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#106 (Jun 21, 2024, 10:42:09 PM)

  1. Memory: Changed class- and method-names according to make the code more comprehensive — jeremy-hesse / detail

#105 (Jun 21, 2024, 9:12:09 PM)

  1. added test cases for fg mixed moves and tictactoeMoveGenerator — sebastian.woltmann / detail

#104 (Jun 16, 2024, 8:22:08 PM)

  1. Memory: Added test-cases for the strategies with brain — jeremy.hesse / detail

#103 (Jun 10, 2024, 1:17:10 PM)

  1. added memory dependency to gd pom.xml — Kevin / detail
  2. Anpassung TitForTat -> default Reaktion: remainSilentMove — merle_cathrin.lehmann / detail
  3. Pavlov Strategie hinzugefügt — merle_cathrin.lehmann / detail
  4. Anpassungen PavlovStrategy — merle_cathrin.lehmann / detail
  5. Memory: Working testclasses + fixed remaining checkstyle — Kevin / detail
  6. Memory: Added Strategies (and folder for them) — Kevin / detail
  7. Memory: Added titfortat back in — jeremy.hesse / detail
  8. Memory: Added TitFor2Tat + adjusted syso from observer — Kevin / detail
  9. Memory: Corrected move checked (index) and null-check in strategies, changed GD winning definition. — jeremy.hesse / detail
  10. Memory: Removed the cyclic complexity > 8 — jeremy.hesse / detail
  11. GD: Checkstlye fixed complexity warning for Brain Strategies — Kevin / detail

#102 (Jun 3, 2024, 3:57:07 PM)

  1. Memory: fixed some checkstyle warnings — Kevin / detail

#101 (Jun 3, 2024, 2:42:07 PM)

  1. Memory: Added Memory-Project to Gefangenendilemma pom to implement strategies there — jeremy.hesse / detail

#100 (Jun 3, 2024, 2:12:06 PM)

  1. Memory: Added move-saving, strategy still makes illegal move — jeremy.hesse / detail
  2. MemPair implemented null handling, optimized toString, added testclass — Kevin / detail
  3. MemShiftList changed memory.size to memPair.size + adjusted testclass — Kevin / detail
  4. MemBrain adjusted testclasses — Kevin / detail
  5. MemObserver provisional test class created — Kevin / detail
  6. Memory: Trying to fix this thing exploding — jeremy.hesse / detail
  7. Memory: Should have fixed the Merge-Problems — jeremy.hesse / detail
  8. memory: Fixed toString of MemoryPairImpl — jeremy.hesse / detail
  9. Memory: Works... somewhat — jeremy.hesse / detail
  10. memory: It DOES work! (I hope) — jeremy.hesse / detail
  11. fixed almost all tests (except 3 tests in for brainImpl) — Kevin / detail
  12. Memory: little changes — jeremy.hesse / detail
  13. Memory: Adjusted Tests for push to main — jeremy.hesse / detail

#99 (May 29, 2024, 12:07:06 AM)

  1. removed checkstyle warnings (comments, formatting, cycl. complexity) — sebastian.woltmann / detail

#98 (May 28, 2024, 5:07:10 PM)

  1. ipspiel24-VierConnects-strategy-minimax: Checkstyle and SpotBugs enabled — Christoph Schulz / detail
  2. ipspiel24-VierConnects-strategy-minimax: .gitignore added — Christoph Schulz / detail

#97 (May 28, 2024, 4:07:09 PM)

  1. SSP - Anzahl der Durchläufe im Test erhöht für RandomChoiceTest — Kevin / detail

#96 (May 28, 2024, 3:47:09 PM)

  1. ipspiel24: adapted to changes in ObserverFactory interface — Christoph Schulz / detail
  2. ipspiel24-memory: .gitignore added, generated files removed — Christoph Schulz / detail
  3. ipspiel24-tictactoe-minimax-strategy: adapted to depth counting change in commit b9c21c86029c, making unit tests pass again — Christoph Schulz / detail

#93 (May 26, 2024, 3:02:07 PM)

  1. Memory: Added a strategy "tictactoe-strategy-random-memory" to show the working Brain — jeremy.hesse / detail

#92 (May 26, 2024, 2:37:07 PM)

  1. Added memory module — timmschmidt7 / detail

#91 (May 26, 2024, 2:27:06 PM)

  1. Revert "Merge branch 'memory'" — timmschmidt7 / detail

#90 (May 26, 2024, 1:47:06 PM)

  1. Added memory project — timmschmidt7 / detail
  2. Added memory as maven proj — timmschmidt7 / detail
  3. fixed project edit class — Kevin / detail
  4. Trying to fix project, added another class — jeremy.hesse / detail
  5. Added MemoryObserver — jeremy.hesse / detail
  6. Memory: Integrated observer into TicTacToe, did first Test. Created Brain with first methods. Created FactoryImpl — jeremy.hesse / detail
  7. Memory: Modified some things — jeremy.hesse / detail
  8. Memory: Added interfaces and added the already existing classes as implementation of those interfaces. Interfaces in new folder. — jeremy.hesse / detail
  9. Memory: First attempt to make "rememberOutcome" work — jeremy.hesse / detail
  10. Memory: Added comments and little change — jeremy.hesse / detail
  11. Memory: Why is there a Nullpointer exception? — jeremy.hesse / detail
  12. Memory: It somewhat works now. — jeremy.hesse / detail
  13. Memory: Edited the equal function of KeyImpl to make things work now. — jeremy.hesse / detail
  14. Memory: Worked to remove warnings — jeremy.hesse / detail
  15. Memory: Done except for warnings — jeremy.hesse / detail
  16. Added 3 out of 5 Testclasses for MKey, MObserverFact, MShiftList — Kevin / detail
  17. Test 3 angefangen, vögel zwitschern schon, gute nacht — Kevin / detail
  18. Memory: Added Java-Doc and corrected return types — jeremy-hesse / detail
  19. memory: Fixed Kevins Tests — jeremy.hesse / detail
  20. memory: Fixed my own error in MemoryShiftListImpl — jeremy.hesse / detail
  21. Memory: Optimised further — jeremy.hesse / detail
  22. Memory: Added a way to reset the brain for testing — jeremy.hesse / detail
  23. memory: Fixed the reset — jeremy.hesse / detail
  24. Added test for MBrain and changed reset Method for Brain-Singleton — Kevin / detail
  25. memory: Warning.handling — jeremy.hesse / detail
  26. MObserver removed TODOs — Kevin / detail
  27. Memory: In der Vorlesung geänderte Parametrisierung — jeremy-hesse / detail
  28. Memory: Fixed test-cases — jeremy-hesse / detail
  29. Memory: Fixed warnings — jeremy-hesse / detail
  30. Memory: Fixed all but one (probably unavoidable) warning — jeremy.hesse / detail
  31. Memory: Added missing Java-Docs — jeremy.hesse / detail
  32. Memory: Added last Java-Docs and missing implementations. — jeremy.hesse / detail

#89 (May 26, 2024, 12:07:09 AM)

  1. added MinimaxStrategy and Factory, missing evaluation method — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  2. added working getPossibleMovesMethod, added Strategy to module-info, — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  3. added evaluate implementation — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  4. added two in a row for evaluate — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  5. added comments — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  6. added temporary multithreading for initial minimax branch structure — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  7. typo — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  8. completely re-implemented evaluate, removed multithreading from minimax — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  9. better than randomStrategy!! — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  10. removed debug comments, added comments — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  11. removed evaluate zyklomatic complecity — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  12. removed minimax strategy from vierConnects gui and moved it to its own — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  13. fixed requirements for minimax VierGewinnt — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  14. removed obsolete function — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  15. added move ordering — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  16. added: minimax termination once end of game — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  17. final touchups — sebastian.woltmann / detail
  18. Added test cases, fixed various comment spelling errors — lennart.dumann / detail
  19. Updated VierConnects POM — lennart.dumann / detail

#87 (May 14, 2024, 5:17:07 PM)

  1. ipspiel24-tictactoe-gui: unnecessarily overridden POM version removed — Christoph Schulz / detail

#86 (May 6, 2024, 2:02:06 PM)

  1. revert e0e81b4d6731b76b22fb503a37f755704d101552 — sebastian.woltmann / detail

#85 (May 6, 2024, 1:47:06 PM)

  1. added ipspiel24-minimax — admin / detail
  2. up to date to main — admin / detail
  3. whatever its just on this branch — admin / detail
  4. changed to minimax, added minimax module in pom and moduleinfo — admin / detail
  5. added minimax now inside of the tictactoe strategy — admin / detail
  6. barely working — admin / detail
  7. added negamax, now there are two not working algorithms — admin / detail
  8. it works — admin / detail
  9. removed ipspiel-minimax folder — admin / detail
  10. changed to negamax — admin / detail
  11. added a comment to find the changed file in the srcCode — admin / detail
  12. removed old file — admin / detail
  13. Added (not working) generic minimax — admin / detail
  14. still not working — admin / detail
  15. removed old reundundant class — admin / detail
  16. still Errors with illegal cast but bound mismatch error is taken care of — admin / detail
  17. NO ERRORS! Algorithm still not working — admin / detail
  18. temp commit fuer flo — admin / detail
  19. working if minimax is X somehow (probably dark magic) — admin / detail

#84 (Apr 30, 2024, 6:02:10 PM)

  1. ipspiel24-freizeitgestaltung: Checkstyle warnings fixed — Christoph Schulz / detail

#83 (Apr 30, 2024, 5:52:10 PM)

  1. added ipspiel24-minimax — Christoph Schulz / detail
  2. up to date to main — Christoph Schulz / detail
  3. whatever its just on this branch — Christoph Schulz / detail
  4. changed to minimax, added minimax module in pom and moduleinfo — Christoph Schulz / detail
  5. added minimax now inside of the tictactoe strategy — Christoph Schulz / detail
  6. barely working — Christoph Schulz / detail
  7. added negamax, now there are two not working algorithms — Christoph Schulz / detail
  8. it works — Christoph Schulz / detail
  9. removed ipspiel-minimax folder — Christoph Schulz / detail
  10. changed to negamax — Christoph Schulz / detail
  11. added a comment to find the changed file in the srcCode — Christoph Schulz / detail
  12. removed old file — Christoph Schulz / detail
  13. Added (not working) generic minimax — Christoph Schulz / detail
  14. still not working — Christoph Schulz / detail
  15. removed old reundundant class — Christoph Schulz / detail
  16. still Errors with illegal cast but bound mismatch error is taken care of — Christoph Schulz / detail
  17. NO ERRORS! Algorithm still not working — Christoph Schulz / detail
  18. temp commit fuer flo — Christoph Schulz / detail
  19. working if minimax is X somehow (probably dark magic) — Christoph Schulz / detail
  20. ipspiel24: module ipspiel24-minimax integrated into pom.xml — Christoph Schulz / detail
  21. ipspiel24-minimax: placebo test case deleted — Christoph Schulz / detail
  22. ipspiel24-minimax: pom.xml corrected — Christoph Schulz / detail
  23. ipspiel24-minimax: pom.xml completed, Checkstyle and SpotBugs enabled — Christoph Schulz / detail
  24. ipspiel24-minimax: added TODOs for missing comments — Christoph Schulz / detail
  25. ipspiel24-tictactoe-core: unused interface removed — Christoph Schulz / detail
  26. ipspiel24-tictactoe-strategy-minimax: MiniMax strategy moved into separate project — Christoph Schulz / detail
  27. ipspiel24-tictactoe-core: TicTacToeGameBuilderFactory.getStrategies() now returns a list of suitably typed strategies — Christoph Schulz / detail
  28. ipspiel24-tictactoe-core: made constructor public for usage in test cases outside the package — Christoph Schulz / detail
  29. ipspiel24-tictactoe-strategy-minimax: don't consider moves after the game has finished — Christoph Schulz / detail
  30. ipspiel24-minimax: don't negate Integer.MIN_VALUE as this doesn't work — Christoph Schulz / detail
  31. ipspiel24-tictactoe-strategy-minimax: unit tests added — Christoph Schulz / detail
  32. ipspiel24-tictactoe-core: reverted fixed column number erroneously committed — Christoph Schulz / detail

#82 (Apr 23, 2024, 6:17:06 PM)

  1. ipspiel24: various plug-ins and dependencies updated — Christoph Schulz / detail

#81 (Apr 23, 2024, 6:12:06 PM)

  1. ipspiel24: various plug-ins and dependencies updated — Christoph Schulz / detail
  2. ipspiel24: PMD deactivated for now (it does not work well with Eclipse anymore) — Christoph Schulz / detail

#80 (Apr 7, 2024, 10:57:07 PM)

  1. VierConnect — frederikdux01 / detail

#79 (Apr 7, 2024, 1:37:11 PM)

  1. Vier Gewinnt: Minimale Anpassung — jeremy.hesse / detail

#78 (Apr 4, 2024, 8:07:10 PM)

  1. VierConnects: GameTest updated and checkstyle errors fixed — Kevin / detail

#77 (Apr 3, 2024, 9:37:09 AM)

  1. VierConnects: Changed VierConnectsBoardImpl to use the new FieldStates — jeremy.hesse / detail