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  1. Core: - Fixed the AnalyzeInheritancePath. - Tested the correctness of the new algorithm with all available test cases and additional tests with own models. - Fixed the @Ignore complexTestCase (it was wrong).
Revision 4211 by hfi413te:
Core: - Fixed the AnalyzeInheritancePath.
- Tested the correctness of the new algorithm with all available test cases and additional tests with own models.
- Fixed the @Ignore complexTestCase (it was wrong).

Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Core/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/walker/tasks/AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask.javaN/A
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/CoreTests/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/walker/tasks/test/TestAnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask.javaCoreTests/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/walker/tasks/test/