritedAttributeName: The class "de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSerialize$TestClassJ2" contains attributes with the name "name" more than once. All attribute-names should be unique per class-inheritance.
Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.044 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestSerialize
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestLoadClass
Expected ClassNotFoundException at SpaceSerializerTestLoadClass.loadNotExistingClassNotPossible: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.awt.color.adasdsadsa
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestLoadClass
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject
Expected IllegalAccessException at SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject.initializeUsingNewInstancePublicClassWithPrivateConstructorNotPossible: Class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject can not access a member of class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.TestClassForCreateObjectTestWithPrivateConstructor with modifiers "private"
Expected NoSuchMethodException at SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject.initUsingConstructorWithoutConstructorWithoutsParamsNotPossible: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.otherserializationtestclasses.TestClassForCreateObjectInOtherPackageWithPrivateConstructorWithParams.<init>()
Expected InstantiationException at SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject.initializeUsingNewInstanceInnerClassNotPossible: de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject$TestClassA1
Expected IllegalAccessException at SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject.initializeUsingNewInstanceStaticInnerClassWithPrivateConstructorNotPossible: Class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject can not access a member of class de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject$TestClassB with modifiers "private"
Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.018 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.serialization.SpaceSerializerTestCreateObject
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.util.future.FutureTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.429 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.util.future.FutureTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.integration.TravelAgency
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.integration.TravelAgency
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.integration.IntervallTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 sec - in de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.integration.IntervallTest
Running de.fhdw.hfp416.spaces.integration.Elevator
Build was aborted
Aborted by Hagedorn Jutta
Finished: ABORTED