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#222 (May 3, 2020, 1:06:08 PM)

  1. Version von "maven-site-plugin" angehoben und vereinheitlicht, um "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.DocumentContent"-Fehlermeldung zu umgehen — Christoph Schulz / detail

#219 (Apr 15, 2016, 11:06:46 PM)

  1. PropertiesReaderFactory: use getPropertiesReaderOracle() as a fallback for getPropertiesReaderFile() if file does not exist or cannot be read
    * this allows callers, notably ApplicationStarter.initializeDatabase(), to always call getPropertiesReaderFile() and rely on falling back to default values provided by getPropertiesReaderOracle() — Christoph Schulz / detail

#218 (Apr 15, 2016, 5:51:42 PM)

  1. PropertiesReaderFactory: the default reader created and returned by getPropertiesReaderOracle() must also be initialized, even if the propFile parameter is not used
    * otherwise the key-value pairs are never put into the map — Christoph Schulz / detail

#217 (Mar 23, 2016, 8:23:18 PM)

  1. Minor improvement of comments — Gasch Soeren / detail

#214 (Jan 15, 2016, 4:11:53 PM)

  1. JaCoCo maven plug-in updated to version to match the Jenkins JaCoCo plug-in — Christoph Schulz / detail

#213 (Dec 8, 2015, 9:36:06 PM)

  1. Improved comments — Gasch Soeren / detail

#211 (Dec 8, 2015, 6:16:08 PM)

  1. Some changes — Hoyer Steffen / detail

#210 (Dec 8, 2015, 4:16:07 PM)

  1. Persistence
    - Matching parameter name with corresponding javadoc argument — Gasch Soeren / detail

#209 (Dec 8, 2015, 12:51:09 PM)

  1. testcoverage erhöht — hfi413go / detail

#208 (Dec 7, 2015, 10:01:08 PM)

  1. Persistence
    - Small correction of typos — Gasch Soeren / detail

#207 (Dec 6, 2015, 6:16:10 PM)

  1. fix, tests — hfi413go / detail
  2. fix, tests — hfi413go / detail

#205 (Dec 4, 2015, 1:36:09 PM)

  1. Added a new Class "PropertiesReaderFactory", added some comments, added a ressource file that should be read if the current directory does not contain a ""-file — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  2. Added some comments — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  3. Removed unused imports — Hoyer Steffen / detail

#204 (Dec 1, 2015, 9:41:08 PM)

  1. Assert-Exception-Testfälle hinzugefügt — hfi413go / detail
  2. Added the PropertiesReaderFile that reads properties from a file.
    Added a new Interface that will work with the OracleDatabaseManager in future.
    Improved the test cases. — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  3. Some small test cases for the first prop-reader implementation — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  4. First implementation of the ressource reader :) — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  5. Removed unused method — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  6. testfälle für exceptions hinzugefügt — hfi413go / detail
  7. Improved the "delete" method — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  8. Improved the "find"-Method for IntegerValue — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  9. Changed some comments.
    Improved the "find"-Method for "StringValue". — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  10. Persistence
    - Refactoring of certain find method. Uses proper regex engine now. — Gasch Soeren / detail
  11. Improved a comment — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  12. Added some test cases — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  13. Added one test case for the method "find" — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  14. Added some test cases for the "find" method with strings — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  15. Persistence
    - Simple refactoring giving meaningful variable names — Gasch Soeren / detail
  16. Persistence: - Moved another test-method that tests transaction behavior. — Teickner Achim / detail
  17. Persistence: - Removed some empty test-cases from the no database tests which succeed now.
    - Moved some tests which deal with transaction behavior to the section for this category and added empty test methods in the no database test class. — Teickner Achim / detail
  18. Persistence: - Found an fixed bug in set-method for UnidirectionalAssociations in association with the deletion of links of unique associations. — Teickner Achim / detail
  19. Persistence: - Found another test which tests transaction behavior. Moved it to the appropriate section in the general test class and renamed it. Enhanced comment to be more meaningful. Added overridden empty method in No-Database-test class because it doesn't provide transactions. — Teickner Achim / detail
  20. Persistence: - Moved all tests which deal with transaction behavior into the general test class for all ObjectFacadeImplementations; this means that all implementations that don't support transactions have to override all these methods dealing with transactions with empty methods.
    - Consequently added such empty overridden methods to the NoDatabase-test cases as we do not support even the tiniest bit of transaction behavior. — Teickner Achim / detail
  21. fixed 2 test cases — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  22. Removed all methods that try to simulate transactions — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  23. Persistence: - Moved testDeleteFail() form the general ObjectFacade-test-class to the oracle-test-class and renamed it to testDeleteFailNotInScopeOfTransaction() because it only tests transaction behavior which we do not support. — Teickner Achim / detail
  24. Persistence: - Fixed get()-Method for MappedLinks so that an Exception is thrown when no link has been found. THis was done in order to match behavior that was expected in a test case.
    - Removed the associated empty overridden test-method from the TestObjectFacadeNoDatabaseImplementation-Class. — Teickner Achim / detail
  25. Removed 2 test cases that are working now — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  26. Added some type checking methods to throw the invalidLinkException — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  27. Persistence: - Made in-line-comments for empty overridden test-methods to TODOs so that everyone can notice that not all test cases are 'actually' green. — Teickner Achim / detail

#203 (Nov 17, 2015, 11:47:42 AM)

  1. Improved the code coverage — Hoyer Steffen / detail

#202 (Nov 17, 2015, 11:05:41 AM)

  1. Added some "inverseGet" methods, seperated some test cases — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  2. Added some pseudo-transactions to test the case "InvalidTransaction" — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  3. Seperated some test cases — Hoyer Steffen / detail

#200 (Nov 17, 2015, 9:18:37 AM)

  1. Persistence
    - Extraction of literal
    - Correction of single checkstyle error — Gasch Soeren / detail

#199 (Nov 16, 2015, 10:27:57 PM)

  1. Improved some test cases — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  2. Added some get-Methods — Hoyer Steffen / detail

#198 (Nov 16, 2015, 9:54:22 PM)

  1. Context, PartsList, Persistence: - Altered initializeDatabase-method in ApplicationStarter to allow the instantiation of a DatabaseManager without using an if-then-else-construct. After reading the name of a concrete DatabaseManagerFactory from the 'database'-attribute in the 'application-properties'-file the associated DatabaseManagerFactory is being instantiated via reflection-mechanisms an the getInstance method on that factory is being invoked to get a DatabaseManager of the requested type.
    - Consequently I changed the value of the field 'database' in the from "oracle" to OracleDatabaseManagerFactory
    - Added an abstraction for all DatabaseManagerFactories and the two concrete factories for our currently supported DatabaseManager-Implementations (Oracle and NoDatabase). — Teickner Achim / detail
  2. Bugfix — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  3. Implemented the get Methods for MapAssociations — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  4. Persistence
    - Improved some comments
    - Divide test case environment creation from creation of example data — Gasch Soeren / detail
  5. First commit to handle MapLinks :) — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  6. Persistence
    - Refined comments within NoDatabase test cases — Gasch Soeren / detail

#197 (Nov 16, 2015, 1:13:53 PM)

  1. Fixed a bug about the generation of IDs for StringValue und IntegerValue — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  2. Workaround added — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  3. Implemented the "find" method for strings — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  4. Implemented the "find" method for integer — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  5. Some TestCase-Improvements — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  6. Added some contents to the method "delete" — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  7. Fixed another bug in "get" — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  8. Fixed a bug in "inverseGet" that could run into an exception — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  9. Persistence
    - Circumvention of single checkstyle error — Gasch Soeren / detail
  10. Persistence: - Added call to clear()-methods of two new maps within the clear()-method of the NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation. — Teickner Achim / detail
  11. Persistence: - Fixed bug in general set-method for UnidirectionalLink where the isEssential()-flag has been checked instead of the isUnique()-flag. — Teickner Achim / detail
  12. Persistence: -Fixed spelling in comment for methods where the body is empty on purpose. — Teickner Achim / detail

#196 (Nov 15, 2015, 1:08:24 PM)

  1. Persistence: - Removed empty overridden testCreatingAbstractObject-method because it suffices already. — Teickner Achim / detail
  2. Persistence: - Found and fixed bug in NoDatabaseClassfacadeImplementation: BaseTypes weren't reinitialized after performing the clear-method.
    - Removed empty overridden @Before-method called setUp() from TestObjectFacadeNoDatabase
    - setUp()-Method: Stored DatabaseManager instance received from getDatabase()-method  in local variable instead of calling getDatabase() a second time to ensure that the ObjectFacade gets the same ClassFacade as used during the creation of the model-structure. — Teickner Achim / detail

#195 (Nov 15, 2015, 11:28:25 AM)

  1. Persistence: - Needed to remove two tests which failed because these had causal dependencies to tests in the general test class which ran beforehand. — Teickner Achim / detail
  2. Persistence: - Removed tests which explicit test transaction behavior from the general test class for ObjectFacade and added them in the concrete TestClass for the Oracle-Implementation because the NoDatabaseImplementation doesn't provide transactions.
    - Added protected getters for the private fields in the general test class to realize the above.
    - It is possible that there are still tests left in the general test class which test transaction behavior in any way. These should be identifiable when running the test cases for the NoDatabase-Implementation. — Teickner Achim / detail
  3. Persistence: - Added removal of old links for essential associations in the common set method for UnidirectionalLinks.
    - Implemented common inverseGet and get -method for all get and inverseGet -methods for UnidirectionalLinks (this is possible because we don't provide transactions) — Teickner Achim / detail
  4. Persistence: - Altered get and inverseGet -m.ethod for UnidirectionalLinks to match the semantics given in the operation-comment better. — Teickner Achim / detail
  5. Persistence: - Implemented get and inverseGet -method for Unidirectional links. — Teickner Achim / detail

#194 (Nov 14, 2015, 10:56:18 PM)

  1. Persistence: - Added ClassFacade as constructor-argument and field to NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation due to the necessity of making several consistency checks regarding the association between the instance- and the model- layer.
    - Extended NoDatabaseManagers getObjectfacade-Method by passing the managers class-facade as argument to the ObjectFacades-constructor call.
    - Also added the check if the ClassFacade is not null and has been initialized to the method extended above.
    - Implemented the set-methods of NoDatabaseObjectFacadeImplementation. — Teickner Achim / detail
  2. Persistence: - Replaced TODOs of several methods such as "commit" and "rollback" with appropriate comments (as we have nothing to do in these methods). — Teickner Achim / detail
  3. Persistence: - Removed unnecessary map and method dealing with transactions (which we have to ignore in this implementation) again after discussion with team partner.
    - Removed implementations which dealt with transactions and added appropriate in line comments.
    - Added comments to two fields. — Teickner Achim / detail
  4. Added "throwExceptionIfTransactionIsClosed", some methods that work with transactions and a hashmap to store all transactions to check if they are open or not — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  5. Persistence: - Removed unnecessary map and method dealing with transactions (which we have to ignore in this implementation). — Teickner Achim / detail
  6. Implemented the "clear"-Method, removed the LinkedList "userObjects" and added "idToUserObject" — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  7. Added the methods for getIntForId, getStringForId, getIdForString, getIdForInteger and created some HashMaps to store this information — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  8. Persistence:
    - Small amount of commenting
    - Removed single checkstyle error concerning line length — Gasch Soeren / detail
  9. New comments — Hoyer Steffen / detail
  10. Persistence: - Added map to remember which objects for which types have been created.
    - Implemented findAllObjects-method.
    - Added mapUserTypeToEmptyListIfNotExists-method. — Teickner Achim / detail
  11. Persistence: - Added nextId-field and method which always provides the next id.
    - Added collection to store created UserObjects
    - Added Map to store UserObjects which point to the transaction they have been created within.
    - Implemented create()-method — Teickner Achim / detail