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#124 (May 20, 2024, 11:21:38 PM)

  1. Fix (GUI): Use File-Dialog-Selection on Actual Successful Selection only (Ignore Cancel or Error) — cornelius.koepp / detail
  2. Review-Notes for Group Analytics — cornelius.koepp / detail
  3. Review-Notes for Group Data — cornelius.koepp / detail
  4. Review-Notes for Group Import — cornelius.koepp / detail
  5. es wurde das Problem mit dem Abbruch beim holen der Telgramme behoben — till.lehmann / detail
  6. Review of Comments from CK — pascal.moeller / detail
  7. 93-Integration der DPT im Importer — Geske Fabian / detail
  8. Integration von DPT Objekt — till.lehmann / detail
  9. Added new Graph with example data in XYDiagrammeTest — lisa.kramer / detail
  10. Bugfix GroupAddressTelegramMock — lisa.kramer / detail
  11. Change GraphPanel to Show Corresponding GA in Graph — pascal.moeller / detail
  12. Added new scaled y-achsis and labels to graph — lisa.kramer / detail
  13. 93-Integration numericValues — Geske Fabian / detail
  14. Added stairs between points — lisa.kramer / detail
  15. Implemented New Data Strukture for Preprocessed Telegrams — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  16. Added Better Looking Stairs — pascal.moeller / detail
  17. Refactoring: Removed comment — pascal.moeller / detail
  18. Added MockMain and added timeline to GraphGUI, refactoring and renaming — pascal.moeller / detail
  19. Refactoring and added combobox filter — pascal.moeller / detail
  20. Added RegexFilter — pascal.moeller / detail
  21. First attempt of the implementation without a specific class. This needs to be done. — Kipka Kai / detail
  22. fix: getTimeDifferenceToSuccessor into new class and fix test — Kueker Anton / detail
  23. überflüssige felder entfernt. methoden für csv und xml auslesen angepasst. NumericTelegram hat nun numierische übersetzte payloads — till.lehmann / detail
  24. fehler behoben — till.lehmann / detail
  25. Added Hashcode Method — pascal.moeller / detail
  26. Implemented New Data Strukture for Preprocessed Telegrams — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  27. Implemented New Data Strukture for Preprocessed Telegrams 3 — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  28. Added Begin and End Function to Diagram — pascal.moeller / detail
  29. Added TablePanel — pascal.moeller / detail
  30. 87-KNXD Import Methode eingebaut — Geske Fabian / detail
  31. TODO erstellen von Telegrammen bei KNXD erfüllt. fehler im auslesen der logs noch vorhanden — till.lehmann / detail
  32. First attempt of the implementation without a specific class. This needs to be done. — Kipka Kai / detail
  33. Added a Better Name in TimelinePanel — pascal.moeller / detail
  34. Changed languageLevel to JDK_17 — pascal.moeller / detail
  35. Moved Mocks to Test Folder (better structure) — pascal.moeller / detail
  36. New implementation which calculates the time difference between successor and predecessor — Kipka Kai / detail
  37. 87-KNXD method for knxd implemented — Geske Fabian / detail
  38. 87-KNXD Import method for knxd implemented — Geske Fabian / detail
  39. 87-KNXD Import reads all lines of telegrams if user data is not clear — Geske Fabian / detail
  40. 87-KNXD Import reads all lines of telegrams if user data is not clear — Geske Fabian / detail
  41. Restore of Main — Geske Fabian / detail
  42. Adding comments at ImportedTelegram — Geske Fabian / detail
  43. Adding comments at ImportedTelegram — Geske Fabian / detail
  44. Added Tabs to GUI — lisa.kramer / detail
  45. Fix: Output Timerelation Analysys — Kipka Kai / detail
  46. Refactoring Layout — Weide Luisa / detail
  47. Refactoring Table Layout — Weide Luisa / detail
  48. Feature: Implemented Tripel Structure (GroupAddress/oldValue/newValue) and automated generation and refactored the timeDifference Method. — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  49. Refactored and Expand: PreprocessedTelegram Structure, added Interface, Tests and Methods — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  50. complettet Interfaces, extendet PTAnalyser, small improvements — maximilian.suckow / detail
  51. Dokumentation of Operations and Methods — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  52. Review and Refactoring — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  53. ImportPackageTest fixed without getType Method — Geske Fabian / detail
  54. Test cases adapted and updated — till.lehmann / detail
  55. Finale Merge Analyze with Import — maximilian.suckow / detail
  56. Added Filter to TablePanel — pascal.moeller / detail
  57. Changed to JDK 17 and small refactoring — pascal.moeller / detail
  58. Changed Table and Graph to Support NumericTelegrams, know Bug: Scrolling in the Graphpanel is realy slow — pascal.moeller / detail
  59. Draft: Use LocalDateTime in Telegram — cornelius.koepp / detail
  60. Q&D Fix for Import of Unknown DPT — cornelius.koepp / detail
  61. fixup! Q&D Fix for Import of Unknown DPT — cornelius.koepp / detail
  62. Q&D Fix: Fallback for Fail in Parsing — cornelius.koepp / detail
  63. Q&D Fix: Do not Fail on First unknown Line — cornelius.koepp / detail
  64. Q&D Fix: Error-Collection — cornelius.koepp / detail
  65. Improve Readability of GA String Representation — cornelius.koepp / detail
  66. Reduce Output of Error-Collection — cornelius.koepp / detail
  67. (Draft/WIP) Fallback for Unknown DPT — cornelius.koepp / detail
  68. (Draft/WIP) Fallback for Unknown DPT; Fix: Use for Wrong too — cornelius.koepp / detail
  69. (Draft/WIP) Fallback for Unknown DPT - Fix/Cleanup Implementation — cornelius.koepp / detail
  70. (Draft/WIP) Fallback for Unknown DPT - Cleanup Implementation — cornelius.koepp / detail
  71. (Draft/WIP) Fallback for Unknown DPT - Restructure and Replare Clean Implementation — cornelius.koepp / detail
  72. Quick-Fix: Translation Fails on Wrong DST-Bit — cornelius.koepp / detail
  73. boolean numeric refactored — Geske Fabian / detail
  74. refactoring Class Structure and package Structure — Geske Fabian / detail
  75. refactoring Class Structure and package Structure. Extracting Methods into own classes for XML, Csv, Knxd Importer — Geske Fabian / detail
  76. Deleted old File (ComboBox) and added scrolling increment. — pascal.moeller / detail
  77. Bug Fix: Commit for Checkout - No relevant Changes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  78. Bug Fix: Fixed the double Key in Map problem - added hashCode() in GroupAddressImpl and refactored equals method — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  79. Bug Fix: Fixed the double Key in Map problem - added hashCode() in GroupAddressImpl and refactored equals method — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  80. Create a test class for PtAnalyser and implement an output of the PreprocessedTelegram Map — maximilian.suckow / detail
  81. Refactoring: Refactoring Methods and made code more efficient — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  82. Refactoring: Refactoring Methods and made code more efficient — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  83. optimize PtAnalyser and PtAnalyser Test, build String outputs for the Maps, integrate BasicStatics in PtAnalyser — maximilian.suckow / detail
  84. Draft: Event-Handler for Mouse Moving — cornelius.koepp / detail
  85. Minor: Cleanup — cornelius.koepp / detail
  86. Fix: Allow Milli Resolution for Time — cornelius.koepp / detail
  87. Draft: Calculate Time from X-Position — cornelius.koepp / detail
  88. Draft: Simple Display of Telegram Value — cornelius.koepp / detail
  89. Fix: Check for Same Time, NOT Same Instance of Time-Object — cornelius.koepp / detail
  90. Feature: Implemented first version of Successor Analysys String Builder getSuccessorAnalysysByGa() — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  91. refactor PatternAnalyser — maximilian.suckow / detail
  92. Feature: Implemented second version of Successor Analysys String Builder getSuccessorAnalysysByGa() — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  93. Feature: Implemented getSuccessorAnalysysByGa() for the Use in Interface and Impl - Method is AP 2 Ready! — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  94. Feature: Implemented getSuccessorAnalysysByGa() for the Use in Interface and Impl - Method is AP 2 Ready! — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  95. refactoring Class Structure and package Structure — Geske Fabian / detail
  96. Added PositionIndicator for Graphs — pascal.moeller / detail
  97. DateTime anpassung und Methode — Geske Fabian / detail
  98. Refactoring of Layout and added TextField for Begin and End — pascal.moeller / detail
  99. Removed Slider and Added Reset Buttons — pascal.moeller / detail
  100. Updated tests, sonarlint fixes — Mac Ha_Trang / detail
  101. Removed MessageBoxes and better Gui-Labels — pascal.moeller / detail
  102. DateTime String removed, Only Datetime Object — Geske Fabian / detail
  103. DateTime method fixed — Geske Fabian / detail
  104. Updated tests, sonarlint fixes — Geske Fabian / detail
  105. DateTime String removed, Only Datetime Object — Geske Fabian / detail
  106. TelegramAndExceptionProcesser implemented which is responsible for adding errors and telegramms to Lists — Geske Fabian / detail
  107. Merged relevant Branches and Add UMLs — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  108. Exceptions added and implemented in Importer — Geske Fabian / detail
  109. Read and Response telegrams can now be importet, new Field for telegrams with getter — till.lehmann / detail
  110. Bugfix and added AnalyseGUI to Tab — pascal.moeller / detail
  111. Added Successor Analysis to GUI — pascal.moeller / detail
  112. Added TelegramTableModel and changed Table to use it — pascal.moeller / detail
  113. Error in getPeriod fixed — maximilian.suckow / detail
  114. Added that save last Locations to file — pascal.moeller / detail
  115. Removed DetailedHistory removed old PatternAnalyser added Count of Telegrams — pascal.moeller / detail
  116. Fixed tests after bugfix from importer group — pascal.moeller / detail
  117. Bugfix for threshold — pascal.moeller / detail

#123 (Jan 30, 2024, 10:52:11 AM)

  1. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail

#121 (Jan 28, 2024, 10:41:46 PM)

  1. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  2. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  3. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  4. Implemented Methods for Analysing — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  5. Implemented Methods for Analysing — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  6. Merging for Main — pascal.moeller / detail

#120 (Jan 28, 2024, 9:58:01 PM)

  1. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  2. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  3. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  4. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  5. First draft with commands, missing Tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  6. Added Graph. Visualisation needs to be fixed — maximilian.suckow / detail
  7. GUI Designer form — maximilian.suckow / detail
  8. Refactoring Gui — maximilian.suckow / detail
  9. Fix Start and End Position in TimelinePanel — maximilian.suckow / detail
  10. Update GraphGUI.form — maximilian.suckow / detail
  11. Added FlatLaf — maximilian.suckow / detail
  12. Added comments to GraphGUI and TimelinePanel — maximilian.suckow / detail
  13. Added comments to GraphGUI and TimelinePanel — maximilian.suckow / detail
  14. Date for x-achsis — maximilian.suckow / detail
  15. Refactoring and Added TimeSeriesChart — maximilian.suckow / detail
  16. Added Slider Functionality to Filter Start and End Date — maximilian.suckow / detail
  17. Added MainFunction to Work with Importer Implementation from Importer Team, currently Path are Hardcoded! — maximilian.suckow / detail
  18. Changed Resolution to Minute — maximilian.suckow / detail
  19. BugFix: Changed Resolution to MinutedatesWithMinuteResolution — maximilian.suckow / detail
  20. Refactoring and Preparation for Path Integrations — maximilian.suckow / detail
  21. Refactoring and Added FileselectGUI — maximilian.suckow / detail
  22. Typo — maximilian.suckow / detail
  23. Fixed Graphical Bug in Timeline — maximilian.suckow / detail
  24. Added ComboBoxMultiSelection for GroupAddress Filtering. Workaround for Equals Method of GroupAddressImpl — maximilian.suckow / detail
  25. BugFix: Added DuplicatesStrategy for Gradle — maximilian.suckow / detail
  26. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  27. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  28. First draft with commands, missing Tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  29. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  30. gradle build fault — maximilian.suckow / detail
  31. BugFix: Gradle Dependency — pascal.moeller / detail
  32. First draft with commands, missing Tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  33. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  34. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  35. BugFix: Gradle Dependency — maximilian.suckow / detail
  36. first tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  37. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  38. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  39. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  40. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  41. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  42. Refactored Analysis Classes — maximilian.suckow / detail
  43. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — maximilian.suckow / detail
  44. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — maximilian.suckow / detail
  45. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — maximilian.suckow / detail
  46. Added Graph. Visualisation needs to be fixed — maximilian.suckow / detail
  47. Refactoring Gui — maximilian.suckow / detail
  48. first draft — maximilian.suckow / detail
  49. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  50. First draft with commands, missing Tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  51. gradle build fault — maximilian.suckow / detail
  52. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  53. BugFix: Gradle Dependency — maximilian.suckow / detail
  54. first tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  55. First draft with the changeover to the Datapool interface — maximilian.suckow / detail
  56. First draft with commands, missing Tests — maximilian.suckow / detail
  57. final design — maximilian.suckow / detail
  58. BugFixes for Testing — pascal.moeller / detail
  59. Added GUI for Analyse — pascal.moeller / detail
  60. Merging for Main — pascal.moeller / detail

#119 (Jan 28, 2024, 8:51:31 PM)

  1. add: method for analyzing realtionships between telegrams — Kueker Anton / detail
  2. Added the relationship between value changes and the method getValue() in class Payload — Kipka Kai / detail
  3. add: group address summary and value change — Kueker Anton / detail
  4. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  5. fix: imported the telegrams from datapool interface — Kueker Anton / detail
  6. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  7. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  8. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  9. fix: clear data and updated imports — Kueker Anton / detail
  10. Fixed the input of the methods getPossibleSequences, getPossiblePeriodicities, getPossibleSincronicities and in the Interface PatternAnalyser — Kipka Kai / detail
  11. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  12. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  13. fix: delete old data — Kueker Anton / detail
  14. Refactored Analysis Classes — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  15. fix: imports cleaned up and documentation written — Kueker Anton / detail
  16. add: new test — Kueker Anton / detail
  17. add: new test — Kueker Anton / detail
  18. Translated the comments — Kipka Kai / detail
  19. fix: comments in english — Kueker Anton / detail
  20. fix: some issues — Kueker Anton / detail
  21. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  22. Refactored Some Code With Import and Architecture Team — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  23. refactored PatternAnalyserTest — Kipka Kai / detail
  24. Refactored Analysis Classes — Kipka Kai / detail
  25. Modifying the time calculation in the analyzeTelegramsRelationships method and adding debugging output. Adding a test class for Ticket #52. — Kipka Kai / detail
  26. Modifying the time calculation in the analyzeTelegramsRelationships method and adding debugging output. Adding a test class for Ticket #52. — Kipka Kai / detail
  27. Merging and BugFixing — pascal.moeller / detail

#118 (Jan 28, 2024, 7:33:55 PM)

  1. BugFixes for main branch — pascal.moeller / detail

#117 (Jan 28, 2024, 7:11:15 PM)

  1. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  2. Fehlerbehebung von Falsch gelesenen Payloads aus XML — till.lehmann / detail
  3. Fehlerbehebung, da falsch gelöscht — till.lehmann / detail
  4. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  5. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  6. Methoden ausgelagert — till.lehmann / detail
  7. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  8. 46 — Mac Ha_Trang / detail
  9. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  10. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  11. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  12. Added getDeviceAddress and getTelegramStream(List<DeviceAddresses> deviceAddresses) — pascal.moeller / detail

#116 (Jan 28, 2024, 1:39:49 PM)

  1. Added Graph. Visualisation needs to be fixed — lisa.kramer / detail
  2. CSV angepasst — till.lehmann / detail
  3. GUI Designer form — lisa.kramer / detail
  4. Refactoring Gui — pascal.moeller / detail
  5. Fix Start and End Position in TimelinePanel — pascal.moeller / detail
  6. Update GraphGUI.form — pascal.moeller / detail
  7. Added FlatLaf — pascal.moeller / detail
  8. Added comments to GraphGUI and TimelinePanel — lisa.kramer / detail
  9. Added comments to GraphGUI and TimelinePanel — lisa.kramer / detail
  10. Interpratation von RawDaten aus XML möglich — till.lehmann / detail
  11. Date for x-achsis — lisa.kramer / detail
  12. Refactoring and Added TimeSeriesChart — pascal.moeller / detail
  13. 46 — Mac Ha_Trang / detail
  14. Added Slider Functionality to Filter Start and End Date — pascal.moeller / detail
  15. 46-ImportTelegramm — Geske Fabian / detail
  16. Added MainFunction to Work with Importer Implementation from Importer Team, currently Path are Hardcoded! — pascal.moeller / detail
  17. Changed Resolution to Minute — pascal.moeller / detail
  18. BugFix: Changed Resolution to MinutedatesWithMinuteResolution — pascal.moeller / detail
  19. Refactoring and Preparation for Path Integrations — pascal.moeller / detail
  20. Refactoring and Added FileselectGUI — pascal.moeller / detail
  21. Typo — pascal.moeller / detail
  22. Fixed Graphical Bug in Timeline — pascal.moeller / detail
  23. Added ComboBoxMultiSelection for GroupAddress Filtering. Workaround for Equals Method of GroupAddressImpl — pascal.moeller / detail
  24. BugFix: Added DuplicatesStrategy for Gradle — pascal.moeller / detail
  25. Added comments for the GraphGUI and FileselectGUI — lisa.kramer / detail

#115 (Jan 22, 2024, 5:36:11 PM)

  1. 45-ImportGruppenAdressen — Geske Fabian / detail
  2. 45-ImportGruppenAdressen — Geske Fabian / detail
  3. 45-ImportGruppenAdressen — Geske Fabian / detail
  4. 45-ImportGruppenAdressen — Geske Fabian / detail
  5. Change to Thrown an Exception, and Refactoring Variable Name. Removed failing Test of Group DataPool for Jenkins Build Pipline — pascal.moeller / detail

#114 (Jan 18, 2024, 8:52:52 PM)

  1. Added Interfaces from Diagram for Data-Management — pascal.moeller / detail
  2. Added Interfaces from Diagram for Importer-Group — pascal.moeller / detail
  3. Modified Datapool, and added basic DataPool (WIP) — pascal.moeller / detail
  4. Removed comment that was wrong — pascal.moeller / detail
  5. Added Comments for the Datapool Interfaces — dana.loehr / detail
  6. Optimized Imports, Added more Comments, Added Exception for not implemented Operations — pascal.moeller / detail
  7. Refactoring Interfaces and added Constructor to SimpleDataPool — pascal.moeller / detail
  8. Added Mockclasses and some Tests — pascal.moeller / detail
  9. Refactoring one testcase — pascal.moeller / detail
  10. Added Nullcheck to SimpleDataPool and Added a Test to Check for NullPointerException — pascal.moeller / detail
  11. Added TODO-Comments — pascal.moeller / detail
  12. Changed RuntimeException to NullPointerException — pascal.moeller / detail
  13. Added Todo Comments to not Implemented Methods — pascal.moeller / detail
  14. Added Tests, and moved SimpleDataPool to Implementation Directory — pascal.moeller / detail
  15. Added Tests, and moved SimpleDataPool to Implementation Directory — pascal.moeller / detail
  16. Removed one Test, because we are now Expect an Ordered List from the Importer, small Documentation fixes, Added an NotImplementedException, Changed not Implemented Testcase to Thrown an NotImplementedException, Small Refactoring for Cleaner Code. — pascal.moeller / detail
  17. Changed SimpleDataPool to create an unmodifiableList of Telegrams and Addresses — pascal.moeller / detail
  18. Added Test for UnsupportedOperationException for Immutable Lists — pascal.moeller / detail
  19. Added Default Implementation for getFullLabel() — pascal.moeller / detail

#113 (Dec 5, 2023, 2:55:57 PM)

  1. Added first sliders for the zeitreihen window — lisa.kramer / detail
  2. Modified sliders and added new classes for the Zeitreihendarstellung — lisa.kramer / detail

#112 (Dec 4, 2023, 4:10:53 PM)

  1. Added Method Headers from Class Diagram — dana.loehr / detail

#111 (Dec 4, 2023, 4:06:48 PM)

  1. added operation countSequences and countPatterns — maximilian.suckow / detail

#110 (Nov 28, 2023, 11:59:37 PM)

  1. Updated Telegram Classes — a.tattolo / detail
  2. Refactoing Telegram Classes and Creating Test Class — a.tattolo / detail
  3. Refactoing Telegram Classes and Creating Test Class — a.tattolo / detail
  4. Requirements from Comments have been Implemented — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  5. Requirements from Comments have been Implemented — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  6. Requirements from Comments have been Implemented — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  7. Requirements from Comments have been Implemented — ambrogio.tattolo / detail
  8. Requirements from Comments have been Implemented — ambrogio.tattolo / detail

#109 (Nov 28, 2023, 3:14:31 PM)

  1. Added Plugin for Intellij-Guidesigner — pascal.moeller / detail
  2. Added first version of the menu bar — lisa.kramer / detail
  3. Added first version of the menu bar — lisa.kramer / detail
  4. Added Dependency for Java-Gui-Forms — pascal.moeller / detail

#108 (Nov 27, 2023, 1:59:57 PM)

  1. Added Interface Packages and Analysis Interface — a.tattolo / detail
  2. Added empty Interfaces for Structure — a.tattolo / detail
  3. Deleated uiDesigner and Configured GIT — ambrogio.tattolo / detail

#107 (Nov 25, 2023, 1:12:27 AM)

  1. Added Calimero-Core Dependency for Import — pascal.moeller / detail
  2. Added SQLite and OrmLite — pascal.moeller / detail

#106 (Nov 24, 2023, 10:04:25 AM)

  1. Created Basic Classes For Analysis — a.tattolo / detail
  2. Updated Basic Classes For Analysis — a.tattolo / detail

#105 (Nov 20, 2023, 11:32:27 PM)

  1. Added Reviewer to — pascal.moeller / detail
  2. aktualisiert — maximilian.suckow / detail
  3. aktualisiert — lisa.kramer / detail
  4. Reviewer Gruppe 3 added — till.lehmann / detail

#104 (Nov 19, 2023, 1:44:21 PM)

  1. Add — pascal.moeller / detail