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  1. Persistence: - Needed to remove two tests which failed because these had causal dependencies to tests in the general test class which ran beforehand.
  2. Persistence: - Removed tests which explicit test transaction behavior from the general test class for ObjectFacade and added them in the concrete TestClass for the Oracle-Implementation because the NoDatabaseImplementation doesn't provide transactions. - Added protected getters for the private fields in the general test class to realize the above. - It is possible that there are still tests left in the general test class which test transaction behavior in any way. These should be identifiable when running the test cases for the NoDatabase-Implementation.
  3. Persistence: - Added removal of old links for essential associations in the common set method for UnidirectionalLinks. - Implemented common inverseGet and get -method for all get and inverseGet -methods for UnidirectionalLinks (this is possible because we don't provide transactions)
  4. Persistence: - Altered get and inverseGet -m.ethod for UnidirectionalLinks to match the semantics given in the operation-comment better.
  5. Persistence: - Implemented get and inverseGet -method for Unidirectional links.
Revision 3663 by hfi413te:
Persistence: - Needed to remove two tests which failed because these had causal dependencies to tests in the general test class which ran beforehand.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/TestObjectFacadeOracle.javaPersistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/
Revision 3662 by hfi413te:
Persistence: - Removed tests which explicit test transaction behavior from the general test class for ObjectFacade and added them in the concrete TestClass for the Oracle-Implementation because the NoDatabaseImplementation doesn't provide transactions.
- Added protected getters for the private fields in the general test class to realize the above.
- It is possible that there are still tests left in the general test class which test transaction behavior in any way. These should be identifiable when running the test cases for the NoDatabase-Implementation.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/TestObjectFacade.javaPersistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/TestObjectFacadeNoDatabase.javaPersistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/TestObjectFacadeOracle.javaPersistence/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/test/
Revision 3661 by hfi413te:
Persistence: - Added removal of old links for essential associations in the common set method for UnidirectionalLinks.
- Implemented common inverseGet and get -method for all get and inverseGet -methods for UnidirectionalLinks (this is possible because we don't provide transactions)
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation.javaPersistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/
Revision 3660 by hfi413te:
Persistence: - Altered get and inverseGet -m.ethod for UnidirectionalLinks to match the semantics given in the operation-comment better.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation.javaPersistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/
Revision 3659 by hfi413te:
Persistence: - Implemented get and inverseGet -method for Unidirectional links.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Persistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation.javaPersistence/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/persistence/facade/