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  1. Core: Preparation for the overhaul of the ConstructorReferencesCheck and the generation of $super-Methods: - Moved analysis of the inheritance trees from the Generator-project to a new task in the Core-project: AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask. The results of this task (a map that shows which class has to call constructors of which super classes) is now part of the AST-Model, thus - Added a new field to the AST-Model ( which holds the result of the new AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask. - Added methods to retrieve the new field from the Model and to put pairs of the form (Type, List<Type>) into the new map. - Integrated the new Task in SyntaxCheckAbstract - Adjusted a test case (It asserted an exception that does not occur due to the changes made in SyntaxCheckAbstract. Instead another Exception occurs now that is being asserted).
Revision 4090 by hfi413te:
Core: Preparation for the overhaul of the ConstructorReferencesCheck and the generation of $super-Methods:
- Moved analysis of the inheritance trees from the Generator-project to a new task in the Core-project: AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask.
       The results of this task (a map that shows which class has to call constructors of which super classes) is now part of the AST-Model, thus
- Added a new field to the AST-Model ( which holds the result of the new AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask.
- Added methods to retrieve the new field from the Model and to put pairs of the form (Type, List<Type>) into the new map.
- Integrated the new Task in SyntaxCheckAbstract
- Adjusted a test case (It asserted an exception that does not occur due to the changes made in SyntaxCheckAbstract. Instead another Exception occurs now that is being asserted).
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Core/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/common/ast/Model.javaCore/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/common/ast/
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Core/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/SyntaxCheckAbstract.javaCore/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/
The file was added/trunk/Workspace/Core/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/walker/tasks/AnalyzeInheritanceTreesTask.javaCore/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/walker/tasks/
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/CoreTests/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/test/SyntaxCheckTest.javaCoreTests/src/test/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/test/