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  1. Core: - Changed Order of called Tasks: The AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask must run after the ConstructorReferencer because the ConstructorReferencer influences the hashCode-method of types which would make types with ConstructorReferences unaccessible in the map produced by the AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask when the AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask runs before the ConstructorReferencer.
Revision 4118 by hfi413te:
Core: - Changed Order of called Tasks: The AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask must run after the ConstructorReferencer because the ConstructorReferencer influences the hashCode-method of types which would make types with ConstructorReferences unaccessible in the map produced by the AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask when the AnalyzeInheritanceTreeTask runs before the ConstructorReferencer.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/Workspace/Core/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/SyntaxCheckAbstract.javaCore/src/main/java/de/fhdw/wtf/tooling/