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#119 (Jan 28, 2024, 8:51:31 PM)

Started 7 mo 25 days ago
Took 31 sec
Build Artifacts
INT2023Q4_SHR-1.0.zip18.05 MiB view

Started by remote host with note: null

Revision: d8f44f8294a3001279043194560b51ffb3f3340e
  • refs/remotes/origin/main
  1. add: method for analyzing realtionships between telegrams (details)
  2. Added the relationship between value changes and the method getValue() in class Payload (details)
  3. add: group address summary and value change (details)
  4. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  5. fix: imported the telegrams from datapool interface (details)
  6. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  7. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  8. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  9. fix: clear data and updated imports (details)
  10. Fixed the input of the methods getPossibleSequences, getPossiblePeriodicities, getPossibleSincronicities and in the Interface PatternAnalyser (details)
  11. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  12. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  13. fix: delete old data (details)
  14. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  15. fix: imports cleaned up and documentation written (details)
  16. add: new test (details)
  17. add: new test (details)
  18. Translated the comments (details)
  19. fix: comments in english (details)
  20. fix: some issues (details)
  21. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team (details)
  22. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team (details)
  23. refactored PatternAnalyserTest (details)
  24. Refactored Analysis Classes (details)
  25. Modifying the time calculation in the analyzeTelegramsRelationships method and adding debugging output. Adding a test class for Ticket #52. (details)
  26. Modifying the time calculation in the analyzeTelegramsRelationships method and adding debugging output. Adding a test class for Ticket #52. (details)
  27. Merging and BugFixing (details)