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ABSOLUTE_INDEX - Static variable in class parser.Parser
AbsoluteIndex - Class in parser.nodes
AbsoluteIndex(int) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.AbsoluteIndex
AbstractActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Abstract super class for all Actiontests.
AbstractActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
AbstractArchiveComponent - Class in archive
Represents an element in an archive.
AbstractArchiveComponent(String) - Constructor for class archive.AbstractArchiveComponent
Creates a component with the specified name.
AbstractAssignmentState - Class in parser.states.assignmentstates
AbstractAssignmentState() - Constructor for class parser.states.assignmentstates.AbstractAssignmentState
AbstractBinaryOperationNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AbstractBinaryOperationNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
AbstractConfigurationGraphAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Abstarct Action for the configuration.
AbstractConfigurationGraphAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractConfigurationGraphAction
The Constructor.
ABSTRACTCONTEXTHASH - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
AbstractDefinitionState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
AbstractDefinitionState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.AbstractDefinitionState
AbstractFileParser - Class in parser
AbstractFileParser(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class parser.AbstractFileParser
constructor for create the PackageParser.
AbstractFlag - Class in generator.option.flag
AbstractFlag() - Constructor for class generator.option.flag.AbstractFlag
AbstractIdNode - Class in parser.nodes
AbstractIdNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.AbstractIdNode
abstractIdNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.VarNode
AbstractIndex - Class in parser.nodes
AbstractIndex() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.AbstractIndex
AbstractNewAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Abstract Action for adding a new node.
AbstractNewAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractNewAction
The Constructor.
AbstractNewAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractNewAction
The constructor.
AbstractNode - Class in parser.nodes
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
AbstractNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
AbstractNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AbstractNode.
AbstractNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNodeTest
AbstractOption - Class in generator.option
AbstractOption() - Constructor for class generator.option.AbstractOption
AbstractPackageParserState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
The State for the PackageDescriptionFileScanner.
AbstractPackageParserState(PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.AbstractPackageParserState
the Konstruktor for the AbstractParserState.
AbstractPhase - Class in controller
AbstractPhase() - Constructor for class controller.AbstractPhase
AbstractQuataryOperationNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AbstractQuataryOperationNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
AbstractRefState - Class in model.type
Representation for the state of a RegExRefpart.
AbstractRefState(String) - Constructor for class model.type.AbstractRefState
Constructor for an AbstractRefState, just sets the field value.
AbstractReturnValue - Class in parser.nodes
abstract class for the returntypes of the interprete-function.
AbstractReturnValue() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
AbstractReturnValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
abstract class for the returntypes of the interprete-function.
AbstractReturnValue() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
AbstractReturnValueTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AbstractReturnValue.
AbstractReturnValueTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
AbstractSshAuthentication - Interface in update.remote.ssh.authentication
AbstractState - Class in scanner
This class represents the states as abstract class.
AbstractState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.AbstractState
This constructor create a new State.
AbstractSymbol - Class in symbols
This abstract class represents the symbols.
AbstractSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.AbstractSymbol
This constructor instantiate the Symbol.
AbstractTableDataModel - Class in gui.datamodels
Our own datamodel for tables.
AbstractTableDataModel(String[]) - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
AbstractTrinaryOperationNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AbstractTrinaryOperationNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
AbstractType - Class in generator.option.type
AbstractType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.AbstractType
AbstractType - Class in model.type
AbstractType() - Constructor for class model.type.AbstractType
Constructor for AbstractVariableType, just sets the field.
AbstractType(RegEx) - Constructor for class model.type.AbstractType
Constructor for AbstractVariableType, just sets the field.
AbstractTypeState - Class in parser.states.typestates
AbstractTypeState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AbstractTypeState
AbstractUnaryOperationNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AbstractUnaryOperationNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
AbstractUpdate - Class in update.remote
Implement this class to get an Authentication Type.
AbstractUpdate() - Constructor for class update.remote.AbstractUpdate
AbstractVariableDefinition - Class in model.definition
VariableDefinition represents an entry in the "\check\.txt" files.
AbstractVariableDefinition(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, Position) - Constructor for class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Constructor, just sets the fields.
AbstractVariableDefinition(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, Position, VariableContext) - Constructor for class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Constructor, just sets the fields.
AbstractVariableDefinitionTest - Class in model.definition
AbstractVariableDefinitionTest() - Constructor for class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
AbstractVariableType - Class in model.type
AbstractVariableType(RegEx) - Constructor for class model.type.AbstractVariableType
Constructor for AbstractVariableType, just sets the field.
AbstractVariableTypeVisitor - Interface in model.type
Visitor for AbstractVariableType, Visitor-Pattern.
accept(ArchiveComponentVisitor) - Method in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
accept(ArchiveComponentVisitor) - Method in class archive.ArchiveDirectory
accept(ArchiveComponentVisitor) - Method in class archive.ArchiveFile
accept(ArchiveComponentVisitor) - Method in class archive.ArchiveSymlink
accept(ArchiveComponentVisitor) - Method in interface archive.Visitable
calls back to the appropriate handle-method.
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationCategoryWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfiguredPackageWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefinitionFileWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageCategoryWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.RootWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.SoftwareWrapper
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElement
Accepts a TreeElementVisitor.
accept(TreeElementVisitor) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.TypeFileWrapper
accept(DetailBarVisitor) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
accept(DetailDrawVisitor) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
accept(CompareVaNameVisitor) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
accept(ItemGetNameVisitor) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
accept(ItemSetNameVisitor) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
accept(RefStateVisitor) - Method in class model.type.AbstractRefState
accept method for visitor pattern.
accept(AbstractVariableTypeVisitor) - Method in class model.type.AbstractVariableType
accept method for visitor pattern.
accept(AbstractVariableTypeVisitor) - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
accept(AbstractVariableTypeVisitor) - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
accept(RefStateVisitor) - Method in class model.type.RefResState
accept(RefStateVisitor) - Method in class model.type.RefUnResState
accept(RegExPartVisitor) - Method in interface model.type.RegExPart
accept method for visitor pattern.
accept(RegExPartVisitor) - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
accept(RegExPartVisitor) - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
accept(TypeExtensionVisitor) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
accept method for visitor pattern.
accept(TypeExtensionVisitor) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
accept(TypeExtensionVisitor) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithoutCondition
accept(DetailBarVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
accept(CompareVaNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
accept(ItemGetNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
accept(ItemSetNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
accept(DetailBarVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
accept-method for nodevisitor (VisitorPattern).
accept(DetailBarVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
accept(CompareVaNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
accept(DetailDrawVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
accept(ItemGetNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
accept(ItemSetNameVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
accept(DetailDrawVisitor) - Method in enum networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingType
accept(DetailDrawVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeList
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.HardwareEdge
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Host
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
accept-method for nodevisitor (VisitorPattern).
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkCable
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Router
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
accept(ItemVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Switch
accept(DetailBarVisitor) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.PropertyBarEntry
Accept methode for the DetaibarVisitor.
accept(CompareVaNameVisitor) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.PropertyBarEntry
Accept methode for the CompareVaNameVisitor.
accept(ItemGetNameVisitor) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.PropertyBarEntry
Accept methode for the ItemGetNameVisitor.
accept(ItemSetNameVisitor) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.PropertyBarEntry
Accept methode for the ItemSetNameVisitor.
accept(DetailDrawVisitor) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.PropertyDrawEntry
Accept methode for the DetaibarVisitor.
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
calls the visitor with the Symbollist.
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
calls the visitor with the Symbollist.
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
accept(PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Device
Visitor for creating the right connection.
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Host
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Router
acceptConnectingTypeVisitor(ConnectingTypeVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Switch
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.HardwareEdge
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Host
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
accept-method for connectvisitor (VisitorPattern).
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkCable
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Router
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
acceptConnectVisitor(ConnectVisitor) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Switch
AccessibleAbstractArchiveComponent - Class in archive
Represents an accessible element in an archive.
AccessibleAbstractArchiveComponent(String, int) - Constructor for class archive.AccessibleAbstractArchiveComponent
Creates an component with the specified name an access mode.
action() - Method in class controller.AbstractPhase
abstract action for a phase.
action() - Method in class controller.BuildingPhase
action() - Method in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseAssignmentFile
action() - Method in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseDefinitionFile
action() - Method in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile
action() - Method in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseTypeFile
action() - Method in class controller.CheckingConditionPhase
action() - Method in class controller.checkingconditionphase.CheckConditions
action() - Method in class controller.ExtendingPhase
action() - Method in class controller.extendingphase.ExtendTypes
action() - Method in class controller.ResolvingPhase
action() - Method in class controller.resolvingphase.ResolveTypes
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.AbstractPackageParserState
handle the given Symbol.
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.CommentState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.FormatVersionState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.OptionState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.PackageDescriptionInitialState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.PathState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.ValueState
action(RouterSoftware, PackageDescriptionFileSymbol) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.VariableState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.AbstractState
This method represents the action which will be executed, if it reached.
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileRestState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.CommentState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.Condition1State
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.Condition2State
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionBeginState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionEndState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionState1
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ContentState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileRestState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileSelectionState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState1
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState2
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionInitialState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState1
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState2
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RowEndState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.SelectionState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.StringState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.TypeFileRestState
action(Character, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.WhitespaceState
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractNewAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetAction
actionPerformed(WindowEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetAction
performs the reset process.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveAction
actionPerformed(WindowEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveAction
performs the save process.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SelectAllAction
activateDetailBar(Item) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
activate the DevicesDetailBar.
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
Adapter - Class in networkconfigurator.item
abstract adapter.
Adapter() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ConnectVisitor
visitor pattern.
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
Shows the details of the adapter.
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
adapter(NetworkAdapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
adapter1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
The adapter.
adapter1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes
the first adapter which owner is an internet node.
adapter1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType
the first adapter which owner is an internet node.
AdapterState - Interface in networkconfigurator.AdapterStates
Interface for State-Pattern.
AdapterStatesTest - Class in networkconfigurator.AdapterStates
Test cases for the package adapter.
AdapterStatesTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.AdapterStatesTest
add(Package) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Adds a package, creating an empty configuration.
add(Controller, ConfiguredPackage, File) - Method in interface model.RouterConfiguration.BuildingPhaseBuilder
Adds a building phase to passed controller.
add(Package) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
add(Controller, Package, File) - Method in interface model.RouterSoftware.BuildingPhaseBuilder
Adds a building phase to passed controller.
add(AssignmentFile) - Method in class model.type.AssignmentFileManager
Adds AssignmentFiles for the assignmentFiles List.
add(Statement) - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
add(FullIdNode) - Method in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
add(IDSectionNode) - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
add(VarNode) - Method in class parser.nodes.InputNode
Adds a LineNode to the InputNode.
add(IDSplitNode) - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
ADD - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
add(IdSetNode) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
Adds an IdSetNode to the array.
add(LineNode) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
Adds a LineNode to the InputNode.
ADD_NETWORK_ADAPTER - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for adding a adapter.
ADD_NETWORK_ADAPTER - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for adding a adapter.
ADD_SLOT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for adding a slot.
ADD_SLOT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for adding a slot.
ADD_TO_OPT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ADD_TO_OPTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for AddToOptNode.
addAdapter - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Action for adding a new NetworkAdapter.
addAFMtoTFM() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Adds the AssignmentFileManager of this RouterConfiguration to the TypeFileManager with its "path" for identification.
addAssignment(VariableAssignment) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Adds an assignment to the assigemnt file.
addAssignmentFileManager(String, AssignmentFileManager) - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Adds a AssigmentFileManager to the aFMMap.
addBuildingPhases(Controller, Map<String, File>, RouterConfiguration.BuildingPhaseBuilder) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Adds building phases to passed controller.
addBuildingPhases(Controller, Map<String, File>, RouterSoftware.BuildingPhaseBuilder) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
Adds building phases to passed controller.
addConnectingType(ConnectingType) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
true for adding the type to the list.
addDependsList(String, String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addDepEntry(DepEntry) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
add a dependency entries.
addDeps(Module) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
addDeps(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
add the LibReferences to the module.
addEntryToOutoutStream(ArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
adds and closes an entry to the archive.
addEntryToOutoutStream(ArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
Adds and closes an entry to the archive.
addError(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addFatalError(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addFlags(List<AbstractOption>, String) - Method in class generator.OptionHandler
addInCondition(TypeExtensionWithCondition) - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Add a typeExtensionVariable to the list of TypeExtensionVariable.
addIndex(AbstractIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
addIndex(AbstractIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
addIndex(AbstractIndex) - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
addIndex(AbstractIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
addIndex(AbstractNode) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
AdditionalErrorMsgState - Class in parser.states.typestates
AdditionalErrorMsgState(TempTypeExtension) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState
constructor no Side effects.
AdditionalErrorMsgState2 - Class in parser.states.typestates
AdditionalErrorMsgState2(TempTypeExtension) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState2
constructor no Side effects.
AdditionalIdentifierState - Class in parser.states.typestates
AdditionalIdentifierState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalIdentifierState
AdditionalTypeExpressionState - Class in parser.states.typestates
AdditionalTypeExpressionState(TempTypeExtension) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState
constructor no Side effects.
AdditionalTypeExpressionState2 - Class in parser.states.typestates
AdditionalTypeExpressionState2(TempTypeExtension) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState2
constructor no Side effects.
addLibRefs(LibReference) - Method in class libraries.Module
add to library references.
AddLine - Class in migration.difffile
Hinzugefügte Zeilen.
AddLine() - Constructor for class migration.difffile.AddLine
addModule(Module) - Method in class kernelmodules.ModMgr
addModule(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibManager
add entry in modules.
addModule(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
add to modules.
AddNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AddNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNode
ADDNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for AddNode.
AddNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AddNode.
AddNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
ADDNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the AddNode for the toString-Function.
addOptions(Option) - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
adds an Option.
addPackageRule(PackageRule) - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
adds a new Packagerule to the List of the PackageRules.
addProvidesList(String, String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addRenameAndAdapter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Adds Rename and add-Adapter Option.
addRenameAndDelete() - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Adds Rename and Delete Option.
addRenameAndDeleteAndAdapter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Adds Rename, Delete and add-Adapter Option.
addRoute(VariableAssignment) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
adds a route to the configurable router.
ADDROUTERBTNTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
addRouterView - Variable in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
the view to set.
AddRouterView - Class in gui.view
The dialog box for adding a router.
AddRouterView() - Constructor for class gui.view.AddRouterView
Create the dialog.
AddRouterViewLogic - Class in gui
AddRouterViewLogic(MainController, MainViewLogic) - Constructor for class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
AddRouterViewLogicTest - Class in gui
AddRouterViewLogicTest() - Constructor for class gui.AddRouterViewLogicTest
addSlot - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Action for adding a new slot.
addSofwareToTreeModel(RouterSoftware) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
Adds a software directory.
addSub(SubLevelTarget) - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
addSub(SubLevelTarget) - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
addSub(SubLevelTarget) - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
addSub(SubLevelTarget) - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
addToArchive(ArchiveGenerator, Module) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
Add a module to archive.
addToArchive2(ArchiveGenerator, DepEntry, List<Module>) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
Add entry.getModule and dependencies to archive.
addToBulidingPhase(BuildingPhase) - Method in class controller.Controller
addToCheckingConditionPhase(CheckingConditionPhase) - Method in class controller.Controller
addToDissolvingPhase(ResolvingPhase) - Method in class controller.Controller
addToExtendingPhase(ExtendingPhase) - Method in class controller.Controller
addToList(Path, String, OptEntry) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
addToOpt(AddToOptFacade) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
f�gt eine weitere Datei zu dem OPT-Archiv hinzu.
AddToOptException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
AddToOptException(Exception) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.AddToOptException
AddToOptFacade - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AddToOptFacade(CommunicationManager, AddToOptNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
AddToOptFacade(String, String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
AddToOptNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit Hilfe von AddToOptNode koennen Dateien an das opt-Archiv angehaengt werden.
AddToOptNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
Default sind die flags leer.
AddToOptNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
AddToOptNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AddToOptNode.
AddToOptNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
ADDTOOPTTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
addType(List<AbstractOption>, String) - Method in class generator.OptionHandler
addTypeExtension(TypeExtension) - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Adds a extension to the extension list.
addTypeFile(TypeFile) - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Adds a TypeFile to the list and provides the TypeFile with a Reference to the TypeFileManager.
addValue(String, Integer, AbstractReturnValue) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addValue(String, String, AbstractReturnValue) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
addVariable(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
sets the VariableDefinition.
addWarning(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
aFMMap - Variable in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Stores all AssigmentFileManagers with the "path" of the RouterConfiguration it belongs to as key.
ah - Variable in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
the assertion helper to compare the archives.
Alias - Class in kernelmodules
class for possible used aliases in modules.
Alias(Module, String) - Constructor for class kernelmodules.Alias
aliasName - Variable in class kernelmodules.Alias
the String of alias.
AliasReader - Class in kernelmodules
AliasReader() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.AliasReader
AliasTest - Class in kernelmodules
Tests the class Alias.
AliasTest() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.AliasTest
ALL_CHANGES_WERE_RESET - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
ALL_CHANGES_WERE_SAVED - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
allAssignments - Variable in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Stores all Assignments.
alltypes - Variable in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Combined HashMap of all NamedVariableTypes provided by the TypeFile-Objects.
AND - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
AndNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AndNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNode
ANDNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for AndNode.
AndNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AndNode.
AndNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
ANDNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the AndNode for the toString-Function.
ANONVARERRORMESG - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
the error message for an AnonVariableType with no error message.
AnonVariableType - Class in model.type
AnonVariableType(RegEx) - Constructor for class model.type.AnonVariableType
Constructor for AnonVariableType, just calls super(expression).
AnonVariableTypeTest - Class in model.type
AnonVariableTypeTest() - Constructor for class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
apllManViewLogic - Variable in class main.ApplicationManager
the application manager view-logic part.
ApplicationMain - Class in main
ApplicationMain() - Constructor for class main.ApplicationMain
private constructor.
ApplicationManager - Class in main
Starts and prepares the application.
ApplicationManager() - Constructor for class main.ApplicationManager
private constructor.
ApplicationManagerViewLogic - Class in main
Applicationmanager for viewlogic-part.
ApplicationManagerViewLogic(MainController) - Constructor for class main.ApplicationManagerViewLogic
appManager - Variable in class main.ApplicationMain
The application manager.
archGen - Variable in class model.RouterConfiguration
Archive generator of the Packages.
archive - package archive
ArchiveComponentVisitor - Interface in archive
Visitor zur Unterscheidung der verschiedenen AbstractArchiveCmponenten.
ArchiveConstants - Class in basic
ArchiveConstants() - Constructor for class basic.ArchiveConstants
Default Constructor
ArchiveData - Interface in archive
Provides the data for an archive file.
ArchiveDevNode - Class in archive
Represents a device-node.
ArchiveDevNode(String, int, char, int, int) - Constructor for class archive.ArchiveDevNode
Creates a dev-node.
ArchiveDirectory - Class in archive
Represents a directory, which should be created in the archive.
ArchiveDirectory(String, int) - Constructor for class archive.ArchiveDirectory
Constructor for ArchiveDirectoroy, which sets the name and the AccessMode.
ArchiveFile - Class in archive
Represents a file, which should be put in the an archive.
ArchiveFile(String, int, ArchiveData, String) - Constructor for class archive.ArchiveFile
Creates a ArchiveFile.
ArchiveGenerator - Class in generator
ArchiveGenerator(RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class generator.ArchiveGenerator
ArchiveGeneratorTest - Class in generator
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
ArchiveGeneratorTest() - Constructor for class generator.ArchiveGeneratorTest
ArchiveReader - Interface in archive
Reads an archive.
ArchiveSymlink - Class in archive
represents a symbolic link.
ArchiveSymlink(String, String) - Constructor for class archive.ArchiveSymlink
Creates a symlink with the specified path and target.
areWeInAdminMode() - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeLogic
This method checks if we are in the admin mode.
arrayElement - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
ArrayValue - Class in parser.nodes
ArrayValue(List<AbstractReturnValue>) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
ArrayValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
ArrayValue(List<AbstractReturnValue>) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
ARRAYVALUE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ArrayValue.
ArrayValueTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
tests the ArrayValue.
ArrayValueTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
ARRAYVALUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
AssArray - Class in model.assignmentarray
AssArray(AbstractVariableDefinition, Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Constructor for class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
assertCpioArchiveEquals(List<CpioArchiveEntry>, List<CpioArchiveEntry>) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
assertionHelper - Variable in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the assertion helper to be tested.
assertionHelper - Variable in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
the assertion helper to compare the archives.
assertionHelper - Variable in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the assertion helper to compare the archives.
assertionHelper - Variable in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
the assertion helper to compare the archives.
assertTarArchiveEquals(List<TarArchiveEntry>, List<TarArchiveEntry>) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
asses - Variable in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
ASSIGN - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ASSIGNDIVIDE - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
ASSIGNEND - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The fileending for printing for AssignmentFile.
assignFile - Variable in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
ASSIGNHEADER - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
the header.
AssignmentarrayTest - Class in model.assignmentarray
AssignmentarrayTest() - Constructor for class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
AssignmentCommentState - Class in parser.states.assignmentstates
AssignmentCommentState() - Constructor for class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentCommentState
AssignmentException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
AssignmentException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.AssignmentException
assignmentFile - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseAssignmentFile
The path to the assignment file.
AssignmentFile - Class in model.assignment
AssignmentFile represents the "\config\.txt" files.
AssignmentFile() - Constructor for class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Default constructor.
AssignmentFile(Map<String, VariableAssignment>, List<Comment>) - Constructor for class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Constructor for AssignmentFile, just sets the field.
assignmentFile - Variable in class model.ConfiguredPackage
The assignment(config) file that is associated with the package.
assignmentFile - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The created assignment file.
assignmentFile - Variable in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
The final AssignmentFile.
assignmentFileManager - Variable in class model.RouterConfiguration
AssignmentFileManager to store a AssignmentFile.
AssignmentFileManager - Class in model.type
AssignmentFileManager() - Constructor for class model.type.AssignmentFileManager
Constructor for AssignmentFileManager.
AssignmentFileParser - Class in parser
AssignmentFileParser(RouterConfiguration, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class parser.AssignmentFileParser
The AssignmentFileParser will automatically generate a AssignmentFile after instantiation which can be obtained via getAssignmentFile().
AssignmentFileRestState - Class in scanner
This class represent the AssignmentFileSelectionState.
AssignmentFileRestState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.AssignmentFileRestState
This is a the constructor for a new AssignmentFileSelectionState.
assignmentFiles - Variable in class model.type.AssignmentFileManager
List for AssignmentFiles.
AssignmentFileScanner - Class in scanner
This class represents the AssignmentFileScanner.
AssignmentFileScanner(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class scanner.AssignmentFileScanner
This is the constructor for a new AssignmentFileScanner.
assignmentFileScanner1() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the StringSymbol with Doubelquote.
assignmentFileScanner10() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Plus-, Equal- and Unknownsymbol.
assignmentFileScanner11() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
assignmentFileScanner12() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the general test run.
assignmentFileScanner13() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the general test run.
assignmentFileScanner14() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the general test run.
assignmentFileScanner16() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the String Symbol.
assignmentFileScanner1a() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the StringSymbol with Singlequote.
assignmentFileScanner2() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the IndentifierSymbol.
assignmentFileScanner3() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the identifierSymbol.
assignmentFileScanner4() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the commentSymbol.
assignmentFileScanner5() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
test the combination of Identifier,Equals and String Symbol.
assignmentFileScanner6() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the Stringsymbol.
assignmentFileScanner7() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Identifier and CommentSymbol.
assignmentFileScanner8() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the identifierSymbol.
assignmentFileScanner9() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Identifier, Equal and Stringsymbol.
AssignmentFileScannerTest - Class in scanner
This class tests the AssignmentfileScanner.
AssignmentFileScannerTest() - Constructor for class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
constructor for the class.
AssignmentFileTest - Class in model.assignment
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
AssignmentFileTest() - Constructor for class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
AssignmentIdentifierState - Class in parser.states.assignmentstates
AssignmentIdentifierState() - Constructor for class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentIdentifierState
AssignmentInitialState - Class in parser.states.assignmentstates
AssignmentInitialState() - Constructor for class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentInitialState
ASSIGNMENTPATH - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The path for printing for AssignmentFile.
assignments - Variable in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
HashMap of all assignments from the AssignmentFile.
assignments - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The assignments for the package.
assignments - Variable in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
ASSIGNMENTSTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
AssignmentTableDataModel - Class in gui.datamodels
tableModel for assignmentfiles.
AssignmentTableDataModel(List<VariableAssignment>) - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
Constructor, wraps the given data into a list of wraped data and sorts the list by the positions of entries.
AssignmentTableDataModelTest - Class in gui.datamodels
AssignmentTableDataModelTest() - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
ASSIGNMENTTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
AssignmentValueState - Class in parser.states.assignmentstates
AssignmentValueState() - Constructor for class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentValueState
AssignNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
AssignNode setzt die Variable auf den mitgegebenen Wert oder erstellt sie, wenn sie noch nicht existiert.
AssignNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
AssignNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
AssignNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
ASSIGNNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for AssignNode.
AssignNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AssignNode.
AssignNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
ASSIGNNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the AssignNode for the toString-Function.
assName - Variable in class generator.OptEntry
assValue - Variable in class generator.OptEntry
authenticate(String) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeLogic
The method authenticates the user on fli4l and lets check the password.
authentication - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshUpdate
AUTHENTICATIONSUCCESSFULLY - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message, if the authentication is successful.
aVD - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment


backgroundColor - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Backgroundcolor of window.
basic - package basic
before() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
Is called before the test-case.
before() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
Is called before the test-case.
before() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
Is called before the test-case.
beginningColumn - Variable in class scanner.AbstractState
represents the begincolumn of the character.
beginningRow - Variable in class scanner.AbstractState
represents the beginRow of the character.
bezugsname - Variable in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
final String Attribut bezugsname.
blockDeviceEquals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
blockDeviceEquals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
BLUE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
the color blue.
BooleanValue - Class in parser.nodes
BooleanValue(Boolean) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
BooleanValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
BooleanValue(Boolean) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
BOOLEANVALUE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ArrayValue.
BOOLEANVALUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
BOOT_KERNEL - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Destination of kernel.
BOOT_OPT_IMG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Destination of opt.img.
BOOT_RC_CFG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Destination of rc.cfg.
BOOT_ROOTFS_IMG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Destination of rootfs.img.
BOOT_SYSLINUX_CFG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Destination of syslinux.cfg.
BORDER - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
boundary - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Rectangle if selected of the Node.
BOUNDSHEIGHT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
BOUNDSWIDTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
BOUNDSX - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
BOUNDSY - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
BRACKET_CLOSE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
")" for the toString-Function.
BRACKET_OPEN - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
"(" for the toString-Function.
BRACKETCLOSESIGN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a ) as Character.
BracketCloseSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the BracketClosesymbol.
BracketCloseSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.BracketCloseSymbol
This constructor instantiate the BracketClosesymbol.
BRACKETOPEN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the BracketOpen([) as Character.
BRACKETOPENSIGN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a ( as Character.
BracketOpenSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the BracketOpensymbol.
BracketOpenSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.BracketOpenSymbol
This constructor instantiate the BracketOpensymbol.
BREAKCLOSE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for opening break ).
BREAKOPEN - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for opening break (.
btnAddRouter - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
btnCancel - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the Cancel Button.
btnSearchPath - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
The button for searching the router config.
BTNSPNORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
BTNSPWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
buf - Variable in class archive.StringArchiveData
the file, that should be used as archive data.
Buffer<T> - Class in basic
This class represents a Buffer and will be used to send the data from scanner to parser.
Buffer(Integer) - Constructor for class basic.Buffer
This is the constructor.
BUFFER - Static variable in class basic.TestConstants
The size of the buffer.
buffer - Variable in class parser.AbstractFileParser
the buffer, passed by the scanner.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
The used buffer of symbols.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
The buffer of Symbols for the tests.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
The buffer of Symbols for the tests.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.Scanner
This attribute represents a buffer of Symbols.
BUFFER - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of a Buffer.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.ScannerTest
The buffer of Symbols for the tests.
buffer - Variable in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
This attribute represents the Buffer.
bufferedInputStream - Variable in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This attribute represents the buffer for the input.
bufferedOutputStream - Variable in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This attribute represents the buffer for the outgoing data.
BuildingPhase - Class in controller
BuildingPhase() - Constructor for class controller.BuildingPhase
buildingPhase - Variable in class controller.Controller
Building phases.
buildPath - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
buttonPane - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
the panel for the okButton and cancelButton.
buttons - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
List of buttons that are presented on the panel.
buttonSize - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
Button size.
byteBufferConstant - Static variable in class basic.ArchiveConstants
buffer size


calculateMiddle() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
Calculates the middle between Node n1 and Node n2.
CAN_NOT_LOAD_FROM_THE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
CAN_NOT_SAVE_TO_THE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
cancelButton - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
The button for aborting the addRouter dialogue.
CANCELTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
capacity - Variable in class basic.Buffer
This is the capacity for the buffer.
capGr - Variable in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This attribute represents an instance of CapturingGroups.
captureTheGroups(String, String) - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroups
This method capture the groups.
capturinggroups - package capturinggroups
CapturingGroups - Class in capturinggroups
This class makes possible to capture groups.
CapturingGroups() - Constructor for class capturinggroups.CapturingGroups
CapturingGroupsTest - Class in capturinggroups
This is the test class for the operation captureTheGroups in the class CapturingGroups.
CapturingGroupsTest() - Constructor for class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
CAST - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
CastNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
CastNode(AbstractNode, IDNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNode
CastNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
CastNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
castStringToBoolean(AbstractReturnValue, CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNode
castStringToNumeric(AbstractReturnValue, CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNode
cfgpkg - Variable in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
The created configured package to test.
cfgpkg - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
The created configured package to test.
cfgpkg - Variable in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
cfgpkg - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The created configured package.
cfgpkg - Variable in class model.PackageTest
The created configured package to test.
cfgpkg - Variable in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
The created configured package to test.
cfgpkg - Variable in class printer.FilePrinterTest
The created configured package to test.
changeConnectingType - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
action for changing the connecting type.
ChangeConnectingTypeTest - Class in networkconfigurator
test of the change of the connectingtype.
ChangeConnectingTypeTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
ChangeConnectionType - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for changing the connecting type.
ChangeConnectionType(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
The Constructor.
ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor calls for changing the connecting type of internet or configRouter.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
changes - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
the set of changes.
ChangeType - Enum in migration.processeddifffile
classifies the changes between two variable definitions.
ChangeType() - Constructor for enum migration.processeddifffile.ChangeType
CHANGETYPE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
text for changing the connection type.
CHAR - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
characterDeviceEquals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
characterDeviceEquals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
CHECK_STRING - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
String für "check".
CHECK_WL_EXP - Static variable in class model.type.RefResStateTest
CHECK_WL_EXP - Static variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
CHECK_WL_EXP - Static variable in class model.type.TypeFileTest
CHECK_WL_EXP - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
CHECK_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
CHECK_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
CHECK_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
CHECK_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.PackageTest
CHECK_WL_TXT - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
checkAck(InputStream) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
method to check connection.
CheckConditions - Class in controller.checkingconditionphase
CheckConditions(TypeFileManager) - Constructor for class controller.checkingconditionphase.CheckConditions
The constructor without side-effects.
checkCycle() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
detects cycles in typeList.
checkEntity(Line) - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParser
Identifiziert die Art der Line.
CheckingConditionPhase - Class in controller
CheckingConditionPhase() - Constructor for class controller.CheckingConditionPhase
checkingConditionPhase - Variable in class controller.Controller
Initializes the flag of the type extensions with the correct value.
checkOpsAllowed(AbstractReturnValue, AbstractReturnValue) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
Ueberprueft ob die Operanten erlaubte Typen besitzen.
checkProvidesAndDepends() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
CheckScriptException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
CheckScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.CheckScriptException
method PruefscriptException.
CheckScriptException(Exception) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.CheckScriptException
method PruefscriptException.
checkState(Line) - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParser
Funktion die den State einer Line identifiziert.
checkTypeExtensionConditions() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Is executed if the varaibleassignment for this NamedVaraibleType has changed or during the initialization in the CheckingConditionPhase.
checkValidation() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
Check if condition of TypeExentionVariable is fulfilled.
checkValue(VariableAssignment, RegEx) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
Checks, if the value matches the RegEx.
checkValue(String) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Checks if an value is the range of a type regex.
CHOOSE_A_CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
text for popup.
CHOOSE_A_CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
text for popup.
choosePath(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
choose the path to referenced File.
classification - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
the classification of the change.
classification - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
classification of the change.
clean() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
ACHTUNG! Setzt den Manager auf den Startzustand zurueck.
cleanup(FileInputStream, byte[], OutputStream, Channel) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
extracted cleanup to shorten scpTo.
cleartableView() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
clears the tablemodel.
collected - Variable in class scanner.Condition1State
collected Chracters.
collected - Variable in class scanner.Condition2State
collected Chracters.
collectedChars - Variable in class scanner.RegExpState
This attribute represents the collected Chars as String in the RegExpState.
collectedChars - Variable in class scanner.StringState
represents the collected Chars.
collectedComment - Variable in class scanner.CommentState
represents the collected Commentsymbols.
collectedContent - Variable in class scanner.ContentState
represents the collected Signs.
collectedIdentifier - Variable in class scanner.IdentifierState
represents the collected Identifier Character as String.
collectedIdentifier - Variable in class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState2
represents the collected Identifier Character as String.
COLONSIGN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a colonsign as Character (:).
ColonSignSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the colonsign.
ColonSignSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.ColonSignSymbol
This constructor instantiate the colonsign.
color - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
This attribute can be used to set the color.
column - Variable in class model.Position
This attribute represents the column of the position.
column - Variable in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
columnCounter - Variable in class scanner.Scanner
This attributer representes the counter for the columns to show columnnumbers.
COMBOEAST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
COMBONORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
COMBOWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
COMMA - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a comma as Character (,).
COMMASPACE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Text of a Comma.
comment - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
Comment - Class in model
Comment(String, Position) - Constructor for class model.Comment
A Comment in a fli4l configuration File.
COMMENT - Static variable in class parser.Parser
COMMENT - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of a comment as String.
COMMENT_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in commentstate of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
comments - Variable in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
HashMap of all comments from the AssignmentFile.
comments - Variable in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
HashMap of all comments from the AssignmentFile.
comments - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
Some Comments for testing.
comments - Variable in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
represents a list of comments in the file.
comments - Variable in class model.type.TypeFile
HashMap of all comments from the AssignmentFile.
comments - Variable in class parser.AbstractFileParser
List of comments.
CommentState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the CommentState of the PackageDescriptionfileParser.
CommentState(PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.CommentState
CommentState - Class in scanner
This class represents the commentState.
CommentState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.CommentState
This is the constructor for a new CommentState.
commentString - Variable in class model.Comment
The Comment itself.
COMMENTSYMBOL - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the commentsymbol as Character.
CommentSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the Symbol of a Comment.
CommentSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.CommentSymbol
This constructor instantiate a new CommentSymbol with @param text.
CommentTest - Class in model
Tests the Comment Class.
CommentTest() - Constructor for class model.CommentTest
CommunicationException - Exception in update.remote.imond
This is the exception class for the imond communication.
CommunicationException() - Constructor for exception update.remote.imond.CommunicationException
Creates new CommunicationException without detail message.
CommunicationException(String) - Constructor for exception update.remote.imond.CommunicationException
Constructs an CommunicationException with the specified detail message.
CommunicationManager - Class in parser.nodes
CommunicationManager() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.CommunicationManager
CommunicationManager - Class in pruefskript
The CommunicationManager works as an Interface to communicate with scanner, parser and interpreter for ext-scripts.
CommunicationManager(RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
Initiates the CommunicationManager.
compareTo(VariableAssignmentWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
compareTo(VariableDefinitionWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
compareTo(VariableTypeWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
compareTo(Position) - Method in class model.Position
Compares the product(row, colomn) of two prodcts.
compareTo(DependsProvidesElement) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
Vergleicht zwei DependsProvidesElement miteinander.
CompareVaNameVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator
Visitor to compare the variable assignment by name.
ConcreteDiffFileProcessor - Class in migration.processor
Processes the DiffFile.
ConcreteDiffFileProcessor() - Constructor for class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
Condition1State - Class in scanner
Condition1State(Scanner, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class scanner.Condition1State
This constructor initialize the new ConditionState1.
Condition2State - Class in scanner
Condition2State(Scanner, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class scanner.Condition2State
This constructor initialize the new ConditionState1.
ConditionBeginState - Class in scanner
ConditionBeginState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.ConditionBeginState
This constructor initialize the new ConditionBeginState.
ConditionEndState - Class in scanner
ConditionEndState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.ConditionEndState
This constructor initialize the new ConditionEndState.
conditionExpression - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
The value of the variable.
conditionIdentifier - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
The variable is used in the Typextensioncondition.
ConditionNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
ConditionNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNode
CONDITIONNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ConditionNode.
ConditionNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ConditionNode.
ConditionNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
ConditionState1 - Class in parser.states.typestates
ConditionState1(TempTypeExtensionWithCondition) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState1
The constructor.
ConditionState1 - Class in scanner
ConditionState1(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.ConditionState1
This constructor initialize the new ConditionState1.
ConditionState2 - Class in parser.states.typestates
ConditionState2(TempTypeExtensionWithCondition) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState2
The constructor.
CONDITIONTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
CONFIG_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
CONFIG_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
CONFIG_WL_TXT - Static variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
CONFIG_WL_TXT - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
configBtnAddRouter() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
method for set padding, width and height of btnAddRouter.
CONFIGCONTEXTHASH - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
configJFrame() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
method for setting the Mainframe width and height will be set in this method as well.
configJScrollPane() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
method for set padding, width and height of JScrollPane.
configJScrollPane() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
method for set padding, width and height of JScrollPane.
configJSeparator() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
method for set padding, width and height of configJSeperator.
configJTable() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
method for set the design of the border of JTable.
configJTree() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
method for set the design of the border of JTree.
configLayout() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
method for set padding, width and height of Layout.
configLeftPanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
configMainPanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
method for set padding, width and height of main JPanel.
ConfigNode - Class in parser.nodes
ConfigNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
ConfigPack - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
The created configured package to test.
configPanel() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
Method for set the layout of the items of ContentPanel.
configPanelCancelBtn() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
method for set padding, width and height of CancelButton.
configPanelIcon() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
method for set padding, width and height of PanelIcon.
configPanes() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
configRightPanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
ConfigRouter - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Configurable Router Node.
ConfigRouter(Point) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
ConfigRouter(Point, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a router.
CONFIGROUTER - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a configurable Router Node.
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
configRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
configTextArea() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
method for set padding, width and height of TextArea.
configTopPanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
ConfigurationCategoryWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for the configuration category.
ConfigurationCategoryWrapper() - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationCategoryWrapper
The ConfigurationCategoryWrapper constructor.
ConfigurationContext - Class in model.definition
Repraesentiert die Reichweite/Kontext der Konfigurationsvariablen.
ConfigurationContext() - Constructor for class model.definition.ConfigurationContext
ConfigurationGraph - Class in networkconfigurator
ConfigurationGraph(RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Der ConfigurationGraph with configurations to be loaded.
ConfigurationGraph.KeyHandler - Class in networkconfigurator
Key handler for pressing and releasing the ctrl-key.
ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler - Class in networkconfigurator
Mouse Handler for pressing and releasing the mouse.
ConfigurationGraph.MouseMotionHandler - Class in networkconfigurator
Drag and Drop Engine.
ConfigurationGraph.RunClass - Class in networkconfigurator
The Run-Class.
CONFIGURATIONSTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
ConfigurationWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for configurations.
ConfigurationWrapper(RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationWrapper
The ConfigurationWrapper constructor.
configure() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
configureAndAdd(UnconfiguredVariableAssignment, String, RouterConfiguration) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
ConfiguredPackage - Class in model
Represents a configured package.
ConfiguredPackage(RouterConfiguration, Package) - Constructor for class model.ConfiguredPackage
ConfiguredPackage(RouterConfiguration, Package, AssignmentFile) - Constructor for class model.ConfiguredPackage
ConfiguredPackageWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper-class for configured packages.
ConfiguredPackageWrapper(ConfiguredPackage) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfiguredPackageWrapper
The ConfiguredPackageWrapper constructor.
ConfiguredVariableAssignment - Class in parser.nodes
ConfiguredVariableAssignment(Target, String, Position) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
CONNECT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for connect.
CONNECT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for connect.
connect - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Action for connecting all selected nodes.
connect(String, int) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method creates a socket for the communication to the router.
connect() - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
pass through connect method.
connectable - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
Boolean if selected item is connectable.
ConnectAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for connecting selected nodes.
ConnectAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for visiting the secondAdapter.
ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visits the owner of the second Adapter, that should be connected, if the owner of the first adapter was a configRouter node.
ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visits the owner of the second Adapter, that should be connected, if the owner of the first adapter was a internet node.
ConnectActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Create Edges and check if only the correct Edges were created.
ConnectActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
ConnectChecker() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
the Constructor.
connectingType - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
the default selection.
connectingType - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConnectingTypeButton
the connecting type.
ConnectingType - Enum in networkconfigurator.item
Connecting Types to the internet.
ConnectingType() - Constructor for enum networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingType
connectingType - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
Type of connection.
ConnectingTypeButton - Class in networkconfigurator
ConnectingTypeButton(ConnectingType) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConnectingTypeButton
set the connecting type button.
ConnectingTypeList - Class in networkconfigurator.item
ConnectingTypeList() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeList
connectingTypeList - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeList
stores the connecting types.
connectingTypes - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
connecting types supported by the Config router.
ConnectingTypeVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator.item
CONNECTION_ERROR - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
message in exception.
CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
Title for the panel.
CONNECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Title for the panel.
ConnectVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator.item
contains(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Return true if this node contains p.
containsModule(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibManager
contains Value on modules.
containsModule(String) - Method in class libraries.LibManager
contains Key on modules.
containsVaByIdentifier(VariableAssignment) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
The comparison method which evaluates if a variable assignment contains the identifier in the detail bar.
containsVariable(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
content - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
content - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
the content of the line.
content - Variable in class symbols.OptionSymbol
represents the content of the OptionSymbol.
content - Variable in class symbols.PathSymbol
represents the content of the PathSymbol.
content - Variable in class symbols.ValueSymbol
represents the content of the ValueSymbol.
content - Variable in class symbols.VariableSymbol
represents the content of the VariableSymbol.
contentPane - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
This is the contentPane.
contentPanel - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
The main JPanel of AddRouterView.
ContentState - Class in scanner
State for the Content in the PackageDescriptionFile.
ContentState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.ContentState
creates the Pathstate for the PackageDesriptionFileScanner.
contentValue - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
Input box for the detail bar.
context - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
The range/context of the definition.
control - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Controls of the window.
controller - package controller
Controller - Class in controller
Represents the Controller as Singleton.
Controller() - Constructor for class controller.Controller
Creates a Controller.
controller - Variable in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
The controller (mvc).
controller - Variable in class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
The controller (mvc).
controller - Variable in class gui.MainViewLogic
The controller (mvc).
controller - Variable in class main.ApplicationManager
the controller to set.
controller.buildingphase - package controller.buildingphase
controller.checkingconditionphase - package controller.checkingconditionphase
controller.extendingphase - package controller.extendingphase
controller.resolvingphase - package controller.resolvingphase
ControllerTest - Class in gui
ControllerTest() - Constructor for class gui.ControllerTest
ControlPanel - Class in networkconfigurator
the contextmenu.
ControlPanel(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
Panel of controls.
convertAssignmentList(Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
convertExpression(String) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
Convert expression, if whole expressions are evaluated, this method will be dropped.
convertExtension() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Convert the TempTypExtension to TypExtension.
convertOptions(List<Option>) - Method in class generator.OptionHandler
Apply all the options provided! and Convert them to Objects!
convertOptionsTest00() - Method in class generator.OptionHandlerTest
convertToGeneralIdentifier(String) - Method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
converts an array-elements identifier into its generalized name i.e.: "PF_USR_CHAIN_2_RULE_4_COMMENT" -> "PF_USR_CHAIN_%_RULE_%_COMMENT".
COPY_PENDING - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
COPY_PENDINGNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for CopyPendingNode.
COPY_PENDINGNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the CopyPendingNode for the toString-Function.
copyPending(VariableAssignment) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
Pr�ft unteranderem auf Aktivit�t (OPT) des Assignments (mit isActive).
CopyPendingNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
CopyPendingNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNode
CopyPendingNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for CopyPendingNode.
CopyPendingNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
count - Variable in class basic.Semaphor
The counter for the semaphore.
CPIO_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_1 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the first CPIO-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
CPIO_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_2 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the second CPIO-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
CPIO_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_3 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the third CPIO-Archive used to compare with a created archive.
CPIO_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_4 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the fourth CPIO-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
CPIO_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_5 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the fourth CPIO-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
CpioArchiveAssertionHelper - Class in archive
CpioArchiveAssertionHelper() - Constructor for class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest - Class in archive
Tests for the CpioArchiveAssertionHelper.
CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest() - Constructor for class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
CPIOArchiveComponentFactory - Class in archive
Helper class, which provides Methods to create the object worlds of ArchiveComponents.
CPIOArchiveComponentFactory() - Constructor for class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
TARArchiveComponentFactory should not be initialized.
CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor - Class in archive
Implementation of the ArchiveComponentVisitor to create entries in CPIO archives.
CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor(ArchiveOutputStream) - Constructor for class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
CpioArchiveReader - Class in archive
The reader creates a list of CpioArchiveEntrys from a cpio archive.
CpioArchiveReader() - Constructor for class archive.CpioArchiveReader
CPIOArchiveVisitorTest - Class in archive
Tests the CPIOArchiveVisitor.
CPIOArchiveVisitorTest() - Constructor for class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
createAlias(String, String) - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasReader
create Alias.
createArchive(ArchiveComponentVisitor, List<AbstractArchiveComponent>) - Method in class archive.Fli4LArchiver
Creates an archive with the specified type archiveType.
createArchiveDevNode() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Creates a ArchiveDevNode with the name "devNull", the mode 666, the devtype 'c'.
createArchiveDevNode() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Creates a ArchiveDevNode with the name "devNull", the mode 666, the devtype 'c'.
createArchiveSymlink() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Creates a symbolic Link.
createArchiveSymlink() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Creates a symbolic Link.
createArchiveToCompare1() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare1.
createArchiveToCompare1() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare1.
createArchiveToCompare2() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare2.
createArchiveToCompare2() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare2.
createArchiveToCompare3() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare3.
createArchiveToCompare3() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare3.
createArchiveToCompare4() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare4.
createArchiveToCompare4() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare4.
createArchiveToCompare5() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare4.
createArchiveToCompare5() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Create a List containing the ArchieComponents to create an archive like ArchiveToCopmare4.
createAssArray(RouterConfiguration, String) - Static method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
createAssignment(String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.assignments.
createAssignment(String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.assignments.
createAssignmentBuffer() - Method in class parser.ParserTest
creates a small type buffer with some symbols.
createBzip2(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressor
Komprimierung mit dem Komprimierungsverfahren BZip2
createConfigRouter(Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
create the config router.
createCPIO(OutputStream, List<AbstractArchiveComponent>) - Method in class archive.Fli4LArchiver
Adds an entry to the CPIO-archive for each archiveComponent.
createDefArrayDefNoOpt(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefArrayDefOpt(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefArrayNoDefNoOpt(String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefArrayNoDefOpt(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefinitionBuffer() - Method in class parser.ParserTest
creates a small type buffer with some symbols.
createDefSingleDefNoOpt(String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefSingleDefOpt(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefSingleNoDefNoOpt(String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
* Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDefSingleNoDefOpt(String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates an entry in the this.definitions.
createDep(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
This function creats a new dependency.
CreateDetailBar() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.CreateDetailBar
createDiffDefinition(String, String) - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Creates a not optional DiffDefintion with the specified identifier and content and without comment.
createDiffDefinition(String, String) - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
Creates a not optional DiffDefintion with the specified identifier and content and without comment.
createDiffDefinition(String, String) - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Creates a DiffDefinition.
createGzip(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressor
Komprimierung mit dem Komprimierungsverfahren GZip
createHosts(Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
create the hosts.
createInputStream() - Method in interface archive.ArchiveData
creates an input stream, which contains the data.
createInputStream() - Method in class archive.FileArchiveData
createInputStream() - Method in class archive.StringArchiveData
createLib(String) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
create lib an add to modules.
createLocalPackage() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
createLZMA(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressor
Komprimierung mit dem Komprimierungsverfahren LZMA/ XZ
createModule(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
This function creates a new Module.
createNetworkAdapter(Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
create the network adapter.
createNewConnection(Adapter, Adapter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
creates a new connection between adaper1 and adapter2 if there are not already connected.
createNewConnectionBetweeenRouterAndInternet(Adapter, Adapter, ConnectingType, List<ConnectingType>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
creates a new connection between adaper1 and adapter2 if there are not already connected and their owner have the same connectingtype.
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractNewAction
Abstract Methode for adding a Node to the graph.
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewHostAction
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewInternetAction
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewRouterAction
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction
createNode(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSwitchAction
CreateNodeException - Exception in networkconfigurator.actions
Exception if the node could not be created.
CreateNodeException(String) - Constructor for exception networkconfigurator.actions.CreateNodeException
the constructor.
createNVT(String, RegEx, String, Position) - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createOneLineChange(DiffPartFileLine, ChangeType, Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
creates a one line change for the line.
createOneLineChanges(List<DiffPartFileLine>, List<DiffPartFileLine>, Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
create the one line change entries for the remaining lines.
createOpt(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createPackageDefinitionBuffer() - Method in class parser.ParserTest
create a PackageDefinitionBuffer.
createPosAssignmentMap() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Creates a Map containing assignment.getPosition() as Key and assignment as Value.
createPosCommentMap() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Creates a Map containing comment.getPosition() as Key and comment as Value.No side effects to fields.
createPosCommentMap() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Creates a Map containing comment.getPosition() as Key and comment as Value.No side effects to fields.
createPosCommentMap() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Creates a Map containing comment.getPosition() as Key and comment as Value.No side effects to fields.
createPosDefMap() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Creates a Map containing definition.getPosition() as Key and definition as Value.
createPosTypeMap() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Creates a Map containing assignment.getPosition() as Key and assignment as Value.
createProcessedDiffFileFromLines(DiffPartFile...) - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Creates a processed DiffFile form the hunks.
createProg(String) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
creates Program and add to modules.
createReader(ArchiveGenerator, File) - Method in class libraries.LibManager
creates the Lib Reader.
createRERP(String) - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createRESP(String) - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createRoutes(Map<String, VariableAssignment>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
create the routes.
createScpStatement(String, long, String) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
extracted statement creation to make scpTo shorter.
createSimpleArchiveDirectory() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Creates only one ArchiveDirectory.
createSimpleArchiveDirectory() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Creates only one ArchiveDirectory.
createSimpleArchiveFile() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
Creates only one ArchiveFile.
createSimpleArchiveFile() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
Creates only one ArchiveFile.
createSymbol(String, Position) - Method in class scanner.DescriptionBlock
Create the new Symbol.
createSymbol(String, Position) - Method in class scanner.OptionBlock
createSymbol(String, Position) - Method in class scanner.PathBlock
createSymbol(String, Position) - Method in class scanner.ValueBlock
createSymbol(String, Position) - Method in class scanner.VariableBlock
createTAR(OutputStream, List<AbstractArchiveComponent>) - Method in class archive.Fli4LArchiver
Adds an entry to the TAR-archive for each archiveCpmponent.
createType(String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates a single type regular expression.
createType(List<RegExPart>, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates a VariableType for testing.
createTypeBuffer() - Method in class parser.ParserTest
creates a small type buffer with some symbols.
createTypeExtension(TypeFileManager) - Method in class parser.TypeExtensionProcessor
create a association to the type for a TypeExtention.
createVA(String, AbstractVariableDefinition, String, Position) - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createVariables(CommunicationManager, List<String>, String, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
createVDA(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, AbstractVariableDefinition, Position) - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
createVDS(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, Position) - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
yet another totally senseless function for PMD to be quiet.
CRYPT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
cryptArrayElements(CommunicationManager, String, List<AbstractReturnValue>) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
CryptNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit CryptNode wird der Wert, der angegebene Variable verschluesselt.
CryptNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
CRYPTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for CryptNode.
CryptNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for CryptNode.
CryptNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
CRYPTNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the CryptNode for the toString-Function.
cryptString(String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
ctrlPressed - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Boolean if key "ctrl" is Pressed.
currentExpression - Variable in class scanner.Scanner
This attribute represents the currentExpression as String.
currentPosition - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
the current position.
cycleDetector(NamedVariableType, List<String>) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Detectes cycles.
CYCLEEXCEPTION - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
the message for CYCLEEXCEPTION.
CycleException - Exception in model.type
CycleException(String) - Constructor for exception model.type.CycleException
new Exception for the Cycle.
cycleListdetect() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
detects cycles in typeList.


data - Variable in class archive.ArchiveFile
the data, that should be put in the archive as content of the file.
data - Variable in class basic.Buffer
This attribute is the list of data.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
the data.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
The data to compare.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
the data.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
The data to compare.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
the data.
data - Variable in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
The data to compare.
debug(String) - Method in class parser.Parser
debug(String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DEFAULT_FLAG - Static variable in class archive.ArchiveFile
Default value for flags property.
DEFAULTASSIGNFILEDIR - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
String representation of default assignmentfile-directory.
DEFAULTDEFFILEDIR - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
String representation of default deffile-directory.
DEFAULTNORTHPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DEFAULTOPTDIR - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
String representation of default opt-directory.
DEFAULTPADDING - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DefaultTreeElementVisitor - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Default implementation of TreeElementVisitor which does nothing.
DefaultTreeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
DEFAULTTYPEFILEDIR - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
String representation of default typefile-directory.
defaultValue - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents the default value of the definition.
DefaultValue - Interface in model.definition
Encapsulates a variable's default value.
defaultValue - Variable in class model.definition.HasDefault
Represents the defaultValue.
defaultValue - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
DEFAULTVALUETEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DEFAULTWIDTH - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ToolBarButton
Standardbreite eines ToolBarButtons.
DEFAUTSIZE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ToolBarButton
Standardgr��e eines ToolBarButtons.
DEFEND - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The fileending for printing for DefinitionFile.
defFile - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseDefinitionFile
The path to the definition file.
defFile - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefinitionFileWrapper
the defFile.
defFile - Variable in class model.Package
The definition file that is associated by the package.
defFile - Variable in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
DEFINED - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DefinedNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
DefinedNode liefert true zurueck, wenn die Variable existiert.
DefinedNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNode
DEFINEDNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for DefinedNode.
DefinedNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for DefinedNode.
DefinedNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
DEFINEDTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
definition - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Represents the type of the variable.
definition - Variable in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
DefinitionCommentState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionCommentState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionCommentState
DefinitionDefaultState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionDefaultState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionDefaultState
DEFINITIONDIVIDE - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DefinitionFile - Class in model.definition
DefinitionFileFile represents the "\check\.txt" files.
DefinitionFile() - Constructor for class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Default constructor.
DefinitionFile(Map<String, AbstractVariableDefinition>, List<Comment>) - Constructor for class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Constructor, just sets the fields.
definitionFile - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The created definition file.
definitionFile - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
The final DedinitionFile.
DefinitionFileParser - Class in parser
DefinitionFileParser(RouterSoftware, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class parser.DefinitionFileParser
The DefinitionFileParser will automatically generate a DefinitionFile after instantiation which can be obtained via getDefinitionFile().
DefinitionFileRestState - Class in scanner
This class represents the RestState for the DefinitionFileScanner.
DefinitionFileRestState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.DefinitionFileRestState
initialize the DefinitionFileRestState.
DefinitionFileScanner - Class in scanner
This class represents the DefinitionFileScanner.
DefinitionFileScanner(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class scanner.DefinitionFileScanner
This constructor initialize the DefinitionFileScanner.
DefinitionFileScannerTest - Class in scanner
This class tests the DefinitionFileScanner.
DefinitionFileScannerTest() - Constructor for class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
The constructor for the testclass.
definitionFileScannerTest1() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the Stringsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest10() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the regexsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest10a() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the IdentifiereSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest10b() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the IdentifiereSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest10c() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the IdentifiereSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest10d() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the IdentifiereSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest11() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and identifiersymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest12() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Plus-, Equal- and Unknownsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest13() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the IdentifierSymbol and the RE.
definitionFileScannerTest14() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the IdentifierSymbol and the RE.
definitionFileScannerTest15() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the identifiersymbol and the EndSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest16() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest17() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest18() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the generaltest3 runs.
definitionFileScannerTest19() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the generaltest04 runs.
definitionFileScannerTest1a() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the Stringsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest1b() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the Stringsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest1c() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the Stringsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest2() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the identifiersymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest20() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the general test run.
definitionFileScannerTest21() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the identifiersymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest3() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the IdentifierSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest4() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest5() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the RegExSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest5a() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the RegExSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest6() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the StringSymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest7() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Identifiersymbol, emptysymbol and stringsymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest8() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the identifiersymbol.
definitionFileScannerTest9() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of two plussymbols and a identifiersymbol.
DefinitionFileSelectionState - Class in scanner
This class represents the DefinitionFileSelectionState.
DefinitionFileSelectionState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.DefinitionFileSelectionState
This constructor initialize the new DefinitionFileSelectionState.
DefinitionFileTest - Class in model.definition
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
DefinitionFileTest() - Constructor for class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
DefinitionFileWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
A Wrapperclass for DefinitionFile.
DefinitionFileWrapper(DefinitionFile) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.DefinitionFileWrapper
Constructor for DefinitionFileWrapper.
DefinitionIdentifierState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionIdentifierState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionIdentifierState
DefinitionInitialState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionInitialState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionInitialState
DefinitionNotFoundException - Exception in model.exceptions
DefinitionNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception model.exceptions.DefinitionNotFoundException
DefinitionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception model.exceptions.DefinitionNotFoundException
DefinitionNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception model.exceptions.DefinitionNotFoundException
DefinitionNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception model.exceptions.DefinitionNotFoundException
DefinitionOptState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionOptState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionOptState
definitions - Variable in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
HashMap of all definitions from the DefinitionFile.
definitions - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The definitions for the package.
DefinitionSegmentNode - Class in parser.nodes
DefinitionSegmentNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
DEFINITIONSTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DefinitionTableDataModel - Class in gui.datamodels
tableModel for definition table.
DefinitionTableDataModel(List<AbstractVariableDefinition>) - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
Constructor, wraps the given data into a list of wraped data and sorts the list by the positions of entries.
DefinitionTableDataModelTest - Class in gui.datamodels
DefinitionTableDataModelTest() - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
DefinitionTypeState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionTypeState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionTypeState
DefinitionVariableNState - Class in parser.states.definitionstates
DefinitionVariableNState() - Constructor for class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionVariableNState
defNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
DEFNOTFOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String representation for package rule.
DEFPATH - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The path for printing for DefinitiionFile.
DEFTABLEHEADER - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
The header.
delete - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Delete String.
DELETE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for delete.
DELETE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for delete.
delete - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Action for deleting selected nodes.
DeleteAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for deleting all selected nodes.
DeleteAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction
DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for removing Edges.
DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for removing Devices.
DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for marking a slot or a adapter as not connected.
DeleteActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Checks if the DeleteAction is deleting the Node and not the connecting edges.
DeleteActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
DeleteEdgeActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Checks if the DeleteAction is deleting the edges and not the connecting nodes.
DeleteEdgeActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
deleteEdges() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction
method for deleting the connecting edges for all selected nodes.
deleteInCondition(TypeExtensionWithCondition) - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Delete a typeExtensionVariable to the list of TypeExtensionVariable.
deleteNode() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction
Delete the selected Nodes.
delta - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseMotionHandler
Delta of the current position and the previous.
DEPENDS - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DependsException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
DependsException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.DependsException
dependsList - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
DependsNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit DependsNode kann man eine Abhaengigkeit zu einem anderen Paket herstellen.
DependsNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNode
DEPENDSNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for DependsNode.
DependsNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for DependsNode.
DependsNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
DependsProvidesElement - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
DependsProvidesElement(String, String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
DependsProvidesElementTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
DependsProvidesElementTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
DEPENDSTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
depEntries - Variable in class kernelmodules.DepFile
represents a List of dependency entries.
DepEntry - Class in kernelmodules
DepEntry(Module) - Constructor for class kernelmodules.DepEntry
depEntry - Variable in class kernelmodules.DepReader
the current depEntry.
DEPENTRYNOTFOUND - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String for a ErrorMsg.
DepFile - Class in kernelmodules
DepFile() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.DepFile
depfile - Variable in class kernelmodules.DepReader
The current Dependencyfile.
DepFileTest - Class in kernelmodules
DepFileTest() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
DepReader - Class in kernelmodules
DepReader() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.DepReader
DepReaderTest - Class in kernelmodules
Tests the dependency reader.
DepReaderTest() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
depReaderTest1() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitFileInLines with two parts.
depReaderTest10() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
depReaderTest2() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitFileInLines with three parts.
depReaderTest3() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
test splitFileInLines with empty part.
depReaderTest4() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitLineInParts with two lines.
depReaderTest5() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitFileInParts with three lines.
depReaderTest6() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitFileInParts with empty line.
depReaderTest7() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitDepsInParts with two deps.
depReaderTest8() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitDepsInParts with three deps.
depReaderTest9() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
tests splitDepsInParts with empty deps.
deps - Variable in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
represents the list of dependecies.
deps - Variable in class libraries.Module
represents the list of library references.
deregister() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
deregister the edge from the Nodes.
deregisterTest() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the deregister function of a cable.
DescriptionBlock - Class in scanner
This abstract class represents the block of the PackageDescriptionFile (The blocks are variables, values, paths and options).
DescriptionBlock() - Constructor for class scanner.DescriptionBlock
descriptionBlock - Variable in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
represents the Blocks in the Descriptionfile.
DetailBar - Class in networkconfigurator
Detail bar of device nodes.
DetailBar(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
The constructor.
detailbar - Variable in class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener
the detailbar for devices.
DetailBar.CreateDetailBar - Class in networkconfigurator
create the detail bar menu.
DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa - Class in networkconfigurator
fill a jtextfield with the variable assignment reference.
DetailBar.SetNameVisitor - Class in networkconfigurator
Adapter for setting the textfields.
DetailBarLabel - Class in networkconfigurator
DetailBarLabel(String) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
constructor for the detail bar label.
DetailBarPropertyEntry - Class in networkconfigurator
DetailBarPropertyEntry(PropertyBarEntry) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
Constructor for the detail bar property entry.
DetailBarPropertyEntry(PropertyBarEntry, boolean) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
Constructor for the detail bar property entry.
DetailBarPropertyEntry(PropertyBarEntry, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
Constructor for the detail bar property entry.
DetailBarTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Testset for the Devicedetailbar.
DetailBarTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
DetailBarVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator
DetailDrawPropertyEntry - Class in networkconfigurator
DetailDrawPropertyEntry(PropertyDrawEntry) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
Constructor for the detail draw property entry.
DetailDrawPropertyEntry(PropertyDrawEntry, String, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
Constructor for the detail draw property entry.
DetailDrawVisitor - Class in networkconfigurator
DetailDrawVisitor(Rectangle, Graphics, DetailDrawPropertyEntry) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
constructor for the detail draw visitor.
DetailInputBox - Class in networkconfigurator
DetailInputBox(String) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
constructor for the detail bar input box.
detailProperty - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
the detail draw property entries.
detectRenominations(List<DiffPartFileLine>, List<DiffPartFileLine>, Set<VariableDefinitionChange>, DiffFile) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
Detects all renamed definitions.
detectShiftsAndContentChanges(List<DiffPartFileLine>, List<DiffPartFileLine>, Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
Detects all shifted and content-changed variable definitions.
Device - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Devices in the graph.
Device() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Device
devicesdetailView - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Detailbar for devices.
devtype - Variable in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
the devtype.
devtype - Variable in class generator.option.DevtypeOption
DevtypeOption - Class in generator.option
DevtypeOption(Character) - Constructor for class generator.option.DevtypeOption
devTypeOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of DevTypeOption object.
DIALOGBOXHEIGHT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DIALOGBOXWIDTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DiffDefinition - Class in migration.difffile.objects
Klassifierung von Variablendefinitionen.
DiffDefinition(Boolean, Boolean, DiffIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
DiffDefinition(Boolean, Boolean, DiffIdentifier, String, String) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
DiffFile - Class in migration.difffile
DiffFile-Klasse in die eine unified-diff Datei geparsed wird.
DiffFile(ArrayList<DiffPartFile>) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.DiffFile
Creates a DIffFile with the given parts.
DiffFileEntity - Interface in migration.difffile.objects
DiffFileGenerator - Class in migration
Generates the diff-file based on the fli4l repository.
DiffFileGenerator() - Constructor for class migration.DiffFileGenerator
DiffFileGeneratorTest - Class in migration
DiffFileGeneratorTest() - Constructor for class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
diffFileProcessor - Variable in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
The DiffFileProcessor to process the DiffFiles.
DiffFileProcessor - Interface in migration.processor
DiffFileProcessorTest - Class in migration
Tests for processing the DiffFiles.
DiffFileProcessorTest() - Constructor for class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
DiffFileScanParser - Class in migration
Klasse um unified-diff Datein zu scannen und zu parsen.
DiffFileScanParser() - Constructor for class migration.DiffFileScanParser
DiffFileScanParserTest - Class in migration
DiffFileScanParserTest() - Constructor for class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
DiffIdentifier - Class in migration.difffile.objects
DiffIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
diffLinesHunk1 - Variable in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
The List of lines contained in the DiffFile.
DiffOtherContent - Class in migration.difffile.objects
Klassifizierung von nicht zuordbaren Inhalten.
DiffOtherContent(String) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
Creates a DiffOtherContent with the given content.
DiffPartFile - Class in migration.difffile
Diff-Part-File (Hunk: Zeilenblock, der in einer Diff-File den alten Code mit dem neuen Code vergleicht).
DiffPartFile(List<DiffPartFileLine>) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
diffPartFile - Variable in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
the DiffPartFile.
DiffPartFileLine - Class in migration.difffile
Eine Zeile einer Diff-File.
DiffPartFileLine(LineState, DiffFileEntity) - Constructor for class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Directory containing files describing package contents.
DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_TYPE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Directory containing type definitions.
DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Directory containing variable definitions.
DIRECTORY_FOR_INPUT_FILES - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The project directory, which contains the files used to copy into the archives.
DIRECTORY_FOR_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
the project directory where the created archives should be stored.
directoryEquals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
directoryEquals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
DirType - Class in generator.option.type
DirType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.DirType
dirTypeTest() - Method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Tests the DirType object.
disconnect() - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method disconnects the connection to imond.
disconnect() - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
pass through disconnect method.
DISCONNECTSUCCESFULLY - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message, if the socket closed successfully.
DIV - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DivNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
DivNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNode
DIVNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for DivNode.
DivNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for DivNode.
DivNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
DIVNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the DivNode for the toString-Function.
DO - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DO_YOU_WANT_TO_RESET_ALL_CHANGES - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_ALL_CHANGES - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DO_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE_CHANGES - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
DOLLARMARKEDSIGN - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
DONE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
DOT - Static variable in class parser.Parser
DotNode - Class in parser.nodes
DotNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.DotNode
down() - Method in class basic.Semaphor
lock the attribute.
draw(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
drawing the connecting between Node 1 and Node2.
draw(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Draw this item.
draw(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
Draw this node.
draw(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
drawDetail(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
draw the information on the panel.
DtxtFlag - Class in generator.option.flag
DtxtFlag() - Constructor for class generator.option.flag.DtxtFlag
dTxtFlagTest() - Method in class generator.option.flag.FlagTest
Tests the DtxtFlag object.
dump_stacks(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
dump_stacks(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
dup_yyval(ParserVal) - Method in class parser.Parser
dup_yyval(ExtParserVal) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
dval - Variable in class parser.ParserVal
double value of this 'union'
dval - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
double value of this 'union'
dynamics - Variable in class libraries.LibReader
An array of Dynamic objects.


EASTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
Edge - Class in networkconfigurator.item
An Edge is a pair of Nodes.
Edge(Node, Node) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
EdgeTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Tests for testing the basic functions of edges.
EdgeTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
editable - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
if the value is true, the content of the entry is displayed in an input field.
elf - Variable in class libraries.LibReader
The elf.
ELSE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
EME_ADMINPASSWORDWRONG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the admin password is wrong.
EME_AUTHENTICATIONPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with the authentication.
EME_AUTHENTICATIONPROBLEMPARTONE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the first part of the error message, if there are a problem with the authentication.
EME_AUTHENTICATIONPROBLEMPARTTWO - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the second part of the error message, if there are a problem with the authentication.
EME_COLLECTANSWEROFROUTERPROBLEMPARTONE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the first part of the error message, if there are a problem with the collecting the answer of the router.
EME_COLLECTANSWEROFROUTERPROBLEMPARTTWO - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the second part of the error message, if there are a problem with the collecting the answer of the router.
EME_DISCONNECTPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with the disconnect.
EME_ERRISTHEANSWER - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the answer of router is "ERR".
EME_FILEPATHREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with reading the file path.
EME_FILESIZEREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with reading the file size.
EME_INPUTNOTRAEDABLE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the iput not readable.
EME_IPORPORTWRONG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the IP adress or port wrong.
EME_IPREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems at reading the ip adress.
EME_NOANSWEROFROUTER - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the Router does not answer.
EME_NOCONNECTIONTOROUTER - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if nothing connection exists.
EME_PASSWORDISEMPTY - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the password is empty.
EME_PASSWORDISWRONG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the password is wrong.
EME_PASSWORDREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with reading the password.
EME_PORTREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems at reading the port.
EME_RECEIVEFILEERRORPARTONE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the first part of error message, if there are an error with sending the data.
EME_RECEIVEFILEERRORPARTTWO - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the second part of error message, if there are an error with sending the data.
EME_RECEIVEFILEPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with sending the file.
EME_ROUTERNOANSWER - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the router does not give an answer.
EME_SOCKETCLOSED - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the socket cannot be closed.
EME_UPDATEAGAINREADPROBLEM - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if there are problems with reading the decision of the user to update again or not.
EME_UPDATEAGAINWRONGCHAR - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the error message, if the character is not a "y" or "n".
EMPTY - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for empty string.
EMPTY - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the text of an empty symbol as String.
EmptyAssignment - Class in parser.nodes
EmptyAssignment() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.EmptyAssignment
EMPTYSTRING - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the text of a EmptyString.
EMPTYSTRING - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the empty string.
EmptySymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the empty symbol.
EmptySymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.EmptySymbol
This constructor instantiate a empty symbol.
EmptyTarget - Class in parser.nodes
EmptyTarget() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
ENCODING - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The encoding for print-files.
END - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the text of the end symbol as String.
EndSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the end symbol.
EndSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.EndSymbol
This is the constructor.
entry - Variable in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
the second processed line.
EntryNotEqualException - Exception in archive
EntryNotEqualException() - Constructor for exception archive.EntryNotEqualException
EntryNotFoundException - Exception in kernelmodules
EntryNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception kernelmodules.EntryNotFoundException
EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest - Class in printer
Contains TestCases for printing Variableassignments.
EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest() - Constructor for class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest - Class in printer
Contains TestCases for printing VariableTypes.
EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest() - Constructor for class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
EntryPrinterTypesTest - Class in printer
Contains TestCases for printing VariableTypes.
EntryPrinterTypesTest() - Constructor for class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
EQ - Static variable in class parser.Parser
EQUAL - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
EqualNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
EqualNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
EQUALNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for EqualNode.
EqualNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for EqualNode.
EqualNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
EQUALNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the EqualNode for the toString-Function.
equals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
equals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
EQUALS - Static variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
equals(Object) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
equals(Object) - Method in class kernelmodules.Module
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.AddLine
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffFile
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.LineState
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.NoChangeLine
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.difffile.RemoveLine
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
equals(Object) - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
equals(Object) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
equals(Object) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
equals(Object) - Method in class model.Comment
equals(Object) - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.ConfigurationContext
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.ExtscriptContext
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.HasDefault
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.HasNotDefault
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.HasnotOpt
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.HasOpt
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.Opt
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
equals(Object) - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingle
equals(Object) - Method in class model.Package
equals(Object) - Method in class model.packages.Option
equals(Object) - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
equals(Object) - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
equals(Object) - Method in class model.packages.Path
equals(Object) - Method in class model.Position
equals(Object) - Method in class model.Router
equals(Object) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.RefResState
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.RefUnResState
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.RegEx
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
equals(Object) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
equals(Object) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.DotNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.ErrorNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.IndexNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.InputNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.RootNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.UsNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.VarNode
equals(Object) - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
Equals-Funktion, die prueft, ob das Objekt obj vom Typ AbstractBinaryOperationNode ist, und ob von dem Objekt obj Operant 1 mit dem Operant 1 dieser Klasse uebereinstimmt sowie das Gleiche fuer Operant 2.
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
Equals-Funktion, die prueft, ob das Objekt obj vom Typ AbstractBinaryOperationNode ist, und ob von dem Objekt obj Operant1,2,3,4 mit dem jeweiligen Operant 1,2,3,4 dieser Klasse uebereinstimmt.
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
Equals-Funktion, die prueft, ob das Objekt obj vom Typ AbstractBinaryOperationNode ist, und ob von dem Objekt obj Operant 1,2,3, mit dem jeweiligen Operant 1,2,3 dieser Klasse uebereinstimmt.
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
Equals-Funktion, die prueft, ob das Objekt obj vom Typ AbstractBinaryOperationNode ist, und ob von dem Objekt obj Operant mit dem Operant dieser Klasse uebereinstimmt.
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNode
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
equals(Object) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.BracketCloseSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.BracketOpenSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.ColonSignSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.EmptySymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.EqualSignSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.EqualsTildeSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.PlusSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.RegExpSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.StringSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.UnknownSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
equals(Object) - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
EQUALSIGN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a equalsign as Character (=).
EqualSignSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the equalsign.
EqualSignSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.EqualSignSymbol
This is the constructor of the equalsign symbol.
equalsTest1() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest1() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
equalsTest1() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest1() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest2() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest2() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
equalsTest2() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest2() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest3() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest3() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
equalsTest3() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTest3() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail1() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail1() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail1() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail2() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail2() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFail2() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
equalsTestFalse() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
test the equals function.
equalsTestTrue() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
test the equals function.
EqualsTildeSymbol - Class in symbols
EqualsTildeSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.EqualsTildeSymbol
This is the constructor of the EqualsTildeSymbol.
EQUALTILDE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Text of a EqualTilde.
ERR - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the ERR string.
ERRMTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
ERROR - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ERROR_TITEL - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
title of the Error message.
errorMessage - Variable in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Represents the error message of the type.
errorMessage - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
ErrorNode - Class in parser.nodes
ErrorNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.ErrorNode
ErrorNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
ErrorNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNode
ERRORNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ErrorNode.
ErrorNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ErrorNode.
ErrorNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
errors - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
A list of errors.
ERRORTEXT - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
ERRORTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
exceptionMessage - Variable in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
is the message for the parserexception, which is thrown.
exceptionMessage - Variable in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
the exceptionMessage for the ParserException, which will be thrown.
ExceptionView - Class in gui.view
The ExceptionView.
ExceptionView(Exception) - Constructor for class gui.view.ExceptionView
Create the dialog.
ExceptionViewLogic - Class in gui
ExceptionViewLogic(MainController, Exception) - Constructor for class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
ExceptionViewLogic(Exception) - Constructor for class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
Constructor, creates the exception view.
ExceptionViewLogicTest - Class in gui
ExceptionViewLogicTest() - Constructor for class gui.ExceptionViewLogicTest
excView - Variable in class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
the view to set.
executeCheckValidation() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
Creates an automat to check the condition.
executeConfigurationGraph(RouterConfiguration) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Running the configuration graph.
existsIterationVars() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
existsLaufVariablen() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
EXIT_CONFIRMATION - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
expectedChanges - Variable in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
The set of changes expected in the test case.
expression - Variable in class model.type.AbstractType
Represents the regular expression.
expression - Variable in class symbols.RegExpSymbol
This is the expression of the Symbol.
extend() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Extend all the type extension.
extendingPhase - Variable in class controller.Controller
Initializes the type expansions.
ExtendingPhase - Class in controller
ExtendingPhase() - Constructor for class controller.ExtendingPhase
ExtendTypes - Class in controller.extendingphase
ExtendTypes(TypeFileManager) - Constructor for class controller.extendingphase.ExtendTypes
The constructor without side-effects.
extensionIdentifier - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtension
The appendant variable.
extensions - Variable in class model.type.TypeFile
Hashmap for the typeextensions.
ExtParser - Class in pruefskript.parser
ExtParser(Reader) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ExtParser() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
Default constructor.
ExtParser(boolean) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
Create a parser, setting the debug to true or false.
ExtParsertest - Class in pruefskript.parser
ExtParsertest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
ExtParserVal - Class in pruefskript.parser
BYACC/J Semantic Value for parser: ExtParser This class provides some of the functionality of the yacc/C 'union' directive
ExtParserVal() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
Initialize me without a value
ExtParserVal(int) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
Initialize me as an int
ExtParserVal(double) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
Initialize me as a double
ExtParserVal(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
Initialize me as a string
ExtParserVal(Object) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
Initialize me as an Object
ExtScanner - Class in pruefskript.scanner
ExtScanner(Reader, ExtParser) - Constructor for class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ExtScanner(Reader) - Constructor for class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Creates a new scanner
ExtScannerTest - Class in pruefskript.scanner
Testclass for the Test of the generated Scanner.
ExtScannerTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
ExtscriptContext - Class in model.definition
Repraesentiert die Reichweite/Kontext der Pruefskriptvariablen.
ExtscriptContext() - Constructor for class model.definition.ExtscriptContext


f2 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
F2 String.
failed - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
failed is true, if a warning, an error or a fatal error occurred.
FALSEVALUE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Stellt den Wahrheitswert "false" dar.
FATAL_ERROR - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
FATAL_ERRORNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for FatalErrorNode.
FatalErrorException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
FatalErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.FatalErrorException
methode FatalErrorException.
FatalErrorNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Beim auftreten wird sofort abgebrochen.
FatalErrorNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNode
FatalErrorNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for FetalErrorNode.
FatalErrorNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
fatalerrors - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
A list of fatalerrors.
FATALERRORTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
FGREP - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
FGREPMATCHES - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
FGrepNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit FGrepNode koennen Ausdruecke in Dateien gesucht werden.
FGrepNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNode
FGREPNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for FGrepNode.
FGrepNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for FGrepNode.
FGrepNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
FGREPSIZE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
FGREPTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
FI - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
file - Variable in class archive.FileArchiveData
the file, that should be used as archive data.
file - Variable in class generator.OptEntry
FILE_CONTENT - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The content of the INPUT_TEXTFILE.
FILE_ENDING_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Ending of files describing package contents.
FILE_ENDING_TYPE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Ending of files with type definitions.
FILE_ENDING_VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
Ending of files with variable definitions.
FileArchiveData - Class in archive
Implementation of ArchiveData, that provides the data, contained in the file.
FileArchiveData(File) - Constructor for class archive.FileArchiveData
Created the archive data with the specified file.
fileChooser - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
FileChooser for searching the router config easily.
fileContentEquals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
fileEntity - Variable in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
fileEquals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
fileEquals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
FILEOFBUILDPATH - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting the file of the BuildPath.
FilePackage - Class in migration
Represents a file package.
FilePackage(String, String) - Constructor for class migration.FilePackage
Represents a file package.
FILEPATHENTRY - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting the file path.
FilePrinterTest - Class in printer
testClass to print files.
FilePrinterTest() - Constructor for class printer.FilePrinterTest
FileReader - Class in reader
FileReader() - Constructor for class reader.FileReader
private constructor.
files - Variable in class libraries.LibManager
List of Files.
files - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
Files to send.
FileType - Class in generator.option.type
FileType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.FileType
fileTypeTest() - Method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Tests the DirType object.
fillAddedAndRemovedLinesLists(DiffFile, List<DiffPartFileLine>, List<DiffPartFileLine>) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
Adds all Added/removed lines to the respective list, if they contain a variable definition.
FillJTextFieldWithVa(VariableAssignment, JTextField) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
fillList(List<Item>, ArrayList<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
fills the list with the needed information next to the information given by the fli4l-config.
fillTextArea(Exception) - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
Fills the textarea with informations.
filterAssignments(RouterConfiguration, Map.Entry<ArrayList<Integer>, VariableAssignment>, List<ArrayList<Integer>>) - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
findAssesByDefinition(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
findAssesByDefinition(AbstractVariableDefinition, VariableContext) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
findAssignmentByName(String) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Retuniert die VariableAssignment zum Namen NAME.
findAssignmentByName(String, VariableContext) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Retuniert die VariableAssignment zum Namen NAME.
findAssignsToDefAndContext(String, List<AbstractReturnValue>, VariableContext) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
findDefinition(String) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
findDefinition(String, VariableContext) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
FindItemAndUpdatePoint(List<Item>) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
the constructor.
findItemAndUpdatePoint(List<Item>, Item) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
find an item in a list and update point.
findTypeByName(String) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
Returniert einen regulaeren Ausdruck.
finish() - Method in interface archive.ArchiveComponentVisitor
Schließt den benutzten Outputsteam.
finish() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
finish() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
finish() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
Checks the Provides and Depends.
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.AbstractState
Method, which will be call at the end of each row.
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileRestState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.CommentState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.Condition1State
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.Condition2State
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionBeginState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionEndState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ConditionState1
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.ContentState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileRestState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileSelectionState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState1
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState2
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionInitialState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState1
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState2
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RegExpState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.RowEndState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.SelectionState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.StringState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.TypeFileRestState
finish(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, String) - Method in class scanner.WhitespaceState
finished - Variable in class parser.AbstractFileParser
Indicator if the file is completely parsed or not.
FIRST_POSITION - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
The integer of the first position in the datastream.
firstArchive - Variable in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the first archive to compare.
firstArchive - Variable in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the first archive to compare.
FIVETHOUSAND - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant 5000.
flags - Variable in class archive.ArchiveFile
the flags of the file.
flags - Variable in class generator.option.FlagsOption
Flag Object.
flags - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
FlagsOption - Class in generator.option
FlagsOption(AbstractFlag) - Constructor for class generator.option.FlagsOption
flagsOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the FlagsOption object.
FlagTest - Class in generator.option.flag
Tests for the flag-classes.
FlagTest() - Constructor for class generator.option.flag.FlagTest
Fli4LArchiver - Class in archive
The Fli4LArchiver provides Methods to join a list of ArchiveComponents together in a CPIO or TAR archive.
Fli4LArchiver() - Constructor for class archive.Fli4LArchiver
Fli4lArchiverTest - Class in archive
Fli4lArchiverTest() - Constructor for class archive.Fli4lArchiverTest
Fli4lCompressor - Class in archive
Zustaendig fuer die Komprimierung von Archiven
Fli4lCompressor() - Constructor for class archive.Fli4lCompressor
Fli4lCompressorTest - Class in archive
Fli4lCompressorTest() - Constructor for class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
fli4lList - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
the list of items.
flowLayout - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the Flow Layout for the Icon Panel.
FOR_EACHNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ForEachNode.
FOREACH - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ForEachNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
ForEachNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
ForEachNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ForEachNode.
ForEachNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
FOREACHTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
FORMAT_VERSION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if after a FormatVersion didn't follow a pathSymbol with -.
formatVersion - Variable in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
represents the formatVersion of the file.
formatVersion - Variable in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
The formatVersion of the package description file.
FormatVersionState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
The class represents the FormatVersionState.
FormatVersionState(PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.FormatVersionState
FORRECEIVECOMMAND - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the last part for the receive command.
FOUR - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant 4.
FRAMEBOUNDHEIGHT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
FRAMEBOUNDWIDTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
FRAMEBOUNDX - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
FRAMEBOUNDY - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
FreeIndex - Class in parser.nodes
FreeIndex() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.FreeIndex
freeSpace - Variable in class basic.Buffer
queue if the buffer is full.
FullIdNode - Class in parser.nodes
FullIdNode(IDSectionNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
fullIdNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
function(String, ProcessedDiffFile, String) - Method in class migration.MigrationFileAdapter


g - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
the graphics reference.
GE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
gen - Variable in class libraries.LibReader
The ArchiveGenerator to use.
general - package general
generalTest1() - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
TestCases for a stream s.
generalTest2() - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
TestCases for a stream s.
generalTest3() - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
TestCases for a stream s.
generalTest4() - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
TestCases for a stream s.
generalTest5() - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
TestCases for a stream s.
generateAssLists() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
generating a list of all Assignments.
generateAssLists(VariableContext) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
generating a list of all Assignments.
generateDefList(VariableContext) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
generating a list of all Definitions.
generateDiffFile(FilePackage, Version, Version) - Method in class migration.DiffFileGenerator
Generate a Diff-File.
generateItemListToXML(List<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveTask
serialize all objects to a xml file.
generatePathList() - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
generates the pathList.
generateRegEx(String) - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
generateTypesLists() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
generating a list of all Types.
generateUrl(String, String, String) - Method in class migration.DiffFileGenerator
Generate the SVN-Url to the version in the fli4l repo.
generator - package generator
generator.option - package generator.option
generator.option.flag - package generator.option.flag
generator.option.type - package generator.option.type
GENode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
GENode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENode
GENODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for GENode.
GENodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for GENode.
GENodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
GENODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the GENode for the toString-Function.
getAbstractIds() - Method in class parser.nodes.VarNode
getAddRouterView() - Method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
returns this.addRouterView.
getAliasName() - Method in class kernelmodules.Alias
getAllAssignments() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
getAllAssignments() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Get the allAssignments.
getAlltypes() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Getter for the allTypes HashMap.
getApllManViewLogic() - Method in class main.ApplicationManager
getAppManager() - Method in class main.ApplicationMain
getArchGen() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
getArchiveData() - Method in class archive.ArchiveFile
getAss() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getAsses() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
getAssignFile() - Method in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
getAssignmentFile() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
Returns the field assignmentFile.
getAssignmentFile() - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
Returns the desired AssignmentFile which is automatically created right after instantiation.
getAssignmentFileManager() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Getter for assignmentFileManager.
getAssignmentFiles() - Method in class model.type.AssignmentFileManager
Get the assignmentFiles.
getAssignments() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Returns the field assignments.
getAssignments() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
getAssignmentValue(NamedVariableType) - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Get the value of the variable.
getAssName() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getAssValue() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getBeginningColumn() - Method in class scanner.AbstractState
getBeginningRow() - Method in class scanner.AbstractState
getBezugsname() - Method in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
getBoundary() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut b.
getBtnAddRouter() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
getBtnCancel() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
getBtnSearchPath() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getBuffer() - Method in class parser.AbstractFileParser
getBuffer() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getButtonPane() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getButtons() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
Getter of buttons.
getCancelButton() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getChanges() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
getChangeType() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
getChangeType() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
getChangeType() - Method in interface migration.processeddifffile.VariableDefinitionChange
getColor() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
getter for color.
getColumn() - Method in class model.Position
getColumn() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
getColumn() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
getColumn() - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
getColumn() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
getColumnCounter() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
getComment() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
getComment() - Method in class model.Comment
getComments() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
getComments() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
getComments() - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
getComments() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
getComments() - Method in class parser.AbstractFileParser
getConditionExpression() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
getConditionIdentifier() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
get the getConditionIdentifier.
getConfiguration() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationWrapper
getConfiguration() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.SoftwareWrapper
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getConfiguredPackage() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Returns the configured package.
getConnectingType() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
getter connectingType.
getConnectingType() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectingTypeButton
getConnectingType() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
normal getter.
getConnectingTypeList() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeList
getter for connectingTypes.
getConnectingTypes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
getter for the connecting types.
getContent() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
getContent() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
getContent() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
getContent() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
getContent() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
getContent() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
getContentPane() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getContentPanel() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getContentValue() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
getter for contentValue.
getContext() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
getController() - Method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
returns this.controller.
getController() - Method in class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
getController() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
getControlPanel() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
getter of the Toolbar.
getCurrentExpression() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getCurrentName() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
get the current name.
getCurrentPosition() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
getter for currentPosition.
getDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getDefaultValue() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field defaultValue.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface model.definition.DefaultValue
getDefaultValue() - Method in class model.definition.HasDefault
Returns the field defaultValue.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class model.definition.HasNotDefault
getDefaultValue() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getDefFile() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefinitionFileWrapper
getDefFile() - Method in class model.Package
Returns the field defFile.
getDefFile() - Method in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
getDefinition() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Returns the field definition.
getDefinition() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
getDefinitionFile() - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
Returns the desired DefinitionFile which is automatically created right after instantiation.
getDefinitions() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Returns the field definitions.
getDefinitionSegments() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
getDepEntries() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
getter for dependency entries.
getDepfile() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
getDeps() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
getDescriptionBlock() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
getDetailProperty() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
getter for detailProperty.
getDetailView() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
üblicher Getter für das Attribut getDetailView.
getDevtype() - Method in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
getDevtype() - Method in class generator.option.DevtypeOption
getDirectory() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getDynamicEntries(Elf) - Method in class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
Reads all dynamic entries from an ELF file.
getElf() - Method in class libraries.LibReader
getEntry() - Method in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
getEntryByModule(Module) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
get the Module to the Entry.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class model.type.AbstractVariableType
Return the field errorMessage.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
getErrorMessage() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Return the field errorMessage.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
getErrors() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getExcView() - Method in class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
getExpression() - Method in class model.type.AbstractType
Return the field expression.
getExpression() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
getExpression() - Method in class symbols.RegExpSymbol
getExtensionIdentifier() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
getExtensionIdentifier() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
getExtensions() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
getExtensionsMap() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
getFailed() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getFatalerrors() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getFile() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getFileAt(int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
Returns the VariableAssignment of the row r.
getFileAt(int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
Returns the VariableAssignment of the row r.
getFileAt(int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
Returns the VariableAssignment of the row r.
getFileChooser() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getFileContent(String) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
method for loading the xml file.
getFileEntity() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
getter für die DiffFileEntity.
getFileName() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getFlags() - Method in class archive.ArchiveFile
getFlags() - Method in class generator.option.FlagsOption
getFlags() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
getFormatVersion() - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
getG() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
getter for graphics.
getGid() - Method in class generator.option.GidOption
getGraph() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractConfigurationGraphAction
getter of the graph.
getHashMap() - Method in class parser.states.typestates.PosixHashMap
This method gives the Hashmap back.
getIdentifier() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
getIDSectionNodes() - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
getIdSets() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
getIDSplit() - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
getInConditions() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Get getInConditions.
getIndex() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
getIndex() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
getIndex() - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
getIndex() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
getIndex() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
getIndexes(String) - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
getIndexExists() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
getIndexinit() - Method in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
getIndexInit() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
getIpRoutes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
getter of List of IP Routes.
getIpv4Adress() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut ipv4Adress.
getIpv6Adress() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut ipv6Adress.
getItemForGraphicalConfig() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
getItems() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Gets all items added to the graph.
getIterationVars() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
getIteratorIndexName() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
getjFrame() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getLabelVaule() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
getter for labelVaule.
getLaufindexname() - Method in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
getLaufVariablen() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
getLblSourcepath() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getLeftTreePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getLib() - Method in class libraries.LibRefResolved
getter for the library.
getLibRefs() - Method in class libraries.Module
getter for library references.
getLine() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
getLine() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
getLine() - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
getLine() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
getLines() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
getter für die Zeilen in einem Diff-Part-File.
getLinktarget() - Method in class archive.ArchiveSymlink
Return the linktarget.
getLinktarget() - Method in class generator.option.LinktargetOption
getMacAddress() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut macAddress.
getMainView() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
getMainViewLogic() - Method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
getMainViewMenueArea() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getMajor() - Method in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
getMajor() - Method in class generator.option.MajorOption
getMeldung() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
getMeldung() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
getMeldung() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
getMinor() - Method in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
getMinor() - Method in class generator.option.MinorOption
getMode() - Method in class archive.AccessibleAbstractArchiveComponent
getMode() - Method in class generator.option.ModeOption
Will return the mode in octal.
getModel() - Method in class gui.MainController
getModelType() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
getModelType() - Method in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
getModelType() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
getModelType() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
getModelType() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
getModelType() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
getModelType() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
getModelType() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
getModelType() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
getModelType() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
getModule(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.Alias
returns the module.
getModule() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
getModules() - Method in class kernelmodules.ModMgr
getMousePt() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
gets the point of the mouse.
getMyParser() - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.AbstractPackageParserState
getMyScanner() - Method in class scanner.AbstractState
getMyTree() - Method in class parser.Parser
getMyTree() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
getN1() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
Getter of Node 1.
getN2() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
Getter of Node 2.
getName() - Method in class archive.AbstractArchiveComponent
getName() - Method in class controller.AbstractPhase
getName() - Method in class generator.option.NameOption
getName() - Method in class kernelmodules.Module
getName() - Method in class libraries.RPath
getName() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
getName() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
getName() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field name.
getName() - Method in class model.definition.Opt
Returns the field name.
getName() - Method in class model.Package
Returns the field name.
getName() - Method in class model.packages.Option
getName() - Method in class model.Router
getName() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Return the field name.
getName() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut name.
getName() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut name.
getName() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
getName() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
getName() - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
getName() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
getName() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
getName() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
getName() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getName() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
getName() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
getName() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
getName() - Method in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
getNameOfAssignment() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Returns the field name.
getNameText() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut nameText.
getNewDefaultAss(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
method for generating a temporary assignment.
getNewDefinition() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
getNumberOfContextBeginn(int) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
getNumberOfNodes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
get the number of nodes.
getObserver() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut observer.
getOkButton() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getOldDefinition() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
getOperand() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
Getter fuer operand
getOperand1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand1
getOperand1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand1
getOperand1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
Getter fuer operand1
getOperand2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand2
getOperand2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand2
getOperand2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
Getter fuer operand2
getOperand3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand3
getOperand3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
Getter fuer operand3
getOperand4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
Getter fuer den operand 4
getOpt() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
getOpt() - Method in class model.definition.HasOpt
Returns the field opt.
getOptions() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getOptions() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
getOptions() - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
getOptList() - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
getOpts() - Method in class model.Package
Returns the field opts.
getOptVariable() - Method in class model.definition.Opt
Returns the field optVariable.
getOwner() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
getter for owner.
getPack() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Returns the field package.
getPackage() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfiguredPackageWrapper
getPackage() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageWrapper
getPackage() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
getPackage(String) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Returns a configured package by name.
getPackageDescriptionFile() - Method in class model.Package
getPackageName() - Method in class migration.FilePackage
Get the package name like base, isdn, etc.
getPackagerules() - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
getPackages() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
getPackages() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getPackDescFile() - Method in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
getPartFiles() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffFile
getParts() - Method in class model.type.RegEx
Returns the field parts.
getPassphrase() - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
getPassword() - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
getPath() - Method in class generator.OptEntry
getPath() - Method in class kernelmodules.Module
getPath() - Method in class migration.FilePackage
Get the package path like config/base.txt.
getPath() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
getPath() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
getPath() - Method in class model.Position
getPath() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
getPath() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getPath() - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
getPath() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
getPoint() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Üblicher Getter für das Attribut p.
getPopSaveAssignment() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
getPopup(List<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
Getter of Popup.
getPopup(List<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Method for getting the Popup.
getPopupForGraphicalConfig() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
getPosition() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Returns the field row.
getPosition() - Method in class model.Comment
getPosition() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field row.
getPosition() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
getPosition() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Returns the field row.
getPosition() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
getter for getPosition.
getPosition() - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
getPosition() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
getPosition() - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
getPosition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
getPosition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
getPosition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getPosition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
getPosition() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
getPosition() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
getPositionX() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
getter for positionX.
getPositionY() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
getter for positionY.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
getPrefix() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
getter for prefix.
getPropertyBar() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
getter for the properties bar.
getPropertyBarEntry() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
getter for getValue.
getPropertyDraw() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
getter for the properties draw.
getPropertyDrawEntry() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
getter for propertyDrawEntry.
getRadius() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
gets the radius.
getRc() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
getter for the router configuration.
getRealyOpt() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
getReference() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field reference.
getReferenceName() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
getRefstate() - Method in class libraries.LibReference
getter for RefState.
getRegEx() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
getRegEx() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
getRepString() - Method in class model.type.AbstractVariableType
Returns the type-representation for printing.
getRepString() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
getRepString() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
getRestState(Integer, Integer) - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScanner
getRestState(Integer, Integer) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScanner
getRestState(Integer, Integer) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
getRestState(Integer, Integer) - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getRestState(Integer, Integer) - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScanner
getRevisionId() - Method in class migration.Version
get the revisionId as Long.
getRightTablePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getRoute() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
getter for getRoute.
getRouterConfiguration() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
getRouterConfiguration() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getRouterSoftware() - Method in class model.Package
getRouterSoftware() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
getRow() - Method in class model.Position
getRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
getRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
getRowCounter() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getRpath() - Method in class libraries.Program
getter for RPAth.
getSaveMenuItem() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
getSection() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
getSelected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
gets the List of selected nodes.
getSelected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Return true if this node is selected.
getSelectedNodes(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Collected all the selected nodes in list.
getSelectionState() - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScanner
getSelectionState() - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScanner
getSelectionState() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
getSelectionState() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
getSelectionState() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScanner
getSerialversionuid() - Static method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getSession() - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
get the session.
getSize() - Method in interface archive.ArchiveData
getSize() - Method in class archive.FileArchiveData
getSize() - Method in class archive.StringArchiveData
getSlContentPane() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getSlContentPanel() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getSlLeftTreePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getSlRightTablePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getSlTopMenuePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getSoName() - Method in class libraries.Lib
getter for SOName.
getSoName(String) - Method in class libraries.LibManager
creates an structured Object if it doesn't exists and returns it.
getSoName() - Method in class libraries.LibReference
getter for SOName.
getSONames() - Method in class libraries.LibManager
getSplittedParts(String, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
getState() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
getter für den LineState.
getState() - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
Returns the field state.
getState() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
normal getter.
getState() - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
getState() - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
getState() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
getStfuPMD() - Method in class libraries.LibRefState
schwachsinn für PMD.
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class parser.nodes.VoidValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
getStringRepresentation() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VoidValue
getSub() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
getSub() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
getSub() - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
getSub() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
getSynopsis() - Method in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
getTable() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
getTableArea() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getTarget() - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
getTarget() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
getTestGraph() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
getter for test graph.
getText() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
getText() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
getText() - Method in class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
getText() - Method in class symbols.StringSymbol
This method returns the attribute text.
getTextArea() - Method in class gui.view.ExceptionView
getTfSourcePath() - Method in class gui.view.AddRouterView
getTheConfigRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
get the config router.
getTheInstance() - Static method in class generator.OptionHandler
getTheInstance() - Static method in class kernelmodules.ModMgr
getTheInstance() - Static method in class libraries.LibManager
getTheInstance() - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
getThis() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Getter for this Object.
getThis() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
Getter for this Object.
getThisPackage(String) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
returns the package with this package name.
getTopMenuePanel() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
getTree() - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
getTreeArea() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
gettTE() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
getType() - Method in class generator.option.TypeOption
getType() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field type.
getType() - Method in class model.type.AbstractRefState
Returns the field type, if it is an RefResState, else an exception is thrown.
getType() - Method in class model.type.RefResState
Returns the field type.
getType() - Method in class model.type.RefUnResState
getTypeByName(String) - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
getTypeExtensions() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Returns the type extensions.
getTypeFile() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.TypeFileWrapper
getTypeFile() - Method in class model.Package
Returns the field typeFile.
getTypeFile() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
Returns the desired Type File which is automatically created right after instantiation.
getTypeFile() - Method in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
getTypeFileList() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Getter for the TypeFileList.
getTypeFileManager() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
Getter for the TypeFileManager.
getTypeFileManager() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
get the TypeFileManager.
getTypeFileManager() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Getter for the TypeFileManager.
getTypes() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Returns the field type.
getTypes() - Method in class parser.TypeExtensionProcessor
getUid() - Method in class generator.option.UidOption
getValue() - Method in class libraries.SOName
getValue() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Returns the field value.
getValue() - Method in class model.packages.Option
getValue() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
getValue() - Method in class model.packages.Path
getValue() - Method in class model.type.AbstractRefState
Returns the field value.
getValue() - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
Returns the field value.
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbsoluteIndex
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
getValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
getValue() - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
getValue() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
getValue() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
getValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
getValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
getValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
getValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
getValue() - Method in class symbols.UnknownSymbol
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
getValueByAssignment(VariableAssignment) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getValues(RouterConfiguration, String, List<Integer>) - Static method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
getValues() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
getValues() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
getValuesTest00() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getValuesTest01() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getValuesTest02() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getValuesTest03() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getValuesTest04() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getValuesTest05() - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
getVariable() - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeVariableState
getVariable() - Method in class parser.states.typestates.VariableState
getVariable() - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
getVariable() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
getVariableAssignment(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getVariableAssignmentList() - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
getVariableAssignmentsByDef(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
Returs all Values to an definition like test_% or test_%_% .
getVariableAssignmentValue(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getVariableDefinition() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
getVariableDefinition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
getVariableDefinitionList() - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
getVariableN() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
Returns the field variableN.
getVariableN() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getVariableOptReference() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getVariableType() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
getVariableTypeList() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
getVariableTypeRegEx(String) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getVersion() - Method in class migration.Version
get the version branch like 3.10 or 4.0.
getVersion() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getVersion() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
getViewLogic() - Method in class main.ApplicationManagerViewLogic
getWarnings() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
getWeakList() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
getWrappedAssignment() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
getWrappedDefinition() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
getWrappedType() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
gid - Variable in class generator.option.GidOption
GidOption - Class in generator.option
GidOption(String) - Constructor for class generator.option.GidOption
gidOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of GidOption object.
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Host
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
the Image for the symbol.
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Router
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
giveImage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Switch
GlobalFunctions - Class in parser.states
GlobalFunctions() - Constructor for class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
GlobalFunctionsTest - Class in parser
GlobalFunctionsTest() - Constructor for class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractConfigurationGraphAction
the graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.AbstractNewAction
the graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
The Graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction
the configurationgraph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction
the configurationgraph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetAction
the configuration graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetTask
The Graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveAction
the configuration graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
The Graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
the graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
The Graph.
graph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener
the graph which should be redrawn after keys were released.
GREATER - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
GreaterNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
GreaterNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNode
GREATERNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for GreaterNode.
GreaterNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for GreaterNode.
GreaterNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
GREATERNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the GreaterNode for the toString-Function.
gui - package gui
gui.datamodels - package gui.datamodels
gui.view - package gui.view
gui.wrapperobjects - package gui.wrapperobjects
GuiConstants - Class in basic
UtilityClass for gui constants.
GuiConstants() - Constructor for class basic.GuiConstants
GuiException - Exception in gui
GuiException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception gui.GuiException
Constructor for creating an Exception for all Exceptions caused by the gui.
GuiException(String) - Constructor for exception gui.GuiException
Constructor for creating an Exception for all Exceptions caused by the gui.


handle(CommentSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.InitialsStateSymbolVisitor
handle(EndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.InitialsStateSymbolVisitor
handle(RowEndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.InitialsStateSymbolVisitor
handle(VariableSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.InitialsStateSymbolVisitor
handle(CommentSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.OptionStateSymbolVisitor
handle(RowEndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.OptionStateSymbolVisitor
handle(OptionSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.OptionStateSymbolVisitor
handle(CommentSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.PathStateSymbolVisitor
handle(RowEndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.PathStateSymbolVisitor
handle(OptionSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.PathStateSymbolVisitor
handle(CommentSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the type commentSymbol.
handle(EndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type EndSymbol.
handle(RowEndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type RowEndSymbol.
handle(VariableSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type VariableSymbol.
handle(ValueSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type ValueSymbol.
handle(PathSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type PathSymbol.
handle(OptionSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
handles an object of the Type OptionSymbol.
handle(CommentSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the type commentSymbol.
handle(EndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type EndSymbol.
handle(RowEndSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type RowEndSymbol.
handle(VariableSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type VariableSymbol.
handle(ValueSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type ValueSymbol.
handle(PathSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type PathSymbol.
handle(OptionSymbol, PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Method in class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
handles an object of the Type OptionSymbol.
handleArchiveDevNode(ArchiveDevNode) - Method in interface archive.ArchiveComponentVisitor
Behandelt eine Geraetedatei.
handleArchiveDevNode(ArchiveDevNode) - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveDevNode(ArchiveDevNode) - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveDirectory(ArchiveDirectory) - Method in interface archive.ArchiveComponentVisitor
Handles an ArchiveDirectory.
handleArchiveDirectory(ArchiveDirectory) - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveDirectory(ArchiveDirectory) - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveFile(ArchiveFile) - Method in interface archive.ArchiveComponentVisitor
Handels an ArchiveFile.
handleArchiveFile(ArchiveFile) - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveFile(ArchiveFile) - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveSymlink(ArchiveSymlink) - Method in interface archive.ArchiveComponentVisitor
Handels ArchiveSymlink.
handleArchiveSymlink(ArchiveSymlink) - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
handleArchiveSymlink(ArchiveSymlink) - Method in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
handleException(Exception, FileInputStream) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
extracted exception handling to shorten scpTo.
handlePkgRule(PackageRule) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
handles one package Rule.
handleRowEnd() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
handleRowEnd() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
this method increase the RowCounter.
handleWeakVariable() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
Uses the next two symbols of the buffer to add a weak declaration.
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
HardwareEdge - Class in networkconfigurator.item
HardwareEdge(Node, Node) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.HardwareEdge
the constructor.
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a HardwareEdge.
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
hardwareEdge(HardwareEdge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
hasCondition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
hasCondition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
hasCondition() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithoutCondition
hasConnection(Node, Node) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
method to check if there is a connection between Node n1 and Node n2.
hasConnectionTestFalse() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the hasConnection function of a cable.
hasConnectionTestTrue() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the hasConnection function of a cable.
HasDefault - Class in model.definition
Representation for definitions with a default value.
HasDefault(String) - Constructor for class model.definition.HasDefault
Constructor, just sets fields.
hashCode() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
hashCode() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
hashCode() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFile
hashCode() - Method in class kernelmodules.Module
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.AddLine
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffFile
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.LineState
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.NoChangeLine
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
hashCode() - Method in class migration.difffile.RemoveLine
hashCode() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
hashCode() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
hashCode() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
hashCode() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
hashCode() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
hashCode() - Method in class model.Comment
hashCode() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.ConfigurationContext
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.ExtscriptContext
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.HasDefault
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.HasNotDefault
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.HasnotOpt
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.HasOpt
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.Opt
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
hashCode() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingle
hashCode() - Method in class model.Package
hashCode() - Method in class model.packages.Option
hashCode() - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
hashCode() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
hashCode() - Method in class model.packages.Path
hashCode() - Method in class model.Position
hashCode() - Method in class model.Router
hashCode() - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.RefResState
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.RefUnResState
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.RegEx
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
hashCode() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
hashCode() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.DotNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.ErrorNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.IndexNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.InputNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.RootNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.UsNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.VarNode
hashCode() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNode
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
hashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.BracketCloseSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.BracketOpenSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.ColonSignSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.EmptySymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.EqualSignSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.EqualsTildeSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.PlusSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.RegExpSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.StringSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.UnknownSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
hashMap - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.PosixHashMap
This attribute represents the Hashmap for POSIX character classes.
hashTest1() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
hashTest1() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
hashTest1() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
hashTest2() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
hashTest2() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
hashTest2() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
hashTest3() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests the overwritten hashcode method.
hashTest3() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
hashTestFail1() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
hashTestFail2() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Tests the overwritten equals method.
HasNotDefault - Class in model.definition
Representation for definitions without a default value.
HasNotDefault() - Constructor for class model.definition.HasNotDefault
HasnotOpt - Class in model.definition
Representation for definitions without an Opt.
HasnotOpt() - Constructor for class model.definition.HasnotOpt
HasOpt - Class in model.definition
Representation for definitions with an Opt.
HasOpt(Opt) - Constructor for class model.definition.HasOpt
Constructor, just sets the field.
hasPackage(String) - Method in class model.RouterConfiguration
Returns true if a configured package exists.
hasSameContent(DiffFileEntity) - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
hasSameContent(DiffFileEntity) - Method in interface migration.difffile.objects.DiffFileEntity
hasSameContent(DiffFileEntity) - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
hasSameStateAndContent(DiffPartFileLine) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
hasThisPackage(String) - Method in class model.RouterSoftware
returns true, if the package with this Name exists.
HEADERASSIGNFILE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the Header of AssignmentFile.
HEADERDEFFILE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the Header of DefinitionFile.
headers - Variable in class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
HEADERTYPEFILE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the Header of TypeFile.
HIGH - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Height of window.
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
Host - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Host node.
Host(Point) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Host
Host(Point, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Host
Constructor with name.
host(Host) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a host.
HOST - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a host node.
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
host(Host) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
host - Variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
This attribute represents the server ip for the connection.
host - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
The routers IP.
host - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
The routers IP.
host - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
The routers IP.
HOST_D_NAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for HOST_%d_NAME.
HOST_D_NAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for HOST_%d_NAME.
HOST_KEY_CHECKING - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
Variable to set Host Key Checking.
HOST_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for HOST_N.
HOST_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for HOST_N.
HOSTNAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for Hostname.
HOSTNAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for Hostname.
hunk - Variable in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
the List of lines in the hunk.


id - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
ID - Static variable in class parser.Parser
ID - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
identifier - Variable in class migration.DiffFileScanParser
Funktion zum scannen und parsen.
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of an Identifier Symbol.
IdentifierState - Class in scanner
This class represents the IdentifierState.
IdentifierState(Scanner, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class scanner.IdentifierState
This constructor is used to initialize the IdentifierState.
IdentifierSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the Identifier Symbol.
IdentifierSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
The constructor instantiate the identifier with a @param text.
IdentifierTypeVariableState1 - Class in scanner
IdentifierTypeVariableState1(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState1
This constructor initialize the new IdentifierTypevariableState1.
IdentifierTypeVariableState2 - Class in scanner
IdentifierTypeVariableState2(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.IdentifierTypeVariableState2
This constructor initialize the new IdentifierTypeVariableState2.
IDetailBar - Interface in networkconfigurator
Interface for detailbars.
IDNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
IDNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
IDNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for IDNode.
IDNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
IDNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the IDNode for the toString-Function.
IDSectionNode - Class in parser.nodes
Node representing a Section of an ID
IDSectionNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
IDSET - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
IdSetArrayNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
An Array of IdSetNodes.
IdSetArrayNode(IdSetNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
IDSETARRAYNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for IdSetArrayNode.
IdSetArrayNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for IdSetArrayNode.
IdSetArrayNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
IDSETARRAYNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
IdSetNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
IdSetNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
IDSetNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for IDSetNode.
IDSetNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
IDSETNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the IdSetNode for the toString-Function.
idSets - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
IDSplitNode - Class in parser.nodes
IDSplitNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
IF - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
IfNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
IfNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
IfNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
IFNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for IfNode.
IfNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for IfNode.
IfNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
IFTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
IllegalDeviceTypeException - Exception in archive
The IllegalDeviceTypeException should be thrown if a file with an invalid type is to be added to an archive.
IllegalDeviceTypeException(char) - Constructor for exception archive.IllegalDeviceTypeException
Constructor for new IllegalDeviceTypeException.
ImondConstants - Class in update.remote.imond
This class represents the constants of the imond.
ImondConstants() - Constructor for class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constructor.
ImondUpdate - Class in update.remote.imond
ImondUpdate(String, String, int) - Constructor for class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
IN - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
inConditions - Variable in class model.type.NamedVariableType
List of TypeExtensionVariable in which condition this is referenced.
increaseColumnCounter() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
this method increase the columnCounter.
index - Variable in class parser.nodes.AbsoluteIndex
index - Variable in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
index - Variable in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
index - Variable in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
index - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
final value for index.
indexExists - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
value if an index exists.
indexinit - Variable in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
final Integer Attribut indexinit.
indexInit - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
IndexNode - Class in parser.nodes
IndexNode(String) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.IndexNode
init_stacks() - Method in class parser.Parser
init_stacks() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
initAllAssignments() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Stores all assignments once at the beginning of initialization.
initAssignments() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Calls the createAssignmentXXX-methods.
initDefs() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Calls the createDefinitionXXX-methods.
INITIAL_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in inital state of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
InitialsStateSymbolVisitor - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the Visitor for the InitialStateSymbol.
InitialsStateSymbolVisitor() - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.InitialsStateSymbolVisitor
creates a InitialStateSymbolVisitor.
initiateUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.AbstractUpdate
start Update Process in given RemoteUpdate.
initiateUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
initiateUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshUpdate
initLogic() - Method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
Initializes the logic.
initLogic() - Method in class gui.ExceptionViewLogic
Initializes the logic.
initLogic() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
Creates logic for GUI (listener).
initModelData() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
Creates Model Objects for GUI (TreeModel/TableModel).
initPackage() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Creates a package with the files in the fields.
initPackDescription() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
initialze the PackageDescriptionfile.
initTypes() - Method in class model.PackagePrepare
Calls the createTypeXXX-methods.
INPUT_TEXTFILE - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
the full text-file with the content FILE_CONTENT.
INPUT_TEXTFILE_NAME - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
the name of the test text-file.
InputNode - Class in parser.nodes
This will suppress all the PMD warnings in this class.
InputNode(VarNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.InputNode
InputNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
This will suppress all the PMD warnings in this class.
InputNode(LineNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
INPUTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for InputNode.
InputNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for InputNode.
InputNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
INPUTNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the InputNode for the toString-Function.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
instance - Static variable in class generator.OptionHandler
theInstance of an PackageManager for the singleton.
instance - Static variable in class kernelmodules.ModMgr
theInstance of an ModMgr for the singleton.
instance - Static variable in class libraries.LibManager
theInstance of an ModMgr for the singleton.
instance - Static variable in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
internet(Internet) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeVisitor
visitor pattern.
Internet - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Internet node.
Internet(Point, ConnectingType) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
Internet(Point, ConnectingType, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
Constructor with name.
internet(Internet) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a internet.
INTERNET - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a internet node.
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
internet(Internet) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.DotNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.ErrorNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.IndexNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.InputNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.RootNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.UsNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class parser.nodes.VarNode
interpret() - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
Interprets the Syntaxtree.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
Interpret-Methode, die von den entsprechenden erbenden Klassen implementiert werden muss.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNode
Die interpret-Methode wird zunaechst fuer die beiden einzelnen Operanten aufgerufen.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNode
Bei dieser interpret-Methode wird ein neuer Wert vom Typ Boolean erzeugt, indem die Operanten zunaechst jeweils ausgewertet werden und daraufhin mit einem logischen Und verknuepft werden.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNode
This method is responsible for casting the operand1 into type.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNode
Zunaechst wird der Operant ausgewertet und falls es sich um einen boolschen Wert handelt, wird dieser zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNode
Die Operanten 1 und 2 werden jeweils durch den Aufruf der interpret-Methode ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
Wertet die beiden Operanten separat aus.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNode
Der Operant wird ausgewertet und ueberprueft, ob es sich um einen String-Wert handelt.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNode
Der Operant wird ausgewertet und falls es sich um einen String-Wert handelt, wird ein fataler Fehler erzeugt, mit dem entsprechenden Text aus dem Operanten.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENode
Die beiden Operanten werden zunaechst separat ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNode
Die beiden Operanten werden zunaechst separat ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
Zunaechst wird der Wert der AssigntmentVariable in einer temporaeren tempValue-Variable gespeichert.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
Zunaechst wird Operant1 ausgewertet und in op1 gespeichert.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
Ueber die Liste von Knoten wird iteriert und jeder Wert wird interpretiert, bis jedes Element der Liste interpretiert wurde.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENode
Die beiden Operanten werden zunaechst separat ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNode
Die beiden Operanten werden zunaechst separat ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
Ein Versions-Wert wird erzeugt und zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNode
Die beiden Operanten 1 und 2 werden ausgewertet und wenn beide einen numerischen Wert haben, wird der Modulo von den beiden Werten berechnet und zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNode
Die beiden Operanten 1 und 2 werden zunaechst ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNode
Die Operanten 1 und 2 werden ausgewertet.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNode
Der Operant wird ausgewertet und handelt es sich um einen boolschen Wert, wird dieser negiert zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNode
Either operand1 or operand2 is interpreted and returned.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNode
Operant 1 und 2 werden ausgewertet und deren boolscher Wert wird mit einem logischen Oder verknueund als boolscher Wert zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNode
Der Operant wird ausgewertet und wenn er den Nichts-Wert hat, wird dieser zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNode
Die Operanten 1 und 2 werden ausgewertet und haben sie numerische Werte, wird der von Operant 2 von Operant 1 abezogen und das Ergebnis wird zurueckgegeben.
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
interpret(CommunicationManager) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNode
interpretAsSplit(CommunicationManager, AbstractReturnValue, AbstractReturnValue, AbstractReturnValue) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
IP_NET_D - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for IP_NET_%d.
IP_NET_D - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for IP_NET_%d.
IP_NET_D_DEV - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for IP_NET_%d_DEV.
IP_NET_D_DEV - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for IP_NET_%d_DEV.
IP_NET_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for IP_NET_N.
IP_NET_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for IP_NET_N.
IP_ROUTE_D - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for IP_ROUTE_%d.
IP_ROUTE_D - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for IP_ROUTE_%d.
IP_ROUTE_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
String for IP_ROUTE_N.
IP_ROUTE_N - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for IP_ROUTE_N.
ipRoutes - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
List of IP Routes.
IPV4_TEXT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for ipv4.
ipv4Adress - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
the IPv4 adress of the network adapter.
IPV6_TEXT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for ipv6.
ipv6Adress - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
the IPv6 adress of the network adapter.
isActive(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
isArrayElement() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
isArrayValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isArrayValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
isArrayValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isArrayValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
isBooleanValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isBooleanValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
isBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
isBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
A suitable StringValue can also be handled like a BooleanValue.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
isConnectable() - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
True if there was no unconnectable Item.
isConnected() - Method in interface networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.AdapterState
Returns true if the adapter is already connected.
isConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.AdapterStatesTest
the test case for is connected.
isConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.IsConnectedState
isConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.IsNotConnectedState
IsConnectedState - Class in networkconfigurator.AdapterStates
State of a adapter that is already connected with another Item.
IsConnectedState() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.IsConnectedState
isConnectedTo(Node) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
checks if this edge is connected to the node n.
isConnectedToTestFirstIsConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the isConnectedTo function of a cable.
isConnectedToTestNOTConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the isConnectedTo function of a cable.
isConnectedToTestSecondIsConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the isConnectedTo function of a cable.
isDevtypeOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isDevtypeOption() - Method in class generator.option.DevtypeOption
isDirType() - Method in class generator.option.type.AbstractType
isDirType() - Method in class generator.option.type.DirType
isDtxtFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.AbstractFlag
isDtxtFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.DtxtFlag
isEditable() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
getter for isEditable.
isFileType() - Method in class generator.option.type.AbstractType
isFileType() - Method in class generator.option.type.FileType
isFinished() - Method in class parser.AbstractFileParser
isFlagsOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isFlagsOption() - Method in class generator.option.FlagsOption
isGidOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isGidOption() - Method in class generator.option.GidOption
isIDNode() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
isIDNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
isIDNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
isIdSetArrayNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
isIdSetArrayNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
isIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
isIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
isIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
isLinktargetOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isLinktargetOption() - Method in class generator.option.LinktargetOption
isLocalType() - Method in class generator.option.type.AbstractType
isLocalType() - Method in class generator.option.type.LocalType
isMajorOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isMajorOption() - Method in class generator.option.MajorOption
isMinorOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isMinorOption() - Method in class generator.option.MinorOption
isModeOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isModeOption() - Method in class generator.option.ModeOption
isNameOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isNameOption() - Method in class generator.option.NameOption
isNodeType() - Method in class generator.option.type.AbstractType
isNodeType() - Method in class generator.option.type.NodeType
isNotConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.AdapterStatesTest
the test case for is not connected.
IsNotConnectedState - Class in networkconfigurator.AdapterStates
State of a adapter that is NOT already connected with another Item.
IsNotConnectedState() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.IsNotConnectedState
isNumericValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isNumericValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
isNumericValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isNumericValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
isOptional() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field isOptional.
isOptional() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
isOptionalField - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents if the definition is optional.
isPackageDescriptionFileScanner() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
isPackageDescriptionFileScanner() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
isPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
isPathSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
isPathSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
isPathSymbol() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
isReadOnly() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
getter for isReadOnly.
isReady() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
isReady() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
isReady() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
isReady() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
isReallyOptional() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the field isOptional (Array).
isReallyOptional() - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
isReallyOptionalField - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents if the definition is really optional (for Arrays).
isRenameInTheSameContext(DiffPartFileLine, DiffPartFileLine) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffFile
isRenameInTheSameContext(DiffPartFileLine, DiffPartFileLine) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
returns true if and only if the lines are in the same context and a rename is unambiguous.
isRootfs() - Method in class model.packages.Path
isRowEndSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
isRowEndSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
isRowEndSymbol() - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
isShFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.AbstractFlag
isShFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.ShFlag
isStringValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isStringValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
isStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
Each BooleanValue can also be handled like a StringValue.
isStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
isSymlinkType() - Method in class generator.option.type.AbstractType
isSymlinkType() - Method in class generator.option.type.SymlinkType
isTypeOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isTypeOption() - Method in class generator.option.TypeOption
isUidOption() - Method in class generator.option.AbstractOption
isUidOption() - Method in class generator.option.UidOption
isUtxtFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.AbstractFlag
isUtxtFlag() - Method in class generator.option.flag.UtxtFlag
isValueSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
isValueSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
isValueSymbol() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
isVariableActive(RouterConfiguration, AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
This method checks, if the variable active or not.
isVariableConditionFlag() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
get the flag of the variable-condition (can be tagged as true or false).
isVersionValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isVersionValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
isVersionValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isVersionValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
isVoidValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
isVoidValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.VoidValue
isVoidValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
isVoidValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VoidValue
isWeak(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
Wenn die Definition in der Liste der Weak Variablen auftaucht, gibt sie true zur�ck.
Item - Class in networkconfigurator.item
A Node represents a node in a graph.
Item() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Item
itemForGraphicalConfig - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the itemForGraphicalConfig for menuForGraphicalConfig.
ItemGetNameVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor to get the name.
ItemGetNameVisitorImpl - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
the visitor implementation to get the name.
ItemGetNameVisitorImpl() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitorImpl
items - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
List of all items added to the screen.
ItemSetNameVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor to set the name.
ItemVisitor - Interface in networkconfigurator.item
Visitor for the Nodes.
itemvisitorTest() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
test the itemvisitor with the network cable.
iterateIndex() - Method in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
Methode iterateIndex.
iterateIndex() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
iterateOverTypes(Iterator<? extends AbstractType>) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Iterates over AbstractType and resolves the references.
iteration(CommunicationManager, String, AbstractReturnValue, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
iteration over one idSet.
iterationVars - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
iterator - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
The iterator.
iterator - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
The Iterator.
IteratorHelper - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
IteratiorHelper used to Iterate in loops
IteratorHelper(String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
iteratorIndexName - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
ival - Variable in class parser.ParserVal
integer value of this 'union'
ival - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
integer value of this 'union'


javabinutils - package javabinutils
JavaBinutilsTest - Class in javabinutils
Tests java-binutils access to ELF files.
JavaBinutilsTest() - Constructor for class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
jFrame - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The main JFrame.
JFRAMETITLE - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
jsch - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
JSEPSOUPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
jTextField - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
the jTextField.


KERNEL - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Filename of kernel.
kernelmodules - package kernelmodules
KernelModulException - Exception in kernelmodules
KernelModulException(String) - Constructor for exception kernelmodules.KernelModulException
KeyHandler() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.KeyHandler
keyPath - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
path to keyfile.
keyPath - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
path to keyfile.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.KeyHandler
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.KeyHandler
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener


LABELTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
labelVaule - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
labelVaule for the detail bar.
laufindexname - Variable in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
final String Attribut laufindexname.
LaufVariable - Class in parser.nodes
LaufVariable(String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
laufVariablen - Variable in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
LaufvariablenTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
LaufvariablenTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
LBLCHOOSENORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
LBLCHOOSEWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
lblLblerroricon - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the JLabel that contains the Error Icon.
LBLRNNORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
LBLRNWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
lblSourcepath - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
label of the textField tfSourcePath.
LBLSPNORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
LBLSPWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
LBRACE - Static variable in class parser.Parser
LBRACKET - Static variable in class parser.Parser
LE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
leftTreePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
This panels separate the areas.
LENode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
LENode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENode
LENODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for LENode.
LENodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for LENode.
LENodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
LENODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the LENode for the toString-Function.
LESS - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
LessNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
LessNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNode
LESSNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for LessNode.
LessNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for LessNode.
LessNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
LESSNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the LessNode for the toString-Function.
lexer - Variable in class parser.Parser
lexer - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
Lib - Class in libraries
class for libraries.
Lib(SOName) - Constructor for class libraries.Lib
lib - Variable in class libraries.LibRefResolved
represents the library.
LibManager - Class in libraries
LibManager() - Constructor for class libraries.LibManager
libraries - package libraries
LibReader - Class in libraries
This class representes the reader for the libaries.
LibReader(ArchiveGenerator, File) - Constructor for class libraries.LibReader
LibReaderException - Exception in libraries
LibReaderException() - Constructor for exception libraries.LibReaderException
LibReaderException(String) - Constructor for exception libraries.LibReaderException
LibReaderTest - Class in libraries
tests the LibReader.
LibReaderTest() - Constructor for class libraries.LibReaderTest
LibReference - Class in libraries
class for library references.
LibReference(LibRefState, SOName) - Constructor for class libraries.LibReference
LibRefResolved - Class in libraries
class for status: resolved.
LibRefResolved() - Constructor for class libraries.LibRefResolved
LibRefState - Class in libraries
class for states of the library states.
LibRefState() - Constructor for class libraries.LibRefState
LibRefUnresolved - Class in libraries
class for status: unresolved.
LibRefUnresolved() - Constructor for class libraries.LibRefUnresolved
LIGHTGREEN - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
LIGHTRED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
LINE - Static variable in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
LINEBREAK - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for line break.
LineNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
LineNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNode
LINENODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for LineNode.
lineNodes - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
List lineNodes.
LineNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for LineNode.
LineNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
LineProcessor - Interface in migration.processor
LineProcessorReturnWrapper - Class in migration.processor
LineProcessorReturnWrapper(RelatedLinesChange, Map.Entry<Integer, DiffPartFileLine>) - Constructor for class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
lines - Variable in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
Zeilen einer Diff-Part-File.
LineState - Class in migration.difffile
Kennzeichnung einer Zeile.
LineState() - Constructor for class migration.difffile.LineState
LINETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
linktarget - Variable in class archive.ArchiveSymlink
The target of the symlink.
linktarget - Variable in class generator.option.LinktargetOption
LinktargetOption - Class in generator.option
LinktargetOption(String) - Constructor for class generator.option.LinktargetOption
linktargetOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of LinktargetOption object.
list1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes
The list of connecting types that is.
loadConfig() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
loads the item list to the xml file.
LoadConfigurationGraphException - Exception in networkconfigurator
LoadConfigurationGraphException(String) - Constructor for exception networkconfigurator.LoadConfigurationGraphException
loadGraphConfiguration(RouterConfiguration) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
method for loading the additional information of the nodes.
LoadTask - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Load the additional informations of the nodes.
LoadTask(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
class for finding an item in a list and updating the point.
LOCALPACKNAME - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
LocalType - Class in generator.option.type
LocalType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.LocalType
localTypeTest() - Method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Tests the LocalType object.
LOOKANDFEEL - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
LOOKANDFEELEXCP - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
lookUpForVariables(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode


macAddress - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
the mac address of the network adapter.
main - package main
main(String[]) - Static method in class main.ApplicationMain
this is a real main-method (not a debugger-leftover).
MainController - Class in gui
The controller (MVC-Pattern).
MainController(ModelFacade) - Constructor for class gui.MainController
Constructor, sets fields.
MainImond - Class in update.remote.imond
This is the main class for updating the router with imond.
MainImond() - Constructor for class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This is the constructor.
mainView - Variable in class gui.MainViewLogic
the view to set.
MainView - Class in gui.view
The Main-View.
MainView() - Constructor for class gui.view.MainView
Create the frame.
mainView - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
The mainview.
mainView - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
The mainview.
mainView - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
The mainview.
mainViewLogic - Variable in class gui.AddRouterViewLogic
the main view logic.
MainViewLogic - Class in gui
Contains model and logic for GUI-elements.
MainViewLogic(MainController) - Constructor for class gui.MainViewLogic
MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor - Class in gui
MainViewLogicTest - Class in gui
MainViewLogicTest() - Constructor for class gui.MainViewLogicTest
mainViewMenueArea - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The menue area.
MainViewMenueArea - Class in gui.view
The top menue area of the main view.
MainViewMenueArea(MainView) - Constructor for class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
MainViewTableArea - Class in gui.view
The table area of the mainview.
MainViewTableArea(MainView) - Constructor for class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
MainViewTreeArea - Class in gui.view
The tree area of the mainview.
MainViewTreeArea(MainView) - Constructor for class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
major - Variable in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
the major-value.
major - Variable in class generator.option.MajorOption
MAJOR_VER - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
MajorOption - Class in generator.option
MajorOption(Integer) - Constructor for class generator.option.MajorOption
majorOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of MajorOption object.
MajorVerNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
MajorVerNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
MajorVerNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for MajorNode.
MajorVerNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
MAJORVERNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the MajorVerNode for the toString-Function.
MARGINS - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ToolBarButton
Standardabstand eines ToolBarButtons.
markAsSelected(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.HardwareEdge
markAsSelected(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
mark the item when it is selected.
markAsSelected(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkCable
markAsSelected(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
markAsSelected(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
MATCH - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
MATCH_VARIABLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the Match-Variable.
matchEntrysByName(CpioArchiveEntry, List<CpioArchiveEntry>) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
matchEntrysByName(TarArchiveEntry, List<TarArchiveEntry>) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
matches(String) - Method in class model.type.AbstractType
Returns true if passed value matches this type, else false.
MatchNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
MatchNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
MATCHNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for MatchNode.
MatchNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for MatchNode.
MatchNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
MATCHNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the MatchNode for the toString-Function.
meldung - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtension
Meldung to add.
meldung - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
the meldung.
migrate(Version, Version) - Method in class migration.MigrationManager
Die Methode migriert die Benutzerangepasste Konfigurationsdatei der Variablenzuweiseung von der alten Version auf die neue.
migration - package migration
migration.difffile - package migration.difffile
migration.difffile.objects - package migration.difffile.objects
migration.processeddifffile - package migration.processeddifffile
migration.processor - package migration.processor
MigrationFileAdapter - Class in migration
MigrationFileAdapter() - Constructor for class migration.MigrationFileAdapter
MigrationFileAdapterTest - Class in migration
MigrationFileAdapterTest() - Constructor for class migration.MigrationFileAdapterTest
MigrationManager - Class in migration
MigrationManager() - Constructor for class migration.MigrationManager
minor - Variable in class archive.ArchiveDevNode
the minor-value.
minor - Variable in class generator.option.MinorOption
MinorOption - Class in generator.option
MinorOption(Integer) - Constructor for class generator.option.MinorOption
minorOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of MinorOption object.
MINUS - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for "-".
mkFli4l(File) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
MOD - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
mode - Variable in class archive.AccessibleAbstractArchiveComponent
the access mode.
mode - Variable in class generator.option.ModeOption
model - package model
model - Variable in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
The model to test.
model - Variable in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
The model to test.
model - Variable in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
The model to test.
model.assignment - package model.assignment
model.assignmentarray - package model.assignmentarray
model.definition - package model.definition
model.exceptions - package model.exceptions
model.packages - package model.packages
model.type - package model.type
ModelConstants - Class in basic
UtilityClass for model constants.
ModelConstants() - Constructor for class basic.ModelConstants
modelFacade - Variable in class gui.MainController
The modelFacade.
modelFacade - Variable in class main.ApplicationManager
the coreModel to set.
ModelFacade - Class in model
A Facade to the model.
ModelFacade() - Constructor for class model.ModelFacade
Constructor for ModelFacade, just sets the fields.
modelTree - Variable in class gui.MainViewLogic
the tree model.
MODELTYPEBOOL - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
MODELTYPENUMERIC - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
MODELTYPESTRING - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
MODELTYPEVERSION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
ModeOption - Class in generator.option
ModeOption(Integer) - Constructor for class generator.option.ModeOption
modeOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of ModeOption object.
ModMgr - Class in kernelmodules
Managerclass for Modules.
ModMgr() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.ModMgr
ModMgrTest - Class in kernelmodules
Tests the class ModMgr.
ModMgrTest() - Constructor for class kernelmodules.ModMgrTest
ModNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
ModNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNode
MODNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ModNode.
ModNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ModNode.
ModNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
MODNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the ModNode for the toString-Function.
module - Variable in class kernelmodules.Alias
represents the module.
module - Variable in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
represents the module.
Module - Class in kernelmodules
Module(String, String) - Constructor for class kernelmodules.Module
Constructor - No Side Effects.
Module - Class in libraries
class for modules.
Module() - Constructor for class libraries.Module
ModuleConstants - Class in libraries
ModuleConstants() - Constructor for class libraries.ModuleConstants
ModuleNotFoundException - Exception in kernelmodules
ModuleNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception kernelmodules.ModuleNotFoundException
modules - Variable in class kernelmodules.ModMgr
represents the module.
modules - Variable in class libraries.LibManager
Map of Modules.
modules - Variable in class libraries.LibReader
List of modules.
ModulNotFoundException - Exception in kernelmodules
ModulNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception kernelmodules.ModulNotFoundException
ModulNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception kernelmodules.ModulNotFoundException
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseMotionHandler
MouseHandler() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler
MouseMotionHandler() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseMotionHandler
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler
mousePt - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
default point.
mouseRect - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Retangle of Icons.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler
MULT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
MultNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
MultNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNode
MULTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for MultNode.
MultNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for MultNode.
MultNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
MULTNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the MultNode for the toString-Function.
mutex - Variable in class basic.Buffer
lock and unlock the semaphore.
myAssFile - Variable in class parser.Parser
myParser - Variable in class parser.states.packagestates.AbstractPackageParserState
the parser, which owns the state.
myScanner - Variable in class scanner.AbstractState
This attribute represent a relationship to the Scanner.
mySkript - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
syntax tree of the given extskript.
myTree - Variable in class parser.Parser
myTree - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
MyUserInfo - Class in update.remote.ssh
A UserInfo implementation for authentication.
MyUserInfo() - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo


N - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the letter n.
NAK - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the String NAK.
name - Variable in class archive.AbstractArchiveComponent
The full qualified name of the archive component.
name - Variable in class controller.AbstractPhase
The name of a phase.
name - Variable in class generator.option.NameOption
name - Variable in class kernelmodules.Module
represents the name of the module.
name - Variable in class libraries.RPath
The Name for the RPath.
name - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
the name of Difference.
name - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents the name of the definition.
name - Variable in class model.definition.Opt
Represents the name of the Opt.
name - Variable in class model.Package
Represents the name of the package.
name - Variable in class model.packages.Option
represents the name of the option.
name - Variable in class model.Router
The router's name.
name - Variable in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Represents the name of the type.
name - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
the new name of the node.
name - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
Name of the Node.
name - Variable in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
name - Variable in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
name - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
The name of the TempTypExtension.
name - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
name - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
name - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
name - Variable in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
The name to set.
NamedVariableType - Class in model.type
Represents a type of an definition.
NamedVariableType(String, RegEx, String, Position) - Constructor for class model.type.NamedVariableType
Constructor, just sets the fields.
NAMEEMPTY - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
nameLabel - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
Label for the name.
nameOfAssignment - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Represents the name of the variable.
NameOption - Class in generator.option
NameOption(String) - Constructor for class generator.option.NameOption
nameOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of NameOption object.
nameText - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
Textfield for the name.
NcActionsConstants - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Constants for the fli4l network configurator.
NcActionsConstants() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
the constants.
NcNodeConstants - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Constants for the fli4l network configurator.
NcNodeConstants() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
the constants.
NestedIdNode - Class in parser.nodes
NestedIdNode(IDSplitNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
NETWORK_ADAPTER - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a network adapter node.
NetworkAdapter - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Network Adapter Node.
NetworkAdapter(Point, Device) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
NetworkAdapter(Point, Device, VariableAssignment, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a networkEdge.
NetworkCable - Class in networkconfigurator.item
NetworkCable(Node, Node) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkCable
the constructor.
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
networkCable(NetworkCable) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
networkconfigurator - package networkconfigurator
networkconfigurator.actions - package networkconfigurator.actions
networkconfigurator.AdapterStates - package networkconfigurator.AdapterStates
networkconfigurator.item - package networkconfigurator.item
networkconfigurator.xstream - package networkconfigurator.xstream
NetworkconfiguratorConstants - Class in networkconfigurator
Constants for the fli4l network configurator.
NetworkconfiguratorConstants() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
the constants.
newAdapter - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
the new Adapter.
NewHostAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new host.
NewHostAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewHostAction
The constructor.
NewInternetAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new internet.
NewInternetAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewInternetAction
action for a new Internet-Object.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a new line as Character (\n).
NewNetworkAdapterAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new Node.
NewNetworkAdapterAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction
Action for a new NetworkAdapter.
NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for adding hardwareEdges between the new Adapter and the device.
NewNodeNodeActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Checks if the right nodes were created.
NewNodeNodeActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.NewNodeNodeActionTest
NewRouterAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new Router.
NewRouterAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewRouterAction
action for a new Internet-Object.
newSlot - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
the new slot.
NewSlotAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new Node.
NewSlotAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction
Action for a new NetworkAdapter.
NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for adding HardwareEdges between the new slot and the Switch or Internet.
NewSwitchAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for adding a new Switch.
NewSwitchAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSwitchAction
action for a new Internet-Object.
newVariableDefinition - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
definition in the new version.
next() - Method in class scanner.DescriptionBlock
set the next State.
next() - Method in class scanner.OptionBlock
next() - Method in class scanner.PathBlock
next() - Method in class scanner.ValueBlock
next() - Method in class scanner.VariableBlock
next_token() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
next_token() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
NO - Static variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
This attribute represents the String "no".
NO_BUFFER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if there is no buffer in PackageDescriptionFileParser.
NO_CHANGES_WERE_RESET - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
NO_CHANGES_WERE_SAVED - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
NO_EQUALSIGN - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if there is no equalsign in the option.
NO_NUM_VER_STRING_BOOL_TYP - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
NO_NUM_VER_STRING_TYP - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
NO_PACKAGE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if the packagedescriptionfileparser receive a symbol, he doesn't know.
NO_STREAM_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a text of a scannerexcption.
NO_VALID_SYMBOL_STRING - Static variable in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState2
String für "no valid symbol: ".
NoChangeLine - Class in migration.difffile
Zeilen ohne Änderung.
NoChangeLine() - Constructor for class migration.difffile.NoChangeLine
Node - Class in networkconfigurator.item
A Node represents a node in a graph.
Node() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Node
node1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
Node 1 is connected to Node2.
node2 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
Node 2 is connected to Node1.
NodeTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Tests the basic functions of the items.
NodeTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
NodeType - Class in generator.option.type
NodeType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.NodeType
nodeTypeTest() - Method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Tests the NodeType object.
NoMatchFoundException - Exception in archive
NoMatchFoundException() - Constructor for exception archive.NoMatchFoundException
NonRoutable - Class in networkconfigurator.item
NonRoutable devices in the graph that can have IP-Address.
NonRoutable() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.NonRoutable
NOO - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
NOPASSWORDNEEDED - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the return statement, when nothing password exits.
NORTHPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
NOT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
NotEqualNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
NotEqualNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNode
NOTEQUALNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for NotEqualNode.
NotEqualNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for NotEqualNode.
NotEqualNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
NOTEQUALNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the NotEqualNode for the toString-Function.
notifyObserver() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
notifying the Observers.
NotNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
NotNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNode
NOTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for NotNode.
NotNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for NotNode.
NotNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
NOTNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the NotNode for the toString-Function.
NUM - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
NUMBER_1000 - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
Yes, it is 1000.
NUMBER_1024 - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant 1024.
NUMBER_1024 - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
This is 2^10 (aka.
NUMBER_FORMAT_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if the numberformat excetion will be thrown.
NUMBER_PRIMARY - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
int represents 40.
NUMBER_SECONDARY - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
int represents 55.
numberOfVariableAssignment(Map<String, VariableAssignment>, String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask
Determine the number of variable assignments.
NUMERIC - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
a variable type.
NUMERIC - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
NumericValue - Class in parser.nodes
NumericValue(Integer) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.NumericValue
NumericValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
NumericValue(Integer) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
NUMERICVALUE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ScriptNode.
NumericValueTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
tests the NumericValue.
NumericValueTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
NUMERICVALUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
NumExpNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for NumExpNode.
NumExpNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
NUMEXPRNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the NumExprNode for the toString-Function.
NumNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
NumNode(Integer) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode


obj - Variable in class parser.ParserVal
object value of this 'union'
obj - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
object value of this 'union'
observer - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
The list of observer edges.
ok - Variable in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
OK - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the String "OK".
OKAYTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
okButton - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
The button for confirming the addRouter dialogue.
oldVariableDefinition - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
definition in the old version.
ON - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ONEHUNDRED - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant 100.
OneLineChange - Class in migration.processeddifffile
Represents a change which is caused by one line.
OneLineChange(DiffDefinition, ChangeType) - Constructor for class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
creates a one line change.
OPENGRAPHICALCONFIGDIALOG - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
OPENGRAPHICALCONFIGTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
openGraphicalGraph() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
Performs the action graphical graph should be opened.
operand - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variable operand.
operand1 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2.
operand1 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3, operand4.
operand1 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3.
operand2 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2.
operand2 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3, operand4.
operand2 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3.
operand3 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3, operand4.
operand3 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3.
operand4 - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
final AbstractNode Variablen operand1, operand2, operand3, operand4.
opt - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
opt - Variable in class model.definition.HasOpt
Represents the Opt.
Opt - Class in model.definition
Representation for an Opt.
Opt(String, AbstractVariableDefinition) - Constructor for class model.definition.Opt
Constructor, just sets fields.
OPT_FORMAT_VERSION - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String, which is expected if a format_version exists.
OPT_IMG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Filename of opt.img.
OPT_STRING - Static variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
the OPT regex.
OPT_UNICORN - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
an imaginary opt name.
OptEntry - Class in generator
OptEntry(String, String, File, List<AbstractOption>) - Constructor for class generator.OptEntry
OptEntry(File, List<AbstractOption>) - Constructor for class generator.OptEntry
OptEntryTest - Class in generator
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
OptEntryTest() - Constructor for class generator.OptEntryTest
Option - Class in model.packages
This class represents the options of the package rule.
Option(String, String) - Constructor for class model.packages.Option
OPTION - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the beginning of a option symbol.
OPTION_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in OptionState of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
optional - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
OptionBlock - Class in scanner
This class represents the >4 block.
OptionBlock() - Constructor for class scanner.OptionBlock
OptionHandler - Class in generator
OptionHandler() - Constructor for class generator.OptionHandler
the secret constructor.
OptionHandlerTest - Class in generator
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
OptionHandlerTest() - Constructor for class generator.OptionHandlerTest
options - Variable in class generator.OptEntry
options - Variable in class model.packages.PackageRule
represents the List of options.
options - Variable in class parser.TempPackageRule
is the List of Options of the PackageRule.
OptionState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the OptionState for the PackageDescriptionfileParser.
OptionState(PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.OptionState
The constructor.
OptionStateSymbolVisitor - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represent the Visitor for the OptionstateSymbol.
OptionStateSymbolVisitor() - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.OptionStateSymbolVisitor
OptionSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the option symbol.
OptionSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.OptionSymbol
This constructor instantiate the option symbol.
OptionTest - Class in generator.option
OptionTest() - Constructor for class generator.option.OptionTest
optList - Variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
List of Files for the opt.img.
optList - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
the Opts List.
opts - Variable in class model.Package
The opts that are associated by the package.
optVariable - Variable in class model.definition.Opt
Represents the Opt - definition.
OR - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ORELSE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
OrElseNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
OrElseNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNode
OrElseNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
OrElseNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
OrNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
OrNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNode
ORNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for OrNode.
OrNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for AndNode.
OrNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
ORNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the OrNode for the toString-Function.
others(Node) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
others(Node) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeVisitor
visitor pattern.
OUTPUT_CPIO_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
Path to the output CPIO archive.
OUTPUT_TAR_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
Path to the output TAR archive.
outputArchive - Variable in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
the file where the created archives are stored.
outputStream - Variable in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentVisitor
the outputstream to write the archive.
outputStream - Variable in class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
The outputstream to write the archive.
owner - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
the owner of the networkadaper.


pack - Variable in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The created package.
pack - Variable in class model.PackageTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.type.RegExTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class model.type.TypeFileTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
The created package to test.
pack - Variable in class printer.FilePrinterTest
The created package to test.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String representation for package rule.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Path of the migration test folder.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
Path of the migration test folder.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class migration.MigrationFileAdapterTest
Path of the migration test folder.
Package - Class in model
Represents a Package, for example the base package of fli4l.
Package(RouterSoftware, String) - Constructor for class model.Package
Default constructor.
Package(RouterSoftware, String, TypeFile, DefinitionFile, Map<String, Opt>, PackageDescriptionFile) - Constructor for class model.Package
Constructor, just sets fields.
PACKAGE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
Path of the migration test folder.
PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String representation for package description.
PACKAGE_ICONS - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard path for icons.
PACKAGE_ICONS - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
Standard path for icons.
PACKAGE_RULE - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String representation for package rule.
PackageCategoryWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for the package category.
PackageCategoryWrapper() - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageCategoryWrapper
The PackageCategoryWrapper constructor.
packageDescFile - Variable in class model.Package
This packageDescriptionFile that is associated by the package.
packageDescriptionFile - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The created packageDefinition file.
PackageDescriptionFile - Class in model.packages
This class represents the description files for the packages.
PackageDescriptionFile() - Constructor for class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
Default constructor.
PackageDescriptionFile(List<Comment>, List<PackageRule>, Integer) - Constructor for class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
PackageDescriptionFileParser - Class in parser
Parser for the PackageDescription File.
PackageDescriptionFileParser(RouterSoftware, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
PackageDescriptionFileParserTest - Class in parser
This class tests the DefinitionFileScanner.
PackageDescriptionFileParserTest() - Constructor for class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
The constructor for the testclass.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest10() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a PlusSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest100() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with CommentSymbol and without a RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest101() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse a VariableSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest102() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the VariableSymbol and the ValueSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest103() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol and the PathSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest104() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest105() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest105f() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest106() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest106g() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest106m() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest107() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest108() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest109() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest10l6() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest10l6k() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest11() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a RegExpSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest110() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest111() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest112() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest113() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest114() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest115() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest116() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest117() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest118() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest119() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest12() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a EmptySymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest120() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest121() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest122() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest123() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest124() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest125() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest126() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest127() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two CommentSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest128() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest129() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest13() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest130() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest131() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest132() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest133() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest134() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest135() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest136() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest137() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest138() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest139() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest14() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest140() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest141() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest142() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the buffer is null.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest143() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest145() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest146() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest147() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with a VariableSymbol with 3 inputs.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest148() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest149() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with a Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest15() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest150() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest151() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest152() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is not completely.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest19() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with CommentSymbol and without a RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest19a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with CommentSymbol and without a RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest2() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest20() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse a VariableSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest21() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the VariableSymbol and the ValueSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest22() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol and the PathSymbol is lost.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest23() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest24() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest25() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest26() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest27() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest28() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest29() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest2a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest2b() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest30() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest31() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest32() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest33() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest34() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest35() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest36() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest37() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest38() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest39() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3b() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3c() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3d() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3de() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3def() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest3s() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest4() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse without the PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest40() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest40a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest41() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest42() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest43() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest44() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest45() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two CommentSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest46() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest47() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest48() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest49() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest4a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the Split Method.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest5() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a UnkownSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest50() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest51() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest52() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest53() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest54() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest54a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest55() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest56() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest57() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest58() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest59() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the buffer is null.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest5a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest6() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a StringSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest60() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with two OptionSymbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest61() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest62() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is interrupted by an incorrect icon.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest63() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with a VariableSymbol with 3 inputs.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest64() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest64a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with a Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest64b() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest64c() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with Reg.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest65() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the numerical order of the symbols is not completely.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest69() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest6a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol and two OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest7() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a ColonSignSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest8() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a EqualSignSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest80() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest81() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test parser with CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest82() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with all Symbols.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest83() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest84() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the Split Method.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest85() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol and two OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest86() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse without the PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest87() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a StringSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest88() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a UnkownSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest9() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest90() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a ColonSignSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest91() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a EqualSignSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest914() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest92() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser without CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest93() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a PlusSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest94() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a RegExpSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest944() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest95() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a EmptySymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest96() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest97() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the ExceptionParser, couse the first Symbol is a PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest98() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest98c() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest99() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the parser with CommentSymbol and without a RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest994() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
packageDescriptionFileParserTest994a() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
test the FormatVersion.
PackageDescriptionFileScanner - Class in scanner
scanner for package description files.
PackageDescriptionFileScanner(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
create a PackageDescriptionFileScanner and sets the PackageDescriptionSelectionState as initial state.
PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest - Class in scanner
This class tests the PackageDescriptionFileScanner.
PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest() - Constructor for class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
The constructor for the testclass.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest1() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest10() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest100() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest101() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest102() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest103() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest104() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest105() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest106() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest107() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and identifiersymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest108() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest109() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest11() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and identifiersymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest110() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest111() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest112() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest113() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest114() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest115() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest116() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest117() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest118() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest119() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest12() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest120() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest121() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest122() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest123() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest124() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest125() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest126() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest127() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest128() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest129() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest13() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest130() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest131() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest132() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest133() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if big letters scan as VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest134() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest135() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest136() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest137() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest138() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest139() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol twice.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest14() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest140() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol twice.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest141() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest142() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest142a() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest143() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest144() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest145() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest146() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest147() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest148() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest149() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest15() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest150() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest151() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest152() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest153() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest154() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest155() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and identifiersymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest156() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest157() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest158() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest159() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest16() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest160() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest161() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest162() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest163() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest164() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest165() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest166() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest167() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest168() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest169() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest17() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest170() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest171() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest172() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest173() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest174() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest175() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest176() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest177() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest178() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest179() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest18() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest180() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest181() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if big letters scan as VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest182() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest183() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest184() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest185() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest186() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest187() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest188() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest189() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest19() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest190() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest191() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest192() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest2() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest20() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest21() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest22() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest23() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest24() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest25() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest26() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest27() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest28() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest29() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest3() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest30() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest31() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest32() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest33() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest34() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest35() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest36() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest37() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if big letters scan as VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest38() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest39() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest4() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest40() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest41() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest42() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest43() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest44() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest45() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest46() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest47() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest48() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest49() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest5() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest50() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest51() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest52() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest53() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest54() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest55() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest56() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest57() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest58() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest59() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and identifiersymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest6() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest60() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest61() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if small letters scan as Unknownsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest62() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest63() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest64() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest65() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest66() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest67() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest68() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest69() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest7() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest70() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest71() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest72() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest73() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest74() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest75() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest76() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest77() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest78() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest79() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest8() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest80() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest81() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest82() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of CommentSymbol, VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest83() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the combination of commentsymbol and VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest84() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol and the EndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest85() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests if big letters scan as VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest86() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest87() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests for VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol, PathSymbol, OptionSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest88() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest89() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest9() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest90() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest91() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol .
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest92() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest93() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the commentsymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest94() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol,ValueSymbol, PathSymbol,OptionSymbol, RowEndSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest95() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest96() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
tests the VariableSymbol, ValueSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest97() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the CommentSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest98() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the DigitSymbol.
packageDescriptionFileScannerTest99() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the VariableSymbol.
PackageDescriptionFileSymbol - Interface in symbols
represents a PackageDescriptionFileSymbol.
PackageDescriptionInitialState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
The InititalState for the PackageDescriptionParser.
PackageDescriptionInitialState(PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.PackageDescriptionInitialState
creates a PackageDescriptionInitialState.
PackageDescriptionInitialState - Class in scanner
The Selectionstate for the PackageDefinitionFileScanner.
PackageDescriptionInitialState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.PackageDescriptionInitialState
creates a PackageDefinitionSelectionState.
PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor - Class in symbols
Visitor for the Symbols.
PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor(String) - Constructor for class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitor
konstruktor of the SymbolVisitor.
PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule - Class in symbols
Visitor for the Symbols.
PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule(String) - Constructor for class symbols.PackageDescriptionSymbolVisitorWithTempRule
constructor for the SymbolVisitorWithTempRule.
PackageFileQuartet - Class in reader
PackageFileQuartet(String, File, File, File, File) - Constructor for class reader.PackageFileQuartet
packageList - Variable in class model.RouterSoftware
the list of Packages.
packageName - Variable in class migration.FilePackage
the package name like base, isdn, etc.
PACKAGENOTCOMPLETEEXC - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
PackagePrepare - Class in model
Prepares an "Object-World" for testing.
PackagePrepare() - Constructor for class model.PackagePrepare
Constructor, creates a package with a complete "object world" for testing.
PackageReader - Class in reader
PackageReader() - Constructor for class reader.PackageReader
private constructor.
PackageReaderTest - Class in reader
PackageReaderTest() - Constructor for class reader.PackageReaderTest
PackageRule - Class in model.packages
This class represents the rules of the packages in one line of the package description file.
PackageRule(RegEx, Path, List<AbstractVariableDefinition>, Position, List<Option>) - Constructor for class model.packages.PackageRule
packagerules - Variable in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
represents the list of packagerules.
packageRules - Variable in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
is the List of PackageRules of the Parser.
packages - Variable in class model.RouterConfiguration
A map of configured packages by name.
PACKAGESTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PackageTest - Class in model
PackageTest() - Constructor for class model.PackageTest
PackageWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for packages.
PackageWrapper(Package) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageWrapper
The PackageWrapper constructor.
PACKDESCEND - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
The file-ending for reading for package description files.
packDescFile - Variable in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
PACKTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING0 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING212 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING252 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING40 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING6 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDING61 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PADDINGN702 - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
panel - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType
The panel of the multiselection of the connection types for a ConfigRouter.
panelCancelBtn - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the panel for the Cancel Button.
panelIcon - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the panelIcon.
parse() - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
parse() - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
parses the whole definition file and writes the result into the definitionFile attribute.
parse(RouterSoftware, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Static method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
creates a PackageDescriptionFileParser and starts the parse-Method.
parse() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
parses the symbols from the scanner and create a PackageDescriptionFile.
parse(RouterConfiguration, TempVariableAssignment, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, AssignmentFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.assignmentstates.AbstractAssignmentState
parse(RouterConfiguration, TempVariableAssignment, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, AssignmentFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentCommentState
parse(RouterConfiguration, TempVariableAssignment, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, AssignmentFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentIdentifierState
parse(RouterConfiguration, TempVariableAssignment, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, AssignmentFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentInitialState
parse(RouterConfiguration, TempVariableAssignment, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, AssignmentFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.assignmentstates.AssignmentValueState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.AbstractDefinitionState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionCommentState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionDefaultState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionIdentifierState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionInitialState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionOptState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionTypeState
Generates Anonymous VariableType if a RegEx has been delivered.
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableDefinition, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, DefinitionFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.definitionstates.DefinitionVariableNState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AbstractTypeState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState2
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalIdentifierState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState2
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState1
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState2
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.PlusState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeErrormessageState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeExpressionState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeIdentifierState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeInitialState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeVariableState
parse(RouterSoftware, TempVariableType, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>, TypeFileParser) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.VariableState
parse() - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
parseOptions(String) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
parseOptionsTest() - Method in class generator.ArchiveGeneratorTest
parser - package parser
Parser - Class in parser
Parser(Reader, RouterConfiguration, String) - Constructor for class parser.Parser
Parser() - Constructor for class parser.Parser
Default constructor.
Parser(boolean) - Constructor for class parser.Parser
Create a parser, setting the debug to true or false.
parser - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
parser - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
parser.nodes - package parser.nodes
parser.states - package parser.states
parser.states.assignmentstates - package parser.states.assignmentstates
parser.states.definitionstates - package parser.states.definitionstates
parser.states.packagestates - package parser.states.packagestates
parser.states.typestates - package parser.states.typestates
parser.tempparserobjects - package parser.tempparserobjects
ParserConstants - Class in parser
Constrants for the parser.
ParserConstants() - Constructor for class parser.ParserConstants
Konstruktor of ParserConstants.
ParserException - Exception in parser
ParserException(String) - Constructor for exception parser.ParserException
ParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception parser.ParserException
ParserTest - Class in parser
ParserTest() - Constructor for class parser.ParserTest
parserTest0() - Method in class parser.ParserTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
ParserVal - Class in parser
BYACC/J Semantic Value for parser: Parser This class provides some of the functionality of the yacc/C 'union' directive
ParserVal() - Constructor for class parser.ParserVal
Initialize me without a value
ParserVal(int) - Constructor for class parser.ParserVal
Initialize me as an int
ParserVal(double) - Constructor for class parser.ParserVal
Initialize me as a double
ParserVal(String) - Constructor for class parser.ParserVal
Initialize me as a string
ParserVal(Object) - Constructor for class parser.ParserVal
Initialize me as an Object
partFiles - Variable in class migration.difffile.DiffFile
the Hunks.
parts - Variable in class model.type.RegEx
Represents the single parts of a regular expression.
pass() - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method checks, if a password exists.
pass(String) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method sends the password to the imond and gets an answer if the password is correct or gives the information, that the imond is in the admin mode.
PASSCOMMAND - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the String for the pass command, if a password needed.
passphrase - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
passphrase for the key.
passphrase - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
PASSSPACECOMMAND - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the String for the pass command with password to check the password.
passwd - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
PASSWORD - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting the password.
password - Variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
This attribute represents the password for the connection.
password - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the password for the connection.
password - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
password for the user.
path - Variable in class kernelmodules.Module
attribute which represents the path of the module.
path - Variable in class migration.FilePackage
the package path like config/base.txt.
path - Variable in class model.packages.PackageRule
represents the path.
Path - Class in model.packages
This class represents the data path.
Path(Boolean, String) - Constructor for class model.packages.Path
path - Variable in class model.Position
This attribute is the path to the file.
path - Variable in class model.RouterConfiguration
Path to the configuration directory.
path - Variable in class model.RouterSoftware
The path to the software directory.
path - Variable in class parser.Parser
path - Variable in class parser.TempPackageRule
is the Path, which the PackageRule owns.
path - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptFacade
PATH - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the beginning of a path symbol.
PATH_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception if after a FormatVersion didn't follow a pathSymbol.
PATH_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in path state of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
PathBlock - Class in scanner
This class represents the third block, the Path.
PathBlock() - Constructor for class scanner.PathBlock
PATHFORPRINTING - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The general path for printing.
pathList - Variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
the list with the pathes of the files.
PATHNOTAVAILABLAE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
PATHNOTFOUNDEXC - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PathState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the Path State of the PackageDescriptionfileparser.
PathState(PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.PathState
The constructor for the PathState.
PathStateSymbolVisitor - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the Visitor for the PathStateSymbol.
PathStateSymbolVisitor() - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.PathStateSymbolVisitor
The constructor for the PathStateSymbolVisitor.
PathSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the path symbol.
PathSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.PathSymbol
This constructor instantiate the path symbol.
peek() - Method in class basic.Buffer
peekSymbol() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Character for the percentage symbol.
performDeleteEdgeAction() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
performing the DeleteEdgeAction.
performReset() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetAction
Performs the reset action.
performSave() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveAction
Performs the save action.
performSelectAllAction() - Method in class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
Executes the SelectAllAction.
pkg - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseAssignmentFile
The associated package.
pkg - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseDefinitionFile
The associated package.
pkg - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile
The associated package.
pkg - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseTypeFile
The associated package.
pkg - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfiguredPackageWrapper
The package to wrap.
pkg - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageWrapper
The package to wrap.
pkg - Variable in class model.ConfiguredPackage
The associated Package.
PKG_NAME - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
a packagename.
pkgDescFile - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile
The path to the package description file.
PLEASE_CHOOSE_THE_DESIRED_CONFIGURATON - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PLUS - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the PLUS as Character.
PlusState - Class in parser.states.typestates
PlusState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.PlusState
PlusSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the plussymbol (+).
PlusSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.PlusSymbol
The constructor instantiate the plussymbol.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
Point of the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Point of the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Point of the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
point of the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Point of the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Point of the Node.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
Point of the nodes.
POINT - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.PrepareTestEnvironment
the point for the nodes.
point - Variable in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
the point of the nodes.
POINT - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the POINT as Character.
popForGraphicalConfig - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the popup-menu for menuForGraphicalConfig.
popSaveAssignment - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the popup-menu for assignmentfile-leafs.
popup - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
pop-up menu for the right click events.
popup - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
pop-up menu for the right click events.
PopupMenu - Class in networkconfigurator
The popup menu.
PopupMenu(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
PopupMenu.ConnectChecker - Class in networkconfigurator
Nodevisitor that checks if there is a item in the selected Nodes list, that can not be connected by the popup-menu.
PORT - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting the port.
port - Variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
This attribute represents the port for the connection.
port - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the port for the connection.
port - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
This attribute represents the port for the connection.
port - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
This attribute represents the port for the connection.
port - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
This attribute represents the port for the connection.
position - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Position where the entry is written.
position - Variable in class model.Comment
The position of the comment.
position - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
position where the entry is written.
position - Variable in class model.packages.PackageRule
represents the position of the package rule.
Position - Class in model
This class represents the position of the symbol.
Position(Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class model.Position
constructor initialize the position with a row and column.
position - Variable in class model.type.NamedVariableType
row where the entry is written.
position - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
represents the position in the detail bar.
position - Variable in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
position - Variable in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
position - Variable in class parser.TempPackageRule
is the position of the PackageRule.
position - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
The Position.
position - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
position - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
position - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
POSITION - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
String for the Position.
position - Variable in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
This attribute is the position of the symbol.
PositionTest - Class in model
Tests the position class.
PositionTest() - Constructor for class model.PositionTest
positionX - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
This attribute can be used to set the position x.
positionY - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
This attribute can be used to set the position y.
posixCharacterReplacement(String) - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
This method replaces the POSIX character classes with the appropriated ASCII code.
posixCharacterReplacement(String) - Method in class parser.states.typestates.TypeExpressionState
This method replaces the POSIX character classes with the appropriated ASCII code.
PosixHashMap - Class in parser.states.typestates
This class creates a Hashmap for POSIX character classes.
PosixHashMap() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.PosixHashMap
This is the constructor.
PosixReplacementTest - Class in parser
This is the test class for the posixCharacterReplacement method in
PosixReplacementTest() - Constructor for class parser.PosixReplacementTest
POSTIONPADDINGBTNGRAPHICALCONFIG - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
PREFIX - Static variable in exception archive.IllegalDeviceTypeException
the begin of the exception message.
prefix - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
the prefix that stands ahead of the value.
prepare() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepare() - Method in class printer.FilePrinterTest
Creates a "object-world" to test.
prepareButton(ToolBarButton, String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ControlPanel
Configure Button in Size, Tool tip and text position.
prepareConfigurationGraph() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
prepare the configuration graph.
prepareStringToPrint() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Prepares the StringBuffer for printing.
prepareStringToPrint() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Prepares the StringBuffer for printing.
prepareStringToPrint() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Prepares the StringBuffer for printing.
PrepareTestEnvironment - Class in networkconfigurator
Preparing the test enviroment.
PrepareTestEnvironment() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.PrepareTestEnvironment
prepareTestEnvironment() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.PrepareTestEnvironment
Creates and prepares the environment for the Action tests.
prepareTestField(JTextField) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.CreateDetailBar
gives the text field a fixed width and center the text.
print(String) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Prints an AssignmentFile containing the VariableAssignments and Comments.
print() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Returns the line to print.
print() - Method in class model.Comment
Returns the line to print.
print() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Returns the line to print.
print(String) - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Prints a DefinitionFile containing the VariableDefinitions and Comments.
print() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
print() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingle
print() - Method in class model.type.AbstractVariableType
Returns the line to print.
print() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
print() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Returns the line to print.
print(String) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Prints an TypeFile containing the VariableTypes and Comments.
printAndRead(AssignmentFile, String, String) - Static method in class printer.PrintHelper
Prints the given object, reads the result and checks if and only if the result is equals the given String expectedString.
printAndRead(TypeFile, String, String) - Static method in class printer.PrintHelper
Prints the given object, reads the result and checks if and only if the result is equals the given String expectedString.
printAndRead(DefinitionFile, String, String) - Static method in class printer.PrintHelper
Prints the given object, reads the result and checks if and only if the result is equals the given String expectedString.
printer - package printer
PrinterConstants - Class in basic
A Class for the String-Constants.
PrinterConstants() - Constructor for class basic.PrinterConstants
PrinterException - Exception in printer
An Exception for all Exceptions caused by printing files.
PrinterException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception printer.PrinterException
Constructor for creating an Exception for all Exceptions caused by printing files.
PrinterExceptionTest - Class in printer
Tests the class PrinterException.
PrinterExceptionTest() - Constructor for class printer.PrinterExceptionTest
PrinterUtility - Class in printer
UtilityClass for extracted Printer-Functions.
PrinterUtility() - Constructor for class printer.PrinterUtility
PrinterUtilityTest - Class in printer
PrinterUtilityTest() - Constructor for class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
PRINTEXCEPTION - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The messge for exceptions caused by printer.
PrintHelper - Class in printer
Utility Class for testing Printer.
PrintHelper() - Constructor for class printer.PrintHelper
Constructor for Utility class.
printTest1() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest1() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest1() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest10() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest11() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest12() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest2() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest2() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest2() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest3() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest3() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest3() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest4() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest4() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest4() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest5() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest5() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest5() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest6() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest6() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest6() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest7() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest7() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest7() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest8() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest8() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest9() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTest9() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Check operation print(), it is called in this test case.
printTheLinesToFile(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
The only one method, that real prints lines into the file.
printTheLinesToFile(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
The only one method, that real prints lines into the file.
printTheLinesToFile(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
The only one method, that real prints lines into the file.
printWriter - Variable in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This attribute represents a printer for the formatting representations of objects to a text-output stream.
process(DiffFile) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
process(DiffFile) - Method in interface migration.processor.DiffFileProcessor
ProcessedDiffFile - Class in migration.processeddifffile
The result of the processing action of a difffile.
ProcessedDiffFile(Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Constructor for class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
Creates a new ProcessedDiffFile for the list of changes.
processRemainingLines(List<DiffPartFileLine>, ChangeType, Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Method in class migration.processor.ConcreteDiffFileProcessor
creates one line changes with the given classification for each line.
processVariableDefinition(Map.Entry<Integer, DiffPartFileLine>, Set<Map.Entry<Integer, DiffPartFileLine>>) - Method in interface migration.processor.LineProcessor
Program - Class in libraries
class for programs.
Program() - Constructor for class libraries.Program
promptKeyboardInteractive(String, String, String, String[], boolean[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
promptPassphrase(String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
promptPassword(String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
promptYesNo(String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
propertyBar - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
saves the entries for the properties bar.
propertyBarEntry - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
the value of the entry for the detail bar property.
PropertyBarEntry - Interface in networkconfigurator
Entry which can be on the detailbar.
propertyDraw - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
saves the entries for the properties draw.
propertyDrawEntry - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawPropertyEntry
the value of the entry for the detail draw property.
PropertyDrawEntry - Interface in networkconfigurator
Entry which is drawable on the jpanel.
provides - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
A list of provides.
PROVIDES - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
ProvidesException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
ProvidesException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.ProvidesException
ProvidesNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit ProvidesNode kann man ein Paket deklarieren, dass es beispielsweise ein Server bereitstellt oder einen Druckdienst unterscheiden.
ProvidesNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNode
PROVIDESNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ProvidesNode.
ProvidesNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ProvidesNode.
ProvidesNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
PROVIDESTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
PROZMARKEDSIGN - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
PRUEFCONTEXTHASH - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
PruefscriptException - Exception in parser.nodes
PruefscriptException(String) - Constructor for exception parser.nodes.PruefscriptException
method PruefscriptException.
PruefscriptException(Exception) - Constructor for exception parser.nodes.PruefscriptException
method PruefscriptException.
pruefskript - package pruefskript
pruefskript.parser - package pruefskript.parser
pruefskript.parser.exceptions - package pruefskript.parser.exceptions
pruefskript.parser.nodes - package pruefskript.parser.nodes
pruefskript.parser.values - package pruefskript.parser.values
pruefskript.scanner - package pruefskript.scanner
PruefskriptConstants - Class in basic
A Class for the String and Integer Constants.
PruefskriptConstants() - Constructor for class basic.PruefskriptConstants
put(T) - Method in class basic.Buffer
This method put a new object @param object into the buffer.


QSTRING - Static variable in class parser.Parser
QUOTATIONMARK - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the quotation mark "\" ".
quote - Variable in class scanner.StringState
the sign, which initiated the string.


RADIUS - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Radius of Icons.
radius - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
radius - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
radius of the Node.
RADIUS - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Radius constans.
RBRACE - Static variable in class parser.Parser
RBRACKET - Static variable in class parser.Parser
rc - Variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
The associated router configuration.
rc - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationWrapper
The configuration to wrap.
rc - Variable in class model.ConfiguredPackage
The associated RouterConfiguration.
rc - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
rc - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
the associated router configuration.
rc - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.RunClass
The Run Configuration.
RC - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.PrepareTestEnvironment
The created router configuration to test.
rc - Variable in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
The associated RouterConfiguration.
rc - Variable in class parser.Parser
rc - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
RC_CFG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Filename of rc.cfg.
rcGenerator(File) - Method in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
generates the rc.cfg file.
rcGeneratorTest() - Method in class generator.ArchiveGeneratorTest
Tests the attributes of DevTypeOption object.
rcLog - Variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
rc.cfg, lofgile.
read(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasReader
reads the file.
read(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
reads the file.
read() - Method in class libraries.LibReader
reads the data.
read(String) - Static method in class reader.FileReader
Reads the file in the given part and returns a string representation.
readArchive(File) - Method in interface archive.ArchiveReader
readArchive(File) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveReader
readArchive(File) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReader
* Method to read the entries of a TAR-archive.
readArchive1() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
read archive1.
readArchive2() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
read archive2.
readArchive3() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
read archive3.
readArchive4() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
read archive3.
reader - package reader
reader - Variable in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
the reader to read the archives.
reader - Variable in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
the reader to read the archives.
reader - Variable in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
the reader to be tested.
reader - Variable in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
the reader to read the archives.
reader - Variable in class libraries.LibManager
List of all LibReaders.
ReaderConstants - Class in basic
ReaderConstants() - Constructor for class basic.ReaderConstants
ReaderException - Exception in reader
ReaderException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception reader.ReaderException
Constructor for creating an Exception for all Exceptions caused by reading files.
ReaderException(String) - Constructor for exception reader.ReaderException
ReaderTest - Class in reader
ReaderTest() - Constructor for class reader.ReaderTest
READEXCEPTION - Static variable in class basic.ReaderConstants
String representation for the reader Exception.
readFiles(String, String) - Static method in class reader.PackageReader
Finds files in a directory with a specified file ending.
readIntegerConsoleInput() - Static method in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This method reads the integer input.
readOnly - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarPropertyEntry
if the value is true, the content of the entry can not be changed.
readStringConsoleInput() - Static method in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This method reads the string input.
readTest1() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Tests read.
readTest2() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Tests read.
ready - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
show if the TempTypExtension is ready.
ready - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
ready - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
ready - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
reallyOptional - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
realyOpt - Variable in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
reassignAttributes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
Methode for refreshing the textfields.
reassignAttributes() - Method in interface networkconfigurator.IDetailBar
Methode for refreshing the textfields.
REAutomatonTest - Class in model.type
Tests the regular expression library brics automaton if it coverage our requirements.
REAutomatonTest() - Constructor for class model.type.REAutomatonTest
rebootNow(SshSession) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.SshReboot
RECEIVE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is a string for the receive command.
receiveCommandsRun(String, String) - Static method in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This method runs the receive method of SynchronizeCommunication for all files, which are necessary for /boot/ on fli4l.
receiveFile(String, String, String) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method instructs imond to receive a file.
recursiveFilter(RouterConfiguration, Map.Entry<ArrayList<Integer>, VariableAssignment>, AbstractVariableDefinition, List<Integer>, List<ArrayList<Integer>>) - Method in class model.assignmentarray.AssArray
RED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
the color red.
reference - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents if the definition has an opt or not.
ReferencedModuleNotFoundException - Exception in libraries
ReferencedModuleNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception libraries.ReferencedModuleNotFoundException
ReferenceIsUnresolvedException - Exception in model.type
ReferenceIsUnresolvedException(String) - Constructor for exception model.type.ReferenceIsUnresolvedException
Constructor, just calls super(errorMesage).
referenceName - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
REFISUNRESEXCEP - Static variable in class basic.ModelConstants
String representation for ReferenceIsUnresolvedException.
refreshDetails(Item) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar
fills the DetailBar with attributes of the selected item.
RefResState - Class in model.type
A state that represents that a reference is resolved.
RefResState(NamedVariableType) - Constructor for class model.type.RefResState
Constructor, tries to set the field.
RefResStateTest - Class in model.type
RefResStateTest() - Constructor for class model.type.RefResStateTest
refstate - Variable in class libraries.LibReference
represents the library reference state.
RefStateVisitor - Interface in model.type
RefStateVisitor, Visitor-Pattern.
RefUnResState - Class in model.type
A state that represents that a reference is unresolved.
RefUnResState(String) - Constructor for class model.type.RefUnResState
Constructor, just sets fields.
RegEx - Class in model.type
Representation of a regular expression.
RegEx() - Constructor for class model.type.RegEx
Constructor, just sets the fields.
RegEx(List<RegExPart>) - Constructor for class model.type.RegEx
Constructor, just sets the fields.
regEx - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
the regularExpression.
regEx - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
REGEXP - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of a Reference.
RegExPart - Interface in model.type
RegExPartVisitor - Interface in model.type
Visitor for RegExPart, Visitor-Pattern.
RegExpBeginSelectionState1 - Class in scanner
This class represents the RegExpBeginSelectionState.
RegExpBeginSelectionState1(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState1
This constructor initialize the RegExpBeginSelectionState.
RegExpBeginSelectionState2 - Class in scanner
This class represents the 2.
RegExpBeginSelectionState2(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.RegExpBeginSelectionState2
initialize the RegExpBeginSelectionState2.
RegExpState - Class in scanner
This class represents the regular Expression.
RegExpState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.RegExpState
The constructor to initialize the RegExState.
RegExpSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the Regular Expression Symbol.
RegExpSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.RegExpSymbol
This constructor initialize the RegExpSymbol.
RegExRefPart - Class in model.type
Represents a "re:typename" as a part of a regular expression.
RegExRefPart(AbstractRefState) - Constructor for class model.type.RegExRefPart
Constructor, just sets fields.
RegExStringPart - Class in model.type
Represents a string part of a regular expression.
RegExStringPart(String) - Constructor for class model.type.RegExStringPart
Constructor, just sets the field.
RegExTest - Class in model.type
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
RegExTest() - Constructor for class model.type.RegExTest
REGEXTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
register() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
register the edge at the Nodes as a observer.
registerObserver(Edge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
register a edge in the list of observers.
registerTest() - Method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Test the register function of a cable.
RelatedLinesChange - Class in migration.processeddifffile
Objektifizierung des Vergleiches von alter und neuer Definition.
RelatedLinesChange(DiffDefinition, DiffDefinition, ChangeType) - Constructor for class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
Create a RelatedLinesChange.
remoteUpdate(String, String, String, int) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
Connect with password.
remoteUpdate(String, String, int, String, String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
Connect with PrivateKey and passphrase.
remoteUpdate(String, String, int, String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
Connect with PrivateKey without passphrase.
RemoteUpdateException - Exception in update.remote.exceptions
Exception thrown when remote update did not succeed.
RemoteUpdateException() - Constructor for exception update.remote.exceptions.RemoteUpdateException
RemoteUpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception update.remote.exceptions.RemoteUpdateException
RemoteUpdateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception update.remote.exceptions.RemoteUpdateException
RemoteUpdateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception update.remote.exceptions.RemoteUpdateException
remoteUpdateViaImond(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.imond.ImondUpdate
remoteUpdateViaSsh(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshUpdate
remove() - Method in class basic.Buffer
removes the first element of the buffer.
removeAssignment(VariableAssignment) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Remove an assignment from the assigemnt file.
removeConnectingType(ConnectingType) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
removing the type of the list.
RemoveLine - Class in migration.difffile
Entfernte Zeilen.
RemoveLine() - Constructor for class migration.difffile.RemoveLine
removeObserver(Edge) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
remove a edge form the list of observers.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
RENAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
String for rename.
RENAME - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
String for rename.
rename - Variable in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
Action for rename all selected nodes.
RenameAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Action for renaming all selected nodes.
RenameAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Visitor for updating the deatilview.
RenameActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
Checks if the RenameAction is changing the name of the nodes.
RenameActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
replaceDollarBracket(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
replaceDollarNoBracket(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
replaceMascSymbols(String, String, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
replaceProzBracket(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
replaceProzNoBracket(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
replaceTypes(CommunicationManager, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
reset - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Save String.
ResetAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
resets all changes.
ResetAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetAction
the constructor.
resetConfig() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
resets the config.
resetGraphConfiguration(RouterConfiguration) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetTask
method for reset the additional information of the nodes.
ResetTask - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
ResetTask(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ResetTask
resolve(NamedVariableType) - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
Changes the state to RefResState with the given type.
resolve() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileManager
Combines all the HashMaps of the TypeFiles and resolves all the NamedVariableTypes in them afterwards.
resolveReferences(Module) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
resolve the unresolved references.
resolveRegEx(RegEx) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Iterates over Parts and resolves the references.
ResolveTypes - Class in controller.resolvingphase
ResolveTypes(TypeFileManager) - Constructor for class controller.resolvingphase.ResolveTypes
The constructor without side-effects.
resolveTypes() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Resolves the unresolved RegExparts of the types.
resolveTypesTest() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation resolve(), it is called in this test case.
resolveTypesTest2() - Method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Check operation resolve(), it is called in this test case.
resolvingPhase - Variable in class controller.Controller
Dissolving phases.
ResolvingPhase - Class in controller
ResolvingPhase() - Constructor for class controller.ResolvingPhase
rest() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
Reset the TYPEFILEMANAGER for each test case.
resultList - Variable in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroups
This attribute represents the list with the results.
RETAG - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the re-tag "RE:".
revisionId - Variable in class migration.Version
Needed to uniquely identify a version.
RIGHTPANWESTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
rightTablePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
This panels separate the areas.
ROOT - Static variable in class generator.option.OptionTest
root - Variable in class gui.MainViewLogic
The root-element.
rootfs - Variable in class model.packages.Path
String to the root file System.
ROOTFS_IMG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Filename of rootf.img.
ROOTFS_PRAEFIX_1 - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String praefix for rootfs.
ROOTFS_PRAEFIX_2 - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String praefix for rootfs.
rootfsList - Variable in class generator.ArchiveGenerator
List of Files fot the rootfs.img.
RootNode - Class in parser.nodes
RootNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.RootNode
RootWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for the tree root.
RootWrapper() - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.RootWrapper
The RootWrapper constructor.
Routable - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Routable devices in the graph that can have IP-Address.
Routable() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Routable
route - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.ConfigRouter
The routes of the configurable router.
Router - Class in model
Represents a router.
Router(String) - Constructor for class model.Router
Creates a Router.
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
router(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
router(ConfigRouter) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingTypeVisitor
visitor pattern.
router(Router) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a normal router.
ROUTER - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a router node.
Router - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Router Node.
Router(Point) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Router
Router(Point, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Router
Constructor with name.
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
router(Router) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
routerConfiguration - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseAssignmentFile
Reference of RouterConfiguration.
RouterConfiguration - Class in model
Represents the configuration of some RouterSoftware.
RouterConfiguration(RouterSoftware) - Constructor for class model.RouterConfiguration
Default constructor.
RouterConfiguration(RouterSoftware, String) - Constructor for class model.RouterConfiguration
Default constructor.
RouterConfiguration.BuildingPhaseBuilder - Interface in model
Builds building phases.
ROUTERREP - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
ROUTERSOFTWARE - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
routerSoftware - Variable in class model.RouterConfiguration
The associated RouterSoftware.
RouterSoftware - Class in model
Represents some router software.
RouterSoftware() - Constructor for class model.RouterSoftware
Default constructor.
RouterSoftware(String) - Constructor for class model.RouterSoftware
RouterSoftware.BuildingPhaseBuilder - Interface in model
Builds building phases.
row - Variable in class model.Position
This attribute represents the row of the position.
rowCounter - Variable in class scanner.Scanner
This attribute represents the counter for the rows to show rownumbers.
ROWEND - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the text of the row end symbol as String.
RowEndState - Class in scanner
state, which handle the new line sign.
RowEndState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.RowEndState
creates a RowEndState.
RowEndSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the row end symbol.
RowEndSymbol(Position) - Constructor for class symbols.RowEndSymbol
This is the constructor for the row end symbol.
rpath - Variable in class libraries.Program
represents the rpath.
RPath - Class in libraries
class for RPath.
RPath(String) - Constructor for class libraries.RPath
rs - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseTypeFile
rs - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.SoftwareWrapper
The RouterSoftware to wrap.
rs - Variable in class model.Package
The RouterSoftware this package belongs to.
rs - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The RouterSoftware to use.
rs - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
The associated RouterSoftware.
rs - Variable in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
The associated RouterSoftware.
rs - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
The associated RouterSoftware.
run() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.RunClass
run() - Method in class parser.Parser
A default run method, used for operating this parser object in the background.
run() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
A default run method, used for operating this parser object in the background.
RunClass(RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.RunClass
The Constructor.


SAMENET - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
SamenetNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
SamenetNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNode
SAMENETNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for SamenetNode.
SamenetNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for ModNode.
SamenetNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
SAMENETNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SamenetNode for the toString-Function.
save(AssignmentFile, String) - Method in class gui.MainController
save - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Save String.
SaveAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
saves all changes.
SaveAction(ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveAction
the constructor.
SAVEASSIGNBTNTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
saveConfig() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
serializes the item list to the xml file.
SAVECONFIRMDIALOG - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SAVED - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SAVED_SETTINGS_IN_PATH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
saveGraphConfiguration(String, List<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveTask
method for saving the additional information of the nodes.
saveMenuItem - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the saveMenuItem for pop.
SaveTask - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
Save the additional informations of the items.
SaveTask() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveTask
SAVETEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
saveXML(String, String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.SaveTask
method for save the xml file.
saveYesPressed() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
scan(InputStream, String) - Method in class scanner.Scanner
This method will be used to create a Symbolsequence.
scanAndParse(Reader) - Method in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
Scanns and Parses the given extskript and setts the private field mySkript.
ScanAndParseAssignmentFile - Class in controller.buildingphase
ScanAndParseAssignmentFile(ConfiguredPackage, File, RouterConfiguration) - Constructor for class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseAssignmentFile
ScanAndParseDefinitionFile - Class in controller.buildingphase
Scans and parses a definition file.
ScanAndParseDefinitionFile(Package, File) - Constructor for class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseDefinitionFile
ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile - Class in controller.buildingphase
Scans and parses a package description file.
ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile(Package, File) - Constructor for class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParsePackageDescriptionFile
ScanAndParseTypeFile - Class in controller.buildingphase
Scans and parses a type file.
ScanAndParseTypeFile(Package, File, RouterSoftware) - Constructor for class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseTypeFile
scanner - package scanner
Scanner - Class in scanner
This interface represents the Scanner.
Scanner(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class scanner.Scanner
This is the constructoer to set the attributes.
ScannerConstants - Class in scanner
This class represents the constants of the scanner.
ScannerConstants() - Constructor for class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the constructor.
ScannerException - Exception in scanner
This class represents all Exception from scanner.
ScannerException(String) - Constructor for exception scanner.ScannerException
This constructor initialize the ScannerException.
SCANNEREXCEPTIONFAIL - Static variable in class basic.TestConstants
The String for a failed scanner exception.
ScannerParserInterpreter - Class in pruefskript
ScannerParserInterpreter() - Constructor for class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
ScannerTest - Class in scanner
ScannerTest() - Constructor for class scanner.ScannerTest
The constructor for the testclass.
scannerTest1() - Method in class scanner.ScannerTest
tests the inputStream.
scanParse(String) - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParser
Nimmt einen unified-diff Datei als String entgegen und gibt sie als DiffFile-Objekt zurück.
ScpTo - Class in update.remote.ssh
send files with this marvellous class.
ScpTo() - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
scpTo(String, SshSession, String) - Static method in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
use this method to push something via ssh.
SCRIPTNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ScriptNode.
scrollPaneTable - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
The ScrollPane contains the table.
scrollPTree - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the tree scrollpane.
SCROLLTABEASTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SCROLLTABNORTHPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SCROLLTABSOUTHPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SCROLLTABWESTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
searchLibFile(String) - Method in class libraries.LibReader
Searches a directory for a library.
SEARCHPATH_LIB - Static variable in class libraries.ModuleConstants
PAth lib.
SEARCHPATH_USRLIB - Static variable in class libraries.ModuleConstants
Path to usr/lib.
searchVariableDefinition(RouterSoftware, String) - Method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
gets the VariableDefinition of the searched Identifier.
secondArchive - Variable in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the second archive to compare.
secondArchive - Variable in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
the second archive to compare.
section - Variable in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
sectionNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
selectAll - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
SelectAll String.
selectAll(List<Item>) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Select all items.
SelectAllAction - Class in networkconfigurator.actions
SelectAllAction(String, ConfigurationGraph) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.SelectAllAction
the constructor.
SelectAllActionTest - Class in networkconfigurator
This is the test class for the actions, which can be used in the network configurator.
SelectAllActionTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
selected - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
The selected items.
selected - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
List of all node that are selected.
selected - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Boolean if selected.
selecting - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Boolean for selects.
SelectionState - Class in scanner
This class represents the SelectionState.
SelectionState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.SelectionState
This constructor initialize the new TypeFileSelectionState.
selectMultiple(List<Item>, Point) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Returns true if node in List already selected.
selectNone(List<Item>) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Select no nodes.
selectOne(List<Item>, Point) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Select a single node; return true if not already selected.
selectRect(List<Item>, Rectangle) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Select each node in r.
selectToggle(List<Item>, Point) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Toggle selected state of each node containing p.
Semaphor - Class in basic
The Semaphore to lock or unlock a attribute.
Semaphor(Integer) - Constructor for class basic.Semaphor
The constructor for the semaphore.
sendCommand(String, boolean) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This method sends a command to the imond, if necessary: with the essential information.
sepHorizontal - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewMenueArea
horizontal line, just design.
SEPHOZEASTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SEPHOZNORTHPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
SEPHOZWESTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
serializeXml(List<Item>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XStreamCreator
serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml1() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml2() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml3() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml4() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml5() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serializeXml6() - Method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
the test case for serialize the object to XML string.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.AbstractTableDataModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception gui.GuiException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
default serialVersionUID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception kernelmodules.EntryNotFoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception kernelmodules.KernelModulException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception kernelmodules.ModuleNotFoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception kernelmodules.ModulNotFoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception libraries.LibReaderException
the serialVersionUID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception libraries.ReferencedModuleNotFoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.exceptions.DefinitionNotFoundException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.type.CycleException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.type.ReferenceIsUnresolvedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.type.TypeDoesNotExistException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.type.TypeExceptions
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception model.type.ValueNotInRangeOfTypeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception parser.nodes.PruefscriptException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception parser.nodes.WrongNodeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception parser.ParserException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception printer.PrinterException
generated serialVersionUID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.AddToOptException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.AssignmentException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.CheckScriptException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.DependsException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.FatalErrorException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.ProvidesException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.VariableDoesNotExistException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.VariableTypeDoesNotExistException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.WrongNodeException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception reader.ReaderException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception scanner.ScannerException
generated serialVersionID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception symbols.WrongTypeError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception update.remote.exceptions.RemoteUpdateException
SERVER - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting the ip adress.
server - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the server ip for the connection.
session - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
SET - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
setArrayElement(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setAssignmentFile(AssignmentFile) - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
Sets the associated assignment file.
setAssignmentTM(AssignmentFile) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
setBoundary() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Calculate this node's rectangular boundary.
setChanges(Set<VariableDefinitionChange>) - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
setColor(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Edge
setting color of the Edge.
setColor(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.HardwareEdge
setColor(Graphics) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkCable
setComments(List<Comment>) - Method in class parser.AbstractFileParser
setConditionExpression(RegEx) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
setConditionIdentifier(NamedVariableType) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
setConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
sets the state to the Connected State.
setConnectingType(ConnectingType) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Internet
normal setter.
setContentValue(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailInputBox
setter for contentValue.
setCurrentExpression(String) - Method in class scanner.Scanner
set the currentExpression.
setDefaultValue(DefaultValue) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setDefFile(DefinitionFile) - Method in class model.Package
Sets the associated definition file.
setDefinitionTM(DefinitionFile) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
setDescriptionBlock(DescriptionBlock) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
setEdges(Set<Edge>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Setter of Edges.
setEntry(Map.Entry<Integer, DiffPartFileLine>) - Method in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
setExpression(RegEx) - Method in class model.type.AbstractType
setExpression(RegEx) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
setFinished(Boolean) - Method in class parser.AbstractFileParser
setFormatVersion(Integer) - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
sets the format version.
setIndex(AbsoluteIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
setIndex(AbsoluteIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
setIndex(AbsoluteIndex) - Method in interface parser.nodes.Target
setIndex(AbsoluteIndex) - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
setInstance(GlobalFunctions) - Static method in class parser.states.GlobalFunctions
setIpv4Adress(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Setter für das Attribut ipv4Adress.
setIpv6Adress(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Setter für das Attribut ipv6Adress.
setLabelVaule(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarLabel
setter for labelVaule.
setLib(Lib) - Method in class libraries.LibRefResolved
setter for the library.
setLines(List<DiffPartFileLine>) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
setter für die Zeilen.
setMacAddress(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.NetworkAdapter
Üblicher Setter für das Attribut macAddress.
setMeldung(String) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
setMeldung(String) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
setMeldung(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
setModule(Module) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepEntry
setName(String) - Method in class controller.AbstractPhase
setName(String) - Method in class model.Router
Changes a router's name.
setName(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction
set the current name.
setName(String) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Node
Üblicher Setter für das Attribut name.
setName(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
setName(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
setName(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
SetNameVisitor() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
setNotConnected() - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
sets the state to the NOTConnected State.
setOptional(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setOpts(Map<String, Opt>) - Method in class model.Package
Sets the associated OPTs.
setOwner(Device) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
setter for owner.
setPackageDescriptionFile(PackageDescriptionFile) - Method in class model.Package
Sets the associated package description file.
setPath(Path) - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
set the Path of the PackageRule.
setPoint(Point) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Üblicher Setter für das Attribut p.
setPosition(Position) - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
sets the Position.
setPosition(Position) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
setPosition(Position) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
setPosition(Position) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setPosition(Position) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
setReady(boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
setReady(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
setReady(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setReady(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
setReallyOptional(Boolean) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setRefstate(LibRefState) - Method in class libraries.LibReference
setRegEx(RegEx) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
setRegEx(RegEx) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
stores a RegEx while input is a Lists of RexExParts.
setRpath(RPath) - Method in class libraries.Program
setter for RPAth.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Mark this node as selected.
setSoName(SOName) - Method in class libraries.Lib
setSoName(SOName) - Method in class libraries.LibReference
setter for SOName.
setState(LineState) - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
setter für den LineState.
setState(AbstractRefState) - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
Sets a new state.
setState(AbstractAssignmentState) - Method in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
setState(AbstractDefinitionState) - Method in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
setState(AbstractTypeState) - Method in class parser.TypeFileParser
setStfuPMD(String) - Method in class libraries.LibRefState
setSynopsis(RelatedLinesChange) - Method in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
setTestGraph(ConfigurationGraph) - Method in class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
setter for test graph.
setTheConfigRouter(ConfigRouter) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
set the config router.
setTypeFile(TypeFile) - Method in class model.Package
Sets the associated type file.
setTypeFileManager(TypeFileManager) - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Setter for the TypeFileManager.
setTypeTM(TypeFile) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
setUp() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
Set up the assertion helper and creates empty lists.
setUp() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Creates a new visitor for each test.
setUp() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
set up the assertion helper and the archives.
setUp() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
set up the reader.
setUp() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Sets up the visitor before each test case.
setUp() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Creates the required Objects.
setUp() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
set up the object world.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NewNodeNodeActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUp() - Method in class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
Set the test environment.
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class kernelmodules.ModMgrTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class libraries.LibReaderTest
before testclass.
setValue(String) - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Try to set a new value to the variable (field).
setValue(String) - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
setValue(RegEx) - Method in class parser.TempPackageRule
set the value of the package description file.
setValue(RegEx) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
setValue(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
setVariable(String) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
setVariableConditionFlag(boolean) - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
set the flag of the variable-condition (can be set to true or false).
setVariableDefinition(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
setVariableN(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setVariableOptReference(VariableOptReference) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
setVariableType(AbstractVariableType) - Method in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
ShFlag - Class in generator.option.flag
ShFlag() - Constructor for class generator.option.flag.ShFlag
shFlagTest() - Method in class generator.option.flag.FlagTest
Tests the ShFlag object.
showDetails() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
method that show the details of the selected icon in the detailview.
showMessage(String) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph.MouseHandler
Shows the pop-up menu on the right click.
showWarningMessage() - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
Method for showing the Warning Message.
SINGLEQUOT - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for single quotation symbol.
skip() - Method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParser
removes the first symbol of the buffer.
skip() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
This method skips the first character and increments the Column Counter.
SkriptNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
SkriptNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNode
SkriptNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for SkriptNode.
SkriptNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
SKRIPTTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
SLASH - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is a / as Character.
slContentPane - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The layout managers for all panes.
slContentPanel - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
The layout for AddRouterView.
slLeftTreePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The layout managers for all panes.
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
slot(Slot) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ConnectVisitor
visitor pattern.
slot(Slot) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a Slot.
Slot - Class in networkconfigurator.item
Slot Node.
Slot(Point, Device) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
Slot(Point, Device, VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Slot
Constructor with name.
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
slot(Slot) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
slRightTablePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The layout managers for all panes.
slTopMenuePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The layout managers for all panes.
socket - Variable in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
This attribute represents the socket for the connection.
SOCKETSUCCESFULLY - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message, when a socket successfully created.
SoftwareWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
Wrapper class for RouterSoftware.
SoftwareWrapper(RouterSoftware) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.SoftwareWrapper
The SoftwareWrapper constructor.
soName - Variable in class libraries.Lib
represents the name of the structured object.
soName - Variable in class libraries.LibReference
represents the name of the structured object.
SOName - Class in libraries
class for the structured object.
SOName(String) - Constructor for class libraries.SOName
soNames - Variable in class libraries.LibManager
Map of SONames.
sortPositions() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
Sorts the Positions of VariableAssignments and Comments in one List.
sortPositions() - Method in class model.definition.DefinitionFile
Sorts the Positions of VariableAssignments and Comments in one List.
sortPositions() - Method in class model.type.TypeFile
Sorts the Positions of VariableAssignments and Comments in one List.
SPACE - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the space " ".
SPACE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Space as Character.
SPACE - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant space.
SPLIT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
splitArray(AbstractReturnValue, List<String>, String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
splitContent(String) - Method in class parser.states.packagestates.VariableState
Splitts a comma seperated List in it's parts.
splitDepsInParts(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
splits the Dependencies in parts.
splitFileInLines(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasReader
split the file in lines.
splitFileInLines(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
split the file in lines.
splitInDynamicEntries() - Method in class libraries.LibReader
Reads all dynamic entries from an ELF file.
splitLineInParts(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasReader
split the line in parts.
splitLineInParts(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
split the line in parts.
splitModule(String) - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReader
This function split the String Modul in name and path.
splitModuleTest1() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
splitModuleTest2() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
splitModuleTest3() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
splitModuleTest4() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
splitModuleTest5() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
splitModuleTest6() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Test to split the Module in 2 parts.
SplitNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
SplitNode, mit Hilfe dieser Aktion koennen Variablen, die mit mehreren Parametern belegt wurden, aufgeteilt werden.
SplitNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
Falls die neuen Teile als String interpretiert werden sollen.
SplitNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
Falls die neuen Teile nummerisch interpretiert werden sollen.
SPLITNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for SplitNode.
splitNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
SplitNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for SplitNode.
SplitNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
SPLITTILE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
springLayout - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the Spring Layout that enables the arrangement of the other components.
SshAuthenticationWithKey - Class in update.remote.ssh.authentication
SshAuthenticationWithKey(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase - Class in update.remote.ssh.authentication
SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase(String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
SshAuthenticationWithPassword - Class in update.remote.ssh.authentication
SshAuthenticationWithPassword(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
SshReboot - Class in update.remote.ssh
Diese Klasse dient zum Rebooten eines Servers per SSH.
SshReboot() - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshReboot
private constructor.
SshRemoteUpdate - Class in update.remote.ssh
This class initiates a remote update on a fli4l router.
SshRemoteUpdate(File[]) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
private constructor.
SshSession - Class in update.remote.ssh
The Session handler.
SshSession(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
SshSession(String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
SshSession(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshSession
SshUpdate - Class in update.remote.ssh
SshUpdate(AbstractSshAuthentication) - Constructor for class update.remote.ssh.SshUpdate
start() - Method in class controller.Controller
Start function.
startBuilding() - Method in class controller.Controller
startChecking() - Method in class controller.Controller
Starts checking.
startExtending() - Method in class controller.Controller
Starts extending.
startResolving() - Method in class controller.Controller
Starts dissolving.
startSshRemoteUpdate(File[]) - Method in interface update.remote.ssh.authentication.AbstractSshAuthentication
startSshRemoteUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
startSshRemoteUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
startSshRemoteUpdate(File[]) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
STAT - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
state - Variable in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
state - Variable in class model.type.RegExRefPart
The state if the reference is resolved or not.
state - Variable in class networkconfigurator.item.Adapter
State of the Adapter.
state - Variable in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
state of the parser.
state - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
State of the Parser.
state - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
the state of this parser.
state_drop(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
state_drop(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
state_peek(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
state_peek(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
state_pop() - Method in class parser.Parser
state_pop() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
state_push(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
state_push(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
statemax - Variable in class parser.Parser
statemax - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
Statement - Interface in parser.nodes
statements - Variable in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
stateptr - Variable in class parser.Parser
stateptr - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
stateptrmax - Variable in class parser.Parser
stateptrmax - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
statestk - Variable in class parser.Parser
statestk - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
StatNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Mit StatNode koennen Eigenschaften einer Datei abgefragt werden.
StatNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNode
STATNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for StatNode.
StatNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for StatNode.
StatNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
STATRES - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
STATRESMESSAGE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
STATRESMESSAGE_NOTOK - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
STATSIZE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
STATTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
stfuPMD - Variable in class libraries.LibRefState
schwachsinn für PMD.
stop - Variable in class parser.nodes.RootNode
StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest - Class in general
TestCases for a stream s.
StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest() - Constructor for class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
STRING - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SubNode for the toString-Function.
STRING - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
STRING - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of an Identifier Symbol.
StringArchiveData - Class in archive
Implementation of ArchiveData, that provides the data, contained in the file.
StringArchiveData(String) - Constructor for class archive.StringArchiveData
Created the archive data with the specified string.
StringNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
StringNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
StringNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for StringNode.
StringNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
STRINGNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the StringNode for the toString-Function.
StringState - Class in scanner
This class represents the StringState.
StringState(Scanner, Integer, Integer, Character) - Constructor for class scanner.StringState
initialize the StringState.
StringSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents String symbol.
StringSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.StringSymbol
This constructor initialize the String Symbol.
StringValue - Class in parser.nodes
StringValue(String) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.StringValue
StringValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
StringValue(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
STRINGVALUE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ArrayValue.
StringValueTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
tests the StringValue.
StringValueTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
STRINGVALUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
sub - Variable in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
sub - Variable in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
sub - Variable in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
SUB - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
SubLevelTarget - Class in parser.nodes
SubLevelTarget(String) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
SUBNET - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
SubnetNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
SubnetNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNode
SUBNETNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for SubnetNode.
SubnetNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for CopyPendingNode.
SubnetNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
SUBNETNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SubnetNode for the toString-Function.
SubNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
SubNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNode
SUBNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for SubNode.
SubNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for SubNode.
SubNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
SUBNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SubNode for the toString-Function.
SUFFIX - Static variable in exception archive.IllegalDeviceTypeException
the end of the exception message.
suite() - Static method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.Fli4lArchiverTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.ArchiveGeneratorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.OptEntryTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.option.flag.FlagTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class generator.OptionHandlerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogicTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.ControllerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.ExceptionViewLogicTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.MainViewLogicTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class kernelmodules.DepReaderTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class kernelmodules.ModMgrTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class libraries.LibReaderTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class migration.MigrationFileAdapterTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.assignmentarray.AssignmentarrayTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.CommentTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.definition.DefinitionFileTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.PackageTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.PositionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.RegExTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class model.type.TypeFileTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.AdapterStates.AdapterStatesTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.EdgeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.NewNodeNodeActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class parser.PackageDescriptionFileParserTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class parser.ParserTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.FilePrinterTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.PrinterExceptionTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class reader.PackageReaderTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class reader.ReaderTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.ScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
Necessary for "ant".
suite() - Static method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
Necessary for "ant".
sval - Variable in class parser.ParserVal
string value of this 'union'
sval - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParserVal
string value of this 'union'
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.LoadTask.FindItemAndUpdatePoint
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.SetNameVisitor
sWitch(Switch) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.item.ItemVisitor
It's a host.
SWITCH - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.item.NcNodeConstants
Standard Name for adding a switch node.
Switch - Class in networkconfigurator.item
switch Node.
Switch(Point) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.item.Switch
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu.ConnectChecker
sWitch(Switch) - Method in class networkconfigurator.PopupMenu
switchToAdminMode(String) - Method in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeLogic
This method switches to admin mode, if the password is the admin password.
symbolicLinkequals(CpioArchiveEntry, CpioArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelper
symbolicLinkequals(TarArchiveEntry, TarArchiveEntry) - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
symbols - package symbols
SymbolsTest - Class in scanner
SymbolsTest() - Constructor for class scanner.SymbolsTest
The constructor for the testclass.
symbolsTest1() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest10() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest101() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest103() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest106() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest107() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toPathSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest108() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toVariableSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest109() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest10a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest10b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest10c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest10d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest10e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest110() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toOptionSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110aa() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110bs() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110s() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toOptionSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest110sb() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toValueSymbol method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest12e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest13() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest13a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest13b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest13c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest13d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest13e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest14() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest14a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest14b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest14c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest14d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest15() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest15a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest15b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest15c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest15d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest15e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest16() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest16a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest16b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest16c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest16d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest16e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest17() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest18() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest19() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest1a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1adg() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1ag() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1agd() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1agdd() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1agddd() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1agdsd() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest1d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest2() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest20() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest21() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest22() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest23() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest24() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest25() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest26() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest27() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of VariableSymbol.
symbolsTest28() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of digitSymbol.
symbolsTest29() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of rowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest2a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2af() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2asdf() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2asf() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest2c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest2e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest3() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest30() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest31() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the hashCode method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest33() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest36() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of ColonSignSymbol.
symbolsTest38() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest3a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest3b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest3c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest3d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest4() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest41() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of CommentSymbol.
symbolsTest43() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest46() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of EmptySymbol.
symbolsTest48() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest4a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest4b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest4c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest4d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest5() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest51() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest53() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest56() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of EndSymbol.
symbolsTest58() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest5a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest5b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest5c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest5d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of EqualSignSymbol.
symbolsTest6() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest61() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest63() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest66() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of OptionSymbol.
symbolsTest68() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest6a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest6b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest6c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest6d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest6e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of IdentifierSymbol.
symbolsTest7() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest71() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest73() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest76() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of PathSymbol.
symbolsTest78() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest7a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest7b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest7c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest7d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of PlusSymbol.
symbolsTest8() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest81() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest83() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of RowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest86() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of RowEndSymbol.
symbolsTest88() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest8a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest8b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest8c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest8d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest8e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of RegExpSymbol.
symbolsTest9() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the toString method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest91() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest93() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest96() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isPathSymbol method of UnknownSymbol.
symbolsTest98() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the isValueSymbol method of ValueSymbol.
symbolsTest9a() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest9b() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest9c() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest9d() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of StringSymbol.
symbolsTest9e() - Method in class scanner.SymbolsTest
test the equals method of StringSymbol.
SymlinkType - Class in generator.option.type
SymlinkType() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.SymlinkType
symlinkTypeTest() - Method in class generator.option.type.TypeTest
Tests the SymlinkType object.
SYNCHRONIZECOMMUNICATION - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the SynchronizeCommunication for the communication with imond.
SynchronizeCommunication - Class in update.remote.imond
This is the class for the connection to the imond.
SynchronizeCommunication() - Constructor for class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeCommunication
synchronizeCommunication - Variable in class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeLogic
This attribute represents the SynchronizeCommunication for the communication with imond.
SYNCHRONIZELOGIC - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the SynchronizeLogic for the communication with imond.
SynchronizeLogic - Class in update.remote.imond
This class is for the logic while the connection to the router.
SynchronizeLogic(SynchronizeCommunication) - Constructor for class update.remote.imond.SynchronizeLogic
This is the constructor for SynchronizeLogic.
synopsis - Variable in class migration.processor.LineProcessorReturnWrapper
the returned synopsis.
syntax - Variable in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
SYSLINUX_CFG - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
Filename of syslinux.cfg.
SYSTEMPATHSYMBOL - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants


table - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
The table.
tableArea - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The table area.
TABSYMBOL - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
String representation for the tabsspace " ".
TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_1 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the first TAR-Archive used to compare with a created archive.
TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_2 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the second TAR-Archive used to compare with a created archive.
TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_3 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the third TAR-Archive used to compare with a created archive.
TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_4 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the fourth TAR-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_5 - Static variable in class archive.TestConstants
The path to the fourth TAR-ARchive used to compare with a created archive.
TarArchiveAssertionHelper - Class in archive
TarArchiveAssertionHelper() - Constructor for class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelper
TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest - Class in archive
Tests for the TarArchiveAsserionHelper.
TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest() - Constructor for class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
TARArchiveComponentFactory - Class in archive
Helper class, which provides Methods to create the object worlds of ArchiveComponents.
TARArchiveComponentFactory() - Constructor for class archive.TARArchiveComponentFactory
TARArchiveComponentFactory should not be initialized.
TARArchiveComponentVisitor - Class in archive
Implementation of the ArchiveComponentVisitor to create entries in TAR archives.
TARArchiveComponentVisitor(ArchiveOutputStream) - Constructor for class archive.TARArchiveComponentVisitor
Constructor, which sets the output stream to write in the archive.
TarArchiveReader - Class in archive
The reader creates a list of TarArchiveEntries from a TAR-Archive.
TarArchiveReader() - Constructor for class archive.TarArchiveReader
TarArchiveReaderTest - Class in archive
Tests the reader, that creates TarArchiveEntires from a TAR-archive.
TarArchiveReaderTest() - Constructor for class archive.TarArchiveReaderTest
TARArchiveVisitorTest - Class in archive
JUnit test cases to test the creation of TAR archive with the TARArchiveComponentVisitor.
TARArchiveVisitorTest() - Constructor for class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
target - Variable in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
Target - Interface in parser.nodes
target - Variable in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalErrorMsgState2
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.AdditionalTypeExpressionState2
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState1
the tempTypExtensionVariable.
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.ConditionState2
the tempTypExtensionVariable.
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.TypeVariableState
the identifierSymbol.
tempExt - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.VariableState
the identifierSymbol.
tempExt - Variable in class parser.TypeExtensionProcessor
the temp Extension.
tempextensionsMap - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
The List of TypExtensions.
tempIterationVars - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
tempPackageRule - Variable in class parser.states.packagestates.OptionState
The temp PackageRule.
tempPackageRule - Variable in class parser.states.packagestates.PathState
The temp PackageRule.
tempPackageRule - Variable in class parser.states.packagestates.ValueState
The temporary Package Rule.
TempPackageRule - Class in parser
is the temporary object for the PackageRule.
TempPackageRule() - Constructor for class parser.TempPackageRule
creates a new TempPackageRule.
TempTypeExtension - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempTypeExtension() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtension
the constructor.
TempTypeExtensionWithCondition - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempTypeExtensionWithCondition() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
TempTypeExtensionWithoutCondition - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempTypeExtensionWithoutCondition() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithoutCondition
tempTypExtension - Variable in class model.type.TypeFile
Hashmap for the typeextensions.
TempVariableAssignment - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempVariableAssignment() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
TempVariableDefinition - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempVariableDefinition() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
TempVariableObject - Interface in parser.tempparserobjects
TempVariableType - Class in parser.tempparserobjects
TempVariableType() - Constructor for class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableType
TEN - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the constant 10.
test() - Method in class generator.OptEntryTest
test() - Method in class gui.AddRouterViewLogicTest
Testcases dont work in jenkins.
test() - Method in class gui.ControllerTest
Testcases dont work in jenkins.
test() - Method in class gui.ExceptionViewLogicTest
Testcases dont work in jenkins.
test() - Method in class gui.MainViewLogicTest
Testcases dont work in jenkins.
test() - Method in class libraries.LibReaderTest
test() - Method in class printer.PrinterExceptionTest
test() - Method in class reader.ReaderTest
Testcases dont work in jenkins.
test0() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test00() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the conversion to general identifier.
test00() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test001() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "DEBUGMODE" is equals "DEBUGMODE = "no"".
test001() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DEBUGMODE" is equals "DEBUGMODE - - YESNO".
test001() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "YESNO" is equals "YESNO = yes | no : 'YESNO should be exactly yes or no".
test002() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDR" is equals "MACADDR = "00:00:E8:83:72:9"".
test002() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPV6ACTIVE" is equals "IPV6ACTIVE - - YESNO".
test002() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDR" is equals.
test003() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IPV6ACTIVE" is equals "IPV6ACTIVE = "yes"".
test003() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDR" is equals "MACADDR - - MACADDR".
test003() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NUMERIC" is equals.
test004() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "PFNEWCONFIG" is equals "PFNEWCONFIG = "no"".
test004() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "BOOTTYPE" is equals "BOOTTYPE - - NOBLANK".
test004() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENUMERIC" is equals.
test005() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDHOSTWHITE" is equals "FORWARDHOSTWHITE = "no"".
test005() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOCALE" is equals "LOCALE - - LANG".
test005() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NUMERICLZ" is equals.
test006() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "AAA" is equals "AAA = "yes"".
test006() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "BOOTMENUTIME" is equals "BOOTMENUTIME - - NUMERIC".
test006() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENUMERICLZ" is equals.
test007() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "AAB" is equals "AAB = "yes"".
test007() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MOUNTBOOT" is equals "MOUNTBOOT - - MOUNTTYPE".
test007() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DOT_NUMERIC" is equals.
test008() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "AAC" is equals "AAC = "yes"".
test008() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "OPT_DMZ" is equals "OPT_DMZ - - YESNO".
test008() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EDOT_NUMERIC" is equals.
test009() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "AAD" is equals "AAD = "yes"".
test009() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "SER_CONSOLE" is equals "SER_CONSOLE - - CONSOLE".
test009() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NUM_HEX" is equals.
test01() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test01() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test01() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Rename from A to B.
test01() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the conversion to general identifier.
test01() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test010() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ABA" is equals "ABA = "yes"".
test010() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "START_IMOND" is equals "START_IMOND - - YESNO".
test010() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENUM_HEX" is equals.
test011() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ABB" is equals "ABB = "yes"".
test011() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "PFNEWCONFIG" is equals "PFNEWCONFIG - - YESNO "yes"".
test011() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NUM_ANY" is equals.
test012() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ABC" is equals "ABC = "yes"".
test012() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGBOOTSEQ" is equals "LOGBOOTSEQ - - YESNO "yes"".
test012() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENUM_ANY" is equals.
test013() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ABD" is equals "ABD = "yes"".
test013() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGPC" is equals "LOGPC - - YESNO "no"".
test013() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IMOND_YESNO" is equals.
test014() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ABE" is equals "ABE = "yes"".
test014() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGSERVER" is equals "LOGSERVER - - YESNO "yes"".
test014() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "KERNEL_MAJOR" is equals.
test015() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "ACA" is equals "ACA = "yes"".
test015() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGROUTER" is equals "LOGROUTER - - YESNO "no"".
test015() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "KERNEL_VERSION" is equals.
test016() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRNRONE" is equals "MACADDRNRONE = "00:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test016() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGINPUT" is equals "LOGINPUT - - YESNO "yes"".
test016() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "PM_IFC" is equals.
test017() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRTWO" is equals "MACADDRTWO = "00:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test017() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LOGOUTPUT" is equals "LOGOUTPUT - - YESNO "no"".
test017() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DEBUG_MODULES" is equals.
test018() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRTHREE" is equals "MACADDRTHREE = "00:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test018() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDHOSTWHITE" is equals "FORWARDHOSTWHITE PFNEWCONFIG - - YESNO".
test018() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "CONSOLE" is equals.
test019() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST" is equals "FORWARDTEST = "yes"".
test019() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "SER_CONSOLE_IF" is equals "SER_CONSOLE_IF SER_CONSOLE - - NUMERIC".
test019() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "COMPTYPEOPT" is equals.
test02() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test02() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test02() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Rename from A to B.
test02() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the conversion to general identifier.
test02() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test020() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "PASSWORD" is equals "PASSWORD = "fli4l"".
test020() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "SER_CONSOLE_RATE" is equals "SER_CONSOLE_RATE SER_CONSOLE - - NUMERIC".
test020() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MOUNTTYPE" is equals.
test021() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "BOOT_TYPE" is equals "BOOT_TYPE = "cd"".
test021() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DMZ_LOG" is equals "DMZ_LOG OPT_DMZ - - YESNO".
test021() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FLMOUNTDEV" is equals.
test022() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOCALE" is equals "LOCALE = "de"".
test022() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DMZ_RED_DEV" is equals "DMZ_RED_DEV OPT_DMZ - - YESNO".
test022() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DIALMODE" is equals.
test023() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "BOOTMENUTIME" is equals "BOOTMENUTIME = "5"".
test023() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DMZ_NAT" is equals "DMZ_NAT OPT_DMZ - - YESNO".
test023() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "BOOT_TYPES" is equals.
test024() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MOUNTBOOT" is equals "MOUNTBOOT = "ro"".
test024() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IMOND_PORT" is equals "IMOND_PORT START_IMOND - - NUMERIC".
test024() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "CIRCUIT" is equals.
test025() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "OPT_DMZ" is equals "OPT_DMZ = "no"".
test025() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST0" is equals "FORWARDTEST0 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "no"".
test025() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "LABEL" is equals.
test026() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "SER_CONSOLE" is equals "SER_CONSOLE = "no"".
test026() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST1" is equals "FORWARDTEST1 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "no"".
test026() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "COMMENT" is equals.
test027() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "START_IMOND" is equals "START_IMOND = "no"".
test027() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST2" is equals "FORWARDTEST2 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "yes"".
test027() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "HOSTNAME" is equals.
test028() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "NET_DRV_N" is equals "NET_DRV_N = "2"".
test028() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST3" is equals "FORWARDTEST3 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "yes"".
test028() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DOMAIN" is equals.
test029() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_N" is equals "IP_NET_N = "2"".
test029() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST4" is equals "FORWARDTEST4 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "no"".
test029() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FQDN" is equals.
test03() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test03() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test03() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the splitting up of the regEx.
test03() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test030() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST5" is equals "FORWARDTEST5 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "yes"".
test030() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EDOMAIN" is equals.
test031() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGBOOTSEQ" is equals "LOGBOOTSEQ = "yes"".
test031() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST6" is equals "FORWARDTEST6 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "yes"".
test031() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EHOSTNAME" is equals.
test032() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGPC" is equals "LOGPC = "no"".
test032() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "FORWARDTEST7" is equals "FORWARDTEST7 PFNEWCONFIG - YESNO "no"".
test032() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EFQDN" is equals.
test033() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGSERVER" is equals "LOGSERVER = "yes"".
test033() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "AAA" is equals "AAA - DEBUGMODE YESNO".
test033() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "OCTET" is equals.
test034() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGROUTER" is equals "LOGROUTER = "no"".
test034() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "AAB" is equals "AAB - DEBUGMODE YESNO".
test034() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "OCTET6" is equals.
test035() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGINPUT" is equals "LOGINPUT = "yes"".
test035() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "AAC" is equals "AAC - DEBUGMODE YESNO".
test035() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDR" is equals.
test036() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "LOGOUTPUT" is equals "LOGOUTPUT = "no"".
test036() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "AAD" is equals "AAD - DEBUGMODE YESNO".
test036() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDR6COMPAT" is equals.
test037() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRTWO" is equals "MACADDRTWO = "no"".
test037() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ABA" is equals "ABA - AAB YESNO".
test037() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDR6" is equals.
test038() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRTHREE" is equals "MACADDRTHREE = "no"".
test038() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ABB" is equals "ABB - AAC YESNO".
test038() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDRX" is equals.
test039() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDHOSTWHITE" is equals "FORWARDHOSTWHITE = "yes"".
test039() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ABC" is equals "ABC - AAC YESNO".
test039() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EIPADDR" is equals.
test03a() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
No rename due to different types.
test03b() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
No rename due to different types.
test04() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test04() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test04() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
No Rename due to two possible rename options.
test04() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the splitting up of the regEx.
test04() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test040() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "SER_CONSOLE_IF" is equals "SER_CONSOLE_IF = "0"".
test040() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ABD" is equals "ABD - AAD YESNO".
test040() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EIPADDR6" is equals.
test041() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "SER_CONSOLE_RATE" is equals "SER_CONSOLE_RATE = "9600"".
test041() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ABE" is equals "ABE - AAD YESNO".
test041() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EIPADDRX" is equals.
test042() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "DMZ_LOG" is equals "DMZ_LOG = "no"".
test042() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ACA" is equals "ACA - ABD YESNO".
test042() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NEIPADDR" is equals.
test043() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "DMZ_RED_DEV" is equals "DMZ_RED_DEV = "no"".
test043() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRONE" is equals "MACADDRNRONE - - MACADDR MACADDR\"00:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test043() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NEIPADDR6" is equals.
test044() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "DMZ_NAT" is equals "DMZ_NAT = "yes"".
test044() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRTWO" is equals "MACADDRNRTWO - - MACADDRNRONE MACADDR\"10:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test044() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NEIPADDRX" is equals.
test045() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IMOND_PORT" is equals "IMOND_PORT = "5000"".
test045() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRTHREE" is equals "MACADDRNRTHREE - - MACADDRNRTWO MACADDR\"20:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test045() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NUM_INT" is equals.
test046() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST" is equals "FORWARDTEST = "no"".
test046() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRFOUR" is equals "MACADDRNRFOUR - - MACADDRNRTHREE MACADDR\"30:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test046() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDRPORT" is equals.
test047() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST0" is equals "FORWARDTEST0 = "no"".
test047() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRFIVE" is equals "MACADDRNRFIVE - - MACADDRNRFOUR MACADDR\"40:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test047() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDRPORTX" is equals.
test048() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST1" is equals "FORWARDTEST1 = "no"".
test048() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRSIX" is equals "MACADDRNRSIX - - MACADDRNRFIVE MACADDR\"50:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test048() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDRESSES" is equals.
test049() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST2" is equals "FORWARDTEST2 = "yes"".
test049() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRNRSEVEN" is equals "MACADDRNRSEVEN - - MACADDRNRSIX MACADDR\"60:C5:E8:24:72:92"".
test049() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDRPORTS" is equals.
test05() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test05() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test05() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
No rename due to the NoChangeLine between add and remove line.
test05() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the splitting up of the regEx.
test05() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test050() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST3" is equals "FORWARDTEST3 = "yes"".
test050() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRWDONE" is equals "MACADDRWDONE PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDR".
test050() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EIPADDRESSES" is equals.
test051() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST4" is equals "FORWARDTEST4 = "no"".
test051() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRWDTWO" is equals "MACADDRWDTWO PFNEWCONFIG MACADDRWDONE MACADDR".
test051() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "DNSFORWARD" is equals.
test052() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST5" is equals "FORWARDTEST5 = "yes"".
test052() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
test052() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "PORT_RANGE" is equals.
test053() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST6" is equals "FORWARDTEST6 = "yes"".
test053() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
test053() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MASK" is equals.
test054() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "FORWARDTEST7" is equals "FORWARDTEST7 = "no"".
test054() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRWDFIVE" is equals "MACADDRWDFIVE PFNEWCONFIG MACADDRWDFOUR MACADDR".
test054() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NETWORK" is equals.
test055() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENETWORK" is equals.
test056() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "NETWORKS" is equals.
test057() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOONE" is equals "MACADDRDOONE PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDR "10:00:00:00:00:00"".
test057() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "ENETWORKS" is equals.
test058() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOTWO" is equals "MACADDRDOTWO PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOONE "20:00:00:00:00:00"".
test058() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MULTIPLE_NETWORKS" is equals.
test059() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOONE" is equals "MACADDRDOONE = "10:00:00:00:00:00"".
test059() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOTHREE" is equals "MACADDRDOTHREE PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOTWO "30:00:00:00:00:00"".
test059() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EMULTIPLE_NETWORKS" is equals.
test06() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test06() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test06() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
No rename due to the NoChangeLine between add and remove line.
test06() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the splitting up of the regEx.
test06() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test060() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOTWO" is equals "MACADDRDOTWO = "20:00:00:00:00:00"".
test060() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOFOUR" is equals "MACADDRDOFOUR PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOTHREE "40:00:00:00:00:00"".
test060() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "IPADDR_NETWORK" is equals.
test061() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOTHREE" is equals "MACADDRDOTHREE = "30:00:00:00:00:00"".
test061() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOFIVE" is equals "MACADDRDOFIVE PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOFOUR "50:00:00:00:00:00"".
test061() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterTypesTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "EIPADDR_NETWORK" is equals.
test062() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOFOUR" is equals "MACADDRDOFOUR = "40:00:00:00:00:00"".
test062() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOSIX" is equals "MACADDRDOSIX PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOFIVE "60:00:00:00:00:00"".
test063() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOFIVE" is equals "MACADDRDOFIVE = "50:00:00:00:00:00"".
test063() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterDefinitionsTest
Tests if the string of the printed type "MACADDRDOSEVEN" is equals "MACADDRDOSEVEN PFNEWCONFIG MACADDR MACADDRDOSIX "70:00:00:00:00:00"".
test064() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOSIX" is equals "MACADDRDOSIX = "60:00:00:00:00:00"".
test065() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRDOSEVEN" is equals "MACADDRDOSEVEN = "70:00:00:00:00:00"".
test066() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "NET_DRV_%" is equals "NET_DRV_% = "pcnet32"".
test067() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "NET_DRV_%_OPTION" is equals "NET_DRV_%_OPTION = """.
test068() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%" is equals "IP_NET_% = """.
test069() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%_DEV" is equals "IP_NET_%_DEV = "eth0"".
test07() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test07() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test07() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Two renames A to B and C to D.
test07() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
tests the splitting up of the regEx.
test07() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test070() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_ROUTE_%" is equals "IP_ROUTE_% = """.
test071() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%_MAC" is equals "IP_NET_%_MAC = "00:00:00:24:72:92"".
test072() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%_NAME" is equals "IP_NET_%_NAME = """.
test073() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%_TYPE" is equals "IP_NET_%_TYPE = "green"".
test074() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "IP_NET_%_COMMENT" is equals "IP_NET_%_COMMENT = "ABCDE"".
test075() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDONE" is equals "MACADDRWDONE = "00:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test076() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDTWO" is equals "MACADDRWDTWO = "10:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test077() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDTHREE" is equals "MACADDRWDTHREE = "20:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test078() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDFOUR" is equals "MACADDRWDFOUR = "30:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test079() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDFIVE" is equals "MACADDRWDFIVE = "40:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test08() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test08() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test08() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Two renames A to B and C to D due to the NoChangeLine between B and C.
test08() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the expected string "IP_ROUTE_N" is equals the actual output string.
test08() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test081() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDSIX" is equals "MACADDRWDSIX = "50:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test082() - Method in class printer.EntryPrinterAssignmentsTest
Tests if the string of the printed assignment "MACADDRWDSEVEN" is equals "MACADDRWDSEVEN = "60:00:E8:24:72:92"".
test09() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test09() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test09() - Method in class migration.TestDiffPartFile
Two renames A to B and C to D due to the NoChangeLine between B and C.
test09() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the expected string "NET_DRV_N" is equals the actual output string.
test09() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test1() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test1() - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
Test method for a config/*.txt file migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test1() - Method in class migration.MigrationFileAdapterTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test1() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
test1() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test1() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
tests the association typeExtensions from NamedVariableType to TypeExtension.
test1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast 123 into a Numeric type.
test1() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner - If-Token
test10() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test10() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test10() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test10() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the expected RegEx "[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]](:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]){5}" is equals the actual output RegEx.
test10() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test10() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test100() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test101() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test102() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test103() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test104() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test105() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test106() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test107() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test108() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test109() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test10b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test11() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test11() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test11() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test11() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "PF_INPUT_2" will be correctly converted into the expected string "PF_INPUT_%" and if it's equals the output string.
test11() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test11() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test110() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test112() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test112b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test113() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test114() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test115() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test116() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test117() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test118() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test119() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test12() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test12() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test12() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test12() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "PF_POSTROUTING_666" will be correctly converted into the expected string "PF_POSTROUTING_%" and if it's equals the output string.
test12() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test12() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test120() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test121() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test122() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test123() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test13() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test13() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test13() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test13() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "NET_DRV_7_OPTION" will be correctly converted into the expected string "NET_DRV_%_OPTION" and if it's equals the output string.
test13() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test13() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test14() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test14() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test14() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test14() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "IP_NET_1_MAC" will be correctly converted into the expected string "IP_NET_%_MAC" and if it's equals the output string.
test14() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test14() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test15() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test15() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test15() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test15() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "FORWARD_DENY_PORT_%" will be correctly converted into the expected string "FORWARD_DENY_PORT_%" and if it's equals the output string.
test15() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test15() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test16() - Method in class capturinggroups.CapturingGroupsTest
This method tests the method captureTheGroups of CapturingGroups.
test16() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test16() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "PF_USR_CHAIN_1_RULE_5_COMMENT" will be correctly converted into the expected string "PF_USR_CHAIN_%_RULE_%_COMMENT" and if it's equals the output string.
test16() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test16() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test17() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test17() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test17() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "_42" will be correctly converted into the expected string "_%" and if it's equals the output string.
test17() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test17() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test18() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test18() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test18() - Method in class parser.GlobalFunctionsTest
Tests if the input string "_42_333" will be correctly converted into the expected string "_%" and if it's equals the output string.
test18() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test18() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test19() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test19() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test19() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test1b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner - If-Token
test2() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test2() - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParserTest
Test method for a check/*.txt file migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test2() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
test2() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test2() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
tests the association inConditions from NamedVariableType to TypeExtensionWithCondition.
test2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Test error message (cast into a not existing variable type).
test2() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner - Num-Token
test20() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test20() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test20() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test20() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test21() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test21() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
Has to be false, because brics automaton doesnt support character classes like [:xdigitx:].
test21() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test21() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test22() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test case for.
test22() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test22() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test22() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test23() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test23() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test23() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test24() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test24() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test24() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test25() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test25() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test25() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test26() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
Has to be false, because brics automaton doesnt support character classes like [:xdigitx:].
test26() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test26() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test27() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test27() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test27() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test28() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test28() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test28() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test29() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test29() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test29() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test2b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test2c() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test3() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test3() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
test3() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Test error message (cast into a wrong variable type).
test3() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test30() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test30() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test30() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test31() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test31() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test31() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test32() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test32() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test32() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test33() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test33() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test33() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test34() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test34() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test34() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test35() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test35() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test35() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test36() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test36() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
* This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test36() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test37() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test37() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test37() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test38() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test38() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test38() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test39() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test39() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test39() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test4() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test4() - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFileTest
test4() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast the result of a GreaterNode into a YESNO type.
test4() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test40() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test40() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test40() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test41() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
Has to be false, because brics automaton doesnt support character classes like [:xdigitx:].
test41() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
/** This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test41() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test42() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test42() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
/** This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test42() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test43() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test43() - Method in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
/** This method tests the method posixCharacterReplacement of typeExpressionState.
test43() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test44() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test44() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test45() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test45() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test46() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test46() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test47() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test47() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test48() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test49() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test49() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test4b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test5() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test5() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "hello" into a Label type.
test5() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test50() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test50() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test51() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test51() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test52() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test52() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test53() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
Has to be false, because brics automaton doesnt support character classes like [:xdigitx:].
test53() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test54() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test54() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test55() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test55() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test56() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test56() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test57() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test57() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test58() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test58() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test58b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test59() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test59() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test59b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test5b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test6() - Method in class migration.DiffFileGeneratorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
test6() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "123" into a Numeric type.
test6() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test60() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test61() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test62() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test63() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test64() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test65() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test66() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test67() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test68() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test69() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test6a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "-123" into a Numeric type.
test6b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test7() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "yes" into a Boolean Type.
test7() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test70() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test71() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test72() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test73() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test74() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test75() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test76() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test77() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test78() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test79() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test7b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test8() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "no" into a Boolean Type.
test8() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test80() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test81() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test82() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test83() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test84() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test85() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test86() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test87() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test88() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test89() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test8b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test9() - Method in class model.type.REAutomatonTest
test9() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNodeTest
Cast "Fehler" into a Boolean Type --> error message (cast into a wrong variable type).
test9() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test90() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test91() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test92() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test93() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test94() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test95() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test96() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test97() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test98() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test99() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
test9b() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScannerTest
Test for the generated Scanner.
testAddConnectingType() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
test adding ConnectingType to the config router.
testAddModule() - Method in class kernelmodules.ModMgrTest
Tests the function addModule.
testAddNode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the AddNode.
testAlias1() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
testAlias2() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
testAlias3() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
testAlias4() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
A splitLineInParts test case.
testAlias5() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
A splitLineInParts test case.
testAlias6() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
A splitFileInLines test case.
testAlias7() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
A splitFileInLines test case.
testAlias8() - Method in class kernelmodules.AliasTest
A read test case.
testArchiveDirectory() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Test case with creating a CPIO archive, which contains a directory.
testArchiveDirectory() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
test case, which creates an archive containing one directory.
testArchiveFile() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Test case with creating one CPIO archive, which contains one file.
testArchiveFile() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
test case which creates an archive containing a txt-file.
testArchiveFile1() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveFile1() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveFile2() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveFile2() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveFile3() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveFile3() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two TarArchiveEntries representing a normal file.
testArchiveToCompare1() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
testArchiveToCompare2() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
testArchiveToCompare3() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
testArchiveToCompare4() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Creates Archive containing a txt-file in a directory.
testArchiveWithDirectoryAndTxtFile() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Creates an archive which is similar to TestConstants.TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_1.
testBase() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
testCast() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
test the CastNode (file:testCast.ext)
testCast1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
test the CastNode
testCast2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
test the CastNode
testCast2() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
test the CastNode (file:testCast2.ext)
testChangeOfConfigRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
change ConnectingType of the configrouter.
testChangeOfInternet() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
change ConnectingType of the internet.
testCheckValueException01() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException02() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException04() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException05() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException06() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException07() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException08() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValueException09() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a illegal value.
testCheckValuePositive01() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive02() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive04() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive05() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive06() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive07() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive08() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive09() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive10() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCheckValuePositive11() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
Tests setting a assignment with a legal value.
testCompareTo1() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testCompareTo2() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testCompareTo3() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testCompareTo4() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testCompareTo5() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testCompareTo6() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests compareTo().
testCompareTo7() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testCompareTo8() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testConfigRouterConsrutor() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the Slot.
testConfigRouterConsrutorWithVA() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the Slot with a variable assignment.
testConfigRouterVisitor3() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the itemvsitor with a slot.
testConfiguredPackageWrapper() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testConnectionBetween2Adapters() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can connect a adapter with a adapter with the ConnectAction.
testConnectionBetweenAdapterAndInternet() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can connect adapters with the internet with the ConnectAction.
testConnectionBetweenMultipleAdaptersAndInternet() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can connect multiple adapters with the internet with the ConnectAction.
testConnectionBetweenMutltipleAdapters() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can connect multiple adapters with the ConnectAction.
TestConstants - Class in archive
Collection of path constants for the JUnit-tests.
TestConstants() - Constructor for class archive.TestConstants
PathConstants should not be initialized.
TestConstants - Class in basic
This class represents the constants of the scanner.
TestConstants() - Constructor for class basic.TestConstants
The constructor.
testCPIO() - Method in class archive.Fli4lArchiverTest
Tests the creation of a CPIO-archive
testCPIOBzip() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a cpio-Archive with Bzip and tests if it is smaller than before
testCPIOGzip() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a cpio-Archive with Gzip and tests if it is smaller than before but contains the right objects
testCPIOLZMA() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a cpio-Archive with LZMA and tests if it is smaller than before
testCycle1() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Detect direkt cycle.
testCycle2() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Detect indirekt cycle.
testDefinitionFileWrapper() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testDeleteEdge() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
Select and delete the Edge between the Switch and the connected Networkadapter.
testDeleteEdge2() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteEdgeActionTest
Select the ConfigRouter and the NetworkAdapter which is connected to the switch.
testDeleteHost() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Select Host Device and execute DeleteAction.
testDeleteNetworkAdapter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Select NetworkAdapter and execute DelecteAction.
testDeleteSwitch() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
Select Switch and execute DelecteAction.
testDepends() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the depends-Node
testDevNode1() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two equal devices.
testDevNode1() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two equal devices.
testDevNode10() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different names.
testDevNode10() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different modes.
testDevNode11() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different modes.
testDevNode12() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different modes.
testDevNode13() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two different devices.
testDevNode14() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different names.
testDevNode15() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different names.
testDevNode2() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares a character device with a block device.
testDevNode2() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares a character device with a block device.
testDevNode3() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two equal devices with major and minor.
testDevNode3() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two equal devices with major and minor.
testDevNode3a() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices.
testDevNode4() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices.
testDevNode4() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major.
testDevNode5() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major.
testDevNode5() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major.
testDevNode6() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major.
testDevNode6() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different minor.
testDevNode7() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different minor.
testDevNode7() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different minor.
testDevNode8() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different minor.
testDevNode8() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major and minor.
testDevNode9() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different major and minor.
testDevNode9() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two devices with different modes.
TestDiffPartFile - Class in migration
Test the detection of renames in the same context.
TestDiffPartFile() - Constructor for class migration.TestDiffPartFile
testDirectory1() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two empty directories.
testDirectory1() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two empty directories.
testDirectory2() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two empty directories with different names.
testDirectory2() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two empty directories with different names.
testDivNode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the DivNode.
testDSL() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
testDynDNS() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
testEmpty() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
Compares two empty archives.
testEmpty() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
Compares two empty archives.
testEntryWrapper1() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper10() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper11() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper12() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper13() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper14() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper15() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper16() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper2() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper3() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper4() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper5() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper6() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper7() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper8() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testEntryWrapper9() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
tests the wrapper.
testequals1() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals1() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ConditionNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DepenedsNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDSetNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NumExpNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StringNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerExprNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerNode.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testEquals1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals1ab() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals1Object() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testequals2() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals2() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ConditionNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NumExpNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StringNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerExprNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerNode.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testEquals2b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals2b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals2Object() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testequals3() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals3() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ConditionNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IdSetNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NumExpNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StringNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerExprNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerNode.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
tests the equals-function of the ArrayValue.
testEquals3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testEquals3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals3b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals3Object() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testequals4() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals4() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ConditionNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IdSetNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NumExpNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StringNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerExprNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testEquals4a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals4aa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals4ab() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals4b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals4Object() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testequals5() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals5() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ConditionNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IDNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IdSetNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MajorVerNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NumExpNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SkriptNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StringNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerExprNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the VerNode.
testEquals5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testEquals5a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals5b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testequals6() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals6() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddToOptNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ForEachNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GENode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the GreaterNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the InputNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LENode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LessNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the LineNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MatchNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SplitNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testEquals6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the WarningNode.
testequals7() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals7() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the IfNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testEquals7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testequals8() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testEquals8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testEquals8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testEquals8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testEquals8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ErrorNode.
testEqualsObject() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testEqualsObject() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
testEqualsObject() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testEqualsObject() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
testEqualsObject1() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject10() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject2() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testEqualsObject2() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
testEqualsObject2() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject2() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
testEqualsObject3() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject3() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
testEqualsObject4() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject4() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
testEqualsObject5() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject7() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject8() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObject9() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testEqualsObjectFail() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testError() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the Error-Node
testFatalError() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the Fatalerror-Node
testFile001() - Method in class printer.FilePrinterTest
Test to print a whole file.
testFile002() - Method in class printer.FilePrinterTest
Test to print a whole file.
testFile003() - Method in class printer.FilePrinterTest
Test to print a whole file.
testFileInDirectory() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Creates an archive, that contains a file in a sub directory in a directory.
testFileInDirectory2() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Creates an archive, that contains directory and a file.
testForEach() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testForEach2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testForEach3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testForEach4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testForEachNode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the ForEachNode.
testfullArchive() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Creates an archive, which is similar to TestConstants.TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_2.
testfullArchive2() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
Creates an archive, which is similar to TestConstants.TAR_ARCHIVE_TO_COMPARE_5.
testGeruest(String) - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the geruest.
testGeruest(String) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
test the Geruest.
testGeruest(String) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
test the Geruest.
testGeruest(String) - Method in class scanner.ScannerTest
test the Geruest.
testGeruest(String) - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
test the Geruest.
testGetAssignmentFile() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for model.Package#getAssignmentFile().
testGetColumnClassInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnClassInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnClassInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnClassInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnClassInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnClassInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetColumnNameInt5() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetComment() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the getCommand method.
testGetDefaultValue() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
testGetDefaultValue() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testGetDefFile() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for Package.getDefFile().
testGetEntryByModule1() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
testGetEntryByModule2() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
testGetEntryByModule3() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
testGetEntryByModule4() - Method in class kernelmodules.DepFileTest
testGetErrorMessage() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testGetFileAt() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetFileAt() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetFileAt() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetName() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testGetName() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for Package.getName().
testGetOpts() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for Package.getOpts().
testGetPosition() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the getPosition method.
testGetPosition() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testGetReference() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
testGetReference() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testGetRepString() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testGetRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetRowCount() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetStringRepresentation1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toArrayValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testGetStringRepresentation2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toArrayValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testGetStringRepresentation3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toArrayValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testGetStringRepresentation4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toArrayValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testGetType() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testGetTypeFile() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for Package.getTypeFile().
testGetValue() - Method in class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
testGetValueAt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testGetValueAt5() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testGetVariableN() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testgetVersion1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
The ConfigurationGraph, where the objects for the tests are stored.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ChangeConnectingTypeTest
the testGraph.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
the testGraph.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DeleteActionTest
the testGraph.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
the test graph.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
the testGraph.
testGraph - Variable in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
the ConfigurationGraph.
testhash1() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testhash1() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testhash2() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testhash2() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testhash3() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testhash3() - Method in class model.PackageTest
Test method for equals.
testhash4() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testhash5() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testhash6() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the equals method.
testHashCode() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testHashCode() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
testHashCode() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testhashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
tests the hashCode-function of the ArrayValue.
testHashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElementTest
testhashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
tests the hashCode-function of the ArrayValue.
testhashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
tests the hashCode-function of the ArrayValue.
testhashCode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
tests the hashCode-function of the ArrayValue.
testHashCode1() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
Test method for RefResState.hashCode().
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the AddNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AndNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AssignNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the ConditionNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the CryptNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DivNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the EqualNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the ErroNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the ForEachNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the hashCode-function of the GENode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the hashCode-function of the GreaterNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the IDNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the IdSetNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the IfNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the InputNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the hashCode-function of the LENode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the hashCode-function of the LessNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the LineNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the MajorVerNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the MatchNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ModNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the MultNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NotEqualNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the NOTNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the NumExpNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the OrNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SamenetNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the SkriptNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the SplitNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the StringNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubnetNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the SubNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the UniqueNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the VerExprNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the VerNode.
testHashCode1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the hash-function of the WarningNode.
testHashCode2() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testHashCode2() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
testHashCode2() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
Test method for RefResState.hashCode().
testHashCode3() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
Test method for RefResState.hashCode().
testHashCode4() - Method in class model.type.RefResStateTest
Test method for RefResState.hashCode().
testHashCodeFail() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
testhashObject2() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject3() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject5() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject6() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject7() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject8() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashObject9() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhashsObject1() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testhObject3() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests equal operation.
testHostConsrutor() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the host.
testHostConsrutorWithVA() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the host with a variable assignment.
testIf() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the If-Node
testIf1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testIf2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LaufvariablenTest
testIfElse() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the If-Node with "else"
testInternetConsrutor() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the Slot.
testInternetConsrutorWithVA() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the internet with a variable assignment.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ErrorNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IfNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the InputNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LineNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MajorVerNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ModNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NOTNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NumExpNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ProvidesNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SkriptNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StatNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubnetNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the UniqueNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the VerExprNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the VerNode.
testInterpret1() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the WarningNode.
testInterpret10() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret10() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret11() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret11() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret11() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret12() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret12() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret12() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret13() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret13() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret13() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret14() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret14() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret15() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret15() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret16() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret17() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret18() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret19() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotNode.
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node undefined, second node is set (NumNode)
testInterpret1a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubNode.
testInterpret1aa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1aa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1aaa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1aah() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1aaha() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1ab() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1ac() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1ad() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1ad() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubNode.
testInterpret1ag() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1agd() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1ar() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1asah() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1aup() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1av() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1ava() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1ax() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotNode.
testInterpret1b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node undefined, second node is set (StringNode)
testInterpret1ba() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node undefined, second node is set (VersionNode)
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1fc() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1fg() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret1gh() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret1h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret1h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret1h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret1i() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret1i() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1ia() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1ip() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1j() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1j() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret1k() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1k() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1k() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1l() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1LocalGlobalCombi() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret1m() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1p() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret1p() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1p() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret1po() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1r() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1rt() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1s() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1sa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubNode.
testInterpret1sb() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotNode.
testInterpret1ta() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1tz() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret1ua() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1v() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1vc() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret1z() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret1z() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret1za() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ErrorNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IfNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the InputNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LineNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MajorVerNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ModNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MultNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NotEqualNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NOTNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the NumExpNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ProvidesNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SkriptNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StatNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubnetNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the UniqueNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the VerExprNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the VerNode.
testInterpret2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the WarningNode.
testInterpret20() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
Both nodes are undefined, VariableDoesNotExistExeption is thrown
testInterpret22a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ModNode.
testInterpret2a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret2aa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2aa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2aav() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2ad() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2af() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2as() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2at() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2ata() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2att() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2az() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret2b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret2d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2da() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret2e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ModNode.
testInterpret2f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2fa() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret2g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2i() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2j() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2k() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the EqualNode.
testInterpret2r() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret2r() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ModNode.
testInterpret2ra() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2s() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret2s() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the OrNode.
testInterpret2t() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret2ua() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2w() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret2ww() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AndNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ConditionNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ErrorNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GENode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IfNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LENode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node is set (StringNode), second node is undefined
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ProvidesNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StatNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubnetNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the UniqueNode.
testInterpret3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the WarningNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ProvidesNode.
testInterpret3a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StatNode.
testInterpret3ag() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret3as() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret3b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret3b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret3d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret3r() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ProvidesNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AssignNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DivNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the ForEachNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the LessNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node is set (NumNode), second node is undefined
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubnetNode.
testInterpret4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the WarningNode.
testInterpret4a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret4b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret4b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret4v() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DefinedNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the FGrepNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node is set (StringNode), second node is defined
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SubnetNode.
testInterpret5a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the GreaterNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrElseNodeTest
First Node is set (NumNode), second node is defined
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret6b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the DependsNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the MatchNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret7a() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7b() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7c() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7d() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7e() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7f() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7g() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7h() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret7i() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the AddToOptNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SamenetNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpret8() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the StringNode.
testInterpret9() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the CryptNode.
testInterpret9() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpret9() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the SplitNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars3() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars4() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars5() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars6() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testInterpretGlobalVars7() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the interpret-function of the IDSetNode.
testIsCellEditable1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable1() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable10() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable10() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable2() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable3() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable4() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable5() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable5() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable5() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable6() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable6() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable6() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable7() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable7() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable8() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable8() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable9() - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModelTest
testIsCellEditable9() - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
testIsOptional() - Method in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinitionTest
testIsOptional() - Method in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
testItemVisitor1() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the itemvsitor with a internet.
testItemVisitor2() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the itemvsitor with a host.
testItemVisitor3() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the itemvsitor with a slot.
testNeeded() - Method in class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
Tests reading DT_NEEDED entries.
testNewNetworkAdapterAction() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NewNodeNodeActionTest
Add a new Networkadapter to the existing Host.
testNewNodeAction() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NewNodeNodeActionTest
Test the NewNodeAction.
testNoConnectionBetweenAdapterAndCOnfigRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can't connect a configrouter with a adapter with the ConnectAction, it should happen if the newAdapterAction.
testNoConnectionBetweenAdapterAndHost() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can't connect a host with a adapter with the ConnectAction, it should happen if the newAdapterAction.
testNoConnectionBetweenAdapterAndRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can't connect a router with a adapter with the ConnectAction, it should happen if the newAdapterAction.
testNoConnectionBetweenAdapterAndSwitch() - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConnectActionTest
Test if you can't connect a switch with a adapter with the ConnectAction, it should happen if the newAdapterAction.
testNode() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Test case, which creates a CPIO archive with one node.
testNode() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
test case creating an archive containing an dev-node.
testOp(String, String, String, String) - Method in class general.StreamScanParsePrintIdentityTest
The input gets scanned, parsed and printed and is compared to the result.
testOrElse() - Method in class pruefskript.ScannerParserInterpreter
Test the OrElseNode (file:testOrelse.ext)
testPackageWrapper() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testPrint() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the print method.
testPrint() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableTypeTest
Test method for AnonVariableType.print().
testPrint2() - Method in class model.CommentTest
Tests the print method.
testProvides() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
testProvidesZwei() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
testReadRouterConfig() - Method in class reader.PackageReaderTest
Test method for reader.PackageReader#readRouterConfig(java.lang.String).
testreassignAttributes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Test the method ressassignAttributes with a router.
testreassignAttributes3() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Test the method ressassignAttributes with a host.
testreassignAttributes4() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Test the method ressassignAttributes with a switch.
testrefreshAttributes() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBarTest
Test the method refreshAttributes.
testRemoveConnectingType() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
test removeing ConnectingType to the config router.
testRenameActionadapter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Test the RenameAction of an adapter.
testRenameActionConfigRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Test the RenameAction of an ConfigRouter.
testRenameActionHost() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Test the RenameAction of an host.
testRenameActionRouter() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Test the RenameAction of an router.
testRenameActionSwitch() - Method in class networkconfigurator.RenameActionTest
Test the RenameAction of an host.
testRpath() - Method in class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
Tests reading DT_RPATH entry.
testSelectAllAction1() - Method in class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
Test the SelectAllAction.
testSelectAllAction2() - Method in class networkconfigurator.SelectAllActionTest
Test the SelectAllAction.
testSetValueAtObjectIntInt() - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModelTest
testShift01() - Method in class migration.DiffFileProcessorTest
Test method for migration.MigrationManager#generateDiffFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) .
testSlotConsrutor() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the Slot.
testSlotConsrutorWithVA() - Method in class networkconfigurator.NodeTest
tests the Constructor of the Slot with a variable assignment.
testSoname() - Method in class javabinutils.JavaBinutilsTest
Tests reading DT_SONAME entries.
testStartCondition() - Method in class networkconfigurator.AbstractActionTest
the test start condition.
testSymlink() - Method in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
Test case, which creates a CPIO archive with one symlink.
testSymlink() - Method in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
test case creating an archive with a symlink.
testSymlink1() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two symlinks.
testSymlink1() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two symlinks.
testSymlink2() - Method in class archive.CpioArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two symlinks with different names.
testSymlink2() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two symlinks with different names.
testSymlink3() - Method in class archive.TarArchiveAssertionHelperTest
compares two symlinks with different targets.
testTAR() - Method in class archive.Fli4lArchiverTest
Tests the creation of a tar-archive
testTARBzip() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a tar-Archive with Bzip and tests if it is smaller than before but contains the right objects
testTARGzip() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a tar-Archive with Gzip and tests if it is smaller than before but contains the right objects
testTARLZMA() - Method in class archive.Fli4lCompressorTest
Compresses a tar-Archive with LZMA and tests if it is smaller than before but contains the right objects
testToArrayValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toArrayValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testToID() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNodeTest
Tests the toID-Funktion of AbstractNode.
testToIdSet() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNodeTest
Tests the toIdSet-Funktion of AbstractNode.
testToIdSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the toIdSetNode-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testToIdSetNode2() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the toIdSetNode-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testToNumericValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toNumericValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the AddNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the AndNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ArrayValueTest
tests the toString-function of the ArrayValue.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the AddNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the ConditionNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the CopyPendingNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the CryptNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DefinedNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the DependsNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the DivNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the EqualNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the ErrorNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the FatalErrorNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the FGrepNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNodeTest
tests the toString-function of theForEachNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENodeTest
tests the toString-function of the GENode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the GreaterNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the IDNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the IdSetArrayNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDSetNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the IdSetNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the IfNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the InputNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENodeTest
tests the toString-function of the LENode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the LessNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the LineNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the MajorVerNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the MatchNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the ModNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the MultNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the NotEqualNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the NOTNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumericValueTest
tests the toString-function of the ArrayValue.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumExpNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the NumExpNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the OrNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the ProvidesNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the SamenetNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the SkriptNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the SplitNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the StringNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringValueTest
tests the toString-function of the ArrayValue.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the SubNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the SubNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
tests the equals-function of the StatNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the VerExprNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the VerNode.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
tests the toString-function of the ArrayValue.
testToString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
tests the toString-function of the WarningNode.
testToString1() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests toString operation.
testToString2() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests toString operation.
testToString3() - Method in class model.PositionTest
tests toString operation.
testtoStringResolved1() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved10() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved11() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved2() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved3() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved4() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved5() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved6() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved7() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved8() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testtoStringResolved9() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringResolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved1() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved10() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved2() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved3() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved4() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved5() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved6() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved7() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved8() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringUnresolved9() - Method in class model.type.RegExTest
Check operation toStringUnresolved(), it is called in this test case.
testToStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toStringValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testToVersionValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toVersionValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testToVoidValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValueTest
Test the toVoidValue-Function of AbstractReturnValue.
testTypeFileWrapper() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
Tests the wrapper.
testWarning() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParsertest
tests the Warning-Node
testWriteLineBreaks1() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteLineBreaks2() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteLineBreaks3() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteLineBreaks4() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteLineBreaks5() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteSpaces1() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteSpaces2() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteSpaces3() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
testWriteSpaces4() - Method in class printer.PrinterUtilityTest
text - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
final String Attribut text.
text - Variable in class symbols.CommentSymbol
This attribute is commenttext.
text - Variable in class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
This is the text of the Identifier.
text - Variable in class symbols.StringSymbol
This attribute is the text of the String.
textArea - Variable in class gui.view.ExceptionView
This is the Text Area.
TEXTFIELDCOLS - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TextfieldListener - Class in networkconfigurator
Textfield Key Listener for the DevicesDetailBar.
TextfieldListener(ConfigurationGraph, IDetailBar) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.TextfieldListener
The constructor.
TFRNEAST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TFRNNORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TFRNWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
tfSourcePath - Variable in class gui.view.AddRouterView
textField to entry the source path of the routers config.
TFSPEAST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TFSPNORTH - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TFSPWEST - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
THE_VARIABLE_HOST_N_NAME_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
Error message for variable HOST_N_NAME is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_HOST_N_NAME_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
Error message for variable HOST_N_NAME is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_HOSTNAME_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
Error message for variable IP_ROUTE_N is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_HOSTNAME_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
Error message for variable IP_ROUTE_N is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_IP_NET_N_OR_IP_NET_N_DEV_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
Error message for variable IP_NET_N is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_IP_NET_N_OR_IP_NET_N_DEV_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
Error message for variable IP_NET_N is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_IP_ROUTE_N_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
Error message for variable IP_ROUTE_N is undefined.
THE_VARIABLE_IP_ROUTE_N_FOR_THE_N_IS_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
Error message for variable IP_ROUTE_N is undefined.
theConfigRouter - Variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Der Router, der konfiguriert wird.
THEN - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
TILDE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Tilde(~) as Character.
toArrayValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toArrayValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
toArrayValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toArrayValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
toBooleanValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toBooleanValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
toBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
toBooleanValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
toCommentSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toCommentSymbol() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
toCommentSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toIDNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
toIDNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
toIdSetArrayNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
toIdSetArrayNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
toIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
toIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
toIDSetNode() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
toNumericValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toNumericValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
toNumericValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toNumericValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
ToolBarButton - Class in networkconfigurator
The button for the toolbar.
ToolBarButton(ImageIcon, Action, Dimension) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ToolBarButton
The Constructor.
ToolBarButton(String, Action) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.ToolBarButton
the constructor.
toOptionSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toOptionSymbol() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
toOptionSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileScanner() - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
toPackageDescriptionFileScanner() - Method in class scanner.Scanner
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
toPackageDescriptionFileSymbol() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
toPathSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toPathSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toPathSymbol() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
TopLevelTarget - Class in parser.nodes
TopLevelTarget(String) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
topMenuePanel - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
This is the top menu pane.
toString() - Method in class basic.Buffer
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationCategoryWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfigurationWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.ConfiguredPackageWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefinitionFileWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageCategoryWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.PackageWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.RootWrapper
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.SoftwareWrapper
toString() - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElement
toString() - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.TypeFileWrapper
toString() - Method in class kernelmodules.Module
toString() - Method in class libraries.Lib
toString() - Method in class libraries.Program
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFile
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.DiffPartFileLine
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.LineState
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffDefinition
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffIdentifier
toString() - Method in class migration.difffile.objects.DiffOtherContent
toString() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
toString() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.ProcessedDiffFile
toString() - Method in class migration.processeddifffile.RelatedLinesChange
toString() - Method in class model.ConfiguredPackage
toString() - Method in interface model.definition.DefaultValue
toString() - Method in class model.definition.HasDefault
toString() - Method in class model.definition.HasNotDefault
toString() - Method in class model.definition.HasnotOpt
toString() - Method in class model.definition.HasOpt
toString() - Method in interface model.definition.VariableOptReference
toString() - Method in class model.Package
toString() - Method in class model.packages.Option
toString() - Method in class model.packages.PackageDescriptionFile
toString() - Method in class model.packages.PackageRule
toString() - Method in class model.packages.Path
toString() - Method in class model.Position
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.ConfigNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.DefinitionSegmentNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.DotNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.EmptyTarget
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.ErrorNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSectionNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.IDSplitNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.IndexNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.InputNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.LaufVariable
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.NestedIdNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.RootNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.SubLevelTarget
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.TopLevelTarget
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.UsNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.VarNode
toString() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractBinaryOperationNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractQuataryOperationNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractTrinaryOperationNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AbstractUnaryOperationNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AddToOptNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AndNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.AssignNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ConditionNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CopyPendingNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CryptNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DefinedNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DivNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.EqualNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ErrorNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FatalErrorNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.FGrepNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ForEachNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GENode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.GreaterNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetArrayNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IfNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.InputNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IteratorHelper
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LENode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LessNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.LineNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MatchNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ModNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MultNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotEqualNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NotNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.OrNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.ProvidesNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SamenetNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SkriptNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SplitNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StatNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubnetNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.SubNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNode
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
toString() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
toString() - Method in class symbols.BracketCloseSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.BracketOpenSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.ColonSignSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.CommentSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.EmptySymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.EndSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.EqualSignSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.EqualsTildeSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.IdentifierSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.OptionSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.PathSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.PlusSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.RegExpSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.RowEndSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.StringSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.UnknownSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
toString() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.AbstractType
Returns the resolved string of the regexpart, with extensions and withOUT references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.AnonVariableType
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.NamedVariableType
Returns the resolved string of the regexpart, with extensions and withOUT references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.RegEx
Returns the resolved string of the regexpart , withOUT references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringResolved() - Method in interface model.type.RegExPart
Returns the resolved string of the regexpart , withOUT references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
toStringResolved() - Method in class model.type.TypeExtension
toStringUnresolved() - Method in class model.type.RegEx
Returns the unresolved string of the regexpart, with references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringUnresolved() - Method in interface model.type.RegExPart
Returns the unresolved string of the regexpart, with references like (RE:LABEL).
toStringUnresolved() - Method in class model.type.RegExRefPart
toStringUnresolved() - Method in class model.type.RegExStringPart
toStringValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toStringValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.StringValue
toStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
toStringValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
toSymbolSequence(InputStream, String, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Static method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScanner
creates a scanner and starts it.
toSymbolSequence(InputStream, String, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Static method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScanner
creates a scanner and starts him.
toSymbolSequence(InputStream, String, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Static method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScanner
creates a scanner and starts him.
toSymbolSequence(InputStream, String, Scanner) - Static method in class scanner.Scanner
this methode will be used to call the Scanner.
toSymbolSequence(InputStream, String, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Static method in class scanner.TypeFileScanner
creates a scanner and starts him.
toValueSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toValueSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toValueSymbol() - Method in class symbols.ValueSymbol
toVariableSymbol() - Method in class symbols.AbstractSymbol
toVariableSymbol() - Method in interface symbols.PackageDescriptionFileSymbol
toVariableSymbol() - Method in class symbols.VariableSymbol
toVersionValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toVersionValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
toVersionValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toVersionValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
toVoidValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.AbstractReturnValue
toVoidValue() - Method in class parser.nodes.VoidValue
toVoidValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.AbstractReturnValue
toVoidValue() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.values.VoidValue
transform(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Method in class scanner.AssignmentFileScannerTest
tests the transform method.
transform(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Method in class scanner.DefinitionFileScannerTest
transform the filled buffer in a arrayList of Symbols.
transform(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Method in class scanner.PackageDescriptionFileScannerTest
transform the filled buffer in a arrayList of Symbols.
transform(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the tranformMethod.
tree - Variable in class gui.view.MainViewTreeArea
the tree.
treeArea - Variable in class gui.view.MainView
The tree area.
TreeElement - Interface in gui.wrapperobjects
Encapsulates a tree element.
TreeElementVisitor - Interface in gui.wrapperobjects
A visitor for TreeElements.
TRUEVALUE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Stellt den Wahrheitswert "true" dar.
tTE - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
Temporary Object, which is used to fill the final object when every information is collected.
tVA - Variable in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
Temporary Object, which is used to fill the final object when every information is collected.
tVD - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
Temporary Object, which is used to fill the final object when every information is collected.
tVT - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
Temporary Object, which is used to fill the final object when every information is collected.
TXT_STRING - Static variable in class model.RouterSoftware
String für ".txt".
type - Variable in class generator.option.TypeOption
Type Object.
type - Variable in class model.definition.AbstractVariableDefinition
Represents the type of the definition.
type - Variable in class model.type.RefResState
Represents the resolved type.
type - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.CastNode
type1 - Variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType
the type of the first adapter, that owner was a internet node.
TYPE_NOTHING_TO_ABORT - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
Type nothing to abort.
TYPEDIVIDE - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TypeDoesNotExistException - Exception in model.type
TypeDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception model.type.TypeDoesNotExistException
Constructor, just calls super(errorMesage).
TYPEEND - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The fileending for printing for TypeFile.
TypeErrormessageState - Class in parser.states.typestates
TypeErrormessageState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.TypeErrormessageState
TypeExceptions - Exception in model.type
TypeExceptions(String) - Constructor for exception model.type.TypeExceptions
typeExpressionState - Variable in class parser.PosixReplacementTest
This attribute represents a TypeExpressionState.
TypeExpressionState - Class in parser.states.typestates
TypeExpressionState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.TypeExpressionState
TypeExtension - Class in model.type
TypeExtension(NamedVariableType) - Constructor for class model.type.TypeExtension
TypeExtensionProcessor - Class in parser
TypeExtensionProcessor(TempTypeExtension, Map<String, NamedVariableType>) - Constructor for class parser.TypeExtensionProcessor
typeExtensions - Variable in class model.type.NamedVariableType
My type extension which extend my regular expression.
TypeExtensionTest - Class in model.type
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
TypeExtensionTest() - Constructor for class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
TypeExtensionVisitor - Interface in model.type
Visitor for TypeExtension, Visitor-Pattern.
TypeExtensionWithCondition - Class in model.type
TypeExtensionWithCondition(NamedVariableType, TypeFileManager, RegEx, NamedVariableType, RegEx) - Constructor for class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
TypeExtensionWithoutCondition - Class in model.type
TypeExtensionWithoutCondition(NamedVariableType) - Constructor for class model.type.TypeExtensionWithoutCondition
Constructor for TypeExtensionWithoutVariable.
typeFile - Variable in class controller.buildingphase.ScanAndParseTypeFile
The path to the type file.
typeFile - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.TypeFileWrapper
the typeFile.
typeFile - Variable in class model.Package
The type file that is associated by the package.
typeFile - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
the created type file.
TypeFile - Class in model.type
TypeFile represents the "\check\.exp" files.
TypeFile() - Constructor for class model.type.TypeFile
Default constructor.
TypeFile(Map<String, NamedVariableType>, List<Comment>) - Constructor for class model.type.TypeFile
Constructor, just sets fields.
TypeFile(Map<String, NamedVariableType>, List<Comment>, Map<String, ArrayList<TempTypeExtension>>) - Constructor for class model.type.TypeFile
Constructor, just sets fields.
typeFile - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
The final AssignmentFile.
typeFile - Variable in class reader.PackageFileQuartet
typeFileExtScannerTest1() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE = 'c'.
typeFileExtScannerTest10() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
typeFileExtScannerTest11() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
typeFileExtScannerTest12() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
typeFileExtScannerTest13() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
typeFileExtScannerTest14() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
typeFileExtScannerTest2() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(Opt_D) = 'd'.
typeFileExtScannerTest3() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(D_MODE=~extended) = 'd2'.
typeFileExtScannerTest4() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +COMPTYPE(KERNEL_VERSION=~'2/.4/..*$') = 'bzip2'.
typeFileExtScannerTest5() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(D_MODE=~'normal') = 'd'.
typeFileExtScannerTest6() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(D_MODE=~'normal' = 'd'.
typeFileExtScannerTest7() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(D_MODE=~'normal' = 'd'.
typeFileExtScannerTest8() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +TYPE(######=~'normal' = 'd'.
typeFileExtScannerTest9() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests +####(######.
typeFileList - Variable in class model.type.TypeFileManager
List of all TypeFiles.
typeFileManager - Variable in class controller.checkingconditionphase.CheckConditions
The typeFileManager.
typeFileManager - Variable in class controller.extendingphase.ExtendTypes
The typeFileManager.
typeFileManager - Variable in class controller.resolvingphase.ResolveTypes
The typeFileManager.
typeFileManager - Variable in class model.RouterSoftware
TypeFileManager to store all TypeFiles.
TYPEFILEMANAGER - Static variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionTest
typeFileManager - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtensionWithCondition
The reference to the typeFileManager to get the VariableAssigment.
typeFileManager - Variable in class model.type.TypeFile
TypeFileManager - Class in model.type
Class to manage all NamedVariableTypes inside the TypeFile-Objects.
TypeFileManager() - Constructor for class model.type.TypeFileManager
Constructor for TypeFileManager.
TypeFileParser - Class in parser
TypeFileParser(RouterSoftware, Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class parser.TypeFileParser
The TypeFileParser will automatically generate a TypeFile after instantiation which can be obtained via getTypeFile().
TypeFileRestState - Class in scanner
This class represents the RestState.
TypeFileRestState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.TypeFileRestState
This constructor initialize the RestState.
TypeFileScanner - Class in scanner
This class represent the scanner for a TypeFile.
TypeFileScanner(Buffer<AbstractSymbol>) - Constructor for class scanner.TypeFileScanner
This is the constructor for a new TypeFileScanner.
TypeFileScannerTest - Class in scanner
This class tests the class TypeFileScanner.
TypeFileScannerTest() - Constructor for class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
This is the constructor.
typeFileScannerTest10() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the stringSymbol.
typeFileScannerTest11() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the combination of Plus-, Equal- and Unknownsymbol.
typeFileScannerTest12() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests if a part of the generalTest04 runs.
typeFileScannerTest2() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the identifiersymbol.
typeFileScannerTest3() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the identifiersymbol "ENUM_HEX".
typeFileScannerTest4() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the CommentSymbol with text = DNS.
typeFileScannerTest5() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
test the StringSymbol ""RE:LABEL"".
typeFileScannerTest6() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the ColonSignSymbol concate with a StringSymbol.
typeFileScannerTest7() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
Tests the combination Identifier,EqualSign and String.
typeFileScannerTest8() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the identifiersymbol.
typeFileScannerTest9() - Method in class scanner.TypeFileScannerTest
tests the combination of String ColonSign String.
TypeFileTest - Class in model.type
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
TypeFileTest() - Constructor for class model.type.TypeFileTest
TypeFileWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
A Wrapperclass for TypeFile.
TypeFileWrapper(TypeFile) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.TypeFileWrapper
Constructor for TypeFileWrapper.
TypeIdentifierState - Class in parser.states.typestates
TypeIdentifierState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.TypeIdentifierState
TypeInitialState - Class in parser.states.typestates
TypeInitialState() - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.TypeInitialState
typeInList(ConnectingType, List<ConnectingType>) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction
true if list contains type.
TYPENOTEXISTEXC - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
TYPENOTFOUND - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception, if the type is not found.
TypeOption - Class in generator.option
TypeOption(AbstractType) - Constructor for class generator.option.TypeOption
TYPEPATH - Static variable in class basic.PrinterConstants
The path for printing for TypeFile.
types - Variable in class model.PackagePrepare
The types for the package.
types - Variable in class model.type.TypeFile
HashMap of all types from the TypeFile.
types - Variable in class parser.TypeExtensionProcessor
the list of Types.
TYPESTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TypeTableDataModel - Class in gui.datamodels
tableModel for typefiles.
TypeTableDataModel(List<NamedVariableType>) - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
Constructor, wraps the given data into a list of wraped data and sorts the list by the positions of entries.
TypeTableDataModelTest - Class in gui.datamodels
TypeTableDataModelTest() - Constructor for class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModelTest
TYPETABLEHEADER - Static variable in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
the header.
TypeTest - Class in generator.option.type
Tests the type classes.
TypeTest() - Constructor for class generator.option.type.TypeTest
TYPETEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
TypeVariableState - Class in parser.states.typestates
TypeVariableState(AbstractSymbol, TempTypeExtensionWithCondition) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.TypeVariableState
The constructor.


uid - Variable in class generator.option.UidOption
UidOption - Class in generator.option
UidOption(String) - Constructor for class generator.option.UidOption
uIdOptionTest() - Method in class generator.option.OptionTest
Tests the attributes of UidOption object.
unavailableLookAndFeelReact() - Method in class gui.view.MainView
If the look and feel is unavailable.
UnconfiguredVariableAssignment - Class in parser.nodes
UnconfiguredVariableAssignment(Target, String, Position, ArrayList<Statement>) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SubNode for the toString-Function.
UNDERLINEMOD - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the SubNode for the toString-Function.
UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Character for the underscore symbol.
UNEXPECTED_ARRAY - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
UNEXPECTED_BOOL_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-boolean value.
UNEXPECTED_FOR_EACH - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_ID - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-id value.
UNEXPECTED_ID_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_IDSET - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-idset value.
UNEXPECTED_MATCH_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_NUM_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_NUMARRAY - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-numarray value.
UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-numeric value.
UNEXPECTED_STRING - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-string value.
UNEXPECTED_STRING_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_STRINGARRAY - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-stringarray value.
UNEXPECTED_VERSION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-version value.
UNEXPECTED_VOID - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message for the non-version value.
UNEXPECTED_VOID_OPERATION - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNEXPECTED_VOID_VALUE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the error message if the interprete Funktion of a OperationNode is called with false Nodes as operands.
UNICORN_N - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
an imaginary variable name.
UNIQUE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
UNIQUEERROR - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
UniqueNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Ueberprueft ob ein Array keinen Eintrag doppelt hat.
UniqueNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNode
UNIQUENODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for UniqueNode.
UniqueNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for UniqueNode.
UniqueNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.UniqueNodeTest
UNIQUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class parser.Parser
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the Beginning of an unknown Symbol.
UnknownSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents a Unkown Symbol.
UnknownSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.UnknownSymbol
This is only the constructor of the UnkownSymbol.
up() - Method in class basic.Semaphor
unlock the attribute.
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class gui.view.MainViewTableArea
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class model.assignment.AssignmentFile
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
update(SshSession) - Method in class update.remote.ssh.SshRemoteUpdate
updates a router when source directory and session are known.
update.remote - package update.remote
update.remote.exceptions - package update.remote.exceptions
update.remote.imond - package update.remote.imond
update.remote.ssh - package update.remote.ssh
update.remote.ssh.authentication - package update.remote.ssh.authentication
UPDATEAGAIN - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the message for requesting a decision, if it update the router again..
updateAgain - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
This attribute represents the value if the user will update again (true) or not (false).
updatePosition(List<Item>, Point) - Static method in class networkconfigurator.item.Item
Update each node's position by d (delta).
UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor() - Constructor for class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
updateTableView(Object) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic
usedSpace - Variable in class basic.Buffer
queue if the buffer is empty.
user - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKey
user - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithKeyAndPassphrase
user - Variable in class update.remote.ssh.authentication.SshAuthenticationWithPassword
UsNode - Class in parser.nodes
UsNode() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.UsNode
UTF8_BOM - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
The UNICODE "Byte order mark" coded in UTF-8.
UTF_8 - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.MainImond
UTF_8 - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.MyUserInfo
UTF_8 - Static variable in class update.remote.ssh.ScpTo
UtxtFlag - Class in generator.option.flag
UtxtFlag() - Constructor for class generator.option.flag.UtxtFlag
uTxtFlagTest() - Method in class generator.option.flag.FlagTest
Tests the UtxtFlag object.


va - Variable in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
the reference to the variable assignment.
vAL - Variable in class parser.AssignmentFileParser
List of VariableAssignments.
val_drop(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
val_drop(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
val_init() - Method in class parser.Parser
val_init() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
val_peek(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
val_peek(int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
val_pop() - Method in class parser.Parser
val_pop() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
val_push(ParserVal) - Method in class parser.Parser
val_push(ExtParserVal) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
validation() - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.FillJTextFieldWithVa
validate the input.
validCheck(Line) - Method in class migration.DiffFileScanParser
Prüft ob die Line geparsed werden muss.
valptr - Variable in class parser.Parser
valptr - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
valstk - Variable in class parser.Parser
valstk - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
value - Variable in class libraries.SOName
value of the Name.
value - Variable in class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Represents value of the variable.
value - Variable in class model.packages.Option
represents the value of the option.
value - Variable in class model.packages.PackageRule
the value which the variable should have.
value - Variable in class model.packages.Path
value of the file.
value - Variable in class model.type.AbstractRefState
The string representation of the reference.
value - Variable in class model.type.RegExStringPart
The string part of the regular expression.
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.BooleanValue
final boolean Variable value.
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.ConfiguredVariableAssignment
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.FullIdNode
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.IndexNode
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.NumericValue
final Integer Variable value.
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.StringValue
final Variable value.
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.UnconfiguredVariableAssignment
value - Variable in class parser.nodes.VersionValue
final Variable value.
value - Variable in class parser.TempPackageRule
is the value of the PackageRule.
value - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
the value.
value - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableAssignment
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IDNode
final String Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.IdSetNode
final String Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.MajorVerNode
final String Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.NumNode
final Integer Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.StringNode
final String Attibut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
final String Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
final String Attribut value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.BooleanValue
final boolean Variable value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.NumericValue
final Integer Variable value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.StringValue
final Variable value.
value - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
final Variable value.
VALUE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the beginning of a value symbol.
value - Variable in class symbols.UnknownSymbol
This is a instance of the symbol.
VALUE_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in Value state of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
valueAll - Static variable in class archive.CPIOArchiveComponentFactory
ValueBlock - Class in scanner
This class represents the second Block (the value block).
ValueBlock() - Constructor for class scanner.ValueBlock
ValueNotInRangeOfTypeException - Exception in model.type
ValueNotInRangeOfTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception model.type.ValueNotInRangeOfTypeException
Constructor, just calls super(errorMesage).
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum migration.processeddifffile.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum migration.processeddifffile.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum networkconfigurator.item.ConnectingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class parser.nodes.ArrayValue
List Attribut values.
values - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.values.ArrayValue
List Attribut values.
ValueState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represents the value State for the PackageDescriptionFileParser.
ValueState(PackageDescriptionFileParser, TempPackageRule) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.ValueState
The constructor for the ValueState.
ValueSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the value symbol.
ValueSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.ValueSymbol
This constructor instantiate the value symbol.
VarDefScanner - Class in scanner
This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.7.0 from the specification file C:/jflex-1.7.0/bin/aktuellerStand.flex
VarDefScanner(Reader, Parser) - Constructor for class scanner.VarDefScanner
VarDefScanner(Reader) - Constructor for class scanner.VarDefScanner
Creates a new scanner
variable - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.TypeVariableState
The Variable.
variable - Variable in class parser.states.typestates.VariableState
The Variable.
variable - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempTypeExtensionWithCondition
the variable.
VARIABLE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the beginning of a variable symbol.
VariableAssignment - Class in model.assignment
VariableAssignment represents an entry in the "\config\.txt" files.
VariableAssignment(String, AbstractVariableDefinition, String, Position) - Constructor for class model.assignment.VariableAssignment
Constructor, just sets the fields.
VariableAssignmentTest - Class in model.assignment
Tests the class XXXTest, see name of this test-class.
VariableAssignmentTest() - Constructor for class model.assignment.VariableAssignmentTest
VariableAssignmentWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
This class wraps a VariableAssignment.
VariableAssignmentWrapper(VariableAssignment) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
Constructor, just sets fields.
VariableBlock - Class in scanner
This class represents the Variable Block in the PackageDescriptionFile.
VariableBlock() - Constructor for class scanner.VariableBlock
variableConditionFlag - Variable in class model.type.TypeExtension
Flag to decide if variable-condition is tagged as true or false.
VariableContext - Interface in model.definition
Repraesentiert den Kontext bzw.
variableDefinition - Variable in class migration.processeddifffile.OneLineChange
the variabledefinition, which is either added or removed.
variableDefinition - Variable in class model.packages.PackageRule
represents the List of the variable definitions.
VariableDefinitionArray - Class in model.definition
VariableDefinitionArray extends VariableDefinition and represents an ArrayVariable.
VariableDefinitionArray(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, AbstractVariableDefinition, Position) - Constructor for class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
Constructor, just sets the fields.
VariableDefinitionArraytest - Class in model.definition
VariableDefinitionArraytest() - Constructor for class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArraytest
VariableDefinitionChange - Interface in migration.processeddifffile
Represents a change between the versions of the variable definition.
VariableDefinitionSingle - Class in model.definition
VariableDefinitionArray extends VariableDefinition and represents an ArrayVariable.
VariableDefinitionSingle(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, Position) - Constructor for class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingle
Constructor, just sets the fields.
VariableDefinitionSingle(String, AbstractVariableType, boolean, boolean, DefaultValue, VariableOptReference, Position, VariableContext) - Constructor for class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingle
Constructor, just sets the fields.
VariableDefinitionSingleTest - Class in model.definition
VariableDefinitionSingleTest() - Constructor for class model.definition.VariableDefinitionSingleTest
VariableDefinitionWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
This class wraps a VariableAssignment.
VariableDefinitionWrapper(AbstractVariableDefinition) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
Constructor, just sets fields.
VariableDoesNotExistException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
Exception for not existing Variables.
VariableDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.VariableDoesNotExistException
Exception for not existing Variables.
variableN - Variable in class model.definition.VariableDefinitionArray
Reference to the "parent"-Definition.
variableN - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
VariableOptReference - Interface in model.definition
variables - Variable in class parser.TempPackageRule
is the variable, which should have the value "value".
VariableState - Class in parser.states.packagestates
This class represent the VariableState for the Scanner.
VariableState(PackageDescriptionFileParser) - Constructor for class parser.states.packagestates.VariableState
This constructor initialize the variable State.
VariableState - Class in parser.states.typestates
VariableState(AbstractSymbol, TempTypeExtensionWithCondition) - Constructor for class parser.states.typestates.VariableState
The constructor.
VariableSymbol - Class in symbols
This class represents the variable symbol.
VariableSymbol(String, Position) - Constructor for class symbols.VariableSymbol
This constructor instantiate the variable symbol.
variableType - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition
VariableTypeDoesNotExistException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
VariableTypeDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.VariableTypeDoesNotExistException
variableTypeList - Variable in class parser.TypeFileParser
List of VariableTypes.
VariableTypeWrapper - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
This class wraps a VariableAssignment.
VariableTypeWrapper(NamedVariableType) - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
Constructor, just sets fields.
VARIBALE_FEHLER - Static variable in class parser.ParserConstants
String for the exception in VariableState of PackageDescriptionFileParser.
VarNode - Class in parser.nodes
VarNode(AbstractIdNode) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.VarNode
varNodes - Variable in class parser.nodes.InputNode
List varNodes.
VARNTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
VAROPTTEXT - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
vDL - Variable in class parser.DefinitionFileParser
List of VariableDefinitions.
VER - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
VER_EXPR - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
VerExpNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for VerExpNode.
VerExpNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExpNodeTest
VerExprNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
VerExprNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerExprNode
VEREXPRNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the VerExprNode for the toString-Function.
VerNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
VerNode(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNode
VerNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for VerNode.
VerNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VerNodeTest
VERNODETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
Title of the VerNode for the toString-Function.
Version - Class in migration
Version of the fil4l.
Version(String, Long) - Constructor for class migration.Version
version - Variable in class migration.Version
The version branch like 3.10 or 4.0 ...
VERSION - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
version - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.nodes.DependsProvidesElement
final String Attribut version.
VersionValue - Class in parser.nodes
VersionValue(String) - Constructor for class parser.nodes.VersionValue
VersionValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
VersionValue(String) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.VersionValue
VERSIONVALUE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for ArrayValue.
VersionValueTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
test the VersionValue.
VersionValueTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.VersionValueTest
VERSIONVALUETITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
viewLogic - Variable in class main.ApplicationManagerViewLogic
the viewlogic to set.
visit(TypeFileWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(DefinitionFileWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(PackageWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(PackageCategoryWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfiguredPackageWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfigurationWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfigurationCategoryWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(SoftwareWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(RootWrapper) - Method in class gui.MainViewLogic.UpdateTableTreeElementVisitor
visit(DefinitionFileWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(TypeFileWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(PackageWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfiguredPackageWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfigurationWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(SoftwareWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(ConfigurationCategoryWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(PackageCategoryWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(RootWrapper) - Method in class gui.wrapperobjects.DefaultTreeElementVisitor
visit(DefinitionFileWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a DefinitionFileWrapper.
visit(TypeFileWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a TypeFileWrapper.
visit(PackageWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a PackageWrapper.
visit(ConfiguredPackageWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a ConfiguredPackageWrapper.
visit(ConfigurationWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a ConfigurationWrapper.
visit(SoftwareWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a SoftwareWrapper.
visit(ConfigurationCategoryWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a ConfigurationCategoryWrapper.
visit(PackageCategoryWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a PackageCategoryWrapper.
visit(RootWrapper) - Method in interface gui.wrapperobjects.TreeElementVisitor
Visits a RootWrapper.
visit(AnonVariableType) - Method in interface model.type.AbstractVariableTypeVisitor
visit method for visitor pattern.
visit(NamedVariableType) - Method in interface model.type.AbstractVariableTypeVisitor
visit method for visitor pattern.
visit(RefResState) - Method in interface model.type.RefStateVisitor
visit method for Visitor-pattern.
visit(RefUnResState) - Method in interface model.type.RefStateVisitor
visit method for Visitor-pattern.
visit(RegExStringPart) - Method in interface model.type.RegExPartVisitor
visit method for visitor pattern.
visit(RegExRefPart) - Method in interface model.type.RegExPartVisitor
visit method for visitor pattern.
visit(TypeExtensionWithoutCondition) - Method in interface model.type.TypeExtensionVisitor
visit method for Visitor-pattern.
visit(TypeExtensionWithCondition) - Method in interface model.type.TypeExtensionVisitor
visit method for Visitor-pattern.
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitor
visit methode for the variable assignment.
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitor
visit methode for the detail bar label.
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitor
visit methode for the detail input box.
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitorImpl
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitorImpl
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in class networkconfigurator.actions.ItemGetNameVisitorImpl
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemSetNameVisitor
visit methode for the variable assignment.
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemSetNameVisitor
visit methode for the detail bar label.
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.actions.ItemSetNameVisitor
visit methode for the detail input box.
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.CompareVaNameVisitor
visit methode compare assignment by name.
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.CompareVaNameVisitor
visit methode compare assignment by name.
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.CompareVaNameVisitor
visit methode compare assignment by name.
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.CreateDetailBar
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.CreateDetailBar
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailBar.CreateDetailBar
visit(DetailBarLabel) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.DetailBarVisitor
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.DetailBarVisitor
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in interface networkconfigurator.DetailBarVisitor
visit(VariableAssignment) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
visit(ConnectingType) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
visit(DetailInputBox) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
visit(ConnectingTypeList) - Method in class networkconfigurator.DetailDrawVisitor
Visitable - Interface in archive
Visitable of the Visitor-Pattern.
visitor - Variable in class archive.CPIOArchiveVisitorTest
the CPIOVisitor, which creates the output archive.
visitor - Variable in class archive.TARArchiveVisitorTest
the visitor to create the TAR archives.
VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ChangeConnectionType.VisitorForChangingTheConnectionType
VisitorForDeletingEdges(ListIterator<Item>) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForDeletingEdges
The Constructor.
VisitorForHardwareEdge(Node) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewNetworkAdapterAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
the constructor.
VisitorForHardwareEdge(Node) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.NewSlotAction.VisitorForHardwareEdge
The constructor.
VisitorForRemovingDevices(ListIterator<Item>) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorForRemovingDevices
the constructor.
VisitorForUpdateDetailView() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.RenameAction.VisitorForUpdateDetailView
VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.DeleteAction.VisitorMarkAdapterAsNotConnected
VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter(List<Item>, Adapter) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfFirstAdapter
The Constructor.
VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes(List<ConnectingType>, Adapter) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithListOfTypes
The Constructor of the Visitor.
VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType(ConnectingType, Adapter) - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.actions.ConnectAction.VisitOwnerOfSecondAdapterWithOneType
The Constructor of the Visitor.
VoidValue - Class in parser.nodes
VoidValue() - Constructor for class parser.nodes.VoidValue
VoidValue - Class in pruefskript.parser.values
VoidValue() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.values.VoidValue
vOR - Variable in class parser.tempparserobjects.TempVariableDefinition


WARNING - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
WARNING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
text of the Warning message.
WARNING_MESSAGE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
text of the Warning message.
WARNING_TITEL - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.actions.NcActionsConstants
title of the Warning message.
WARNING_TITEL - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.NetworkconfiguratorConstants
title of the Warning message.
WarningNode - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Alle Warnings und Errors werden gesammelt und zum Schluss ausgegeben.
WarningNode(AbstractNode) - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNode
WARNINGNODE_HASHCODE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
This is the hashCode for WarningNode.
WarningNodeTest - Class in pruefskript.parser.nodes
Testclass for WarningNode.
WarningNodeTest() - Constructor for class pruefskript.parser.nodes.WarningNodeTest
warnings - Variable in class pruefskript.CommunicationManager
A list of warnings.
WARNINGTEXT - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
WARNINGTITLE - Static variable in class basic.PruefskriptConstants
weakList - Variable in class model.RouterSoftware
represents the list of weak variable definitions.
WELCOME - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the welcome message.
WESTPAD - Static variable in class basic.GuiConstants
WhitespaceState - Class in scanner
This class represents the whitespaceState.
WhitespaceState(Scanner, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class scanner.WhitespaceState
This is the constructor for a new WhitespaceState.
WIDE - Static variable in class networkconfigurator.ConfigurationGraph
Width of window.
wrapData(List<VariableAssignment>) - Method in class gui.datamodels.AssignmentTableDataModel
Wraps a list of assignments.
wrapData(List<AbstractVariableDefinition>) - Method in class gui.datamodels.DefinitionTableDataModel
Wraps a list of definition.
wrapData(List<NamedVariableType>) - Method in class gui.datamodels.TypeTableDataModel
Wraps a list of types.
wrappedAssignment - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableAssignmentWrapper
The wrapped assignment.
wrappedDefinition - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableDefinitionWrapper
The wrapped definition.
wrappedType - Variable in class gui.wrapperobjects.VariableTypeWrapper
The wrapped Type.
WrapperObjectsTest - Class in gui.wrapperobjects
WrapperObjectsTest() - Constructor for class gui.wrapperobjects.WrapperObjectsTest
writeLineBreaks(StringBuffer, int, Integer) - Method in class printer.PrinterUtility
Checks if a linebreak is needed and prints it into the writer.
writeSpaces(StringBuffer, int, Integer) - Method in class printer.PrinterUtility
Checks if spaces are needed and prints it into the writer.
WrongNodeException - Exception in parser.nodes
WrongNodeException(String) - Constructor for exception parser.nodes.WrongNodeException
WrongNodeException - Exception in pruefskript.parser.exceptions
WrongNodeException(String) - Constructor for exception pruefskript.parser.exceptions.WrongNodeException
WrongTypeError - Exception in symbols
is a error, which will be thrown, if the toType-Method will be called with a wrong Type.
WrongTypeError(String) - Constructor for exception symbols.WrongTypeError
creates a WrongTypeError.
WTE_COMMENT - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for the non-comment symbol.
WTE_DESCRIPTIONFILESCANNER - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for the non-DescriptionFileScanner.
WTE_OPTION - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for a non-option symbol.
WTE_PACKAGESYMBOL - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for the non-package description file symbol.
WTE_PATH - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for a non-path symbol.
WTE_VALUE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for a non-value symbol.
WTE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class scanner.ScannerConstants
This is the error message for a non-variable symbol.


XSteamCreatorTest - Class in networkconfigurator.xstream
Test cases for the XStream library to serialized the configuration graph.
XSteamCreatorTest() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.xstream.XSteamCreatorTest
xstream - Variable in class networkconfigurator.xstream.XStreamCreator
the XStream instance.
XStreamCreator - Class in networkconfigurator.xstream
XStreamCreator() - Constructor for class networkconfigurator.xstream.XStreamCreator


Y - Static variable in class update.remote.imond.ImondConstants
This is the letter y.
YES - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
a yes.
YESNO - Static variable in class parser.ParserTest
a variable type.
yybegin(int) - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Enters a new lexical state
yybegin(int) - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Enters a new lexical state
yychar - Variable in class parser.Parser
yychar - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yychar - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the number of characters up to the start of the matched text
yychar - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the number of characters up to the start of the matched text
yycharat(int) - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
yycharat(int) - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
yycheck - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yycheck() - Static method in class parser.Parser
yycheck - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yycheck() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyclose() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Closes the input stream.
yyclose() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Closes the input stream.
yycolumn - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the number of characters from the last newline up to the start of the matched text
yycolumn - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the number of characters from the last newline up to the start of the matched text
yydebug - Variable in class parser.Parser
yydebug - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yydefred - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yydefred - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yydgoto - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yydgoto - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYEOF - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
This character denotes the end of file
YYEOF - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
This character denotes the end of file
YYERRCODE - Static variable in class parser.Parser
YYERRCODE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyerrflag - Variable in class parser.Parser
yyerrflag - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyerror(String) - Method in class parser.Parser
yyerror(String) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYFINAL - Static variable in class parser.Parser
YYFINAL - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yygindex - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yygindex - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYINITIAL - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
lexical states
YYINITIAL - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
lexical states
yylen - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yylen - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yylength() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Returns the length of the matched text region.
yylength() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Returns the length of the matched text region.
yylex() - Method in class parser.Parser
yylex() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yylexdebug(int, int) - Method in class parser.Parser
yylexdebug(int, int) - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yylhs - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yylhs - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyline - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
number of newlines encountered up to the start of the matched text
yyline - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
number of newlines encountered up to the start of the matched text
yylval - Variable in class parser.Parser
yylval - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yym - Variable in class parser.Parser
yym - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYMAXTOKEN - Static variable in class parser.Parser
YYMAXTOKEN - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyn - Variable in class parser.Parser
yyn - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyname - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yyname - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yynerrs - Variable in class parser.Parser
yynerrs - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyparse() - Method in class parser.Parser
yyparse() - Method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yypushback(int) - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
yypushback(int) - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
yyreset(Reader) - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
yyreset(Reader) - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
yyrindex - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yyrindex - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yyrule - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yyrule - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yys - Variable in class parser.Parser
yys - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yysindex - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yysindex - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYSTACKSIZE - Static variable in class parser.Parser
YYSTACKSIZE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yystate - Variable in class parser.Parser
yystate - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yystate() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Returns the current lexical state.
yystate() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Returns the current lexical state.
yytable - Static variable in class parser.Parser
yytable() - Static method in class parser.Parser
yytable - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yytable() - Static method in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
YYTABLESIZE - Static variable in class parser.Parser
YYTABLESIZE - Static variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yytext - Variable in class parser.Parser
yytext - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser
yytext() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
yytext() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
yyval - Variable in class parser.Parser
yyval - Variable in class pruefskript.parser.ExtParser


ZZ_ACTION - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Translates DFA states to action switch labels.
ZZ_ACTION - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Translates DFA states to action switch labels.
ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE[aState] contains the attributes of state aState
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE[aState] contains the attributes of state aState
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
initial size of the lookahead buffer
ZZ_BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
initial size of the lookahead buffer
ZZ_CMAP - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Translates characters to character classes
ZZ_CMAP - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Translates characters to character classes
ZZ_CMAP_PACKED - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Translates characters to character classes
ZZ_CMAP_PACKED - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Translates characters to character classes
ZZ_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_LEXSTATE - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_LEXSTATE[l] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l ZZ_LEXSTATE[l+1] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l at the beginning of a line l is of the form l = 2*k, k a non negative integer
ZZ_LEXSTATE - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_LEXSTATE[l] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l ZZ_LEXSTATE[l+1] is the state in the DFA for the lexical state l at the beginning of a line l is of the form l = 2*k, k a non negative integer
ZZ_NO_MATCH - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_NO_MATCH - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_PUSHBACK_2BIG - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_ROWMAP - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Translates a state to a row index in the transition table
ZZ_ROWMAP - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Translates a state to a row index in the transition table
ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_TRANS - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
The transition table of the DFA
ZZ_TRANS - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
The transition table of the DFA
ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0 - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
ZZ_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzAtBOL - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzAtBOL == true <=> the scanner is currently at the beginning of a line
zzAtBOL - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzAtBOL == true iff the scanner is currently at the beginning of a line
zzAtEOF - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzAtEOF == true <=> the scanner is at the EOF
zzAtEOF - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzAtEOF == true iff the scanner is at the EOF
zzBuffer - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
this buffer contains the current text to be matched and is the source of the yytext() string
zzBuffer - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
this buffer contains the current text to be matched and is the source of the yytext() string
zzCurrentPos - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the current text position in the buffer
zzCurrentPos - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the current text position in the buffer
zzEndRead - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
endRead marks the last character in the buffer, that has been read from input
zzEndRead - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
endRead marks the last character in the buffer, that has been read from input
zzEOFDone - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
denotes if the user-EOF-code has already been executed
zzEOFDone - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
denotes if the user-EOF-code has already been executed
zzFinalHighSurrogate - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
The number of occupied positions in zzBuffer beyond zzEndRead.
zzFinalHighSurrogate - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
The number of occupied positions in zzBuffer beyond zzEndRead.
zzLexicalState - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the current lexical state
zzLexicalState - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the current lexical state
zzMarkedPos - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the textposition at the last accepting state
zzMarkedPos - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the textposition at the last accepting state
zzReader - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the input device
zzReader - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the input device
zzRefill() - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Refills the input buffer.
zzRefill() - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Refills the input buffer.
zzScanError(int) - Method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Reports an error that occured while scanning.
zzScanError(int) - Method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Reports an error that occured while scanning.
zzStartRead - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
startRead marks the beginning of the yytext() string in the buffer
zzStartRead - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
startRead marks the beginning of the yytext() string in the buffer
zzState - Variable in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
the current state of the DFA
zzState - Variable in class scanner.VarDefScanner
the current state of the DFA
zzUnpackAction() - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackAction(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackAction() - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackAction(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackAttribute() - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackAttribute(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackAttribute() - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackAttribute(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackCMap(String) - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
Unpacks the compressed character translation table.
zzUnpackCMap(String) - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
Unpacks the compressed character translation table.
zzUnpackRowMap() - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackRowMap(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackRowMap() - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackRowMap(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackTrans() - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackTrans(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class pruefskript.scanner.ExtScanner
zzUnpackTrans() - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
zzUnpackTrans(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class scanner.VarDefScanner
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